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Nama: Ai Rohimah

Npm : A422044

Clas: Pagelaran

Subject : B.Inggris

Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global public health problem with a high prevalence and incidence
of kidney failure increase, poor prognosis and high costs. The prevalence of CKD increases with the increasing
number of elderly people and the incidence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. According to the 2010 Global
Burden of Disease results, CKD is cause of death ranked 27th in the world in 1990 and increased to 18th in
2010. In Indonesia, Treatment for kidney disease is the second largest financing from BPJS for health after heart
disease. On In 2015, the global economic burden related to diabetes reached US$ 1.31 trillion, and this is a
considerable global economic burden. big. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is the 16th leading cause of lost life
years worldwide. screening, diagnosis, and appropriate management by a primary care physician is: necessary to
prevent a CKD-related outcome adverse events, including cardiovascular disease, end-stage renal disease, and
death. Chronic kidney disease initially did not show signs and symptoms but may progress to renal failure.
Kidney disease can be prevented and treated and the chances of obtaining effective therapy are greater if caught

Thesis Statement
Each day both kidneys filter around 120-150 liters of blood and produce about 1-2 liters urine. Each
kidney is composed of about a million units filters called nephrons. The nephron consists of glomeruli and
tubules. The glomerulus filters fluid and waste to remove and prevent the partial release of blood cells and large
molecules mostly in the form of protein. It then passes through the tubules which takes back the minerals it
needs body and get rid of waste. Kidney too Produces the enzyme renin which maintains blood pressure and salt
levels, the hormone erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to produce blood cells


The normal kidney contains about 1 million nephrons each of which contributes to the filtration rate
glomerulus (GFR). In dealing with kidney injury (regardless of the etiology), the kidneys have capabilities
default to maintain GFR, even if it occurs progressive nephron damage, due to healthy nephrons the remainder
shows hyperfiltration and hypertrophy compensation.4

Early pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease depending on the underlying disease, but in the
subsequent development of the process that occurs more or less the same,. reduction in kidney mass resulting in
structural and functional hypertrophy remaining nephrons (surviving nephrons) as compensatory efforts, which
are mediated by molecules vasoactive cytokines such as growth factors. This matter results in hyperfiltration,
which is followed by increase in capillary pressure and blood flow glomerulus.


Chronic kidney disease affects 8% to 16% of the world's population and is main cause of death.
Management Optimal CKD includes risk reduction cardiovascular disease, and medication dosage adjustments.


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