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Model Checking

Complexity of LTL Model Checking

[Baier & Katoen, Chapter 5.2.1+5.2.2]

Joost-Pieter Katoen and Tim Quatmann

Software Modeling and Verification Group

RWTH Aachen, SoSe 2022

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What is the theoretical complexity of LTL model checking?

Main Result:

[Sistla and Clarke, 1985]

The LTL model-checking problem is PSPACE-complete.

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LTL Decision Problems

The LTL Model-Checking Problem (LTL)

Given a finite transition system TS and LTL-formula ϕ, is TS ⊧ ϕ?

The LTL Satisfiability Problem (LTLSAT )

Given LTL-formula ϕ, does there exist a transition system TS such that
TS ⊧ ϕ?

The LTL Validity Problem (LTLvalid )

Given LTL-formula ϕ, does TS ⊧ ϕ for all transition systems TS?

The validity problem for ϕ is equivalent to the satisfiability problem for ¬ϕ

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1 co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

2 PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

3 Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

4 Summary

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking


1 co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

2 PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

3 Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

4 Summary

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Complexity Classes P and NP

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Complexity Class co-NP

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Co-NP Completeness

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Complexity Classes P, NP, and co-NP

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

The Hamilton Path Problem

A Hamilton path of a (directed and finite) graph G = (V , E ) is a path
π = v1 . . . vn that visits each vertex of G exactly once, i.e.,

∀ v ∈ V . ∃ i ≤ n . (vi = v and ∀ j ≠ i . vj ≠ v ).

The Hamiltopn Path Problem (HAM)

Given a graph G, does G have a Hamilton path?

HAM is NP-complete.

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Co-NP Hardness

The LTL model-checking problem (LTL) is co-NP-hard.

▶ We show that LTL is NP-hard.
▶ To this end, we provide a polynomial reduction: HAM ≤poly LTL.

The complement LTL of the problem LTL asks:

/ ϕ?
Given finite TS and LTL-formula ϕ, is TS ⊧

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Polynomial Reduction for HAM ≤poly LTL

Transform input G = (V , E ) for HAM to input (TS, ϕ) for LTL such that

G has a Hamilton path iff /ϕ

TS ⊧

▶ TS ≔ (V ⊎ {s⊥ } , {α} , → , V , V , L), where

▶ L(s⊥ ) ≔ ∅, ∀v ∈ V . L(v ) ≔ v , and
▶ → ≔ {(v , α, v ′ ) ∣ (v , v ′ ) ∈ E } ∪ {(s, α, {s⊥ }) ∣ s ∈ V ⊎ {s⊥ }}

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co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

Polynomial Reduction for HAM ≤poly LTL

Transform input G = (V , E ) for HAM to input (TS, ϕ) for LTL such that

G has a Hamilton path iff /ϕ

TS ⊧

▶ TS ≔ (V ⊎ {s⊥ } , {α} , → , V , V , L), where

▶ L(s⊥ ) ≔ ∅, ∀v ∈ V . L(v ) ≔ v , and
▶ → ≔ {(v , α, v ′ ) ∣ (v , v ′ ) ∈ E } ∪ {(s, α, {s⊥ }) ∣ s ∈ V ⊎ {s⊥ }}

▶ ϕ = ¬( ⋀ ◇v ∧ □(v ⇒ ◯ □ ¬v ))
v ∈V

∣TS∣ + ∣ϕ∣ is linear in the size of the graph ∣G∣

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking


1 co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

2 PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

3 Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

4 Summary

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

The Complexity Class PSPACE

PSPACE is the set of decision problems that can be solved by a

deterministic, polynomially-bounded space algorithm.

Known facts:
▶ PSPACE = co-PSPACE (this holds for any deterministic complexity
▶ PSPACE = NPSPACE (Savitch theorem)

Due to Savitch’s theorem, to show L is in PSPACE, it suffices to provide a

nondeterministic, polynomially-bounded space algorithm for L.

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Complexity Landscape

PSPACE is the set of decision problems that can be solved by a

deterministic, polynomially-bounded space algorithm
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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Complexity Landscape

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Existential LTL Model-Checking

The Existential LTL Model-Checking Problem (∃LTL)
Given a finite transition system TS and LTL-formula ϕ, is there some path
π in TS such that π ⊧ ϕ?

/ ϕ.
▶ Recall: LTL asks if TS ⊧

▶ The problems ∃LTL and LTL are equally hard:

(TS, ϕ) ∈ ∃LTL iff ∃π ∈ Paths(TS) . π ⊧ ϕ

/ ¬ϕ
iff ∃π ∈ Paths(TS) . π ⊧
iff not (∀π ∈ Paths(TS) . π ⊧ ¬ϕ)
/ ¬ϕ
iff TS ⊧
iff (TS, ¬ϕ) ∈ LTL

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

LTL Model Checking is PSPACE-complete

[Sistla and Clarke, 1985]

The LTL model-checking problem is PSPACE-complete.

We prove that the existential LTL model-checking problem (∃LTL) is
(a) in NPSPACE (and thus in PSPACE), and
(b) PSPACE-hard.
It follows that ∃LTL (and thus also LTL) is PSPACE-complete. The claim
follows from co-PSPACE = PSPACE.

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

∃LTL is in NPSPACE—Proof Idea

The Existential LTL Model-Checking Problem (∃LTL)

Given finite TS and LTL-formula ϕ, ∃π ∈ Paths(TS) . π ⊧ ϕ?

Find a criterion for the existence of a path π in TS with π ⊧ ϕ that can be
checked non-deterministically in poly-space

Use the GNBA Gϕ for ϕ

Problem: The size of Gϕ can be exponential in ∣ϕ∣

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Criterion For ∃LTL Properties

There exists a path π in TS with π ⊧ ϕ iff there exist:

▶ an initial path fragment s0 s1 . . . sn . . . sn+m in TS, and


▶ a run B0 B1 . . . Bn+1 . . . Bn+m+1 in GNBA Gϕ for trace(π)

such that:
1. ⟨sn , Bn+1 ⟩ = ⟨sn+m , Bn+m+1 ⟩

2. if ψ1 U ψ2 ∈ Bn+1 ∪ . . . ∪ Bn+m then ψ2 ∈ Bn+1 ∪ . . . ∪ Bn+m

∣cl(ϕ)∣ ∣cl(ϕ)∣
3. n ≤ ∣S∣ ⋅ 2 and m ≤ ∣S∣ ⋅ 2 ⋅ ∣ϕ∣

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

NPSPACE Algorithm for the ∃LTL Problem (1)

1. Guess nondeterministically a path:

π = u0 u1 . . . un−1 (un . . . un+m ) in TS ⊗ Gϕ

where GNBA Gϕ is obtained as explained in the previous lecture

2. Check whether the guessed path is accepted by Gϕ

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

PSPACE Algorithm for the ∃LTL Problem (2)

▶ Guess natural numbers n, m ≤ ∣S∣ ⋅ 2∣cl(ϕ)∣ ⋅ ∣ϕ∣ such that m > 0

▶ Guess initial path fragment π = s0 s1 . . . sn . . . sn+m in TS

▶ Guess subsets B0 , . . . , Bn , . . . , Bn+m+1 of cl(ϕ)

▶ Check whether the following three conditions hold:

1. ⟨sn , Bn+1 ⟩ = ⟨sn+m , Bn+m+1 ⟩
2. B0 . . . Bn . . . Bn+m+1 is an initial run for trace(π sn ) in Gϕ
3. {ψ2 ∣ ψ1 U ψ2 ∈ ⋃n<i≤n+m Bi } ⊆ ⋃n<i≤n+m Bi
If so, return “yes”, otherwise return “no”.
Guessing and Checking can be implemented in an interleaved way so that
the complete path does not need to be stored.

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

LTL Model Checking is PSPACE-complete

[Sistla and Clarke, 1985]

The LTL model-checking problem is PSPACE-complete.

We prove that the existential LTL model-checking problem (∃LTL) is
(a) in NPSPACE (and thus in PSPACE), and
(b) PSPACE-hard.
It follows that ∃LTL (and thus also LTL) is PSPACE-complete. The claim
follows from co-PSPACE = PSPACE.
We now show PSPACE-hardness of ∃LTL by a polynomial reduction from a
PSPACE-hard problem

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Deterministic Turing Machines

A deterministic Turing machine (DTM) is a tuple M = (Q, Σ, δ, qI , qF )

▶ finite state space Q, initial state qI ∈ Q, accept state qF ⊆ Q
▶ tape alphabet Σ, and
▶ transition function δ∶ Q × Σ → Q × Σ × {L, N, R} such that
δ(qF , A) = (qF , A, N) for all A ∈ Σ.

▶ δ(q, A) = (p, B, L) means: at state q with current tape cell content A,

write B to the tape, go to state p, and move the cursor to the left
▶ A configuration is a triple c = (q, i, w ) ∈ Q × N × Σ∗ with i ≤ ∣w ∣
▶ The (unique) run on input word w ∈ Σ∗ is the infinite sequence of
configurations starting with (qI , 0, w ) as predetermined by the
transition function δ
▶ M accepts input word w ∈ Σ∗ iff the run on w reaches qF
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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

A PSPACE-hard Problem

The polynomially bounded DTM-Acceptence Problem (polyDTM)

Given a DTM M, input word w ∈ Σ , and a polynomial P∶ N → N, does M
accept w using at most P(∣w ∣) tape cells?

polyDTM is PSPACE-hard.

To show PSPACE-hardness of ∃LTL we now show

polyDTM ≤poly ∃LTL

by providing a transformation from an input (M, w , P) for polyDTM to an

input (TS, ϕ) for ∃LTL.

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Transformation: (M, w , P) ↦ (TS, ϕ)

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PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

Transformation: (M, w , P) ↦ (TS, ϕ)

ϕ asserts that a trace of TS encodes the valid run of M on w :

ϕ = ϕstart ∧ ϕconf ∧ ϕδ ∧ ϕacc

▶ ϕstart encodes the start configuration—for w = A1 . . . An we get

n 2i−1 2i−1
ϕstart = ◯ qI ∧ ⋀i=1 ◯ Ai ∧ ⋀i=n+1 ◯ ␣

▶ ϕconf ensures a valid encoding of a sequence of configurations

▶ ϕδ encodes the transition function of M

▶ ϕacc = ◇qF encodes that the run is accepting

We get that (M, w , P) ∈ polyDTM iff σ ⊧ ϕ for some trace σ of TS.

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Complexity of LTL Satisfiability


1 co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

2 PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

3 Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

4 Summary

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Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

LTL Satisfiability is PSPACE Complete

The LTL Satisfiability Problem (LTLSAT )
Given LTL-formula ϕ, does there exist TS such that TS ⊧ ϕ?

The LTL satisfiability problem is PSPACE-complete.

Proof (sketch).
▶ The satisfiability of LTL-formula ϕ amounts to checking whether
Words(ϕ) ≠ ∅ or—equivalently—Lω (Gϕ ) ≠ ∅.
▶ LTLSAT is in NPSPACE = PSPACE: guess and check an accepting run
of the GNBA Gϕ as in our proof for ∃LTL.
▶ LTLSAT is PSPACE-hard: show that ∃LTL ≤poly LTLSAT

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1 co-NP Hardness of LTL Model Checking

2 PSPACE Completeness of LTL Model Checking

3 Complexity of LTL Satisfiability

4 Summary

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▶ The LTL model-checking problem is PSPACE-complete

▶ The LTL satisfiability problem is PSPACE-complete

▶ The Hamiltonian path problem is polynomially reducible to the

complement of the LTL model-checking problem.

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Next Lecture

Monday May 16, 10:30

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