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The Clorox Company

Brita Expansion into Eastern Markets

Marin Bogulski
Ayla D’Silva
Ethan Dubinsky
Kara Kazarian
Michael Lombardo
Eric Parnin

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………..2

Market and Firm Overview…………………………………………………………...……3

Financial Analysis of the Firm…………………………………………………….……….7

Identified Business Challenge……………………………………………...……………..11

Recommended Response………………………………………...………………………..12





Each year, 829,000 people die as a result of water contamination. Around 60,000 of these

people are accounted for by China alone. In addition to the senseless loss of life, almost 200

million Chinese individuals suffer from illnesses, including various forms of cancer,

gastrointestinal infections, and infertility, due to polluted water (Tao et al.). While China is home

to 20% of the global population, they only have 6% of the world’s natural clean water resources.

The fact that such an extensive amount of people suffer each year due to the lack of a basic

human necessity presents a problem that needs to be solved now, and the answer is Brita. We,

Kalo Consulting, believe that if Brita expands eastward they will be able to address this urgent

issue and also reap significant financial returns. Not only do Chinese markets have a huge

demand for clean and good tasting drinking water but also the purchasing power to buy these

products. The most common cause of contamination in polluted water in urban areas is the

presence of lead and PFAS’s, and Brita’s water filters have been proven to remove 99% of

contaminants (Severson). While Brita is a dominant entity in the water filtration market in the

United States, it lacks a strong presence in China where the importance of water filtration is

much more significant.

In turn, we at Kalo Consulting are proposing to partner with the Clorox Company to

penetrate the Chinese water filtration market with the primary purpose of creating shared value

for Brita while simultaneously expanding the company’s global market share while helping to

alleviate the clean water crisis in China. We plan to do this by conducting extensive research and

development for Brita to become familiar and prepared to enter the new, diverse market. We then

plan to localize and market Brita products to Chinese consumers by rebranding and redesigning

Brita’s logo to appeal to Chinese preferences. In this proposal we will give some background on

the water filtration market in China, provide a company overview and financial analysis of Brita

and its parent, The Clorox Company, and do a deep dive into the identified problem of there

being a lack of clean water in China and our proposed responses and implementation strategy.

We believe that Brita can be a star of the Clorox company if it is able to capitalize on this

growing market.


Since 1913, Clorox has been a multinational corporation that makes money by

manufacturing and selling household supplies and other various products. Clorox competes for

market share in the primary market segments of lifestyle, household, health and wellness, as well

as international, which accounts for all the international branches of their associated brands.

While most people recognize the company for its bleach and disinfecting products, its United

States-centric portfolio contains many brands well-known to the American public, such as

Clorox, Brita, Glad, Burt’s Bees, Kingsford, Pine-Sol, and Hidden Valley Ranch. The company

as a whole brought in about $7.1 billion in revenues (Figure 1.7) for the fiscal year of 2022, with

$5.9 billion coming from sales in the United States and $1.1 billion from international/foreign

business (Business Segments, MergentOnline). In the Clorox portfolio, Lifestyle consists of

food products, natural personal care, and water filtration. Health and wellness focuses on

cleaning, professional products, vitamins, minerals and supplements (2022 Integrated Annual


Our team at Kalo Consulting has chosen to specifically focus on The Clorox Company’s

subsidiary, Brita. Brita occupies two target market segments, Lifestyle, and International. Within

these market segments, Brita manufactures and sells water filtration products sold in many retail

stores. Brita contributes to 4% of sales in the lifestyle segment and around 17% to the

international segment for fiscal year 2022 (2022 Integrated Annual Report). Lifestyle is The

Clorox Company’s third most profitable segment, but where the company performs the best is in

the Household, Health and Wellness segments, where the market is valued at $29.14 billion

(“Home and Laundry Care,” Statista). Clorox is one of the top performing household/personal

care brands in the segment (“Sales of the leading household/personal care”), which has made

them a highly recognizable brand, one which many reach for in stores. The Clorox Company has

a wide portfolio of products and brands but could benefit from capturing more market share

internationally. We plan to do so by focusing on a strategy for Brita, which we believe has the

potential to become one of the company’s stars if positioned correctly and marketed effectively.

The Clorox Company uses many suppliers to fulfill their raw material needs. In Q3 of

2022, Clorox’s suppliers recorded an increase in sales by 8.45%, which is a staunch departure

from Q2 2022, in which they fell by 5.97% (CSIMarket). The Clorox Company has used the

same suppliers for many years, and, as a result, has forward-purchase contracts that help ensure

the availability of raw materials and stable pricing to ensure profitability. Though The Clorox

Company has almost one hundred listed suppliers, the top ten include 3M Company, Ball

Corporation, Bemis Corporation Incorporated, CSX Corporation, Dow Incorporated, Dupont De

Nemours Incorporated, Eastman Chemical Company, Honeywell International Inc, Illinois Tool

Works Incorporated, and International Paper Company. From these ten companies, The Clorox

Company receives a myriad of materials and services, from freight transportation to raw

chemicals. Each company comprises an imperative part of Clorox’s operations.

Similarly to its suppliers, The Clorox Company has many buyers and retailers. The

Clorox Company’s buyers have a large usage range—from corporations who use Clorox’s

products for their own sanitary needs to authorized distributors and retailers that give The Clorox

Company an in-store shopping experience. The top ten buyers of Clorox’s goods include Costco

Wholesale Corporation, CVS Health Corporation, Darden Restaurants Incorporated, Dollar

General Corporation, Host Hotels and Resorts Incorporated, The Kroger Company, McDonald’s

Corporation, Supervalu Incorporated, Target Corporation, and Walmart Incorporated

(CSIMarket). As made evident from buyer data, many of The Clorox Company’s consumers are

not big box shopping stores like Walmart and Target (though they are included), but rather

restaurants and hotels that have their own cleaning needs. From a diversification standpoint, this

is extremely beneficial and important to The Clorox Company’s longevity and signals that its

products have wide usage. This inference can then be extended to Brita, the strategic business

unit that Kalo Consulting focuses on.

Currently, the Clorox Company is working towards a more socially and environmentally

sustainable future. They offer transparency with their ingredients to prioritize health and

well-being. In 2019 Clorox Co. launched its IGNITE strategy, committing to innovative and

purpose-driven growth. The IGNITE program voices The Clorox Company’s commitment to

creating value and doing right by all its stakeholders. They set out to enhance their consumer’s

well-being by harnessing personal care and sourcing their products through natural origin to

increase the quantity of vitamins, nutrients, supplements and minerals. They are also concerned

with reducing plastic and waste and climate change. Their most ambitious goal is to reduce

virgin plastic and fiber packaging by 50% by 2030 (“Ignite Strategy”). Clorox Co. also supports

a healthy community by offering outreach programs such as providing cash grants to local

municipalities to support employees and general public health. (Responsibility).

The goals outlined by the IGNITE strategy apply to all of The Clorox Company’s small

business units and, more specifically, Brita. Brita promotes itself as a brand that helps “to reduce

our carbon footprint.” Brita pitchers save 1,800 single-use plastic water bottles per household

and 13 billion single-use plastic bottles overall. Furthermore, Brita users produce 4x fewer

carbon emissions than those who drink bottled water (“Sustainability”). This is a huge selling

point for Eastern markets, especially considering that China is the largest emitter of global

pollutants, emitting 27% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, more than all of the other

developed nations combined (“China’s Transition”). Brita’s commitment to sustainability is

particularly appealing to a country that faces devastating impacts as a result of pollution.

According to the Pew Research center, 76% of Chinese individuals are deeply concerned about

pollution (Gao). and 72% of Chinese consumers are committed to buying environmentally

sustainable products, giving Brita a competitive advantage over water bottle companies


This is where we believe that Kalo consulting can help the Clorox Company to develop a

plan to address another issue plaguing society. The most prominent issue we have identified is

pollution and a lack of access to clean drinking water in China. To help aid in this environmental

issue Kalo Consulting proposes the “Brita Water Equity Program”. This program aligns with the

ESG values of the Clorox Company by promoting “Healthy Lives, Thriving Communities, and a

Clean World”. It will focus on donating a portion of Brita filters to schools in rural Chinese

communities upon a new Brita China launch. We know that The Clorox Company cares about

their communities and through the donation of water filters we will establish that connection

with the new communities in China and build a foundation for more ESG initiatives to come in

the East Asia region. Not only will this initiative benefit those without access to clean drinking

water but it will also have a positive impact on Brita’s brand image. We expect this initiative

would aid Brita in gaining brand loyalty throughout China. After launch, we plan to donate 5%

of net profits in the form of water filters to schools in rural communities. By Brita helping

underserved rural communities in China, we hope to establish trust and generate both social

benefits and fiscal returns.

Currently, the Clorox Company is a leader in the home care and personal care market,

with the majority of their sales and revenue revolving around health and wellness, and household

products (see Figure 1.4). The Clorox Company is among the leaders in market penetration at a

rate of 8.7% in 2021 (see Figures 1.1 and 1.2). The Clorox Company home and personal care

products are the third most preferred company among men (see Figure 1.5). However, compared

to its main competitor, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Clorox has significantly smaller net sales.

This is in large part due to Colgate Palmolive owning more well known brands such as Colgate,

Palmolive, Softsoap, and Irish Spring, brands that are recognizable in most homes in the United

States. Although the Clorox Company has brands to compete with these labels, they are not as

prominent in the market as the ones owned by the Colgate-Palmolive Company (see Figures 1.6

and 1.7).


For the financial analysis section, we will start by analyzing income statements from

2019-2021 (see Figure 2.1) for The Clorox Company and their primary competitor, The

Colgate-Palmolive Company.

It can quickly be observed that Colgate operates on a much larger scale than Clorox

regarding the volume of money seen in these income statements, but both companies have

followed similar patterns during this time period. While Both Clorox and Colgate have seen an

increase in revenue from 2019-2021, Clorox’s net sales/revenue has increased at a higher rate

than Colgate’s despite the smaller amount of money by which they operate. Both companies also

followed the pattern of having an increase in net income from 2019-2020 and a decrease in

2020-2021. This is most likely because both Clorox and Colgate are heavily tied to the sanitation

industry, which had a boom in demand in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Clorox and

Colgate also have similar periods of increasing and decreasing metrics for every category on

their income statements, but Clorox tends to see higher increases in revenues while Colgate has

higher increases in expenses. While Clorox is currently far behind its main competitor

monetarily, the company can try to gain momentum from its more accelerated revenue growth

rate and try to differentiate itself from Colgate by innovating and capturing a loyal customer


After diving into The Clorox Company as a whole’s financial data, we will take a look at

Brita's income statement from 2021-2022. In Figure 2.2, we included a forecast of Brita’s

financials up until 2026 to help gauge the expenses for our proposal.

Market expansion is an expensive endeavor that requires a large amount of research,

analysis, and expenditures to ensure a successful return on investment. China is a particularly

difficult market for American companies to penetrate due to the cultural and regional variety, not

only between China and the United States but also within China itself. China alone is home to 56

different ethnicities with unique traditions and a precarious balance between the new and the old

(“Chinese Ethnic Groups”). China is a complex market that requires a significant amount of

research and development to adapt successfully to local preferences. One challenge we have

identified is a documented Chinese brand preference for companies originating within the nation.

To generate the expenditures for eastward expansion, we used data from Brita’s income

statement, cash flow statement, and balance sheet. To estimate revenue growth, we found the

benchmark for market growth in the consumer discretionary sector. We then used this number

(19.16%) to project revenue growth over the course of the next 5 years (“Total Market Growth”).

To determine the inventory growth, we looked at the median projection for United States

Business inventory and used this estimation to forecast inventory expenditures for the next 5

years, as seen in Figure 2.1 (“United States Business Inventories”). We used the same method to

calculate intangible asset growth. For the Property, Plant, and Equipment growth rate we used

Clorox’s PP&E growth rate (see Figure 2.1).

We decided to use the objective-and-task method to guide our advertising budget for the

eastward expansion campaign. This is the most logical budget-setting method because it bases

advertising metrics on what the company wants to accomplish with promotion. To gain market

share in the Chinese markets, Brita must use a more aggressive advertising and promotional

approach. As depicted in Figure 2.3, Brita is a market leader in the water filtration market in the

United States, with the Clorox Company owning 52% of the market share as of 2019; however, it

does not have an extensive presence in China (“Clorox Brands: Value Market Share”). While

Brita has an operational facility in China, they do not even fall within the top 30 water filtration

brands in China, holding a small amount of market share (“Best Drinking Water Filter for

China”). Since they are a market follower in this industry, Brita needs to adjust their advertising

strategy and be more robust in their approach to become a leader in this market.

Since eastward expansion requires a high degree of advertising to overcome China’s

documented preference for Chinese brands, we will need to allocate a large portion of our budget

toward advertising. In the first 2 years, we estimate that around 20% of revenue will need to be

dedicated to promoting the brand in a way that makes it appear more Eastern and that caters to

Chinese preferences Minieri). We will slowly decrease the percentage of funds allocated towards

investing over the following 3 years to account for around 15% of our revenue.

To determine our budget for the other necessary expenses of running a promotional

campaign, we performed industry-specific research on the cost of expanding into Chinese

markets. According to data by McKinsey & Company, the consumer sector spends around 32%

of its EBITDA on research and development (Brennan). We decided to allocate 32% of our

EBITDA towards research and development in the first year. While early research will be

extensive, we will decrease our budget by around 2% over the course of the next four years,

shifting from preliminary research to smaller-scale surveys and focus groups to gauge consumer

attitudes towards our product. For wages and salaries expenses, we took an average of Brita’s

employee growth rate (“GrowJo”). For the purchase of PP&E, we allocated a percentage of

PP&E. Finally, we used an average of Brita’s documented lease expenses to project their future

lease expenses.

Ultimately, running a large-scale promotional effort in China, a nation with vastly

different consumer preferences than the United States requires heavy investment in advertising

and research efforts; however, we believe that through these expenditures, Brita will be able to

generate a large rate of return (~8-12% with over the course of the next 5 years). While an

immense amount of research and promotion will be required for Brita to understand and adapt to

Chinese preferences, such investment will enable them to take root in a market with a large

amount of disposable income and a great demand for Brita products.


Kalo Consulting sees potential for Brita in East Asia, specifically China. We believe that

Brita has the potential to profit from, grow, and avoid loss of established market share by

penetrating these markets. Brita’s sales have doubled in size from around 300 million USD in

2010 to 630 million USD in 2020 (See Figure 3.1) (About Brita - Company Facts & Figures).

This strong growth can be increased through market development. East Asian Markets have a

high growth rate when it comes to water filtration products. China is home to one of the

fastest-growing markets with the largest GDP and a high degree of GDP/capita, especially in

urban regions. The water crisis in China not only poses a problem environmentally for the

region, but it also contributes to the growth of the water purification market in China. According

to The Wall Street Journal, Beijing’s potable per-capita water volume is just 150 cubic meters per

person (according to state media reports); the United Nations considers a region “water-stressed”

when annual water supplies are just below 1,700 cubic meters per person (Chen). As for the

country’s health issues, each year, 190 million people in China fall ill, and 60,000 of those

people die from diseases caused by this polluted water (Tao and Xin).

The demand for clean and good-tasting water in East Asia is high, along with the

accumulation of wealth. Of the top 10 water filtration companies in East Asia, Brita is not

present. This poses an issue because of how Brita is failing to capture a market that is so aligned

with its product, but also because of the potential loss of established market share. Not only do

companies lose out on new market share in foreign regions, but after those foreign market

powers become strong, they often come and pose a threat by gaining market share in the initial

companies' established market. This is an issue that different brands have fallen victim to in the

past. For example, the Ford Motor Company was the first to make cars affordable to the average

person which made them widely successful in the United States; however, they failed to expand

into East Asia effectively. This not only allowed companies such as Toyota and Honda to

flourish but also caused these flourishing brands to take a large portion of the market share that

Ford previously had control of in the United States. We believe that it is imperative for Brita to

reach into the untapped market potential yielded by East Asian markets, which have both the

buying power and the demand for such products.

Kalo Consulting feels strongly about the match between this identified challenge and

Brita as the subsidiary to solve it. Our team members all have values that align with those of The

Clorox Company; for this reason and more, we believe that we’ll be able to help Brita penetrate

the East Asian market. Together we can make the Chinese market a part of the global family and

continue the way people drink water sustainably, as demonstrated through Brita’s identity, vision,

and mission.


By the year 2023, the growth rate of the water filtration market will reach 16% annually,

and nearly half of the households in East Asia will own and use at least one water filtration

product (“Purification Market”). This indicates a massive demand for water filtration products,

especially considering East Asia’s shift towards a sentiment of health, wellness, and

sustainability in a post-pandemic world. To meet this demand, we plan to target predominantly

middle-class and upper-middle-class East Asian households, especially in city loci. Our target

audience has the means—and desire—to have clean air and water provided at the utmost

convenience. Though East Asia has a heavy reliance on plastic water bottles, Brita can be seen as

a safe and convenient alternative.

This is especially prevalent in light of a post-pandemic economy for both Brita and the

Clorox Company as a whole. In the years since the pandemic began, COVID-19 has had a

significant influence on the Clorox Company, its industry, and its business operations. Clorox has

taken on the role of being the primary home cleaning company in the hopes that consumers will

use Clorox products to combat the pandemic in their own homes. As a result, the Clorox

Company’s strategy has pivoted towards maximizing the supply of its cleaning products to meet

the demand for those products.

As the pandemic has slowed down and life shifts back towards how it was before, Clorox’s

profits have come back down to pre-pandemic numbers. This leaves Clorox with an unsolved

issue of lacking growth and failing to maintain its profitability during the pandemic. Although

this lack of profit growth from Clorox cleaning products has left a void, this gives the

opportunity for the Clorox company to fill that void, shift their attention to one of their more

underutilized SBUs and also focus on a different issue that is plaguing society. We believe that

Brita, in specific, can take advantage of the post-pandemic environment for convenient access to

clean and good-tasting drinking water.

During the pandemic, which was marked by stringent COVID-19 regulations in most of

East Asia, and in light of a post-pandemic world, getting to the grocery store to obtain water

bottles has become more difficult. Families and individuals are favoring more accessible and

simple means of obtaining clean and good-tasting water.

Additionally, our target audience has the means—and desire—to have clean water provided

at the utmost convenience. Though East Asia has a heavy reliance on plastic water bottles, Brita

can be seen as a safe and convenient alternative that uses less energy than boiling tap water and

helps to improve the taste of water. According to PwC’s June 2022 Global Consumer Insights

Pulse Survey, 34% of Chinese consumers “often” or “always” agree that sustainable business

practices influence purchase behavior, showcasing a strong demand for a more sustainable means

of drinking water (“PWC’s Global Consumer Insights”). Thus, we want Brita to launch a

large-scale marketing campaign emphasizing their dedication to providing clean, accessible

drinking water. With this campaign, we hope to convince consumers in our target geographic

region (East Asia) to make the switch from bottled water to water filtration products from both a

convenience and sustainability standpoint.

By targeting Eastern Asian families, Brita would be able to capitalize on the breadth and

market potential of this region. By aiding East Asia’s issue with plastic waste Brita would also

help to improve their brand image by helping combat issues that affect the environment and the

livelihood of customers. When Brita—and The Clorox Company at large—launch in China,

there is likely to be a large response from Chinese water filtration companies that have

dominated the market for many years; however, when it comes to Brita’s existing competitors in

the United States, it is not likely that they will exhibit much of a response unless, in the unlikely

event, they try to attempt a simultaneous Chinese launch. That being said, the top ten leading

water purifier brands in China as of 2022 include Midea Water Dispenser Company, Qinyuan

Water Purifier Company, Angel Drinking Water Industrial Group, O.Smith Water Treatment

Products Company, 3M, Paragon Water Systems, Litree Purifying Technologies Company,

Canature Environmental Products Company, Originwater Technology, and Ozner Water

purification (“Purification Market”). As these companies have been dominant in China for so

long, they already have a competitive advantage when it comes to advertising and brand

recognition across the country. Additionally, most of these companies originate from within

China itself, giving them brand loyalty through nationalism. Part of our Brita Chinese new

launch plan includes a celebratory launch and sale that is timed with the Chinese Lunar New

Year. Many of these companies likely already have pre-existing sales during the holiday season,

but may lower prices even more when Brita launches in order to capture their existing market

share. Furthermore, these companies could run smear campaigns and create ads targeted against

Brita’s non-Chinese parent conglomerate, The Clorox Company. Lastly, Brita’s competitors may

go as far as to create their own alternatives to ESG-oriented marketing, which could potentially

circumvent the Brita Water Equity Program that Kalo Consulting plans to launch alongside Brita


As part of our proposed course of action, we are offering a rebrand to address the

preference for locally sourced and purchased products in China. With the rebranding of Brita in

China, we aim to localize the brand using familiar color palettes as well as the Chinese character

for ‘water’ used universally throughout the country. Figure 4.3 shows the proposed new logo for

Brita China, as well as a product markup of a Brita replacement filter pack (Figure 4.4) that

would be shelved in Chinese retail venues. Chinese consumers have a preference for red and blue

packaging, which we make a nod to in this rebranding campaign (Figure 4.1-2). Kalo is willing

to negotiate logo design costs, but packaging costs will fall on the company at about $2.39 per

unit produced. With an estimated brand revenue of $548 million coming from sales of pitchers

that cost $23.99, producing 22,842,851.19 products in a given year would only cost

$9,521,822.09. Of course, time will be needed to ensure a full rollout of the updated product

packaging, so there is no need to pay the entirety in a lump sum. These numbers are merely

estimates, and real figures could be higher or lower.

Our team has created a simple 4 step implementation plan for getting this market

development plan off the ground: research, localize, market, and penetrate. This plan is visually

depicted in Figure 4.5. We will begin with the process of primary research collection, the costs of

this initiative are represented by the graph in Figure 2.2. We expect to spend $1.2 million on

research in development during the first year and gradually decrease this metric as preliminary

research is replaced by more casual focus groups and check in surveys. Over the course of the

next 5 years, we will spend a total of $4.7 million on research and development to ensure an

in-depth understanding of Chinese markets.

Next, we will work with localization experts to make sure the Brita brand matches that of

Chinese consumers. From there, we’ll take that rebrand and market it to these consumers through

methods such as influencer marketing through C-Pop (Chinese pop) stars. We plan to spend a

total of $97.4 million on advertising expenses over the course of the next five years, gradually

decreasing our budget each year as Brita becomes more ingrained in Chinese culture. And lastly,

we’ll penetrate the market and build Brita’s presence in the East Asian markets. Executing this

plan in just under 5 years is estimated to be a costly endeavor, with a more specific breakdown of

expenditures depicted in Figure 2.2.


Through extensive market and financial research, our team at Kalo Consulting has

identified a pressing issue regarding the lack of access to clean and good-tasting drinking water

in Eastern Asian markets, more specifically, China. We believe that the Clorox Company has the

ability to yield significant financial returns and transform Brita into a huge revenue generator by

penetrating these East Asian markets. In the current post-pandemic environment, urban

households in China have demonstrated a strong demand for convenient, accessible goods. This

demand was intensified during the Zero-COVID policy where Chinese individuals were confined

to their households, making it more difficult to go to the grocery stores to purchase water bottles.

Brita offers Chinese households the luxury of clean drinking water right from the tap.

In a study conducted by Tsinghua University, it was revealed that “drinking water

provided to nearly 100 million people in China has levels of toxic chemicals that exceed safe

limits, researchers have found” (Xie). Brita filters not only have the ability to purify 99% of the

contaminants found in water, namely lead and PFAS’s, but offer Chinese citizens the

convenience of water at the tap.

China is home to one of the largest and fastest developing economies, with a large

presence of wealth concentrated in city regions. Not only do many urban Chinese families have

the buying power to purchase water filtration markets, but the desire to fuel a healthier and more

sustainable lifestyle, something that differentiates Brita from its competitors. The market for

water filtration is immense with a growth rate of around 16% annually, and by 2023, nearly half

of the households in East Asia will own and use at least one water filtration product

(“Purification Market”). At Kalo Consulting, we believe that Brita’s growth and future success is

dependent on their ability to retain market share in the United States and to continue to expand

and take advantage of the growing market for water filtration.

To achieve our goal of making Brita a strong competitor in Chinese markets, our team at

Consulting has proposed a four step implementation plan involving research, localization, market

analysis, and penetration. We have also created a detailed financial analysis to bring this large

scale marketing effort into fruition, which is detailed in Figure 2.2. One key aspect of our plan is

to spend a significant amount of time and money researching Chinese markets in hopes of

overcoming their documented preference for Chinese brands. We will launch this product on

Chinese New Year with a logo rebrand, strengthening our ties with the Chinese community. We

will then set forth on a large-scale advertising campaign, highlighting Chinese C-Pop stars to

resonate with our target market. Throughout this campaign we will continue to seek consumer

feedback through surveys and feedback.

The fact that over a million people in the world do not have access to clean drinking

water is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. We believe that our team at Kalo

Consulting with the aid of Brita can work together to solve this issue while generating significant

returns for the Clorox Company.


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Figure 1.1:

Figure 1.2:

Figure 1.3:

Figure 1.4:

Figure 1.5:

Figure 1.6:

Figure 1.7:


Figure 2.1:

Data gathered from Clorox and Colgate Financial Comparison

Figure 2.2:

2021-2022 data gathered from Brita 2021 Financial Report

Figure 2.3


Figure 3.1:


Figure 4.1:
Brita logo (1)

Figure 4.2
Brita logo (2)

Figure 4.3
Brita China logo

Figure 4.4
Product packaging prototype

Figure 4.5
Implementation Timeline


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