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Receive assignment, make way to unit, store personal belongings in locker room, out of the way of staff.

630 (Remember your name tag and a SMILE are part of your uniform. )
Find your nurse for the day and introduce yourself.
Hi, I am __________. I will be taking care of ________. I will (or will not) be passing meds until _______ .
I am a 3rd level student and can do assessment, IV's, drains, wound care, NG, and trach care and suctioning.
700 Please let me know how I can help you throughout the day.
Follow this nurse to listen to report from the off going shift.
Covenant does bedside introductions as well as use SBAR on the computer and a brief oral report.

Get into chart and look up morning labs and basic information
715 (including continuous fluids-what is the patient receiving and what is the correct rate?)
Complete morning assessment. This includes patient name, allergy and fall bands, IV fluids, tubing dated, room clean and organized,
ambu bag in room, white board updated. You can add your name to the treatment team-just make sure you place Delta College Student
730 Nurse next to it. Did you remember to assess for skin breakdown and IV site?
Look at morning medications (even if you are not passing them for the day, you will still be responsible to know what your patient is taking
745 and why).
Have you seen the NCA yet? Remember to introduce yourself ASAP and let them know what you are doing for the day. So if you will be
doing vitals, and baths, they need to know that information so they can plan their day accordingly. This open communication is especially
Time important later in the semester when you are taking multiple patients and will not be doing vitals, baths and certain other duties.
Out Remember..they do not bite!
Morning assessment should be in the computer. Be ready with medications when instructor is there.
To assist in this process you may go to the med cart and organize your medications.
800 For instance if you have 5 medications due at 800 and 3 medications at 900 you can put them in order by following these steps:
A) Look at 0800 meds. Start at the top of the list and go one by one verifying the name and dose of each medication. Now place these in
order into a small plastic drinking cup (they should be located on the side of the med cart)
B) Look at 0900 meds. Do the same thing. Start at the top of the list and work your way down. Now place these BEHIND your 0800
meds in the cup and then place the cup into the drawer. When your instructor arrives, they should all be in order and this will make
the passing of medications easier for all involved. (The instructor will start at the top of the list and ask you questions about the
medications. Make sure you know why YOUR PATIENT is taking this medication and what labs/VS/ side effects you need to know to
administer it safely).
C) This same process can be followed for medications due throughout the day.
SAFETY Remember….Medication errors can easily happen at the med cart. Keep focused!
815 Look at the chart, are there any new orders? Look up any information that you still need
845 Morning trays should be removed if not done previously and patients should be cleaned up by this point.
Remember to breath! Now think about how you need to organize your day.
900 What is your priority diagnosis and what goals do you have for the patient?
Does the patient have dressing changes that must be completed?
What about ambulating your patient, do they need to walk 3 times on your shift?
Make sure instructor knows of ALL extras that you need help with such as wound care, IV changes, etc.
1000 Work on paperwork as time permits.
1145 Make sure vitals are completed and medications are passed.
Lunch time! Make sure you report off to your nurse prior to lunch. Ask if there is anything else they needBEFORE you go. We will sit
1200 together as a clinical group. Remember this is NOT a time to discuss patient care.
1245 Back to floor. Inform nurse you are back. Check your patient.
1330 Afternoon assessment completed.
All charting should be up to date. This includes assessments, IV checks, Nursing Care Activities. If you gave any pain medications
1400 remember to chart the patients response to the medication.

You will need to do a minimum of 1 nurses note in the chart each day. You will ALWAYS chart additional notes when you walk a
patient (how far, how did they tolerate it, with assistance, any complaints, etc. You will ALWAYS chart wound care, what did you do,
FYI what did you see, how did the patient tolerate it, etc.

If you are unsure of something please ask. Your instructor will ask you to look up policies and procedures for skills that you have not

Always carry a pen, alcohol wipes, a blue cap for your IV, and 2‐3 flushes.  These items will save you time and energy

Take time to locate the dirty utility, clean utility, med carts, supply rooms and of course the bathroom
These are in different locations on both floors

Remember to relax!  Your clinical instructor is here to assist you in gaining the knowledge necessary to progress to the next level.  Make sure you
maintain open communication and ask for assistance in things that you feel uncomfortable with doing.

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