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between twin screw direct drive

compressor and single screw compressor
Twin screw compressor is more robust and reliable than single screw because of the following:

• Twin screw has less moving parts than single screw. Twin screw compressor has 2 moving parts
only (male and female helical rotors). Single screw compressor has 3 moving parts (1 screw and
3 gate rotors). The more the number of moving parts the more the chance for parts failure (i.e
less reliability).

• Twin screw compressor has 4 bearings located in one plane. Single screw compressor has 6
bearings located in 2 different planes. Hence, twin screw compressor is easier to serve and
maintain than single screw compressor.

• In twin screw compressor, the mass of the male and female screws are approximately equal.
The force of compression (axial and radial) is distributed equally on both parts. The single screw
compressor has one relatively big screw and 2 small gate rotors. The 2 small gate rotors don’t
have enough mass and strength to resist. Cracking and breaking of gate rotors is common failure
reason for single screw compressors. Recently some manufacturers have changed the gate rotor
material from steel to composite material to solve this issue. But this solution did not solve the
root cause of the problem and have not been tested widely and for a very long time. On the
opposite, twin screw direct compressor design didn’t suffer major drawbacks.
Comparison between twin screw direct drive
compressor and single screw compressor

• Bearings in twin screw compressor will live longer than single screw compressor because the
force of compression is in the same plane of the bearings. In the single screw the force of
compression is more complex (parallel and perpendicular to the bearings).

• The total mass of rotors in the twin screw compressor is more than the total mass of the screw
and gate rotors in single screw compressor. This is to enable twin screw to work under more
hard conditions for a long time. Hard conditions can result from very high ambient or clogged
coils leading to higher condenser temperature and higher pressure.

• Twin screw compressor is more, quiet, efficient and reliable than single screw compressor
because in the twin screw compressor the compression is done by continuous engagement of
the male and female. In the single screw compressor, the compression is done in 2 small areas

• Twin screw manufacturing is more expensive than single screw and gate rotors because it needs
advanced machining for the male and female. Manufacturing of single screw and gate rotors
don’t need advanced machining and is less expensive

• For all above reasons, twin screw compressor is more specified in projects than single screw.

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