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Short Functional Text (Part II)

1. Letter/E-Mail
Letter/e-mail adalah jenis media komunikasi tulis yang dapat digunakan untu k berbagai
macam tujuan seperti meminta/memberi informasi, mengucapkan terimakasih, mengingatkan
sesuatu, dan lain sebagainya.
Contoh Soal Pendalaman
Dear Emily,
How are you doing? Remember me? We met at “Smutzer Primate Museum” in Ragunan
Zoo in Jakarta last month. I am so glad that you chose my country to spend the vacation.
Sorry, I cannot enclose our photos here, because you know, my youngest brother, Irfan,
deleted them. I had not kept them yet in the camera. Here I give you some photos of
Irfan’s birthday.
We celebrated it by having lunch together. You can see my big family. My mom roasted
3 big fish for us. And we had hot chili sauce or sambal to eat with that roasted fish.
Hm.... yummy! How about your activity this semester? You’re in class 11th, right? I want
to know about Victoria. I want to be you pen pal, so I can improve my English, and you
can improve your Bahasa Indonesia, too. Okay, that’s all for the first letter. I am looking
forward to hearing from you. Send my love to your mom and grandma, bye!
You pal,
Where did Mirda meet Emily?
A. In a student’s exchange program.
B. In Ragunan student’s camp.
C. In Ragunan Zoo.
D. In a study tour.
Jawaban: B
Jawaban bisa kita temukan pada “Remember me? We met at “Smutzer Primate Museum”
in Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta last month.”

2. Short Message
Short message adalah pesan singkat atau catatan singkat. Pengiriman pesan seperti ini
dapat ditemui pada pengiriman berita lewat SMS atau pesan memo.
Contoh Soal Pendalaman
Clara, sorry I can't come to your house tonight to do the wall-magazine project as we
have planned. My grandmother has just come and she wants me to accompany her to my
aunt's house. I will meet you at school tomorrow.
From the short message we know that Mia will be …… tonight
A. in her grandmother’s house.
B. in her aunt’s house.
C. in her own house.
D. in Clara’s house
Jawaban: B
Jawaban bisa kita temukan pada bagian “My grandmother has just come and she wants
me to accompany her to my aunt's house.”

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