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Top 100 Leader Discussion

Leader Name _________________________________________________________

Problem Solving - 1 to 5 ____________

Your leaders must solve problems every day. Develop a rating system, such as a simple scale
of one to five, to evaluate your leaders on their problem-solving abilities. Identify chronic prob-
lems they have not solved, and note how often they smooth the way by finding solutions. Also
rate them on how often they come to you instead of solving problems themselves.

Effectiveness at Motivating Others - 1 to 5 ____________

Your leaders must keep your employees engaged and motivated. Rate your leaders based on
the performance of the people they supervise. If you constantly have productivity problems,
excessive absences or resignations in your work force, make these measurements of motiva-
tion clear to your leaders. Explain that you evaluate them based on these performance indica-

Growth - 1 to 5 ____________
Leaders should grow along with your business. Establish criteria for evaluating the growth of
your leaders, such as the number of innovative practices they introduce, increased efficiency
in their departments or improved productivity and higher job satisfaction ratings from their staff.
You should expect constant improvement and professional growth from your leaders. Rate
them on their ability and willingness to improve by noting how often they introduce initiatives in
their departments.

Communication Skills - 1 to 5 ____________

Good leaders communicate effectively. Rate your leaders on their ability to clarify problems,
persuade employees to accept new initiatives and articulate the company mission in daily ac-
tivities. While some of these criteria seem subjective, you can create a rating scale and de-
scribe the communication skills you expect to see at the lower, middle and upper ends of the

Planning - 1 to 5 ____________
Your leaders should demonstrate a strong ability to create and execute plans. This proactive
ability deserves your attention as a rating criterion. You shouldn’t have to lay out plans for your
leaders every time you want to expand, improve or innovate. Rate how effective your leaders
are at planning by grading the results. Ask yourself how often their plans are effective and how
many times you have had to step in and improve them.

Total ______________________

Student Names

1 _________________________________________________________________

2 _________________________________________________________________

3 _________________________________________________________________

4 _________________________________________________________________

5 _________________________________________________________________

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