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A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway


The novel A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway provides an ideal perspective that shows drastic

changes in the experience of war. Frederic Henry seems to understand the need of ending

conflicts in society and focus on sustainable development goals. The novel depicts the first

encounter with Henry in the conflict zone and through War I as an American troop serving in the

Italian army. In life development, contrary factors occur on various levels causing conflicts as

the authorship exploits, A Farewell to Arms depiction Henry changed from an economic and

political mind and focused on gender roles, love, masculinity definition, and courage, which

influenced his change in leaving the army to acquire different aspects in life.

According to my evaluation and understanding, the Henry changes happened to Henry

and demanded a new life as a social part requirement. Based on the development theories, as

backed up by Maslow’s pyramid of personal actualization, Henry had some needs for love and

care from a loved one (Ernest 301). War was political and had attained the fame of being a

soldier. He needed friendship and acted upon his personal goals in that life stage (Ernest 314).

There was fear against courage, and brave or masculinity were no longer requirements. The book

provides contradicting themes as part of attaining goals. There is a need for social life as the

change came to mind Henry before he decided to change (Ernest 65). Not considering some of

the facts that may have not come to his mind about development theories that show, that human

beings undergo various steps that have conflicts and challenges.

Surname 2


Conclusively, the Hemingway storyline depicts the style of bringing contrary themes to

the audience can identify a more understanding of complexity in human developmental stages

from birth to death. According to Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms delivered an action contact or

personal experience in the war that Henry applied a real vengeance and death made some of the

retreats for a change. Henry realized he never wanted to have more war conflict or fight. He

never wanted to continue serving in conflicting life and decided to down weapons and drop the

army life.
Surname 3

Work Cited
Ernest H. (1929). A Farewell to Arms

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