ST Joseph High

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St Joseph High,

Woolford Avenue,
February 10, 2022,

Dear Respondent,
I am a St Joseph student, who is currently conducting a research on is required to do a survey on
the topic “A study on the problems faced by residents of North-Cummingsburg from water
pollution.” This research is part of the Caribbean Studies Internal Assessment. By you answering
these questions, it will be beneficial to me as well as to you in some way. There are no wrong or
right answers. Your name is not required and the information gathered will be kept confidential.
Thanking you in advance for your truthful responses and cooperation.

Yours sincerely


Jelana Fredericks


1. Gender?
2. What is your age range?
☐15-20 years ☐20-25 years ☐25-30 years ☐30 years plus
3. What is your religion?
☐Christianity ☐Islam ☐Hinduism ☐Other
4. What is your ethnicity?
☐European ☐Amerindian ☐East Indian ☐African ☐Portuguese
☐Chinese ☐Mixed
5. What type of family do you belong to?
☐Nuclear ☐Single parent ☐Extended ☐Rearranged
6. How long have you been living in North Cummingsburg community?
☐less than 5 years ☐5-10 years ☐10-20 years ☐20 years plus
7. What is the greatest level of education you have received?
☐Primary ☐Secondary ☐Tertiary
8. What is your job condition?
☐Employed ☐Unemployed ☐Student

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