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(2nd Semester 2021-2022)

April 19-29, 2022

Learning Activity 3
Case Study: The Introduction and Literature Review

At the end of this activity, the students must have:
1. Composed an introduction of a case study
2. Constructed a literature review for a case study

1. This is a Performance Task, a graded activity worth 115 points.
2. This is a working activity connected to your Case Study, the final
requirement of the course.
3. Study Lecture Note Unit 3.
4. Students who formed pairs or groups in Learning Activity 2 will have the
same pairs/groups in this activity.
5. Only the LEADER of the pair/group will upload/submit the activity. Do not
forget to write the names of the member in the activity sheet.
6. Encode answers in a DOCUMENT/WORD FILE. For the formatting, use A4
paper size, Century Gothic font style, size 12, single spacing, normal margins
and first line indentions of the paragraphs.
7. To answer Question 1.
A. Research problem. The research problem is any observable situation or
occurrence of concern that warrants an investigation. This can be stated
in a question or statement form.
How do supermarkets communicate organic food information to
consumers in Bangkok, Thailand?
B. Objectives. Provide a minimum of three (3) objectives for the case
study. Example:
a) Explore the information flow by which supermarkets attempt to
communicate with consumers.
b) Make a preliminary evaluation of the strategies used by supermarkets
to promote organic food to consumers specifically within the
Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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8. To answer Question 2. Provide one or two significances of conducting the
case study.
This study contributes to the knowledge of sustainable food consumption
in Thailand by improving the understanding of the retailers' strategies in
providing organic food to the consumers in Bangkok and metropolitan.

9. To answer Question 3. Provide a statement of the research gap. The

research gap is the difference between what has been known (studied) on
the problem and the existing situation.
There are great number of scholars studying consumers in Thailand
covering topics such as consumer perception and attitudes to organic
food (Chouichom & Yamao, 2010; Sangkumchaliang & Huang, 2012;
Ueasangkomsate & Santiteerakul, 2016), consumer behavior and
knowledge of organic food (Arttachariya, 2009; Kongsom & Kongsom,
2016; Vongmahadlek, 2012; Wyatt, 2010), factors driving consumers to
buy organic food (Maichum et al., 2017; Pomsanam et al., 2014),
consumer trust (Nuttavuthisit & Thøgersen, 2017), and ‘willingness to
pay’for organic products (Sriwaranun et al., 2015). However, the study
of organic food providers is still limited.

10. To answer Question 4. Provide a statement on the contribution of the

case study to science.
This empirical study contributes to SPA by testing the theory of practice
in the developing countries. The strategies of supermarkets in
metropolitan Bangkok in providing sustainable food were thusly

11. To answer Question 5. Search for journal articles related to the research
problem that are published in the last ten (10) years. Provide a minimum of
six (6) journal articles. Read and make a synthesis of the literature. Follow
the guidelines in making a good literature review in Lecture Note Unit 3.

12. To answer Question 6. Make a complete citation of all the reviewed

literatures using APA Style 6th Edition.

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13. To answer Question 7. Provide an initial title of the case study. The title
should answer the question What, Who, and Where. Reflect in the title the
words “Case study” to recognize the type of research.
Providing organic food to urban consumers (WHAT): Case studies of
supermarkets (WHO) in Bangkok and metropolitan area (WHERE)

14. After completing the activity, submit it as

a. Save or convert your Document file in a PDF.
b. Change the filename as: SURNAMES-Activity No. (For students with the
same surname, include the initials of your name and middle name)
Example for those in groups:
c. In the Google classroom, go to: YOUR WORK. Only the LEADER of the
group will upload the activity.
d. Select: ADD then select FILE
e. Select: Upload from your computer file (Find the file, select it, and
f. Click: Mark as Done

9. Be guided with the grading points below.

Compon Maximum Earned
ent Points Points
Identification of a research problem 10
Appropriate objectives 10
Convincing significance of the study 10
Identification of a research gap 15
Identification of research contribution to 10
Organized literature review 20
Correct citation of literatures 20
Complete research title 10
Following instructions 5
Timely submission 5

10. The due date for the activity is April 29, 2022

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Name(s): Kenneth Raymond G. Aban Date submitted: 04/29/22
Spencer D. Amolo Sec. Code: BSA 2F
Nashiba T. Aluyodan

Learning Activity 3
Case Study: Introduction and Literature Review

1) What do you want to study?

A. Statement of the research problem. (10 points)

The Sugar Industry in the Philippines is a large factor that affects the nation.
The government needs to locate a plan to maintain the production in our
sugar industry in order to achieve sustainable development, not only
economically, but also on the whole entire aspects of our country.

It is important to be aware about the best practices to maintain

sustainability in the sugar industry, how people can improve production inside
the country, and preparation for mass production I order to keep up with the
demands circulating in our country.

B. Objectives of the study. (10 points)

The goal of this research is to determine the impacts of a

reduction in sugar output in the country. Given that the sugar sector is the
backbone of the country's economic development, continued reductions in
sugar production could be catastrophic to the country's economic future. This
study aims to analyze the flow of sugar production from previous years to this
year, determine how each value differs from the other, make
recommendations on how to improve the sugar industry's production, and
assist in the resolution of current issues that the industry faces in order to help it
and our country prosper.

2) Why is there a need to study the problem? (10 points)

Close to 700,000 Filipinos are directly employed in sugar production, and

about 5-6 million more are indirectly employed, representing close to 7 percent
of the country’s population (PSME, as stated by, 2019). Sugarcane
is grown in 17 provinces in the country, distributed in eight regions from northern
Luzon (Isabela, Cagayan) to Mindanao (Bukidnon, Cotabato, Davao), and
occupies a total land area of 422,384 hectares. Twelve of the 28 operational
sugar mills are in Negros, Panay, Leyte and Cebu, producing 56 percent of raw
sugar. Tarlac and Batangas contribute 20 percent, and Bukidnon, 24 percent.
The Sugar Sector is second most highly protected sector in the country. Thus,

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meaning it provides hundreds of thousands of job opportunities for those in
need and increases the economic stature of our country. Completely losing
control of this sector due to the decrease in production will hinder the
advancements of our country and halt it from achieving over-all development.

3) What is currently known about the problem? Do not forget to provide in-
text citation of your sources. (15 points)

According to, At present, the sugar industry is threatened by

at least four factors: first, the high costs of production—inputs, labor, interest
rates; second, the low yield and low market price of sugar, which leads to low
farm income; third, climate change, which has become more damaging in
recent years; and fourth, labor shortage due to the government’s
infrastructure program, the private construction boom and the 4Ps (cash
transfer program), which, combined, have provided more employment
options. Based on the data provided by the Sugar Regulatory Administration,
the sugar production in the country has been fluctuating for the past years. It
is evident that the Sugar Industry governs a large role in the economy of our
country. There is a need to study the decrease in the sugar production
because if the numbers of it keeps fluctuating, it could hinder the process of
our country to gain sustainable development. From producing only sugar, the
industry now looks at sugarcane as its main product. Sugarcane can produce
many other products, not only sugar. For the Philippines, we want to start the
diversification towards the logical products of ethanol and power.

4) How will the study contribute to new knowledge? (10 points)

The Sugar Sector is more than just creating Sugarcanes and foods for
export. This Sector provides opportunities for the workers; this sector also
provides us with foods that is a necessity in our everyday lives that also
contributes various health benefits for people int the country. Since the Sugar
Sector dates to even before the colonization of the Philippines, it has been a
tradition and a well-guarded sector in the Philippines. By conducting this study,
we are not only shedding light onto the various effect of the decrease in sugar
production, but we are also giving hope for the future that awaits all of us. By
upkeeping the sugar production and maintaining the wealth and security of
the Sugar Sector, we can possibly be one of the major producers of sugar
internationally which not only helps the traders, but also the economy of the
whole nation.

5) Review of Literature. (20 points)

According to Larkin, J. A. (2001, pp. 352), The impact of Spanish and

American colonial economic forces on the rise of the elite plantation-owning
class in the Philippines, the subsequent gap that developed between the

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extraordinarily wealthy and the impoverished, and the nation's dependence
on the international market are described, using the case of the 2 most
important sugar producing regions, Negros Occidental and Pampanga. The
World Bank classifies the industry's export revenues as "stagnant" for the time
being, with little hope of a turnaround. More restricted output and
mechanization will significantly shrink the labor force, perpetuating the bad
working conditions that have existed since 1975. Only some other endeavor
will help the Philippine economy and the lives of millions of Filipinos.

According to Cherniguin, S. (1988), The planting of the sugar and the

Philippines began long before the coming of the Spaniards in 1521. When the
Americans took over the Philippines in 1898, sugar was already a flourishing
industry and Philippine sugar was being traded in Europe. In fact, sugar was
one of the main compelling reasons for the Americans annexation of the
Philippines. Americans bought all of the Philippines’ sugar at prices much
higher than that of the world market, and for a long-time sugar was the number
one source of dollars in the Philippines.

According to Billig, M. (2009), By perpetuating inefficiency and fostering a

frenzy of trading that affords inordinate profits for the least productive sector,
this structure has become the major obstacle to restoring the Philippines to its
former status as one of the world's most efficient and technologically
advanced producers of cane sugar. As efficiency falls further behind that of
other sugar producing countries, and as industrial consumers become more
disgruntled with paying high prices for sugar, the nation risks the collapse of an
industry that has already proven vulnerable to intermittent crises.

According to Ocampo, M. (2020), The Philippines is the eight largest sugar

producing country in the world, but it is not a major player in the international
sugar trade because of higher production costs. There have been reports of
anti-competitive conduct in the industry such as the presence of a cartel
among sugar traders. It appears that the newly formed Philippine Competition
Commission (PCC) had similar concerns about anti-competitive practices in
the sugar industry when included the same in its 2019 prioritie3ws for market
investigation. If the competition concerns can be substantiated, we have a
curious case of government regulations collusion and other anti0competitive
conduct. It can mean a confrontation between the PCC and SRA.

According to Cororaton, C. (2013), The Philippine sugar industry is the second

most highly protected sector in the country. It is second to rice where imports
are still being controlled by quantitative restrictions. In 2007-2011, the average
domestic price of sugar was more than 100 percent higher than world sugar
prices. The high sugar protection prevented the inflow of lower priced sugar
imports and resulted in high domestic sugar prices. The reduction in sugar tariffs
lowers the cost of production of several sugar-using downstream sectors. Their

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production increases as a result. Some of these sectors include the
manufacturing of milk processing, cocoa chocolate, ice cream and animal
feeds. The dynamic effects of the reduction in sugar tariffs on these sectors
indicate that their growth continues to accelerate even after the reduction in
output of sugarcane and sugar milling sectors stabilizes.

6) List of literatures cited using APA Style 6th Edition. (20 points)

Mendoza, T. (2019). Multiple threats to PH sugar industry

Retrieved from

Sugar Regulatory Administration. (2018). Sugar Statistics

Retrieved from

PSME Startups Group. (2019). Multiple threats to PH sugar industry

Retrieved from

Larkin, J. A. (2001) Sugar and the origins of modern Philippine society

Retrieved from

Cherniguin, S. (1988). The Sugar Workers of Negros, Philippines.

Retrieved form

Billig, M. (2009), Syrup in the Wheels of Progress”: The Inefficient Organization of

the Philippine Sugar Industry.
Retrieved from


Retrieved from

Cororaton, C. (2013), Economic Impact Analysis of the Reduction in Sugar

Tariffs Under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement: The Case of the Philippine
Sugar Sector.
Retrieved from

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7) Working title of the case study. (10 points)

A Case Study Analysis about Effects of Decrease in Sugar Production

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