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Social media is an online platform through which people share similar

interests, ideas, information and other content such as messages, images and videos that

leads to the creation of online communities through the help of different

social networking and micro blogging sites.

Many young and adolescent people are using social media as part of their

everyday lives as they are using smart phones, laptops, tablets, computers and other

gadgets to gain information and communicate with their family and friends.

Due to various advancements and developments in social media and in

technology, people are faced with new and different lifestyle. Social media makes their

lives easier than before. Connecting and keeping in touch with relatives in far places

can be done effortlessly. Questions are one click away from their answers.

Solutions to problems are accessible. Providing and accessing information are

easy and convenient. This clearly states that social media is be coming more


However, many people are busy with study and other work-related

activities that higher their impossibility to perform other outdoor activities such as going
to mall to buy clothes, bags and household supplies. Aside from lack of time, heavy

traffic added to their laziness to go outside.

Some of more students in Cfcst are engage with purchasing products online. Online

selling made it's way to popularity among people with time and convenience concern.

According to Caroline Peraut, a trade specialist, " Online selling is a form of

electronic commerce which allows sellers to directly sells goods or services to a buyer

over the internet using a web browser". Selling online gives people possibility to trade

online, instantly, easy and safe through the help of different technologies of today.

Due to lack of financial support to continues studies, some students find online

selling a good opportunity to earn money that sustains their necessary needs in school

and home while they are studying.

According to Wikipedia , a part time job is a form of employment that carries

fewer hours per week than a full-time job. Students who work as online seller as their

part time job face different positive and negative effects. The topic was presented to

know the positive effect and give solution to the negative effect.

Statement of the Problem:

This study aimed to discuss the negative and positive effects of online selling as

part time job among selected 3rd year college students of CFCST.

Specially, the research sought to answer the following questions;

1. What are the negative effects of online selling as part time job in terms of:
a. Academic Performance

b. Health

2. What are the positive effects of online selling as part time job in terms of:

c. Academic Performance

d. Health

3. What are the suggested solutions and recommendations of students on the negative

effects of online selling as part time job among 3rd year college students of CFCST.

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