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Name: _____________________________ ( ) Class: ____________


 Direct Speech is the exact words of a speaker. These words are written in quotation marks.
e.g. Tom said, “I am going to the zoo tomorrow.”
 Indirect Speech is used when someone reports what the speaker had said.
o When changing direct speech to indirect/reported speech, change the punctuation, verb
tenses, pronouns, determiners, time reference, position reference and the reporting verb
o We DO NOT change the tense of the verb when:
1. The statements are true/a fact.
e.g. He said, “Dolphins are friendly creatures.”
He said that dolphins are friendly creatures.
2. The saying verb is in the present tense.
e.g. Jane says, “Peter is going to school.”
Jane says that Peter is going to school.
 When reporting statements:
o Insert that after the reporting verb.
 Change tenses when saying verb is in the past tense, change the tense one step to the

In Direct Speech In Reported Speech

Simple Present  Simple Past
give gave
Present Progressive  Past Progressive
is giving was giving
Present Perfect  Past Perfect
has given had given
Present Perfect  Past Perfect Progressive
has been giving had been giving
Simple Past  Past Perfect
gave had given
Past Progressive  Past Perfect Progressive

was giving had been giving

Past Perfect  Past Perfect (no change)

had given
shall  should
will  would
can  could
may  might
must  had to

o Change Pronouns from first person

I he or she
me him or her
my his or her
we they
our their
us them
you him or her, he or she, they our them, I or me
your his, her, their, my

o Change Time/Place
 Time

In Direct Speech In Reported Speech

now then
today that day
yesterday the previous day
the next day the following day
this morning that morning
ago before
tomorrow the next day
thus so
last week/ month/year the previous week/month/year

 Place

In Direct Speech In Reported Speech

this that
these those
here there


 When changing direct speech to indirect/reported speech, change the

punctuation, verb tenses, pronouns, determiners, time reference, position
reference and the reporting verb.
 When reporting questions:
o Insert the word if/whether if the questions needs a yes/no answer.
o Shift the subject backwards and put it before the verb.

e.g. Direct question: Jane asked Tom, “How did you get to school yesterday?”
Indirect question: Jane asked Tom how he had gotten to school the previous day.
Direct question: Lily asked Jack, “Have you seen my eraser?”
Indirect question: Lily asked Jack if he had seen her eraser.

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