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Dear respondent,

The data that will be accumulated from this questionnaire will be used for the
Economics Internal Assessment, which aims to investigate the quantity of sanitary goods
supplied by Survival supermarket. All information gathered will be kept confidential.
Thanking you in advance for your kind co-operation.


1. Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female

2. Ethnicity
[ ] African
[ ] East Indian
[ ] Amerindian
[ ] Other

3. How long has survival market been in operation?

[ ] 1-5 years
[ ] 5-10 years
[ ] 10-15 years
[ ] 15 years and over

4. How often is the demand for sanitary goods at your supermarket?

[ ] Every day
[ ] Weekly
[ ] Monthly

5. What are some factors that influences your consumers to demand sanitary
[ ] It is a necessity
[ ] Prices are affordable
[ ] Good customer services

6. Are sanitary goods high in demand?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

7. Where do you purchase your sanitary goods from?

8. Does your supplier give you at a reasonable price?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

9. Compared to other supermarkets how does the price of your sanitary goods
affect demand?
[ ] The price ranges are more affordable
[ ] Special discounts are offered upon the purchase of large quantities
[ ] Good customer service
[ ] Other

10. Does the increase in production cause an increase in price?

[ ] yes
[ ] no
11. Does the price elasticity of black masks affect the demand?
[ ] yes
[ ] no

12. Does the production process by your supplier affects the price of goods?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

13. If so, how?


14. From the sanitary goods you provide who are your target audience?
[ ] Children
[ ] Adolescents
[ ] Adults
[ ] Other businesses
[ ] Everyone

15. What factors affect the demand for sanitary goods?

[ ] Preference change
[ ] Prices
[ ] Availability of sanitary goods
[ ] other

16. How do you market your sanitary goods to the public?

[ ] In newspaper
[ ] Advertisements on TV
[ ] Advertisements on social media
[ ] Billboards
Interview Questions

1. What are some sanitary goods you supply to your consumers?

2. What is the price for a box of black masks compared to the price for a box
of blue masks?
3. If your supply in sanitary goods is high, does that mean the demand for
them are high as well?
4. Does it affect the business when the demand for sanitary goods is high, but
the supply is low?
5. Is the demand for sanitary goods high when there is an increase in price?
6. In what way does production affect the cost of sanitary goods?

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