Kieran Freeman - Assignment 16 Me Myself and I

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List the steps you went through to complete this project.

Photo Process

-Gather group
-Plan Idea
Assign Roles
-Ollie set up tape blocking, as well as conceptualized ideas and took and directed photographs.
-Kieran thought of ideas, as well as took photographs and was sole editor.
-Gather equipment (Tripod, Camera, SD Card, Tape, Brushes, and Canvases.)
-Listen to directions in order to be at a consistent pace.
-completed poses and photos


-converted all cr2 files to jpeg

-watched tutorial and (to be honest kind of listen but mostly did it my own way) selected each
person and selected them so that when i delete their background, they stay and the next layer
with the next person appears. This method is tedious however, since there are multiple touch-ups
you have to look out for.
-Adjusted exposure and overall lighting

How did you plan this project? Was it successful?

We talked over who had better skill in an area than the other, and divided the work from there. I
think it was successful because the finished product looks complete in thought and action.

Effectiveness of final image? Why?

I think the final product was very successful in getting the concept down. Personally, I have
some nit-picky errors that I wish I caught sooner, but overall I think we nailed it :)
-Teamwork & Efficiency
-Applying skills learned in class

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