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Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 1: Understand the Proble

You need to eat lunch every day at work. Should you bring a sack lunch or
purchase a sandwich from the cafeteria? This activity gives you the
opporutnity to walk through each step of the Quantitative Reasoning
Process in order to answer this question.
Start by answering the questions on the right to complete Step 1 of the
Quantitative Reasoning Process. Then click on each tab at the bottom of
this Excel file to complete the other steps of the Quantitative Reasoning
nderstand the Problem
ing a sack lunch or
ives you the
tive Reasoning
Buy or Bring? Which way will cost
ete Step 1 of the
less? What do you think? Why?
at the bottom of Reasons for buying Reasons for bringing
It is also convenient because it won't The ingredients you can buy from the
tative Reasoning cause you any time and effort to just buy grocery and putting them together is way
a sandwich, but it is more expensive than cheaper. It would require more time and
bringing a sandwich. effort but it is more convenient if you
have time and effort to use.
will cost
k? Why?
s for bringing
you can buy from the
tting them together is way
d require more time and
ore convenient if you
ffort to use.
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 2: Identify Variables & A
entify Variables & Assumptions

Using words a child can understand, explain what a k

A key variable is anything part of the situation that can chan
other variables.

Again, using words a child can understand, explain w

assumption is and how they are used in solving math
An assumption is an idea that we think might be true

What are the key variables for solving this p

The key variables are time needed to make a sandwich, ener
a sandwich, cost of buying a sandwich, cost of ingredients to
time needed for work, energy required for work, how much

What are the key assumptions for solving thi

Work is not that demanding. I get enough sleep in the eveni
for errands and work. I have time to got to the grocery after
the morning to make a sandwich in the morning. I earn more
nderstand, explain what a key variable is.
rt of the situation that can change depending on

can understand, explain what a key

ey are used in solving math problems.
t we think might be true

y variables for solving this problem?

eeded to make a sandwich, energy needed to make
sandwich, cost of ingredients to make a sandwich,
y required for work, how much money I make

assumptions for solving this problem?

I get enough sleep in the evening. Enough energy
time to got to the grocery after work. I have time in
wich in the morning. I earn more than I need to
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 3: Apply Quantitative Too
pply Quantitative Tools

In this step use Excel to mathematically compare the cost of brin

sandwich for lunch versus buying a sandwich for lunch. (For the
column a 6.5% tax rate has already been applied.) Set up the pr
that you can compare costs on an apples-to-apples (one-to-one

Questions about how to do basic calculations

Excel? Click below!

Cost to Buy
Item $ Amount
Sandwich 3.69

Total 3.69
ematically compare the cost of bringing a
ying a sandwich for lunch. (For the bringing
ready been applied.) Set up the problem so
n an apples-to-apples (one-to-one) basis.

w to do basic calculations with

el? Click below!

Cost to Bring
Item $ Amount
Loaf of bread 0.25
Tomatoes 0.34375
head of lettuce 0.1875
Lunch meat 0.6875
Mayo/mustard 0.0875
Cheese 0.1875
Plastic bags 0.05333333333333

Total 1.79708333333333
Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 4: Make Informed

Buy or Bring? Which way will cost less?

Buying will cost way less than bringing.
tep 4: Make Informed Decisions

will cost less?

Quantitative Reasoning Process Step 5: Evaluate Y

What are some assumptions you made in Step 2 that could end
up being wrong and why?
A lot of the assumptions I made were wrong. I forgot to add a key variable
which is the economic status of my location. In my country there's inflation and
a lot of unreasonable pricing. In here it costs cheaper to bring a sandwich than
to buy it that's why I made wrong assumptions.

Would you buy or bring a sandwich?

In this case, I would buy a sandwich since it's cheaper
and costs no time and energy.
tep 5: Evaluate Your Reasoning

2 that could end

a key variable
here's inflation and
g a sandwich than

it's cheaper
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Quantitative Reasoning Assignment Submission
folder in I-learn.

Then complete the W02 Quantitative Reasoning

Assignment Quiz in I-Learn.

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