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Development Poster – Task Specific Name: edelweiss

1. Economy
GDP (PPP) GDP per capita
Workforce division- % Primary Sector, % Secondary Sector. % Tertiary Sector (explain the difference between these)
HDI (ranking) Perceived Corruption Index
LEDC or MEDC? Is your country a net importer or exporter of goods?
Explain in a short paragraph what these statistics tell you about the state of the country’s economy. Is it growing? Shrinking? Why? Does the
division in the economy tell you anything significant about the development of the country? Include and compare data from 1950’s.

2. Education:
Education % with primary education, % with secondary education, % Tertiary Education (explain the difference between
Literacy rate Separate these indicators between boys and girls
Explain in a short paragraph: Do any of your countries demonstrate a disparity between the education of boys and girls? In what ways could that be
problematic for development? Why does that disparity exist if it does? Include and compare data from 1950’s

3. Health & Nutrition

Caloric intake per capita Life expectancy
Infant Mortality % undernourished under age 5 (by weight)
Happy Planet Index
Explain in a short paragraph why these statistics are at their current levels? Why have they changed since the older statistic? Have new laws been
enacted? Has the country experienced war or famine or disease? Include and compare data from 1950’s.

4. Population
Population Include a population pyramid
Birth Rate Death Rate
% of Urban Population
Explain in a short paragraph based on these statistics whether the population is growing or shrinking and any potential dangers that the population
trends could reveal. Why is it changing the way that it is? Include and compare data from 1950’s.

5. Inequality and Marginalisation

Gender Inequality Index GINI Coefficient Index
Explain why your countries are at their current rankings for inequality? Research whether there are any marginalized people groups in your
countries (women, minorities, tribes, ethnic groups, religions, etc.) If so, why are they marginalized and how does it effect their lives? Include and
compare data from 1950’s.

6. Progress over Time

Go to and run the default map for your countries over time (health vs. wealth), take a screenshot of their progress and then write a
short paragraph explaining why they have progressed over time and also explaining any anomalies in the graph ( big unexpected dips or rises) from
1800’s onwards.

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