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Lesson Plan : 01

Name : Abhishek Vishwakarma Date : 23th May, 2022

Course : B.A.B.Ed. Period : 1st
Subject : Teacher Education Duration : 50 mins
Topic : Philosophy and its Branches

General Objectives
o It provides training in the construction of good reasoning,
o Students learn to articulate and defend their own views,
o To understand and appreciate competing views and to indicate
clearly and forcefully, why their views are preferable to alternatives.

Specific Objectives
o Know the meaning of Philosophy,
o Know the Branches of Philosophy.

Some pictures, Laptop, Book, Other equipment.

Teaching Process
Traditional process (Introduction, Presentation, Application)

Phase I : Introduction

Activity Learning Process

Previous 1. What is Philosophy?
knowledge 2. Is the world created or is it eternal? Who created world?
Testing 3. Does God and spirit exist?
4. What happens after death?
5. What is true knowledge and what’s the source?
6. What are the criteria of right and good?
7. What are the criteria of beauty?
Topic Announcement
Let’s start with the topic ‘Philosophy and its Branches’.

Phase II : Presentation
Teaching Point Learning Process Blackboard Work
Meaning & Meaning of Philosophy Keywords
Definition A way of thinking about
of certain subjects such as ethics, o Reality and existence
Philosophy thought, existence, time, o Love of wisdom
meaning and value. o Logical analysis
Philosophy made up from (Radhakrishnan)
two Ancient Greek words, Philos o Synthesis (Spencer)
means ‘Love’ and Sophia means o Answer of ultimate
‘Wisdom’, hence Philosophy questions (Russell)
means ‘Love of Wisdom’ o Source of Knowledge

Definition of Philosophy
Dr. Radhakrishnan - Philosophy
is the logical analysis of the
nature of reality.
Plato - Philosophy aims at
knowledge of eternal nature of
Aristotle - Philosophy is the
science which investigates the
actual nature of supreme
Herbert Spencer - Philosophy is
synthesis of sciences or
universal science.
Bertrand Russell - Philosophy is
the attempt to answer ultimate
questions critically, after
investing all that makes such
questions puzzling and after
realizing the vagueness and
confusion that underline our
ordinary ideas.

Branches 1. Metaphysics [means

of beyond(meta) physics]
Philosophy o Cosmology – Nature and
development of universe
o Cosmogony – Origin of
o Anthropology – Study of
human being
o Eschatology – Study of death
o Ontology – Nature of
existence & reality
o Theology – Study of God

2. Epistemology
[Episteme(Knowledge) +
Logos (Study of)]
o Agnosticism – the study of
o Scepticism – the study of
doubtful questions

Source of Knowledge
o Empiricism –
KT(Knowledge through)
sense organ
o Revelation – KT holy
o Authority – KT expert
o Rationalism – KT

3. Axiology [Axios (value/worth)

+ Logos (Study of)]
o Ethics – Conduct
o Aesthetics – Beauty
Phase III : Application

Achievement Test
i. Meaning of ‘Philos’ in Ancient Greek,
A. Wisdom B. Knowledge
C. Love D. None of the above
ii. Who stated, ‘Philosophy aims at knowledge of eternal nature of
A. Herbert Spencer B. Plato
C. Aristotle D. Bertrand Russell
iii. Which branch of philosophy deals with ‘the study of knowledge’,
A. Epistemology B. Metaphysics
C. Axiology D. Cosmology
iv. Which isn’t the ‘source of knowledge’,
A. Agnosticism B. Rationalism
C. Empiricism D. Authority
v. Branches of philosophy is Metaphysics, Epistemology and _______.
A. Eschatology B. Anthropology
C. Theology D. Axiology

Q2. Matching
1. Ontology A. Study of Universe
2. Theology B. Study of Death
3. Anthropology C. Nature of existence & reality
4. Eschatology D. Study of Human being
5. Cosmogony E. Study of God
A1 ➔ i = C, ii = B, iii = A, iv = A, v = D
A2 ➔ 1 – C, 2 – E, 3 – D, 4 – B, 5 – A
Q1. What is the meaning and definition of Philosophy?
Q2. Discuss about branches of Philosophy, in detail?

Signature of teacher

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