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Kindly answer and submit the following:

1. What is cell cycle? Briefly explain the different phases of cell cycle? What
is M-Phase of the cell cycle?

 During growth and development, cell division allows for a dramatic

increase in cell number after fertilization of an oocyte. The same process
allows for the replacement and repair of damaged tissue.
 Different phases of cell cycle

 Interphase- is the time between cell divisions.

 Prophase- the chromatin condenses into chromosomes.
 Metaphase- the chromosomes align in the center of the cell in
association with the spindle fibers.
 Anaphase- the chromatids separate to form two sets o identical
 Telophase- the chromosomes disperse, the nuclear envelopes and
the nucleoli form, and the cytoplasm continues to divide to form two

 The M-phase of the cell cycle is mitotic phase, where a parent cell
divides to form two daughter cells with the same amount and type
of DNA as the parent cell.

2. What are the 3 steps of Cellular process (Malignant Transformation) &

briefly explain.
 Initiation. Carcinogens such as chemicals, physical factors, or biologic
agents, cause mutations in the cellular DNA. Normally, these alterations
are reversed are reversed by DNA repair mechanisms or the changes
initiate apoptosis or cell senescence.
 Promotion. Repeated exposure to promoting agents causes proliferation
and expansion of initiated cells with increased expression or
manifestations of abnormal genetic information, even after long latency
 Progression. The altered cells exhibit increasingly malignant behavior.
The cells acquire the ability to stimulate angiogenesis to invade adjacent
tissues, and to metastasize.

3. What is the role of the immune system in the development of cancer cells? 

 In humans, transformed cells arise on a regular basis, but are recognized

by surveillance cells of the immune system that destroy them before cell
growth becomes uncontrolled (Norris, 2019). When the immune system
fails to identify and stop the growth of transformed cells, a tumor can
develop and progress.

4. Differentiate: Dysplasia, Hyperplasia, Metaplasia, and Anaplasia.

 Dysplasia- bizarre cell growth resulting in cell that differ in size, shape, or
arrangement from other cells of the same tissue type.
 Hyperplasia- an increase in the number of new cells in an organ or tissue.
 Metaplasia- a cell transformation in which on type of mature cell is
converted into another type of cell
 Anaplasia- cells that have lost the unique characteristics that define them
as a certain tissue type.

5. What is lobectomy? Why does patient need to ambulate after lobectomy?

 When the pathology is limited to one area of a lung, a lobectomy is
performed. It is the removal of lobe of a lung.
 To promote blood flow of oxygen throughout the body while maintaining
normal breathing functions. It also stimulates circulation which can help
stop the development of stroke-causing blood clots.

6. What is Pap Test? What will you instruct the mother before the pap test?

 A Pap Test is a screening procedure for cervical cancer. It tests for the
presence of precancerous cells on the cervix.
 Instruct the mother to empty the bladder before the procedure because it
involves insertion of the speculum into the vagina and could press down
the lower abdomen.

7. What is mammogram? What instruction should the nurse provide the

mother before mammogram procedure?

 It is a breast imaging technique using a low dose x-ray system to visualize

the anatomy of the breasts; this aids in the early detection and diagnosis
of malignant or benign disease (America College of Radiology, 2019).
 The nurse should prepare a wrap for the mother to wear since she will
have to undress above the waist.



Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2021). Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-
surgical nursing (Edition 15.). Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
VanPutte, C., Regan, J., & Russo, A. (2019). Seeley’s essentials of anatomy and
physiology (10th ed.) [Book]. McGraw-Hill Education.


the Healthline Medical Network. (2021, September 27). Pap Smear (Pap Test): What to
Expect. Healthline.
How to Prepare for a Mammogram | Preparation for Mammography. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 5, 2022, from
Martin, P. B. (2019, February 11). Pap Smear (Papanicolaou Smear). Nurseslabs.
BD Editors. (2017, April 28). Anaplasia. Biology Dictionary.

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