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Lesson 5: Things to consider in Planning Instruction in Mathematics in the Intermediate

Name: Xylene Faith O. Balisacan
The next activity will delve into the experiences of math teachers and will give
Interview three experienced intermediate grades ( Grade 4, 5 or 6) mathematics teachers. Ask
them the following question: If you were to give a piece of advice about lesson planning to
your rookie teacher self, what would it be? What are common about their responses?
Write them down below.
Respondent #1: (Ms. Reylyn M. Undaniel – Ilustre Central Elementary School)
My_advice for rookie teacher in making lesson plan is always consider the abilities and skills of
their student in making lesson plan, try to think whether the activities you are planning to
conduct is suitedfor the skills and level of intelligent that your students have. The interest of the
student is very essential inside the class, therefore always consider your students in planning
activities for the class.

Respondent #2: (Mrs. Lerma Q. Peconada – Datu Inda Elementary School)

For those who are starting to teach, My advice in making effective lesson plan is always make
sure that your planned activities is in line with what the curriculum aimed as much as possible,
think for efficient activities that can enhance the expected skills that the student should perform
after the class.

Respondents # 3: (Mrs. Karen Mae P. Lagdamen – Salat Elementary School)

My advice for those who are beginners in teaching profession in terms of constructing lesson
plan are: consider your student ability make sure that your planned activities is suited for the
skills that your students have. Then, consider also the materials or resources that are available
be creative and use imagination in making effective activities for your students.

Lesson 6 Instructional Planning Model

Name: Xylene Faith O. Balisacan

Aside from the components of whatever instructional planning model, an knowledge plan also
reflects basic information about the lessom like prerequisite knowledge and skills, time
allotment, materials neede, etc. Below is a sample template of the lesson plan.
Topic: Multiple Digit Addition and Subtraction
Subject: Mathematics
Grade level: Grade IV
Duration: 60 minutes

At the end of the session, the student will be able to
1. Students will be able to add and subtract three and more digit numbers
2. Students discuss how math task aid in their problem solving activity.
3. Student will create a math talk to share with class.

Prerequisite concepts/skills:
Students can add and subtract single and double digits numbers.

New concepts/ skills:

1. Estimation of sum and product
2. Solving subtraction and addition problem
3. Formulating solutions for addition and subtraction problems

Manila paper, Pen, Sticks and plain papers


Number Smart IV., Hermina D. Torres PhD. Pages 45-56

Lesson proper:
Activity Duration (no.of min) Teacher’s role Student’s role
Guessing of the sum 10 minutes Facilitator Participant
and product.
Solving the sum and 20 minutes Facilitator Participant
the product
Testing of learning. 10 minutes Facilitator Participant

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