Rcovery From PTSD

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The Keys for Management/Recovery from PTSD

Written by: Charity A. Naylor-Schmidt

Personal Experiences

Complex P.T.S.D

Full Definition of THRIVE




thrived or throve ˈthrōv ; thrived also thriven ˈthri-vən ; thriving ˈthrī-viŋ

intransitive verb

: to grow vigorously : FLOURISH

: to gain in wealth or possessions : PROSPER

: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances —often used with on

thrives on conflict
Love, I mean Real True Love, is so hard to find these days. It seems like it is so conditional, like if you
do something for me and then I will Love You or show maybe I’ll show you affection, (most of the time it
is negative kinds of affection) that is just evil.

We were created to show positive affection to each other and to Our Heavenly Holy Creator and
Father, until the enemy perverted it all and made it conditional. It seems like the world is becoming
loveless, and that people are becoming more broken hearted to the point of carelessness and becoming

Our children are being made into punching bags, because the neglect of proper nurturing and
affection not given to those now adults in their youth years.

Has the world already come to this? We need another Great Awakening not only in the United States
but, all over the World.

1 Corinthians 13

New International Version

13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or
a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if
I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the
poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor
others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not
delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will
be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part,
10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child,
I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind
me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in
part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

This world is full of animosity towards each other it is sad, and it makes me sick to my stomach.
When I see and hear mothers and fathers these days calling their children foul language and demeaning
names, like you little F’ers get over here! They are full of bitterness and anger and don’t know how to
show real love.

The children that are being neglected by parents that are not available either willingly or
unwillingly emotionally and physically are usually the ones that end up growing up without the security,
nurturing, and confidence that should have been shown to them in their youth. So, this is what happens
they all go searching for those elements that were needed at the time of early development right after
the birth. Not having the confidence within themselves causes low-self-esteem which can in most cases
lead to failure in that person’s life. These problems can lead to severe depression, despair, anxiety,
bitterness, resentment, hatred (rage), murder and suicide.

Part 3

The essential elements that I was speaking of in Part 2 are extremely vital in our lives without
these elements in one’s life, those people that build their foundations of their future on weak, weary,
and fearful building blocks without the positive and vital elements spoken of. Really needed from birth
and needed even more through their adolescent years, can end up crumbling leading their lives right to
rock bottom. These young adults become confused, insecure, and without any real outlook on their
lives. This also can cause these young adults to become aimless and without knowing their own identity
or purpose for their future lives. This can contribute to not having the thrive to live. The children that
have their lives built on fear, neglect, and hatred (anger) are the children that are most likely to start
seeking other ways of finding the acceptance and love really needed in their lives. Those children are
usually the ones that have structured futures in adulthood as well rounded and mostly successful

Part 4

The early years of one’s life are the most vulnerable and the most critical time for positive
affection and nurturing. When the proper building blocks are laid down for the building of strong and
sturdy foundations. Those children that have their unconscious and conscious mind connected in the
joy center and happiness center of their brains from the positive bonds of family usually can withstand
the blows of lives ups and downs.

Those young children and young adults that were not opened to the proper elements through positive
bonding, start to learn how to accept those things that are not negative elements/influences for their
building blocks and foundations to be built on.

Negative alternatives seem to creep into these individuals lives because of their vulnerability, absence of
those true elements, and without the proper positive influences that they needed for their building
blocks that were or were not available as these children developed from infants to young adulthood.
The foundations that are slowly being built still are not as sturdy as they should be. These people
develop through life believing that the building blocks that were available to start the building of their
foundations were truth and the right way to live. When in all reality they were lies, fantasy, and

Part 5

The foundations crack and become really worn down. Life’s circumstances, situations, and
consequences are meant to help mold our character as the trials and tribulations keep shaking the
foundations, they become more and more cracked, crumbled, and unsteady.

So, those foundations either will continue through self-sabotage in that individual’s life or the
foundations will sway and take the resistance by learning how to problem solve and reach out of their
comfort zones for necessary help. Then those people may start to gradually become trusting to positive
resources and supports or they will become closed off to themselves and to the world, the destruction
of those building blocks are now affected, and the foundations are then left in ruins with no resistance
to withstand the blows of life.

These people sometimes have been lied to for so long that they just become crippled from
trying to trust in help that they thought was the true proper help they need that that time in their life.
When in all reality it was that wrong type of help that they end up receiving.

Some of these people remain stuck or crippled for long periods of time because of the effects of
traumas, lack of structure, false elements, and or no education of these people’s problems by
professionals or by family and loved ones. Lack of communication, and of education on any kind of
issues that should have been nipped in the bud in the child’s early development of these children’s lives.

When those children were in their infancy or young childhood is when that child could have been more
resistant to the positive and negative influences and helped to learn that right ways to cancel out the
wrong and negative ways that were placed in their lives.

Most people don’t even know what the problems and issues are or were in their lives, that still need or
needed to be fixed, and not knowing how to fix those problems or how to ask for support, or they might
not even have the determination and will to trust many people any longer.

Part 6

As those individuals mentioned in parts 4 and 5 try to thrive to live their own lives, they need to
learn how to withstand the blows of life’s ups and downs, some people feel the blows of life within their
deepest parts of their beings. Then they start becoming mentally, emotionally, and physically affected.

Learning proper communication, coping skills, how to make healthy decisions/choices and asking for
help from a healthy support system.

Sometimes these individuals also that don’t learn healthy coping skills and having healthy social support
often end up being Hospitalized.

Being stuck in Stuck Disorder (this is when your mind gets stuck in the same traumatic thinking of fight,
flight and freeze mode over an over again.)

STUCK DISORDER- https://kucnews.com/how/stuck-person-syndrome-how-is-the-disorder-a-disability-

When individuals become hospitalized for to long over 1 or more years in a Mental Health Facility or a
Correctional Facility, they become Institutionalized. This means that have given up on their own free will
to cope and function on their own thinking and decision making.

Part 7

It even can cause turmoil and disturbances in their emotions and mind, some of the traumas
that individuals go through with the disorder and the diagnoses they have been diagnosed with keep
being triggered, flashbacks still occur most of the time deepening despair and anxiety in their being that
need extra therapy with medications to help minimize the effects of the flashbacks that are linked to
complex emotional disorders.

These affects can become too much to bare for some people. There are positive ways of healing
from these affects it does take some time to rebuild and renew the thinking patterns that had already
deepened in the grooves of their mind, sort of the like the grooves on a record that plays itself
repeatedly without knowing how to change or target the problems that were wrong with the recording
the brain thinking patterns.

Even through our bodies, minds, and emotions try to keep repairing themselves through the
triumphs are still not enough to help rebuild the already ruined building blocks and foundations.

Part 8

The affects are known in the Medical World and by Doctor’s and Therapists are trained to
recognize and understand the depression and anxiety (panic attacks), despair, suicidal and homicidal
thoughts, P.T.S.D.- (Post Traumatic Stress Disorders) mental and emotional disorders/ breakdown
(nervous breakdown), schizophrenia, bi-polar, different syndromes, and different disorders.

They find a name to label us so that they have a diagnosis to medicate us for. We are
automatically used as Guinea Pigs for their own control and benefits. The Doctor’s will medically drug us
with prescriptions that sometimes help and mostly don’t help us to learn how to get through these
traumas and chemical reactions in our brains, and bodies.

Most of the side-effects of these medications are more dangerous than the natural way of
positive alternative medicines (like talk therapy, positive exercise, vitamins, minerals, and herbals).

These Doctor’s sometimes also use Electro Convulsive Therapy (E.C.T. treatments) also which
can have harmful side-effects to your brain as well.
Here is a Link to learn more about this therapy. https://www.mhanational.org/ect

The sad thing is that the drug companies don’t want us to do the alternatives and speak they
raw against them because of the money the industry brings in. These side-effects bring us death to our
liver, kidneys, intestines, stomach, heart, strokes, brain, seizures, diseases, tumors, blood clots, heart
attacks, central nervous system issues, and cancers.

I know this all for a fact because I have been through most of what I have spoken about in all the
previous chapters myself.

Part 9

The same individuals that are in the rebuilding process of the building blocks that were not
sturdy and unsteady from the beginning and still are not steady enough have more work to do to keep
focused on the next steps forward in their management and recovery processes.

Those effects in addition to medications and side-effect damage of those meds. and traumas
make it so much harder to stay focused on our personal recovery. Retraining our brain and rebuilding
our thinking.

All those little building blocks can either make or break a person brain chemistry or cause delays
in learning and being receptive to learning. Which in turn can be called learning disabilities, and behavior
issues also labeled on to us by Doctor’s Hospitals, and School Districts. So, not only are being
labeled/diagnosed with mental, emotional, and physical issues but, also with learning, and behavioral
disorders (defiant behaviors).

The process of managing and recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries and other
Emotional/Mental Health Diagnoses, takes grueling and extensive therapy, Cognitive Talk Therapy,
sometimes even Trauma Based Therapy is also needed depending on the events and the time gaps of
those events. Those processes start to give this person a bit of hope, and joy which are some of the
crucial buildings needed to build sturdy and long-lasting positive foundations.

Part 10

Having unsteady blocks due to the positive elements not made available during their stages of
childhood development causes more confusion and delay they development and growth of the brain.
This process of rebuilding and relearning is so overwhelming for some individuals it takes a lot of
strength, determination, coming out of their comfort zone, and relearning how to put your trust into
Medical Professionals and other peers.

As slowly regaining the confidence and motivation to move on to the next chapter of their
personal lives that they were lacking, t hey need to remember that having awareness of their situations
from the past are instinct now that they have endured the rough parts. It still takes initiative to take the
next steps forward.
Reprogramming our minds, thoughts, and the ways that our souls comprehend and understand
the triggers, flashbacks and the emotional attachments that are linked to the past traumatic events take
patience and time to retrain and reprogram.

Overriding the negative and perverted mindset and thought processes that we have learned
with willingly or unwillingly depending on the levels of vulnerability, naiveness, and how available the
negative influences were in their life at that time, takes determination, and strength to get to the next
levels of management and recovery of those negative effects and damage that has been done.

Part 11

Facing the giants of negativity that continues to bombard us that are trying to manage and
recover from P.T.S.D. and Complex P.T.S.D. still get overwhelmed with the Environmental Stresses of
society as well as with the Mental and Emotional Traumatic Personal Experiences we have unwillingly
been afflicted with by outside members of society.

If we learn to use determination and courage to take the next step, we can finally start getting
out foothold on positive steppingstones/building blocks that have finally been laid down and sturdy
enough for is to restart the rebuilding (healing processes) of those broken foundations on which we
thought were the true elements for our lives to be built on.

We slowly but surely regain confidence in who were created to be from OUR Heavenly Holy
Father by finding the resources through the tools He gives us through the Holy Spirit and through His
HOLY Guidance.

We all start to find the purpose of life that were created to be a part of society.

Common knowledge and Common sense are what we all are blessed with as Human beings, to
learn how to figure out the problems we have been put though and to learn how to use the tools that
are around us and within us through what the Heavenly and Holy Father has blessed us with from birth
until our present time.

Our bodies and brains are made by Our Holy Maker/Creator to rebuild and renew itself through
positive and healthy influences in our lives, exercise, eating properly and other elements that are
needed. When those individuals lack the milestones and building blocks in their early childhood their
bodies end up taking a very long time to heal, restore, and rebuild.

The steppingstones and proper foundations that are finally being rebuilt are not only helping
that person to learn how to live independently, with their renewed sense of security, trust, self-esteem,
confidence, and love for others. They also are needed to accept and learn our own true identity of who
they were created to be and the purpose that they were placed on this earth for. As they come to
realize that they are a strong survivor, and an over comer they will start seeing victory in their lives. And
the challenges of life will affect them less and less in their beings.

Part 12

Our society that is already corrupt, it is causing us to destroy ourselves and others.
Most of us run to those negative influences because they are either not educated enough, to vulnerable
or even to naive to know that those negative influences are not going to fix us but only harm us and
sometimes cause us to harm ourselves or others that we encounter in our lives.

Those elements that were unavailable to us in our childhood like love, joy, hope, and positive
affection are what most of us end up searching for most of our lives.

This society has no real long-term elements to start rebuilding the blocks and foundations that
they lacked in childhood on. They might last for a few years or for a few months but, they are empty
hopes, dreams, and fantasies. So, there for those people end up in the downward spiral, or just take a
hard hit to rock bottom or just plain give up on life and become another statistic of suicide or homicide.

Part 13

I know this because I have experienced most of these affects and effects, I have been there done
that and I don’t want to do that ever again. First of all, it is so exhausting and draining, that all I end up
doing is shutting myself off to the world and to those around me that actually do care and I end up in
depression and despair again. Now mind you I have had those E.C.T. treatments done actually I had 2
series done all together it added up to 14 treatments.

The Doctor’s recommended it to me because I was having server depression and I had
attempted to kill myself. The meds. they prescribed to me were not showing any positive effects, so
they said that the only other option was to try E.C.T. treatments to reset the connections in my brain
from thinking the plans and suicidal thoughts over and over again. I also had some attempts at that time
in my life.

The E.C.T. treatments did seem to minimize the depressive and saddening parts of my brain
chemistry but, I have also since experienced brain damage to my frontal lobe and some of the memory
areas of my brain. My concentration and focusing parts on my brain also have some damage done. This
causes me to not be able to work jobs and handle certain amounts of stress in my life, as well as other
people can handle. Then again, I almost always had those issues since I was a little girl. I’m also thinking
that the side-effects of medicines, and past imbedded traumas I had been through in my life also have
affected many parts of my brain. Which cause me to not be able to live life like others. So many people
have judged me with being lazy or not having enough confidence or scared of doing something they
want done. They are so wrong in their judgments about me. I have tried with every ounce of strength in
me to live a so called well rounded and successful life but, as society sees it, they judge us that have real
disabilities and that need serious help, as lazy, low-self-esteem, and scared.

Now as I relearn and start to trust in those that are not toxic to me but in those that are positive
and encouraging to me, I’m slowly getting the concept of who I was created to be to myself as well as to
others. I was created to be loved and to show love, to be encouraged and to be an encourager to others.
I am relearning to trust in the one that had knit me together inside my mother's womb and that had
planned to create me before He even created that Heavens and the Earth.

I say to Him who was and is and is to come, that I am thankful and grateful for what He has done
for me and that I Honor Him, and Praise Him, and Give Him all the Glory for all the Good and Holy things
He has put into my life and for helping me to get through all of the bad things in my life. And in saying
that I choose to Dedicate this Chapter of this Book to Him and the remainder of this Book to Him also.

I want to Give all the Glory to Yesh ayah Ha Mashiach of all of Creation!

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