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Cosmic rays in this room

(is, are) striking us right now.
2. The cause of her troubles
(seem, seems) apparent.
3. Each of you (has, have)
heard this legend.
4. Neither of the girls (own,
owns) a bicycle.
5. Everyone in my class
(knows, know) that!
6. The fibers of the wood (is,
are) then crushed.
7. Susan (plays, play) the
8. A few of your friends
(were, was) here.
9. The length of these boats
(are, is) twenty feet.
10. One of these notebooks
(belongs, belong) to you.
11. __C_Both the cha-cha and
the rumba are Cuban dances.
12. ___was_______ 2. Either
nachos or celery were served
with the guacamole.
13. ___leads_______ 3. Arturo
or Beatrice always lead our
class discussions.
14. is 4. Either Nuna or
Rosalinda are going to meet
15. Has__ Have either Andrea
or Edna spoken to you?
16. __was________ Neither
the players nor the coach
were surprised by the win.
17. have Pam and Jamie
probably has the directions.
18. Fortunately, his injury
(doesn’t, don’t) look too
19. My birthday gift from
Uncle Cesar (was, were) two
books by Rudolfo Anaya.
20. Richard (doesn’t, don’t)
like to play tennis or
21. (Where’s, Where are) Sara
and Julia?
22. Here (is, are) the girls.
23. (Here’s, Here are) the
24. Where (is, are) the
gasoline and clean rags?
25. (There’s, There are) rags
on that shelf.
26. If you see either of my
sisters, ask her to call me.
27. Anybody in the first group
may present his or her report
28. Neither of the boys has
completed his paper on
Cornel West.
29. Everyone wore his or her
costume to the party.
30. Not one of the books was
missing its cover.
31. Each of the dogs was
looking for its trainer.
32. Neither of the girls would
lend me her book.
33. Everybody should accept
his or her responsibilities.
34. Nobody on the girls’
softball team forgot her mitt.
35. No one wanted his or her
name mentioned in the paper.

36. Either Don or Thomas will

write __his_report on the
origins of classical music.
37. Ramon and Angelo have
finished their sketches and
will begin painting tomorrow.
38. Either Debbie or Teresa
left her keys lying on the
39. The coach or the team
captains picked up their
clipboards and called the
team together.
40. Mr. Stamos and Ms. Hirota
are helping their students
prepare for the science fair.
41. Charles is someone who
sets his goals high and never
backs away from a challenge.

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