PIAS-Sistem Lumpur Aktif

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Sistem Lumpur Aktif

Activated Sludge System

Activated-Sludge Process
• Activated sludge process is a process for treating sewage
and industrial waste water using air and a biological floc
composed of bacteria and protozoans.

• Purpose: to develop a biological floc which reduces the

organic content of the sewage

• Formation of flocculent settleable solids that can be

removed by gravity settling in sedimentation tanks.

• General types of ASP: plug flow, complete mix and

sequencing batch reactor – Fig. 8-1.

• Operated under aerobic/anaerobic.

Activated Sludge Process
• The aeration tank contains a suspension of the wastewater and
microorganisms, the mixed liquor. The liquor is mixed by aeration
devices (supplying also oxygen)
• A portion of the biological sludge separated from the secondary
effluent by sedimentation is recycled to the aeration tank
• Types of AS Systems: Conventional, Complete-Mix, Sequencing
Batch Reactor, Extended Aeration, Deep Tank, Deep Shaft
Activated-Sludge Process
Description of Basic Process
• 3 basic components
1. A reactor in which the microbes responsible for treatment are
kept in suspension and aerated.
2. Liquid solid separation – usually sedimentation tank
3. A recycle system for returning solid removed from the liquid-solid
separation unit back to the reactor.

Typical activated-sludge processes with different types of reactors:

(c) schematic diagram of

(a) schematic flow diagram of b) schematic flow diagram of sequencing batch reactor
plug-flow process and view of complete-mix process and view process and view of
plug-flow reactor of complete-mix activated- sequencing batch reactor.
sludge reactor (From H. D. Stensel.)
Design Principles
• In aeration tank :
– Microorganism consume the dissolved organic pollutant as food.
– Microbes adsorb and aerobically decompose the organics, using the
oxygen provided in the in the compressed air
– Product : water, carbon dioxide and other stable compounds and new
cells (biomass)
– Requires mixers  keeps the content in a uniform suspension.
– Mixture of activated sludge and wastewater  MLSS (mixed liquor
suspended solid)

• In secondary clarifier:
– Activated sludge solid settle out by gravity
– Clarified water : supernatant
– Settled sludge partly recalculated into the aeration tank,
approximately 30% of wastewater flow
– Excess sludge (waste activated sludge)  treated or disposed to
Sludge treatment
F/M Ratio
• Food-to-microorganims ratio
• Parameter for design and operation of AS system
• Food : measured in term of kg of BOD added to the tank
• Microorganism : measured in term of suspended solid in
the MLSS (since consist mostly of living microorganisms)
• Indicator of organic loading on system, with the respect to
the amount of biological solid in the tank
• Value is 0.2-0.5

𝐹 𝑀=
Sludge Settling
• In AS system, treatment process will not
be effective without a proper separation
of sludge from the liquid part of the
Mixed Liquor
• Gravity settling in secondary clarifier is
very important  sludge should settle
fast enough
• Sludge with excessive growth of
filamentous organisms settles very slow
• Good settling sludge  SVI < 100
• Sludge settleability: ↓ dengan SVI ↑
• Bulking sludge  SVI >200
Bulking Sludge
• A condition when the sludge flows out with
• Control adjustment:
– MLSS concentration
– F/M ratio
– Regulating the rate of sludge return from clarifier
– Amount of aeration (aeration ↑, bulking sludge↑)
– pH
Sludge Volume Index (SVI)
• SVI : volume (mililiter) yang dimiliki oleh 1 g suspensi
setelah 30 menit pengendapan.
• Digunaan untuk memantau karakteristik lumpur aktif dan
suspensi biologis lainnya

𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑢𝑟 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎𝑝 𝑥 1000
• 𝑆𝑉𝐼 = 𝑚𝑔
𝑠𝑢𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑑 ( )
Conventional AS Process

• Basic components:
– Aeration tank
– Secondary settling basin (clarifier)
Design Criteria
– Sludge Age: 4-10 days (commonly 6 days)
– MLVSS: 1500-3500 mg/L
– R: 0.6-1.0
– DO: 1.5-2.0 mg/L
– F/M ratio: 0.3-0.8
– MLSS : 2000-4000 mg/L
– HRT: 6-8 hours
Activated-Sludge Process:
Wastewater Characterization
• W/w characterization is important to design an activated sludge
treatment process

• Characterization categories:
1. Carbonaceous substrates
2. Nitrogenous compounds
3. Phosphorus compounds
4. Total and volatile organic compounds (TSS and VSS)
5. Alkalinity

• Activated Sludge Process Design

1. The aeration basin volume
2. The amount of sludge production
3. The amount of oxygen needed
4. The effluent concentration of important parameters
Activated-Sludge Process:
The amount of sludge production X TV
PX 
PX = sludge production rate
XT = Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid (MLSS) concentration
V = reactor volume
SRT = Solid Retention Time
An activated sludge plant is operated at SRT value of 10 day. The reactor
volume is 10 000m3 and MLSS concentration is 400 g/m3. Determine the
sludge production rate.
PX 
Px 
400 g / m3 X (10000m3 )
Px  400 x10 E 03g / day
or _ 400kg / day
Complete Mix Activated Sludge Process
• Effluent form the primary sedimentation tank and recycles return
activated sludge are introduced typically at several points in the

• Tank contents are thoroughly mixed – the organic load, oxygen

demands and substrate concentration are uniform through out the
entire aeration tank and F/M ratio is low.

(a) schematic diagram (b) view of a typical complete-mix reactor.

Activated-Sludge Process:
Sequencing Batch Reactor Process
• SBR have 5 steps in common:
1. Fill
Raw waste water (substrate) are added to the
2. React (aeration)
Biomass consumes the substrate under controlled
environmental conditions
3. Settle (sedimentation/clarification)
Solid separates from liquid
Clarified supernatant can be discharged as effluent
4. Draw (decant)
Clarified effluent is removed during the decant
5. Idle
Idle period to provide time to fill a reactor before
switching to another unit.
Activated-Sludge Process:
Sequencing Batch Reactor Process

c) view of movable weir used to decant

contents of SBR reactor. Weir is located
(b) view of a typical SBR reactor on the far side of the second dividing
wall shown in (b).
Activated-Sludge Processes:
Selection & Design of Physical Facilities
Physical facilities used in the design of activated sludge
treatment systems:
1. Aeration system
2. Aeration tanks and appurtenances
3. Solid separation
4. Solid separation facilities

1. Aeration System
Aeration system design must be adequate to:
1. Satisfy bCOD of the waste
2. Satisfy the endogeneous respiration by the biomass
3. Satisfy the oxygen demand for nitrification
4. Provide adequate mixing
5. Maintain minimum dissolved oxygen conc. throughout the aeration
Activated-Sludge Processes:
Aeration System
Two basic methods of aerating w/w:
1. To introduce air or pure oxygen into the w/w with submerged
diffusers or other aeration devices
2. To agitate the w/w mechanically so as to promote solution of air
from the atmosphere.

Types of aeration system:

1. Diffused-air systems
2. Mechanical aeration
3. High purity oxygen system
Activated-Sludge Processes: Aeration System
1. Diffused Air System
• Consist of diffusers that are submerged in the w/w.
• 3 categories of diffusers:
1. Porous or fine-pore diffusers
2. Nonporous diffusers
3. Other diffusion devices – jet aerators, aspirating aerators.
2. Mechanical Aerators
Aerator with vertical axis and horizontal axis
3. Oxygen Transfer
Sufficient oxygen (from air or pure oxygen bubbles) is needed for aerobic process.
Oxygen is transferred from gaseous to the liquid phase
Function in aerobic process such as activated sludge, biological filtration and aerobic
How to transfer oxygen to water?
1. Submerged bubble aeration: by dispersing air bubbles in the liquid.
2.Hydraulic shear devices – to create small bubbles
3.Turbine mixers – mix liquid in the basin and expose liquid to the atmosphere in the
form of small liquid droplets.
Activated-Sludge Processes:
Secondary Clarification
• Biomass generated by secondary treatment represents substantial
organic load.
• Must be removed to meet acceptable standards.
• In activated sludge process, solid are removed in secondary
• Secondary clarifiers for activated
sludge must accomplish 2 objectives:
1) Produce an effluent sufficiently
clarified to meet discharge
2) Concentrate the biological solids to
minimize the quantity of sludge
that must be handled.
Activated-Sludge Processes:
Advantages Disadvantages
• Flexible, can adapt to • High operating costs
minor pH, organic and (skilled labor, electricity,
temperature changes etc.)
• Small area required • Generates solids requiring
• Degree of nitrification is sludge disposal
controllable • Some process alternatives
• Relatively minor odor are sensitive to shock
problems loads and metallic or
other poisons
• Requires continuous air
Modification Process
Step Aeration
• Provide multiple feed point of primary effluent into aeration
• The oxygen demand is spread more uniformly over the length
of the tank
• Greater treatment plant capacities can be obtained using
conventional process
Extended Aeration
• Suitable for small sewage flow rates from suburban residential
area, commercial, and institutional isolated wastewater
source (50.000 inhabitans)
• Generally made from prefabicated steel tanks  package

• 2 important distinction between EA and CAS:

– Screened or comminuted sewage is directed to the
extended aeration tank without primary treatment
– HRT (aeration period) : 30 hours
– F/M ratio : 0.05

• EA allows the stabilization of most of the organics and some

removal of sludge
Design Criteria
– Sludge Age : 18-30 days
– MLVSS : 2500-4000 mg/L
– R : 0.8-1.2
– DO : 1.5-2 mg/L
– F/M ratio : 0.08-0.15
– HRT 16-24 hours
– MLSS : 3500-5000 mg/L
Extended Aeration Process
Contact Stabilzation
• Basic operational
– Influent sewage is mixed and aerated with return AS for only about 30
– Short contact period is sufficient for the microorganism to absorb the
organic (not to stabilize)
– Mixed liquor enters a clarifier and the AS settles out, supernatans
flows over effluent weir, the settled sludge is pumped into another
aerated tank (reaeration or stabilization tank)
– The contents of stabilization tank are aerated for about 3 hours,
allowing the microbes to decompose the absorbed organic material

• CS tank is generally less than a conventional AS process, since

volume of sludge being stabilized is considerably less than total
wastewater flow.
Contact Stabilization Process
Kriteria Desain
Proses Modification MCRT, F/M Loading rate HRT, MLSS r
day kgBOD/kg kgBOD/m3- hour mg/L
Conventional 5-15 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.6 4-8 1500-3000 0.25-0.5
Tapered Aeration 5-15 0.2-0.4 0.3-0.6 4-8 1500-3000 0.25-0.5
Step Aeration 5-15 0.2-0.4 0.6-1.0 3-58 2000-3500 0.25-0.75
Contact – Stab. 5-15 0.2-0.6 1.0-1.2 0.5-1.0 1000-3000 0.5-1.5
3-6 4000-9000
Extended Aeration 20-30 0.05-0.15 0.1-0.4 18-36 1500-5000 0.5-1.5
High rate aeration 5-10 0.4-1.5 1.6-16 2-4 3000-6000 1-5
Pure Oxygen 3-10 0.25-1.0 1.6-3.3 1-3 3000-8000 0.25-0.5

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