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Doctor in Education Management Applicant
November, 2022

Background of the Study

School leadership has been an education policy priority around the world. School

leaders are being demanded to be highly competent who can positively adapt to the

system’s changes. The school managers in the international setting were faced with

new demands that involve more complex decision-making process and strategies.

Guided by the issuances and mandates of the Philippine Professional Standards

for School Heads, the school leaders in Camarines Norte are expected to perform their

duties and responsibilities being mandated to them. The supervisory and administrative

functions of the school leaders will be highlighted in relation to implementing and

sustaining quality, relevant, and meaningful education---for the benefits of the learners

and the entire academic community.

Preliminary Literature Review

Leadership competencies of school managers are necessary in order to manage

and sustain comprehensive and progressive programs in the school premises.

Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization-Center for Education Innovation

and Technology (SEAMEO-INNOTECH) had set its competency framework for

Southeast Asian school heads which circled around the themes of strategic thinking and

innovation, instructional leadership, personal excellence, stakeholders’ engagement,

and management leadership. This was in line with the National Competency-Based

Standards for School Heads (NCBSSH) as stipulated in DepEd Order 32 series 2010.
Other relevant issuances include but are not limited to the following: RA 10912

(Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016), Philippine Professional Standards

for School Heads, and Region V’s Project SHARE (School Heads Advancement for

Raising Excellence in Schools).

Statement of the Problem

This concept paper aims to understand the leadership competency of the school

heads in Camarines Norte towards the development of policy recommendation.

This seeks to answer the following specific questions: (1) What is the level of

leadership competency of the school heads in terms of the Philippine Professional

Standards for School Heads Domains in terms of: (a) Leading Strategically, (b)

Managing School Operations and Resources, (c) Focusing on Teaching and Learning,

(d) Developing Self and Others, and (e) Building Connections. (2) What are the

problems encountered by the school heads in the leadership development activities

provided by the Department of Education? (3) What enhancement program can be

developed to sustain the excellent leadership competency of the school heads?

Proposed Methodology and Timeline

The descriptive-evaluative method of research will be used to describe the nature

of the present situation, status, and trend about the school heads’ demographic profile,

leadership competency, and problems encountered in participating to leadership

programs offered by the Department of Education. This concept paper will be

implemented once the proponent is et to write her Dissertation paper.

References: Issuances on PPSSH, RA 10912, DepEd Region V’s Project SHARE,

SEAMEO-INNOTECH Framework on School Heads Leadership Domains

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