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Here’s your sample diet based on your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)

Required Calories (2100 calories per day)

Macros: Protein (132g)
Fats (46g)
Carbs (289g)

Sample A

Morning Total Calories

 3 medium eggs (fried or boiled)  189 calories
 150 grams of white rice  195 calories
 1 medium banana  105 calories
 Coffee  0 calories
= 489 calories consumed
 260 grams of white rice  338 calories
 San marino chili corned tuna (1  279 calories
can) = 617 calories consumed

 200 grams boneless skinless  330 calories
chicken breast
 100 grams of white rice  130 calories
 Banana medium  105 calories
= 565 calories consumed
Snack (can be midnight or afternoon or pre-workout)
 Peanut butter sandwich on white  323 calories
 Orange 1 pieces (medium)  32 calories
= 385 calories consumed
3 meals 1 snack Total of 2056 calories
 Protein (128g)
 Carbs (261g)
 Fat (55g)

Sample B

Morning Total Calories

 Instant Oatmeal – chocolate milk  284 calories
 3 medium eggs boiled  189 calories
 1 medium banana  105 calories
 Coffee (no milk and sugar)  0 calories
= 578 calories consumed
 260 grams of white rice  230 calories
 1 pork-chop  400 calories

= 738 calories consumed

Afternoon Snack
 Orange 2 pieces (medium)  123 calories
= 123 calories consumed
 200 grams white rice  260 calories
 150 grams Ground beef  357 calories
= 617 calories consumed
3 meals 1 snack Total of 2057 calories
 Protein (108g)
 Carbs (263g)
 Fat (45g)

Sample C
Morning Total Calories
 3 medium egg  189 calories
 1 pork sausage  180 calories
 100 grams rice  130 calories
= 679 calories consumed
 260 grams of white rice  338 calories
 200 grams grilled chicken thigh  435 calories
= 773 calories consumed
Afternoon Snack
 2 slices gardenia California raisin  126 calories
 1 medium banana  105 calories
= 271 calories consumed
 40 grams Scramble egg with = 180 calories
 1 medium banana = 105 calories
= 285 calories consumed
3 meals and 1 snacks Total of 2008 calories
 Protein (109g)
 Carbs (217g)
 Fat (69g)

 Make sure you eat atleast a piece of protein per meal or 1 palm . A piece of fruit a day
and handful of vegetables.
 It’s okay if you can’t perfectly fill up your daily calorie intake. A 100 less or more of
calorie won’t hinder your progress.
 Avoid eating out at fastfoods or restaurants. Atleast twice a week will do.
 You can always switch up your food as long as you hit your daily calories and macros. It
will always depend on the availability of food and your preference. As long as it fits your
calories and macros there will never be a problem.
 Eat atleast 1.6 to 2.2g of protein per kg of bodyweight to gain lean muscle tissue and
recover well in your workouts.
 Water is king. Drink atleast 3liters of water per day to stay hydrated.

Foods that are good for you.

 Chicken (preferably breast or thigh)

 White fish (Cream dory, Tilipia, Bangus or salmon and tuna)
 Beef (ground beef)
 Pork
 Cheese (any types)
 Canned tuna’s
 Pasta
 Protein Bar
 White bread
 Wheat bread
 White rice
 Brown rice
 Potatoes or sweet potatoes
 Avocado
 Peanut butter
 Strawberry jams
 Oatmeal
 Yogurt (any kinds)
 Nuts (preferably almond but any will do)
 Any kinds of fibrous fruits (banana, berries and papaya)
 Beans (any kinds)
 Vegetables (like pumpkin, string beans, cucumber, carrots, corn, bell pepper, tomatoes
or any kind that are available in the market)
Foods to avoid.

 Any fast-food chain restaurant

 Alcohol
 Street foods (which are high in trans-fat)
 Processed foods (hotdogs, tocino, chicken nuggets)
 Sweetened pastries
 Chips
 Pizza
 Sweetened drinks
Note: You can eat them but only twice a week only or as long as it fits in your calories. Eat them
 Do I have to follow your meal plans?
o Definitely yes! But you can tweak them up. We don’t have the same taste and
preference in food. It might be you don’t like always eating chicken everyday or
you don’t like oats. There’s definitely a lot of option of food to switch in the meals.
As long as you hit your required calories and macro’s, it will all be good. The
sample meal plan above are structured based on your TDEE and you can
change them depends on availability of food.
 Can I use condiments or sauces in my meal?
o Yes! Condiments and sauces don’t have that much in calories as long as you
don’t overdo them and control portion. They won’t affect your diet and your food
will taste better.
 I’m not kinda familiar on hitting my macro’s and calories, how can I know if I’m eating
o Calories are the amount of energy released when your body breaks down
(digests and absorbs) food. The more calories a food has, the more energy it can
provide to your body. When you eat more calories than you need, your body
stores the extra calories as body fat. Even a fat-free food can have a lot of
calories. Macronutrients are the nutrients that your body needs to function
normally. Protein, Fats, and carbs are the three main components of macro’s,
tracking calories can help you see how much you need to eat. By using food
scale and MyFitnessPal, we can monitor how much you eat per day and how
many proteins, fat’s, carbs you consumed. Our number one priority is hitting both
calories and macros to maximize results.
 I always see people on social media always complaining in their protein? How important
is protein in strength and building muscle as well as weight loss?
o Hitting the right amount of protein around .8 to 1lb per pound of bodyweight or
1.6 to 2 times of kilogram bodyweight helps you to sustain muscle recovery,
muscle building and fatloss. It also makes you more fuller and satiated that
prevents you from getting hunger.
 Do I have to use supplements? Are supplements required?
o No, they are not required but they are beneficial as well. They are helpful in
supporting your diet. Basic supplement like whey protein, creatine and pre-
workouts will help you progress more however if your eating enough foods in
your diet. You don’t need them.
 How many time’s should I eat in a day?
o 3 to 4 times are optimal.
 Can I drink coke zero or zero calories carbonated drinks?
o Yep, they only have artificial sugars that trick your mind that your are consuming
sugar but they are still zero calories. One can or one glass of coke zero won’t do
a thing in your progress.
 Can I season my food?
o Hell yeah, you can marinate your chicken, dry rub your meats, add taco
seasoning in your ground beef and more. They won’t do much as long as they
are not too much, portion should be observe.

 Should I measure my oil in my meal prep?

o Well yes, you can since oils are very high in calories. Super dense in calories,
they must be observed and controlled as well.
 I’m very hungry and I already hit my calories, what should I do?
o Hunger is normal in calorie deficit, the only way to curb hunger is liquid. Drink a
lot of liquids like tea or water to suppress hunger. Sometimes it just all mental,
you have to endure it.
 I have an event to attend and I don’t know what foods I’ll eat there, should I still measure
my food or bring my food scale?
o Come on bro, just enjoy the food. If they invited you to a dinner, family outing, or
party, just enjoy. One day of not tracking and not thinking about diet and training
won’t hurt that much on your progress. Once a week of having cheat meals won’t
make you gain fat probably it will help you more on mental and emotional aspect.
Just enjoy the process and next day hard reset get back to normal.
 What are some simple ways I can improve my nutrition today?
o Eating foods cooked from scratch is one of the best ways to improve your health.
If this isn't possible, try to buy foods that are minimally processed, like roasted
chicken as opposed to sausage, baked potatoes instead of chips, or fresh fruit
instead of fruit snacks with added sugars. The less processed a food is, the
better it is for your health.
 I’m 100 calories more in my daily calories, what should I do?
o There’s nothing you can do, it’s okay if your over 100 calories or 100 less. They
won’t do much, get back to again next day and try again hitting your daily

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