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It was 7 o'clock when Carl woke up and he did not feel comfortable sleeping
on the sofa, he got up and went for a walk to the beach and quietly left the
pub, the waves of the sea crashed hard on the rocks, and he walked closer
further to the sea when suddenly he sees a car on the beach and he says,
"It's a very strange place to leave a car". Carl approached the car and
observed that the car was very damaged and had a man's belongings inside
the car, then in the distance he saw the Church and he approached, he
opened the door of the Church and entered and observed a very big picture
of a whale and a person and he thought "I've seen that before I think it's
about Jonas and the whale" unexpectedly he hears a voice in the dark
speaking to him Carl asked him about the painting but the mysterious man
didn't give him an answer clear, then Carl a little scared left the Church, he
went back to call Linda because the sky was already changing color. Then
he sees a woman's shoe that the sea brought to the shore, and he thought
about the newspaper story of "the murdered girl" when he arrived at the
pub he saw Mary washing glasses and he showed her the shoes he found and
asked her: How do you think they got there? And she told him ¨You don't
think they belong to his wife, do you? ¨ I don't think so, she told him, she
was in London. Finally, Mary tells Carl that the postman had arrived that
morning and told him that he had seen Linda in Woodland and she was
with someone. Mary says that it is likely that the postman had the wrong
person, Carl suspected that something was not right and told Linda to call
the police and return to the place of the car to look if Linda was really there
he was very distressed and in the distance he sees a body and he You said
please don't be Linda, but it was just a big gray fish, and he returns to the
pub with Mary and explains to her what happened, Carl called London but

no one answered after that the police were on their way .

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