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Ricaforte, Tatyana Aaniyah Shazrey D.

SLP 1-1

Homework for CRS 102

1. Define homeostasis (1 pt)

Homeostasis is a condition of equilibrium in the body’s internal environment. It is the
maintenance of the following conditions called variables.

2. Explain the three parts of a feedback system (3 pts):

a. Receptor – the sensor that monitors the environment and detects the stimulus; once
detected, the receptor relays the information to the control/integrating center.
b. Control center – a structure in the brain or spinal cord (central nervous system) that
interprets or processes the meaning of the stimulus (input) and determines the
response (output)
c. Effector – refers to motor functions; the transmission of action potentials in efferent
fibers is from the control/integrating center to the effector (which performs the

3. Contrast the functions of negative and positive feedback systems (4 pts)

Negative feedback (2 pts) Positive feedback (2 pts)
• In this mechanism, the output • This type of feedback mechanism
shuts off the original effect of the occurs when a response to the
stimulus or reduces its intensity. original stimulus results in the
• Reverses a change in a controlled deviation from the set point
condition. becoming even greater.
• Tends to strengthen or reinforce a
change in one of the body’s
controlled conditions.

4. Lobes and their functions (14 pts)

Parietal lobe is responsible for: (3 pts)
a. Processing and perception of sensory information including touch, temperature,
pressure and pain.
b. Transferring somatosensory information to the language center
c. Determining spatial context

Occipital lobe is responsible for: (3 pts)

a. Visual processing
b. Visual perception
c. Sending information to the midbrain to assist in the control of convergent eye
movements, pupillary constriction, and accommodation.
Temporal lobe is responsible for: (3 pts)
a. Processing vestibular information
b. Higher-order visual processing (as part of the optic pathway)
c. Participation in understanding language (through the Wernicke’s, area, identified as
BA 22)

Frontal lobe is responsible for: (5 pts)

a. Emotional regulation
b. Planning
c. Reasoning
d. Problem-solving
e. Motor movement

Nerve Supply of the Pharynx and Larynx (6 pts)

Motor innervation Sensory innervation Parasympathetic

(include exception)
Pharynx Cranial division of the Glossopharyngeal Branches of the
accessory nerve (CN nerve vagus nerve

Larynx Recurrent laryngeal Branches of the Branches of the
branch of the vagus vagus nerve vagus nerve
Above vocal folds:
Except: cricothyroid internal laryngeal
muscle (external nerve
laryngeal nerve) Below vocal folds:
recurrent laryngeal

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