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Nombre del alumno:

- Canizales Sandoval Edwin Alexander

Nombre del docente: Tirado Velarde Susana


Mazatlán, Sinaloa, a 10 de Enero del 2023.

How did Motorcycle Week start in Mazatlan?

Here we tell you a little about this baiker party that began as an event among friends in
1997 and that, over time, has become an important source of income for this tourist
destination, generating a great economic benefit.

According to data collected, the idea for this party arose when two friends who traveled to
Daytona Beach, Florida, to one of the largest motorcycle events in the United States,
bumped into each other and on their return to the city, decided to do something similar. in
the port.

The first Motorcycle Week managed to gather barely more than 100 motorized
participants, lovers of this sport, but years later it has been growing exponentially and
now more than 20 thousand motorcyclists arrive at the destination.

The record indicates that the friends who started this motorized party, the most important
in Sinaloa, were started by Hermen Escobar and Francisco Igartúa, although there is no
official record of which Moto Club.

Over time, Moto Club Mazatlán took over the organization of the event, which made it
grow significantly, calling it Legendary Motorcycle Week; It was in 2017 that they tried to
break a Guinness record: gather 22,000 motorcyclists on the boardwalk, but although
they did not exceed the goal, that year one of the most memorable parties of Motorcycle
Week was experienced.

Last year the event could not be held due to the coronavirus pandemic, but now, different
motorcycle clubs of the entity resumed this great party again, in which around 20,000
motorcyclists are expected.
Here are some things that can be done during Motorcycle Week:

 Attend as a spectator the parade that takes place on the Mazatlán boardwalk, or
be part of the event.
 Attend the "Plaza de la Moto", there are packages to enter the place during the
days of the event in which they grant a kit.
 Party events in different parts of the city, at all hours of the day.
 Concert with important artists.
 Tattoo contests, bikinis, pole dance, etc.
-Beach party
-stunt show
What is motorcycle week?

Motorcycle Week is one of the most anticipated events and every year brings together
thousands of visitors, in it you will enjoy great concerts, competitions on the beach, drag
racing, regional rides and the long-awaited Magno Parade that runs through the entire
Mazatlan boardwalk.
How many motorcycles come?

The organizers of the International Mazatlan Motorcycle Week 2022 are ready to receive
around 10,000 bikers from different parts of Mexico and the world and carry out the
maximum party, which for the first time will be held in the parking lot of the Convention
Center , so Jesus made it known.
How did Mazatlan go during the 2022 International Motorcycle Week?

Mazatlán did more than well during Easter Week, thanks to the International Motorcycle
Week, or so the authorities announced in a balance of the facts.

Despite the accidents, the edition left an economic spill of 770 million pesos, making it
the celebration that has left the most money in recent years, as reported by Ricardo
Velarde, Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlan.

Visitors, from the State of Mexico, Mexico City, Querétaro, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Zacatecas,
Sonora and other states, packed 98 percent of the hotel rooms, especially during the
When is the motorcycle week in Mazatlan in 2023?

From April 12 to 15, 2023, a new and refreshing event is the “Motorcycle Week”, where
different models of motorcycles are exhibited and sold, in addition to different acts, such
as the naming and coronation of the “Miss Moto Club".
What hours do you have?

Hundreds of motorcycle clubs will participate in this edition from April 20 to 24 in the port
of Mazatlán, Sinaloa. More than 14 thousand motorcyclists are expected to attend this
great event from different states of the country, as well as from Central America, Canada
and the United States.

The event will take place at the Port Convention Center, where concerts, conferences,
parades and many more surprises will be held. Especially the Welcome Party, a
traditional party that opens the event in Olas Altas, the Beach Party where we will have
the honor of seeing Paulo Orozco and the Biker Forum up close, with different artists,
benches and important brands from Mexico.

The parade will begin at 5:00 p.m. sharp, starting on Avenida Miguel Alemán until
Valentinos, and we will have activities of all kinds, both for tourists and for bikers who
traveled to celebrate this important week.
How many people attend?

Motorcycle week has established itself as the most important motorcycling event in
Mexico and Latin America and as the second most important in Mazatlan after Carnival.
Each year this event brings together about 25 thousand people who join their family or
friends, which represent a very positive impact on the economy of the port.
What celebrities did you see?

This year there were more attractive concerts, well-known musical personalities such as
the group La maldita vecindad and the children of the fifth patio, among others. And the
15 years of the motorized show were considered by Castañeda García as the cause of
the increase in participation. It is estimated that Mazatlan will receive approximately
20,000 "steel horsemen" next year, apart from their family and friends.
How to celebrate World Motorcycle Day

The best way to celebrate World Motorcycle Day is to hit the road and enjoy the freedom
of riding a motorcycle. There's nothing like feeling the wind blowing through your hair and
wrapping around you as you experience the complete freedom of riding beautiful roads
from the back of a motorbike. If you've been struggling with the costs of owning a car, but
need to have a way to get to and from work, then it's time to consider becoming a

The cost of a motorcycle, coupled with incredible fuel efficiency, makes these vehicles
perfect for the budget-minded. On the other hand, if you just like the speed and power
you can get from one of these bad boys, then this holiday is your excuse to get out there
and tear up the pavement.
What events did you have and what kind of songs did you have?

On Thursday the 21st we will be able to marvel at the Rap & Reggae of the international
rapper C-Kan and the Chilean reggae musical group Gondwana. Friday the 22nd is the
Capirotada Night, where we can listen to Los Cadetes Internacionales, Mi Banda el
Mexicano de Casimiro and Víctimas del Dr Cerebro.
Where else in the world is motorcycle week held?

Mazatlan hosts the second most important Biker party after Sturgis, in South Dakota
USA, becoming the most important in Latin America, the great party brings together fans
from Mexico, the United States, Canada and some other central countries. and South

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