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10.07.2021 Wizardawn THE APOCALYPSE RULES These rules can be used for an impromptu disastrous spaceship adventure, a solitaire game, or a game where no game master is present to referee the game. Get yourself a sheet of graph paper. Each square is 10'x10' to the characters, but we will reference them by individual squares (meaning "2 long” is 2 squares long...or 20 feet). Start in the center of the paper and draw the image below... This is where the adventure begins. The characters are heading down the stairs of this unknown area in search of relics and wealth, Nothing of note is in this starting room. There are no creatures, traps, or relics in this starting area. This is where the explorers would leave to maybe camp outside or return to the nearby village. This village has the services available in your game's rulebook (such as equipment lists, services, followers for hire, ete). Rules ~ Concealed doors may only be found in rooms/areas, not hallways, Ifa search for concealed doors is successful, then there actually may be one if "I" is rolled on 1420. Tfone Exit Location table to determine where itis, ‘on large containers, rooms/areas, or hallways. Ifa search for traps is successful, then there actually may be one if a"I" i rolled on 1420 for roomsiareas,..or a"1" is rolled on 1d6 for containers. Ifone exists, use the Room Traps ot Container Traps table to determine what itis. Ifno check is positively made, then these determination rolls are still performed after one opens a container, enters a roomvarea, or goes down a section of | hallway. ~ Relies are found in containers, When a container is found itis either small (90%) or large (10%). Ifa small container is found, determine the contents by rolling once on eithe table for Money (90%) ot the table for Exceptional Items (10%). Ifa large container is found, determine the contents by rolling on the Hoards of Items table, Do not roll for contents until the container is opened. 7 Containers are hidden in the roomJarea about 70% of the ume, otherwise they are in plain view. Use the same rules as searching for concealed doors to find hidden items. ~ Technology items should not be used unless the characters can Figure them out using the game's rules for such cheeks, IF they Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? Roll a20 1 13-15 16-18 19:20 Roll d00 Beyond Table Beyond the Door or Opening oom (roll on Area/Room table) hallway (parallel, going right 19 Tong, going Ta .d6 long) Talay (straight ahead, 106 Tong) hallway G5" ahend, veering eft, 106 Ton hallway (45° ahead, veering right, 1d6 long) ~ Ifthe rolls over 12, then continue roling onthe Exploration table allways ae always widih oF ~ For each roonvarea entered, rol 1420. The result isa"I* then roll aguinst the Room Traps table Exploration Table Discovered door/opening (straight ahead) ide dooriopening (hallway continues for another 16) side doonTopenings (eft & right, hallway continues for another 1d6) side doorlopening (hallway en side doors/openings (left & right, hallw hallway continues for another 146 Talay veers 45° to the Tf for another 106 hallway veers 45°10 the right for another 106 hallway forks leffand ight 45° (ol separateTd6s for each hallway length) hallway comes to a "T* intersection roll separate1d6's foreach hallway length) hallway intersects (oll separateTd6's for each hallway length) allways are always a width of = For doorsfopenings oll 104, A roll of 14 indicates a door, the rest are openings ~For side doors/openings, roll 146. Avoll of 1" indicates the left side, the rest are onthe right side ~ If characters go through a door oF opening, then roll on the Beyond table characters go down a hallway, then roll on the oration table agi or each stretch of hallway, roll 1020, IF the result isa "1 then rll against the Room Traps table Area/Room Table ‘Area/Room - Shape & Size ‘squared (Ld6 high, 186 wide) ‘cave (1d6 high, 146 wide) (Zu6 across) Thexagon (16 across) ‘octagon (1d6 across) ‘oval (146 high, 146 wide) 1a 10.07.2021 cannot figure them out, they can bring it to the nearby village and pay 100 domars to have it identified by the local salvageljunk collector. This also includes the cast to be trained by such a person on how to use the device. ~ Assign a number (or numbers) 10 each character. Something that can be rolled against with dice, This number will come in hhandy for quick and fair determination of who gets effected by something or attacked by a creature, for example. If you have two characters, then you would maybe assign a 1 & 2 %0 Character A and then assign 3 & 4 to Character B, Then you “T Every search (concealed doors, taps, hidden ems, listening) takes a tum, For every 3 tums, roll 146, A roll of "1 indicates @ wandering creature, which you then roll on the ~ Breaking down doors takes a turn, TF this is done, roll a 106, A roll of "1" indicates a wandering creature, which you then. roll on the Encounters table, This ereatute will always surprise the group. ~ Use common sense when mapping the area. Ignore results that do not make sense on paper, Rerolignore if needed Wizardawn Roll d20 12 35 triangle (146 per side) ‘wapezoid (1d6 high, 146 base wide, 146 base top) Then roll on the Mundane Items wble, “Then roll on the Brits table fhen roll on the Discovery tab Discovery Table Discovered ereature (rll onthe Encounters table) reature (roll onthe Encounters able) and container {roll onthe Containers tbl container (rll on the Containers able) stairs 20% up or 80% down) ply roomvares ~ For stairway heading, roll 184 ( 3ecast;d=west) ~For cach contsiner, oll 106, Irthe rest is "1%, then roll against the Container Traps table ~ Each container is hidden 70% of he time, using concealed doo rales to find it north wth Exits Table Tistening ta door is sueeessful, then the characters will Roa surprise any creature that may be beyond the door. hone The doctor atthe nearby village will clone a character (rom Toad one ‘what litle oftheir remains that can be delivered) for 1,000 ie we domars Tey tre 20 four - Basic Steps = Bach exit has a 70% chance of being @ door {When you open # door, or go through an opening, we the otherwise iis an opening. Beyond table ~ Then roll on the Exit Location table for each ext When you continue down a hallway, use the Exploration able ~Doors are locked ifa "1" is rolled on 16 = Draw the map as indieated from the various table resus, cerlinggnring hen needed Exit Location Table Toom/area is entered, roll on the Discovery table 7 -sorlO pening Location ~ Follow the rules above, and the rules for your disastrous Bot ate _DosriOpening Lees spaceship role-playing game system. Do north . 3__north western Tips 4 south eastern TTF faced with a choice, maybe the dice canbe the judge. 3__ south Maybe use a 50/50 chance south westem Use ability checks to solve some issues, Use dexterity checks 7 east northern to jump over holes or intelligence checks to see if one can east determine a gems value, as examples 9 east southern As you map, be sure to write down notes that wouldbe needed ——Tg—westTonhem later, If there was a creature ina oom, that you ran away wet fiom, write the name ofthe creature in the room so you ee remember what was there, ~ Once a roor/area/hallways has been determined by the dive rolls (contents, traps, creatures, ete), it does not need to be rolled for again. Wandering creature checks should still be made however. ~ If characters are trapped in a room or pi, there is no need for them to starve, You might want to allow for trap checks, Successful checks would indicate a switch or lever that frees the characters, Make sure to follow the wandering creature rules forthe time it takes to find this "switeh" or "lever". Ifa room is filling with water, you will know how many turns it takes to fill. Ifthe characters cannot find a way to open the room in time, then they would surely die from drowning. Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 2122 10.07.2021 Wizardawn MUNDANE ITEMS Roll_Mundane Items ‘splattered red liquid on the wall, broken brown silicon pouch, quarrel (6 each), pen/organie surfaces, arrow (12 each), sling 1 stone (9 each), small corroded metal mirror, ripped black couch, flashlight, some piles of white rocks, some piles of black rocks ‘shredded and torn clothing, adhesive bandages/Tabricibox of 30 (worth | domars), sirange melal bunk bed, blunt corroded 2 scalpel, glass pitcher, scattered medical tools, areas with mold, bed sheet (Wworth 3 domars), thermal drying disk (worth 6 domars), metal and glass scattered around, chemical cell (I each) ‘board game (worth 16 domars), audio amplifier/ear bud (worth 11 domars), test tube, metal dented space helmet, metal brush, ‘moisture on the ceiling. metal drawer ‘board game (worth 16 domars), a large pile of eircult boards, metal bucket, ined picture of a scenic forest view, comoded 4 emctal dented space helmet 5 odd alien dice, rock hammer (worth 4 domars), 6 pieces of strange ore scattered around, leather boot, metal probe, 4 corroded metal spikes, areas with mold, global navigator/handheld (worth 151 domars), gray string (20 feet) G _ammockiant-grav (worth 17 domars), brown plastic pallet, liquid dripping from the ceiling, metal drum with SO gallons of rod flammable liquid, sling stone (6 cach), mounted alien animal head, arcas with mold, rags, shock dart (3 cach) 7 Metal trash can, bent metal tea pot, 33 foot ripped rope, a4 foot wide hole that is about 7 feet deep, useless wal clock, wall clock, corroded knife handle, 9 foot metal pole metal can with I gallon of gray flammable liquid, « huge pile of various bones, hydrogren cell cach), a medium-shor 8 locked iron cage with ashes on th bottom, dried blood on the wall, knife handle, bx of odd yellow ore, 5 foot long rusty iron chain, mounted alien animal head, ruined gray washeloth small ruined metal bell ruined white pillow 9 ripped gray blanket, snow boots/heated (worth 187 domars), glass shards seattered around strange metal bowl, broken meta food plate, strange metal storage cabinet, a medium-short ion cage, smell metal able, 10 ripped brown sheet, white pillow, quarrel (16 each), padded strange metal chair, motion sensor/wall mounted (worth domars), metal knife, mat blunt corroded scalpel, food sterilizer (worth 7 domars), bed sheet (worth 15 domars), some piles of yellow rocks, 2 pioces oF strange ote scattered around, metal pedestal 1219 hardened blobs of once melted glass, splattered orange liguid on the floor, hand clamp (workh 17 domars) bent locker (CONTAINS: organie tape, 100 feet (worth 5 domars) |are detector (worth 39 domars) | hover bag 13. (worth 12 domars) | earbon dating tool, handheld (worth 7 domars) |, smal bottle of gray liquid, glow disk bavspors (worth 5 éomars), a lage ple of moon rocks, 44 foot moldy rope. bent metal knife, humanoid bones, dented metal bow, whip 1a book shel, whip, scattered ashes, hard plastic basin, re cutter/plasma (worth 40 domars) bent metal bucket animal collax/spiked (worth 9 domars), multitoo! (worth 20 domars) spray pint worth 3 domars), arrow (4 cas, black couch, bent metal razor, 6 foot rusty metal pole, microwave unit (worth 31 domars) bits of fur and hair blue fungus growing, metal and glass scattered around, mattress, bent pliers, toy hover ear (worth 19 domars), 4 foot Tong beat 16 metal pipe, strange metal chai, 15 hardened blobs of once melted glass, electronic book (worth 3 domars), small bottle of green liquid, metal and glass scattered around las shards scattered around, some webbed fect prints in various spots, small beat ron hanging mirror, small botle of Bue liquid, padded steel chair, black blanket, black pillow, 5 foot beat metal pole 5 foot long rusty iron chain, dented metal bow!, crescent wrench (worth [4 domars), corroded knife handle, dented metal clothes cabinet [CONTAINS: torn green scarf | ripped yellow gown | ripped brown leather sandals | moldy gray dress ink pen, computer cassette (worth 10 domars), heated towel, Chunk of white metallic pominuth (worth 180 domars), metal sewing needle, broken ncedle rifle, 70 fect of reé string multteol (worth 4 domars), purple plastic pallet, broken Knife, broken wall clock, metal razor, revolving weming lighted (orth 18 domars), dried blood on the wal Thumanaid bones, ruined metal dented space helmet with an bloody head of a hurnanotd sill init sling tone (10 each), ruined 20 soda can, moldy mattress, metal small table, leather boot, stove/portable/nuclear (worth 6 domars), glass shards seattered around, 4 ruined iron spikes, glass botle of water air pumpinuclear powered (worth 5 domars), metal dented space helmet, liquid freezing bolle (worth 25 domars), mel dissolver/small (worth $ domars), antigrav sports ball worth 8 domars) sling stone (20 each), anli-grav ladder/portable (worth 22 domars), 7 ruined iron spikes, syringe with needle (worth 4 domars), 22. sling stone (8 cach), 9 pieces of meta, light/glass tube (worth | domars), corroded metal pal, 6 foot metal pole, liquid hose/100 feet (worth 25 domars) Z3__arvow (10 each), seatlered bits of bones and teeth, Ganfum shield, clamp (worlh 3 doman) metal bench, a4 foot wide hole that is about 2 feet deep, orange-colored, gla botle of wate, tranquilizer pellet (5 cach), broken gray key card, torn white towel, broken laser pistol frst aid tape/20 feet (worth 1 domars), hydrogren cell each), gardening euttevlaser(wordh 12 domars), hard plese chai, 25 corroded alien sword blade, gold candlestick worth 27 domars, an odd metal tool, glass bufferthermal (worth 15 domars), surgical gloves (worth 1 domars) 76 yellow slime on the ceiling, a pack of 4 batteries, pile of 19 Gy syringes, hydrogren oell 3 cack), metal Way, balery (worth 8 éomars), hydrogren cell (I each), a large pile of circuit boards, ant-grav carvsmall (worth 56 domars), n 19 lie 21 red medical tools 24 Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 322 10.07.2021 Wizardawn padlock/keypad (worth 4 domars), 3 small glowing stones scattered around, rusty metal clothes cabinet [CONTAINS: ruined range cloth purse (contains 18 odd coins | dirty green socks }, green towel ‘some piles of blue rocks, leather boot, metal bucket, metal and glass seattered around, ruined picture of a strange planet ‘metal drawer, steel bunk bed, hover board safety helmet (worth 9 domars) 2 foot long metal pipe, metal pol, areas with mold, camera/IR/wireless (worth 133 domars), leather boot ‘square dented metal table, ore seraper (Worth 2 domars), laser bair winimer (worth 17 domars) ‘small iron hanging mirror, ore shovel (worth 20 domars), metal spoon, dents in the ceiling, safety glove (worth 20 domars), plastic jug/l gallon, arrow (20 each), bloody bones of a alien [CONTAINS: ore brush (worth 2 domars) | bell, small, metal (worth 1 domars) | magnetic sports disk (worth 18 domars) |, slug (9 each), 2 foot long bent iron bar, shock dart (1 each) knife handle, quarrel (13 each), 5 foot long rusty iron chain, rained purple Blanket, small botile of green Tiquid, welding mask (orth 45 domars), high hard plastic stool, leather boot, bits of fur and hair, computer access padiwirless (worth 14 domars), Unique Purple Stone (worth 348 domars), 6 bloody bandages, crimping tool (worth 10 domars) blunt scalpel, food scraps, broken red key card, 7 light bulbs on the ceiling held..but only 2 of them ate stil useable metal and glass scattered around, aquatic animal bowl (worth 5 domats), scattered medical tools, bent metal tea pot Tlammable liquid’T gallon can (worth 15 domars), humanoid bones, food seraps, strange metal bed, trash canimetall.3 gallon (worth 3 domars), board game (worth 7 domars) metal storage cabinet, a large pile of eizcuit boards, small puddle of poisoned water, strange metal stool yellow plastic keyeard (can unlock 70% of the containers/doors), rusty metal bench, ruined metal elub, 4 red T inch glass orbs, laser pointer (worth 4 domars), 6 useless steel crossbow bolts, corroded metal pot, high rusty metal stool, 3 foot long metal pipe, 5 foot metal rod (worth 3 domars), leather boot liquid dripping from the ceiling, detached hateh lid, slug (7 each), metal ta pot, whip, scissor jack (worth 15 domars), steel small table, multitoo! (worth 13 domars), life form detectorielectric (worth 200 domars), 5 white | inch glass orbs, crimping tool (worth 15 domars), metal desk chait, combat stick/sports (worth 22 domars) 39 sterilizeriplasma (worth 34 domars), rusty metal brush, ripped orange sheet 40 Tood preserveriwheeled/S0 quart (worth 9 domars), strange metal shell, shock dart (I each), bent metal drawer 4 rock hammer (worth 2 domats), leather boot, steel basin, } pieces of strange ore scattered around, 2 small glowing stones scattered around, rusty metal sewing needle, storage chest (worth 11 domars) a2 ‘mounted alfen animal head, picture of a scenic jungle view, metal sealer/I gallon (worth 24 domare), 5 foot metal rod (worth 13 domars), metal sewing needle, combat glovesipadded (worth 4 domars), tranquilizer pellet (4 each), moisture on the ceiling, food sterilizer (worth 4 domars), red slime on the wall, hover bag (worth 28 domars) 4B ‘metal bench, sloveiportable/nuclear (worth 6 domars), dented metal clothes cabinet [CONTAINS: dirty green apron | moldy yellow stocking cap | orange tshirt | ruined green socks | chemical cell (2 each), a pack of 2 batteries, yellow sheet, decayed remains of a male humanoid [CONTAINS: blood pressure cuff (worth 11 domars) |ore shovel (worth 13 domars) | laser scalpel (worth 13 domars) }, security box/metal/with key (worth 6 domars),a huge pile of various bones ‘metal can with T gallon of a white flammable liquid, multitool (worth 9 domars), a scattered alien chess-ype set, 3 steel crossbow bolts, dried blood on the floor, hydrogren cell (4 each), 2 bloody bandages ruined canteen, audio amplifier/ear bud (worth 11 domars), padded hard plastic chair, small puddle of stagnant water 47 ‘metal bunk bed, data storage cube (worth 47 domars), a medium-sized badly wor yellow carpet with a dark brown design on it, sling stone (12 each), humanoid weight scale (worth 20 domars), small animal crate/cage (worth 21 domars), green couch, ‘organic dissolver/small (worth 7 domars), a large pile of ashes with a small beam pistol next to it, bug zapper (worth 20 domats), 80 feet of purple string 48 ‘audio amplifier/ear bud (worth 5 domars), mounted alien animal head, platinum candle stick worth 26 domars, slug (3 each), ripped green pillow, hydrogren coll (3 each), 17 foot rope, medical staples/box of 400 (worth 4 domars), 2 foot long iron bar, a pack of 4 batteries, bent cane, dried blood on the wall 49 ‘broken seout armor, 7 pieces of bent metal, metal shelf, rusty metal club, Can of fradiate (worth 318 domars), dried blood on the floor ‘deep yellow powdered phosiaigen 50 ‘areas with mold, metal bucket, ruined knife bandle, seraiches and claw marks on the wal, glass bottle of water, small bent ‘metal bell, metal bowl, 2 bloody bandages 51 ‘ay fungus growing, can openerihand operated (worth 2 domars), some piles of yellow rocks, white plastic Keycard (can unlock 50% of the containers/doors) ‘shredded and tom clothing, water goggles (worth 2 domars), moldy mal, small puddle of dry water, 3 Toot Tong bent metal pipe ried blood on the wal, a large pile of moon rooks, B brown T iach glass orbs, decayed compse of @ male human [CONTAINS: time device, wall mounted (worth 123 domars) | magnetic ball, small (worth I damars) | chemical liguid heater (worth 4 domars) towel (worth 3 domars), plies, 3 broken and dirty eggshells, 8 light bulbs onthe ceiling held.but only 4 of them are stil useable, woven titanium mesh bag 54 ‘adhesive tape/100 feet (worth 10 domars), 5 pieces of metal, Bis of fur and har, globe of an unknown planet (worth 30 domars), computer pad/handheld/children stories, usty metal desk chair, 2 foot long iron bar, wrenchilarge (worth 2 domars), 5 broken and rotten eggshells, a3 foot wide hole that is about 6 feet deep, ruined ink pen, plaque 35 Tocker [CONTAINS: too Belt, nylon (worth 47 domars) |anti-grav scooter (worth 8 domars) J, pile of 15 dirty syringes, surgical pan/metal (worth 7 domars), anti-grav laddet/portable (worth 50 domars), knife handle, beverage condenser/I ccup/thermal (worth 8 domars), 8 bronze spikes, a huge pile of various bones, alien sword blade Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 4122 10.07.2021 Wizardawn 56 bent knife handle, a large rusty cage, surge suppressor clamp (worth 10 domars), strange metal small table, glass shards scattered around metal whee/10x2 inches (worth 27 domar), metal dented space helmet, pliers, 5 metal coat hooks on the wall, blood smears 57 on the wall, bits of fur and hair, dents in the floor, ie frm detectoricletrc (worth 133 domars), broken beer bottle, ripped black sheet ‘hip, rackethover ball (worth 5 domar),ant-grav ladlet/portable (worth S0 domars), bloody rags sealtered around, dented 58 metal brush, alien sword blade, dried blood on the floor, scattered medical tools, scattered medical tools, solar cell (4 each), pliers, blood smears on the wal, dried blood on the ceiling Gp _7Pieves of svange ote seatiered around, ore chisel (worth 7 Joma), broken soeray ves, dents i he wal bent detached hatch lid, cable cutting pliers (worth 5 domars) a huge pile of various bones, quartel (10 each), svattered ashes, stel small able, solar oell @ eas, spors bag 60 (worth 23 domars), 2 foot long bent metal pipe, rusty metal pedestal, ripped black cushion, rusty metal brush, metal desk chai, 7 small glowing stones scattered around, corroded metal pot G1 tags, green plastic keyeard (can unlock 40% ofthe containers/door), dented meal pedestal, high ast metal stool, 8 Tight bulbs on the ceiling heldbut only 4 of them ae still useable, low dented metal table, dents in the ceiling pliers, rusty metal smal table, scattered medical tools, odd alien toy (worth I domars), 2 foot Fong metal pipe, some large rat 2 tracks in various spots Tood warming disk (worth 14 doman), half-caten remains ofa male humanoid [CONTAINS: too! bel, myTon 63 (worth 31 domars) | fiber optic cable, 50 feet (worth 4 domars) | water purifier, 1 quart (worth 9 domars) | recording cube, lank (worth 1 domars) J, corroded metal trash can, 30 feet of green string, hover chair (worth 44 domars) Tard plastic basin, useless Mashlight, 10 Uhumblacks, plasma blobs/box!S,000 (or plasma sealer gun) (worth 1 Goman), Fst 64 metal pedestal, torn orange towel, copper candle stick worth $2 domars, sonic scrubber (worth 2 domars), gray plastic keyeard (an uilock 10% ofthe containers/doors), alien action figure (worth 2 domars), 4 foot long bent metal pipe @_mat, thermometer/biological (worth | domars), bent metal mug, 28 foot ripped rope, metal razor ge Magnetic ballsmall (worth T domars), 5 pieces of mal, metal ash can, rusy metal pal pile of din, 9 Toot metal pols, Wheel/10x3 inches (worth 26 domars), whip, 9 pieces of rusty metal, copper candle stick worth 45 domars Gy Mell chair, pile of diy syringes, settered Hits oF bones and tet, 70 feet of wire, & pieces of meal, white pase Keyeand (an unlock 30% ofthe contaners/doors), metal tray a large pile of circuit boards Gp _ devon powderfcan (wort 3 domars), metal tray, padded metal cai, shook dart (I each), 7 ron spikes, broken metal uD, 2 ruined steel arows, ined soda can, socket set (worth 4 domars), dented metal bow, shock dart (5 each), mattress Go _ camera/digital (worth 500 domars), a pack of 2 bateries, rusty metal bunk bed, surgical mask (worth 63 domars), brown sting (70 fee, yellow couch, shock dart (5 each), broken picture of a mountain Gp corroded metal sewing needle, blood smears onthe Door, small metal miror, Hpped mavens, detached hatch Tid, hard plas bunk bed, white plastic keycard (can unlock 40% of the containers/doors) Ti shock dart ( each), metal chai, a small white rug small metal mirror, scattered medical tools, ocker [CONTAING: communicator, wireless (worth 6 damars) [hover ball spars 72, |food sterilizer (worth 15 domars) | metal wheel, 10x2 inches (worth 6 domars) }, 4 ruined bronze spikes, 15 hardened blobs of once melted glass, scattered bits of bones and teth, forceps (worth 2 domars), electric text transmitter/bandheld (worth 8 domars), 10 bandages thermal nails/box of 2,000 (worth 21 domars), recording cube/with odd video (worth 25 domars), high rusty metal stool, torn 73 green cushion, ruined ink pen, 7 blue 1 inch glass orbs, spring lamp/metal (worth 12 domars, long dented metal table, metal and glass scattered around ‘80 feet of gray string, battery charger/solar powered (worth 9 domars), white slime on the wall, a medium-sized locked iron 74 cage, ant-grav ladderiportable (worth 0 domars), 3 pieces of metal, quarrel (2 each), areas with mold, bent metal spoon, metal razor, corroded metal pail, plasma metal smoother (worth 7 domars) 73__hard plastic bunk bed, small metal bell, chemical liquid heater (worth 9 domars) yg uined ink pen, Dook shel, small metal mirror, stange metal computer stan, ove chisel (wor 3 domas), dens inthe Door, scattered ashes, cane (worth 9 domars), padded strange metal chair, scaltered ashes, sword, metal probe, rusty metal brush ‘metal sewing needle, leather boot, an odd metal tool, corroded metal trash can, humanoid weight scale (worth 30 domars), 10 77 ight bulbs onthe ceiling held.but oly S of them are still useable, glass shards scattered around, chemical cell (3 each, pile of 20 diny syringes 7g Metal knife, markers/15 colors (worth 3 domars), rusty metal brush, rusty metal dented space helmet, a scattered alien chess- type set bits of far and hair, adhesive tape/100 feet (worth 3 domars), sprayer gallon (worth # Jaman, 10 thumblacks, blood smears 7% nthe floor, steel stool ap metal storage cabinet, yellow plastic pallet, bydrogren coll @ cach), shook dat (S coc), fom blue shea meal piche, sng stone (19 each), metal drawer 10 Fight bulbs on the ceiling held but only 5 of them are sil weable, singe metal pedestal, food scraps, rusty metal pitcher, 81. bits of fur and hair, ight stick/small (worth 4 domars), dented metal stool, a large pile of moon rocks, pile of dit, cfulch/aluminum (worth 20 domars), dented metal shelf, 6 broken and dry eggshells, penvorganie surfaces (worth 1 domars) {32 Metal and glass scattered around, long metal table, blood smears on the wall, digital time device/small (worth 27 domars), eta filing cabinet, steel bowl, oddly shaped flute (worth 6 domars) 73 dented metal bench, areas with mold, rusty metal ash can Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 5122 10.07.2021 Wizardawn 84 laser hair trimmer (worth 11 domars), ruined metal dust pan, corroded metal razor, rusty detached hatch lid, gray blanket, 5 odd alien dice, metal bucket, 2 foot long iron chain, small metal bell, broken picture of a alien female, 3 foot long metal pipe, strapiratchet/30 feet (worth 6 domars), fan/18 inch (worth 24 domars) B5_5 picces oF strange ore scattered around, shock dart (3 cach), hydrogren cell (@ cach) RG first aid kit (worth 35 domars), dust throughout, moisture on the ceiling ‘microwave unit (worth 31 domars), high rusty metal stool, metal basin, Be con the ceiling held..but only 3 of them are still useable '88__whip, food warming disk (worth 21 domars), ruined metal dust pan, 5 foot corroded metal pole, ruined metal razor 3 steel arrows, empty milk jug, purple plastic keyeard (can unlock 50% of the containers/doors), sterlizeriplasma 89 (worth 23 domars), orange towel, 7 foot metal pole, useless wall clock, solar cell (5 each), syringe with needle (worth 6 domars), magnetic ball/small (worth 3 domars), 5 odd alien dice 3 pieces of rusty metal, large puddle of poisoned water, areas with mold, a large pile of moon Focks, 2 odd alien dice, orange 90 plastic pallet, eating utensil (worth 1 domars), 4 odd alien dice, metal bunk bed, carbon dating tooV/handheld (worth 11 domars), liquid hose/100 feet (worth 7 domars) hard plastic bow! with lid (worth 6 domars), 9 orange T inch glass orbs, camping tenUS person (worth 67 domars), calculator/solar (worth 10 domars), 18 hardened blobs of once melted stecl, small corroded iron hanging mirror, 91 camera/IR/wireless (worth 200 domars), Chunk of explosive, brown metallic portin (worth 826 domars), dented metal desk chair, Bug zapper (worth 45 domars), small bottle of red liquid, corroded metal tea pot, a large locked iron eage with animal bones on the bottom ‘SD_purple string (60 feed), gray couch, oddly shaped fute (worth 4 domars), glass shards scattered around, 4 pieces of metal stove/portable/nuclear (worth & domars) radiation curtain (worth 7 domars), time tracker/bandheld (worth 4 domars), 2 pieces ‘of metal, can openerihand operated (worth 7 domars), steel drawers [CONTAINS: moldy purple apron | brown leather belt | ripped orange sweater | moldy gray scarf | ripped yellow pants | ripped brown pants], 70 feet of pusple string, chemical liquid heater (worth 4 domars), a scattered alien chess-type set, small bottle of purple liquid, rusty book shelf Tong strange metal table, tree cuter/plasma (worth 60 domars), broken needle rifle, metal pail, thermometer/outdoor 94 (worth 4 domars), broken black key card, strange metal stool, high steel stool, metal spoon, scratches and claw marks on the wall, 8 pieces of strange ore scattered around, ripped brown cushion glass dissolving agent/I gellon (worth 20 domars), metal drum with 50 gallons of blue flammable liquid, 3 foot long rusty ‘95 metal pipe, rusty metal probe, some piles of black rocks, rusty metal dented space helmet with an bloody head of a humanoid stil init, ruined glass pitcher, ripped black washeloth ‘96 rusty metal bunk bed, small metal bell, quarrel (13 cach), gray shect, green string (100 feet) strange metal stool, 9 Toot bent metal pole, moldy yellow sheet, stange metal bunk bed, moldy mat, air purifier (worth 29 domars), strange metal bowl, blood smears on the ceiling, strange metal drawers [CONTAINS: dirty black hat | 97 ruined brown leather purse | brown leather belt | yellow scarf| yellow baseball cap | dirty blue cloth purse (contains 7 odd coins | moldy white sweater vest | torn purple leather belt | moldy purple t-shirt | orange gown J, thermal blanket (worth 40 domars), hard plastic shield, computer access pad/wired (worth 25 domnars) '5 small glowing stones scattered around, small puddle of dirty water, round hard plastic table, audio cubeTmusie (worth 6 domars), 24 foot rope, slug (5 each), metal sewing needle, socket set (worth 12 domars) Tlasblight, dents in the floor, small brass banging mirror, chemical cell (3 each), metal mug, bard plastic pedestal, small puddle 99 of stagnant water, carbon dating tool/handheld (worth 3 domars), autopsy pan (worth 1 domars), shredded and torn clothing, tom rags, purple cushion ‘microwave unit (worth 47 domars), Blue fungus growing, Srange metal drawers [CONTAINS: ruined yellow leather Belt | ripped yellow apron | ruined yellow cape | dirty orange cloak | red dress | ruined yellow gown | blue vest ], oddly strong string/3,000 feet/spool (worth 4 domars), 3 foot long ruined iron chain, metal razor, purple slime on the wall, metal razor, glass pitcher, spring clamp/metal (worth 19 domars), small puddle of murky water ROOM TRAPS Roll_Room Trap, ‘thomy vines fill the area and tangle around anyone inside causing 104+1 damage each round and can only be removed after 20 ppoints of damage have been done to the thick vines. 2 the ceiling eaves in and causes 146x2 damage to all inside ‘robe lights Blink at anyone inside where they must resist the mind elfect (power 1) or be hypnotized ino doing random actions for 28 minutes. ‘a bomb explodes that causes Td10x2 damage to all of those close to the central spot of the area. They only take half damage they resist the radiation (intensity 1) 3__a solid door closes the exits fo the area, ‘a solid door closes the exits to the area, The ceiling then begins to descend. "7 jetal spoon, a pack of 5 baiteries, 10 light bulbs 98 98 100 1 poison needles shoot from a nearby wall, alacking with a weapon score of 1, Anyone in the area must resist the poison (strength 1) or dic. blue flammable gases Till the area. Any flame will ignite it causing all m the area to resist the radiation (intensity 1) from the explosion or suffer 1d8x2 damage. Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 622 10.07.2021 Wizardawn 9 ‘pit opens up in the arca that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who fells in will take 1d6 damage...where the opening then closes. ‘a long razor blade comes from a nearby wall atlacking with a weapon score of I. It will slice at whoever frst enters the area. IP 10 they get hit they will suffer 1d432 damage. 11 mil yellow mits ili re where nyone inside seit i poison gl 1 or afr Hon amen To THAT 7p _sttobe Tights blink at anyone inside where they must resist he mind ellet (power 1) or be hypnotized into doing random 2 actions for $0 minutes Tp thorny vines fil the area and angle around anyone inside causing 1U4+T damage each round and can only be removed ater 20 points of damage have been done tothe thick vines. ‘pit opens up inthe area that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will ake 146 damage. Ir they su TOAD, POISONOUS (MV: 60" Gump 60°) 14 RAD RESIST: 7| MIND RESIST: 4 | POISON RESIST: & ‘This. creature fom the days of the old world althoueh mulated or evolved somewhat. Anvone bitten by the creature must esis the poison (strength 3) or suffer double damage. ‘a nearby wall opens to reveal @ [ANT [MV 90.187 DMG: 1d6 | RAD RESIST: 10 | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIS 1s will aly an opponent that will cause blindness for 244 rounds unless the victim can roll equal or under their dexterity on 1420. If rayed, they will also have a horible strong odor until they are able to wash themselves 7q_bio-Safeavic brown miss fill the area where anyone inside must roll 1d6 foreach item carried, A roll of indicates the Hem is destroyed, 77 8 very bright ligt Mashes in the area..awhere everyone must rll equal or under thelr constinution on 1020 or be Blind for 3 tums. {pa bomb explodes that causes TATO%2 damage fo all of those close to the ental spor ofthe area They only take half damage it they resist the radiation (intensity 1). To Purple gases fil the ara that cause instant unconsciousness To anyone inside Tor about 6 ts unless they ean oll equal o under their constitution on 1420 30 _a pit opens up inthe area that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 146 damage CONTAINERS Roll_Large Container Roll_Small Container T_iron chest with a locked padlock 1 brown nylon medical bag 2 ion desk brown nylon tool pouch 3 rosewood footlocker 3_woven titanium mesh mining bag 4 iron chest with a locked Keyhole brown nylon medical bag. '3__ ion footlocker with a locked keyhole 'S__woven titanium mesh tool pouch ©_ steel safe with @ keypad combination of 9815 woven titanium mesh sack 7_ iron chest 7 woven titanium mesh backpack maple chest white cloth pouch’ 9 iron case '9_blue cloth too! pouch T0_iron chest with @ locked Keyhole T0_woven fitanium mesh pouch Teak footlocker T1_ blue cloth bag 12 iron desk 12 orange cloth sack 13_maple trunk T3_woven titanium mesh bag, 14 mahogany box with a locked Keyhole 14 tan nylon tool pouch TS_ steel safe with a dial combination of TR 26L SR TS__woven titanium mesh mining bag T6_iron box with a locked padlock T6_brown nylon backpack 17 iron footlocker with a locked padlock 17 tan nylon tool pouch TS rosewood chest with a locked padlock TS brown nylon mining bag 19 rosewood box with a locked keyhole 19__woven titanium mesh medical bag 20 mahogany case with a locked keyhole 20 brown silicon pouch CONTAINER TRAPS Roll Container Trap 1_ arrows fire from the wall at anyone in front of the container, attacking with a weapon score of 1, causing 1d6+1 damage. 2 black radioactive beam hits all in front oF the container where they must resist the radiation (Intensity 1) or suffer 1410x2 damage and become stunned for 1d4 rounds. 3__a net wraps up all of those in front of the container and lifts them fo the ceiling appt opens up in front of the container that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 1d6 damage Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 22 10.07.2021 Wizardawn 5 apit opens up in front of the container that is 10 Feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 146 damage. If they survive, they 2 3" tall | AC: 8| HD: ATK: 2 pincers or | attached plasma sword | ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG 148 pincer / 1d8 pineer or 148 sword RAD RESIST: 3 ‘unknown metal, [Lis built in standard robotic form and is about 3 feet in size, It can hover around with an installed hover device @__ darts fire rom the wall at anyone in front ofthe container, atlacking with a Weapon score of T, causing 1d6+1 damage. 7 long razor blade comes from a nearby wall attacking with a weapon score of 1. It will slice at whoever opens the container. they get hit, they will be decapitated "pit opens up in front ofthe container that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 146 damage. If they survive, they then must face a BEETLE, GIANT [MV: 60" | $7: 9 lone | AC: 7 MD: 5 | ATK: | bite | ATK CLASS: 3 | DMG: 346 RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 7) POISON RESIST: 7 | This isa creature from the days of the old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat White gases come out ofthe container that cause instant unconsciousness tothe opener for about 8 turs,.unlew they can To equal or under their constitution on 1420. ‘a spear comes out of the wall toward whoever opens the container It attacks with a weapon score of T and does 146% 10 damage. 11 Along razor Blade comes from a nearby wal atacking with @ weapon score of I. will slice at whoever opens the container. IF they get hit, they will suffer 1d8x2 damage. T2 a solid door closes the exits lo the area, 13 B18Y geses come out ofthe container that cause instant unconsciousness fo the opener for about 4 furns..umless they can roll equal or under their constitution on 1420. 14 @ Bray acid Tiquid that splashes the opener, causing TG2x2 damage. They must also roll equal or under their constitution on 14420 or be blind for 2 days. TS__apit opens up in front of the container that is 10 feet deep and filed with blue acid. Anyone who falls in will be killed. 16a solid door closes the exits fo the area, The ceiling then begins to descend, 17 #6 foot tall blue flower emerges in front of the container that sprays a bluc pollen that will cover the victim in radioactive dust where they will suffer suffer 1d12 damage unless they can resis the radiation (radiation level). TS__apit opens up in front of the container that is 10 feet deep and filled with purple acid. Anyone who falls in will be Killed, 19 _®Pit opens up infront ofthe container that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in wll take 1d6 damage...where the walls begin to compact where they will crush all inside in about 10 minutes. Go &Pit opens up in font ofthe container thats 10 eet deep. Anyone who Tals tn wil take 106 damage..where the opening then MONEY Roll Money Roll_ Money 129 domars 242 domars 317 domars 465 domars 344 domars 634 domars T_65 domars 370 domars 928 domars 1015 domars 127 domars 1242 domars 13_33 domars 1416 domars 15_28 domars 16 16 domars T7_Tédomars 1852 domars 1919 domars 2056 domars 21194 domars 2215 domars 2386 domars 24_ 80 domars 25_27 domars 26_27 domars 27_88 domars 2840 domars 2934 domars 30388 domars 3145 domars 32_30 domars 33.156 domars 3515 domars 37_197 domars 3942 domars 40_74 domars 4146 domars 4222 domars 3_27 domars 44183 domars 45_29 domars 46_27 domars 47_136 domars 48_26 domars Iocathost 808/001 bmbs php? ai22 10.07.2021 Wizardawn 49300 domars 5016 domars S1_148 domars 3250 domars 3320 domars 3433 domars '5_ 78 domars 36_45 domars 3730 domars 5821 domars 5980 domars 6069 domars 61_32.domars (62_280 domars 3_35 domars 64216 domars 6526 domars 6632 domars 67 _69 domars 68 _25 domars (69165 domars 70329 domars TI_ 56 domars 72_69 domars 7321 domars 74197 domars 75_41 domars 76_58 domars 7766 domars 7816 domars 79_24 domars 3037 domars BI_33 domars 82_45 domars 3335 domars S432 domars 8536 domars 3664 domars 87_194 domars 88_24 domars 89186 domars 9064 domars 9176 domars 9227 domars 93_23 domars 94_23 domars 9526 domars 9623 domars 9750 domars 9844 domars 9915 domars T0017 domars EXCEPTIONAL ITEMS 1 Handheld Energy Flood Light [ See Rules} 2 comes euipped with afl helmet that has ds tor wearer] Grenade, Smoke [Dg | Weapon Clas: 3 | Range: Gloves, Pale [ Dg: 1470 | Weapon les: 6 [Powe 20°/40°/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device consume a 60" radius. cell | Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 3 5 Rice Sans 81206 Sa Letter fama ell Powe device wil explode upon impact, damaging al of thase ne em, ie within the 30! blast radius.) 9 To Hit: 8/11/16 | 4 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 3 | 10 20°40 'Y60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device Dese: This rifle fires a beam of icy energy that will fre will explode upon impact, stunning all of those within the Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 3 | M1 Piece of Durable Alloy [Se Res 12 Gente wl explode pon impact damaging al of hore Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 20°/40'/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device Remaining: 0 | Desc: This lantern produces a plasma: green glow in a 60" radius.) 9122 0072001 wzardawn wil explode upon impact, damaging al of those within the 30 bast radius Gaels, Fash | Desc" Thee goes proved te Ge TauNMNe 27 Somvigh ihe ov sudden ashes of tense 18 Armor Plant Fiber [4C Sous: 3) 15 Chemical Fame Retardant [ See Rules _Sesuny Tracker Uni See Rae Pistol, Plasma | Dng> 1546 | Weapon Class 7 Range 60°185°7285°|To Hit: 8/1116 | Ammo: 2 shots per cell 21 Sig Lausting Fst { Ser Rr] 2 imme Remahing 13 ese! Pt pita fiver eam af zreen ener 23 Armor, Plant Fiber [ AC Bonus: -3 ] 24 Slug Launching Rifle [ See Rules ] Gloves, Pulse [ Dmg: 1410 | Weapon Class: 7 | Power: 10 punckes per cell| Power Remaining 7 | Desc: These 25 gloves will increase the power of physical punches, but 26 Infrared Goggles [ See Rules ] only upon impact. dn missed punches do not dain the cell] Grenade, Stn [ Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20740160" | To Hit S/12/16 | Des: This thrown device 30' for a duration of 1d10 minutes. Bladerang[ Dmg? 1412 | Neapon Class 3] Range 20°A0 40" | To it: 8/12/16 | Dese: This razor harp ‘weapon is thrown ata target, where it then returns to the thrower Ifthe attack rolls the highest it can be, then the 29° Laser Hand Torch [ See Rules | 30 target is decapitated if it has a head. If the attack roll is the lowest it ean be, then there is a 50%e chance the weapon doesnot return otherwise the thrower failed fo catch the weapon properly and their hand is severed.| Pistol, Laser [ Dmg: 11d6 | Weapon Class: 6 | Range: jy. 75/200'300"| To tit S/1/16| Ammo: 24 shots pr cell yy Water to ydogren Energy Conversion Unit | Ammo Remaining: 19 | Desc: This pistol fires a beam of [See Rules ] yellow energy.) “Asration Mask Power For of we per cel | Power Trench Coat, Leather, Heavy [AC Bomus: 2 | Des: This Remaining: Desc: Ths mask wil change the facial 33 long leather coat is made from a heavier, studded leather 34° appearance of the wearer to look like someone else. It and provides limited protection] requires a camera pletue ofthe individual, whose appearance is being copied.) Pistol, Electical [ Dg. 11d6 | Weapon Class 3 | Range 70°195°295"| Toft: 8/11/16 | Ammo: 12 shos per cell 35. Slug Launching Pistol [ See Rules ] 36 [Ammo Remaining: 12 | Desc: This pistol fires a wave of elecrieal energy that can potentially hit? targets at once] 37 Sonie Metal Disruption Pistol [See Rules ] sx Nae Bogen Enrey Conversion Unit Cannas Power T day oF ave perce Power 39 Remaining: 1 | Desc: This device can point toward the 40 Handheld Energy Lamp [ See Rules world’s magnetic north pole] Tiel, Sone | Power: Bes por cel Power Remain 4 |Dese: This meal ebm has aio devices bil within 41 tranquilizer Pistol [See Rules] 42 Ifthe wearer focuses ona direction, the can hear almost anything upto 500" aay. Each obstacle reduces the effectiveness by 20". “Armor, Batls [AC Boma 3 | Desc: This metal armor Whip, Pulse [ Dmg: Td72| Weapon Class 7| Power. TO 4g. “Omeseaipped vith fll helmet that has asus sor g_‘Hls por call | Power Remaining: O| Des: Ths whip wil tnd breathing apparats to provide fresh ato the increase the power of physica hits, but ony upon impact. wearer] Any misses donot drat the cell Grenade, Fash | Bmg~ | Weapon Class 3] Rane ; n » Spans: | Toit wate [Deca the thon taxice Communicator [ Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 1 | Desc: This handheld device can alow 45 will explode upon impact, creating a bright light that 46 communication to another communicator up to I mile tauses everyone inthe 30°radis tobe Blinded for 1a con mies. Whip, Pulse [ Dg: a2 | Weapon Class 7] Power To 41 shod, Wooten [AC Boma 4g. ls per cell| Power Remaining: 5 | Desc: This whip will increase the power of physical hits, but only upon impact. Any misses do not drain the cell.) Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? 0122 10.07.2021 49 Antitox Syringe [ Desc: This auto-injecting syringe will give the patient a bonus of 10 for poison resistance. It an only be used after the mament of poisoning. | Wizardawn 50 Personal Anti-Gravity Unit [ See Rules ] ‘Armor, Batlle [ AC Bonus: -5 | Dese: This metal armor ‘comes equipped witha full helmet that has a sun visor Pistol, Fusion [ Dmg: 1406 | Weapon Class: 7 |Range: 55 180/280" | To Hit: 8/1/16 | Ammo: 18 shots per cell 51 aad breathing apparatus to provide fresh air to the 52 | Ammo Remaining: HI | Desc: This pistol fires an intense wearer] beam of red energy.) Si Foes [AC Bo [Bee Taal Fs Poser 5 dys prea For security personnel] area] Piso Caer DT | Weapon Cann 7 Rage systems and open certain doors.] ~~ | Ammo Remaining: 5 | Desc: This pistol fires a beam of Jalon en O40" Tlic 41216 |e: Tsao Sap sq rower tec te ies canbe Be 36 hag Lamching na’ 7 target is decapitated if it has a head. If the attack roll is 58 Slug Launching Pistol [ See Rules } Cache weapon propery nd he hand see : aa : Tio, GST Dm 3 | Weapon C7 Rg Pistol, Fusion { Dig: !2d6 | Weapon Class: $ | Range 1551807280" | To Hit: 10/13/18 | Ammo: 12 shots per 80°/205 /305°| To Hit: 8/11/16 | Ammo: 18 shots per cell 59 lai Re ng: 2 | Desc: This pistol fir i" 60 cell | Ammo Remaining: 10 | Desc: This pistol fires a one Remain enc: Ties pistol fires oe ixiemse wave of electrical energy that can potentially hit 2 targets beam of red energy.) at male e Ps » vs Tio Pon [Dg 506] Weapon Cas [Ra §1 Shock Rod { See Ruler} ° | Ammo Remaining: 5 | Desc: This pistol fires an intense beam of red energy.) Cp For Tac prc ower Reming 1 Des Thane dvi on mary igh rd feel | over © fot apt aes or ack ns anor comer, Reining 1 De: Tom cong 40 food Suton Se aioe eo pass scaly ems ind compre ct Range: 80°/205'/305* | To Hit: 9/12/17 | Ammo: 12 shots mor, Polycarbonate [ AC. 65. parc no Rating [Das Tipline 6 ‘At Pett 4 Bm | Des Ths armor ‘wave of electrical energy that can potentially hit ? is made of a very hard plastic. Grenade, EMP [ Dmg: -| Weapon Class: 3 | Range: oT vant explode upon impact, disabling any electrical device 68 Atomic Hand Torch [ See Rules] within the 30" blast radius.) Dag Fama Dg 2] Weapon Clas 8 Por ee EB Weapon Cas ame 69 | day ofuse per cell | Power Remaining: 0| Desc: This 10 20°/40'/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device apo ols norma cp forte loin ren ml expode pon inp debing ny elec dave energy around the blade when activated] within the 30" blast radius. Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 3 | 71 Sensory Enhancing Helm [ See Rules | 2 device will explode upon impact, damaging all of those within the 30' blast radius.) punches percell Power Renaming Dese Tae etd, asa Dg: 146 Weapon Clas 3 (oR Bs " ie Range: 20°/40 60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown 13. thril aethepoer pea paces ar 14. RANG: 20740 | To te 71216 | Des: tro sont mecha dove wl pd pon ‘Holographic Lamp [ Power: J hour of use per cell | Trench Coat, Leather, Heavy [ AC Bonus: -2 | Desc: This 18 76 long leather coat is made from a heavier, studded leather palm of a hand, It can produce a realistic 3D image of ‘and provides limted protection anything captured from a camera.) Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? see 10.07.2021 Wizardawn day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 1 | Desc: This is made of a very hard plastic:| ‘weapon looks normal except for the glowing green energy around the blade when activated ] Short Sword, Plasma | Dig: 2d6| Weapon Class: 9 Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 0 | Desc: This weapon looks normal except for the glowing green energy around the blade when activated | 79 Noise Protection Headphones [ See Rules ] 80 Computer | Power: I day of use per cell |Power Remaining: 0 | Dese: This handheld device can do many things from downloading files, watching videos, keep Gloves, Pulse [ Dig: d10 | Weapon Class: 7 | Power: 10 punches per cell | Power Remaining: 9 | Dese: These a 52 gloves will nreae the pover of plytcl punches, bt notes, map the area, hack nto anther computer Only upon inpact ny missed punches do not drain the Sten Some ao wae ewe pac cry tems on pen pet ry mise and computerized locks.) Grenade, Flash [ Dmg: =| Weapon Clas 3] Range 207401650" [To Hit 812116 | Desc: This thrown device ine [De 1 83. ll explode ypon impact, creating a bright light that sq Mis Dig 16 Dee This dishaped device wil causes everyone in the 30° radius to be blinded for 1d4 explode as soon as pressure ts put upon it minutes. 85__ Sonic Hand Torch [ See Rules | 86 Shield, Metal [ AC Bonus: -/ ] Grenade, EMP [Ding =| Weapon Clas 3] Range s 20°HD AD" To It 812116 | Dese This thrown device BF Nantel ney Lamp fe i eplde spon inact. bling any cera dee sith the 30" blast ads vol Pawal Deg de pe kan Piso, Esciral [Dmg 60 Weapon Clase 5 Rage Pistol, Plasma [ Dmg: 13d6 | Weapon Class: 7 | Range: 75°/200°/300" | To Hit: 8/11/16 | Ammo: 12 shots per cell 75200300" To Hit 91.2117 | Amma 20 shots per ell 19 520070 ot M1277 nme 20 shots perce og | Amo Remaining 5 Dese: This ptosis wav of ; electrical energy that can potently hit? target at green energy.) once.) we Ps 7 * Scope, Compute | Power T dy af ae por cll 91. Sonic Hand Torch [See Rules 9% Powter Remaining: I | Dee: When atached 00 gun, i rans a Bonus of +20] > Water ydrogn Energy Conversion Ua sdhld Lik ooloay Analvaw | 500 hate 93 [See Rules | 94 Handheld Life Ecology Analyzer [ See Rules } 7 ‘aves, False [Digs TaD] Weapon Clas 6 [Power Grenade EMP Dg -| Weapon Cla: 3 | Rang Ta punches er cal Poes Renaming Dese These 20°/40°/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device i e 's 95 96. gloves wll increase the power of physical punches, bt wll explode upon impact, dseling any electrical device slows wil incense te power of plpsicl punches, bt within the 30" Blast radius.] cell] ” Shon Sword, Plasma [Das 206 | Weapon CaF ‘Grenad Pama [Dn 2H] Weapon Clase 71 gq Power: | day ofuse pr coll | Power Remaining: | gg Range: 20740 60°| To Ht 8/1216 | Des: This thrown Desc: This weapon looks normal excep forthe glowing device wll explode pon impact, damaging all of those green energy around the blade when activated. within the 30" blast radius.] ‘99 Armor, Cured Hide [ AC Bonus: -3 | 100 Protein Disruption Rifle [ See Rules ] Roll Hoard ‘A BROWN NYLON MEDICAL BAG CONTAINING: 720 domars —— Pistol, Fusion [ Dmg: 13d6 | Weapon Class: 5] Range: 80°/205 7305" | To Hit: 10/13/18 | Ammo: 18 shots per cel! |Ammo Remaining: 2 | Desc: This pistol fires an intense beam of red energy.] ~~ Unique Yellow Gem (worth 1,540 domars) —- Plasma Torch [ Power: I use per cell | Power Remaining: 0| Desc: This torch ean cut through, or seal, almost any metal with its extremely hot flame. ~--- Dagger, Plasma { Dmg: 2d4 | Weapon Class: 7 | Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 0 | Desc: This weapon looks normal except for the glowing green energy around the blade when activated | --~ Jar of dull orange powdered iosgen (worth 970 domars) Grenade, Flash [ Dmg: | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°/40 160° | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, creating a bright light that causes everyone in the 30" radius to he blinded for 1d4 minutes] ~~ Sonie Hand Torch { See Rules | ~-~ Space Suit [ See Rules ]-~-- Scope, Computerized [ Power: / day of use per cell | Power Remaining. 1 | Dese: When attached toa gun, if grants a bonus of +2 to hit) —- Armor, Cured Hide [ AC Bomus: -3 ] ~~ tranquilizer Pistol [ See Rules ]— Sonic Metal Disruption Pistol [ See Rules | -—- Helmet, Polycarbonate [ AC Bonus: 1 | Desc: This helmet is made ofa very hard plastic. twas often used by security personnel | 2_ABLUENYLON MEDICAL BAG CONTAINING: 859 domars ——- Armor, Thin Metal [AC Bonus 5 ]— Grenade, EMP [ Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20/40/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, disabling any electrical device within the 30' blast radius.] ~--- Odd Blue Gem (worth 637 domars) ---- Can of energized, black powdered thalforntin (worth 416 domars) —~- Rifle, Plasma | Dmg: 15d6 | Weapon Class: 8 | Range: 75°/200 7300" | To Iocathast.808/tool_bmbs php? sae 10.07.2021 Wizardawn Hit: 6/9/14 | Ammo: 10 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 10 | Desc: This rifle fires a beam of green energy.] —~ Bizarre Yellow Stone (worth 968 domars) --- Slug Launching Pistol See Rules | —-- Fire Extinguisher { Desc: This small canister can spray a cloud of white mist that would extinguish afire in a 10' area] Pistol, Stun [ Weapon Class: 5 | Range: 657190°/290° | To Hit: 7/10/15 | Ammo: & shots per cell| Ammo Remaining: 1 | Desc This pistol fires a beam of energy that will cause an opponent to fall unconscious for 1d6x5 minutes.) ——~- A BROWN NYLON TOOL POUCH CONTAINING: 374 domars ~-— Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°40 160" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, damaging all of those within the 30° blast radius.| Grenade, Stun { Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°/40'/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will 3 explode upon impact, stunning all of those within the 30" for a duration of 1d10 minutes.) ~~ Strange Blue Gem (worth 1,458 domars) -— Communicator [ Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 0 | Desc: This handheld device ean allow communication to another communicator up to 1 mile away.| —-~ Pistol, Plasma [ Dmg: 9d6 | Weapon Class: 6 | Range. {65°/190°/290° | To Hit: 8/1/16 | Ammo: 20 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 7 | Desc: This pistol fires a beam of green energy.) ~-~- Odd Blue Stone (worth 1,420 domars) —-- Grenade, Smoke [ Dmg: ~ | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20/4060" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, causing a cloud of smoke to consume a 60" radius.) ‘A WOVEN TITANIUM MESH POUCH CONTAINING: 126 domars -—- Shock Rod [ See Rules ] —- Short Sword, Plasma [Dmg: 2d6 | Weapon Class: 9| Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: I | Dese: This weapon looks normal except for the glowing green energy around the blade when activated,] ~-- Grenade, Plasma { Dmg: 1246 | Weapon Class: 3 | ‘Range: 20'40°/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, damaging all of those within the 30° ‘last radius] ~~ Bottle of Flammable Chemicals { See Rules |—- Helm, Sonic [ Power: 8 uses per cell | Power Remaining: | Dese: This metal helm has audio devices built within. Ifthe wearer focuses on a direction, they can hear almost anything up to 500" away. Each obstacle reduces the effectiveness by 20:] ~~~ Grenade, Stun { Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range. 20°/40'/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, stunning all of those within the 30" for a duration of Id10 minutes.) —~ Grenade, EMP | Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°/40 160" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, disabling any electrical device within the 30' blast radius, | ~--- Odd Blue Gem (worth 1,264 domars) -- Jet Pack { Power: 3 uses per cell | Power Remaining: 3 | Dese: This device is worn on the back and can allow one to fly 400" above the ground.) ‘A PURPLE CLOTH SACK CONTAINING: 169 domars —— Pistol, Freeze | Weapon Class: 7 | Range: 607185 285" To Hit: 8/11/16 | Ammo: 6 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 5 | Dese: This pistol fires a beam of icy energy that will freeze an opponent for 1d6x10 minutes.) —~ Grenade, EMP | Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20/40 160° | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese This thrown device will explode upon impact, disabling any electrical device within the 30” Blast radius.] ~~ Protein Disruption Pistol [ See Rules ]~-—~ Gloves, Magnetized { Power: I hour of use per cell | Power Remaining: I | Dese: These gloves allow one to climb metal surfaces,] —~ Fire Extinguisher | Dese: This small canister can spray a cloud of white mist 5 that would extinguish afire in a 10° area,] -—~- Belt, Shield [ Power: I hour of use per cell | Power Remaining: 0 | Desc: This belt will ereatea force field around the wearer, giving a I bonus to armor for an howr) ~~ Odd Black Crystal (worth 1,326 domars) ~~ Armor, Battle, Heavy [ AC Bonus: 6 | Desc: This metal armor comes equipped with a full helmet that has a sun visor and breathing apparatus to provide fresh air to the wearer] -~-- Crossbow, Fusion { Dmg: 176 | Weapon Class: 5 | Range: 60°/185 7285" | To Hit: 9/12/17 | Ammo: 8 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 0 | Dese: This weapon fires bolts of red energy.] —— Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 1246 | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20/40 160° | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, damaging all of those within the 30’ blast radius.) ‘A BROWN NYLON BAG CONTAINING: 242 domars —-- Compass [ Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: | Desc: This device can point toward the world’s magnetic north pole, ~--- Odd Purple Crystal (worth 409 domars) —~ Rifle, Electrical [ Dmg: 46 | Weapon Class: 8 | Range: 80°/205 /30S" | To Hit: 7/10/15 | Ammo: 10 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 2 | Dese: This rifle fires a wave of electrical energy that can potentially hit 2 targets at once.) ~~ Mine { Dig: 10d6 | Desc: This disc-shaped device will explode as soon as pressure is put upon it ——~ Shield, Metal [ AC Bonus: -1 ] Pistol, Fusion [ Dmg: J6d6 | Weapon Class: 7 | Range: 70'/195'/295°| To Hit: 10/13/18 | Ammo: 18 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 16 | Desc: This pistol fires an intense beam of red energy: | —-- Armor, Chameleon Suit | AC Bonus: -? | Power: 4 uses per power clip | Power Remaining: 4 | Desc: This armor can be activated to bend light around the wearer, making them virtually invisible. If used without the power clip, it still provides the armor bonus.) ~--- Light Stick { Power: | day of use per cell | Pawer Remaining: } | Desc: This 1" long rod can light up a 30' area.] ——- Bladerang [ Dmg: Id12 | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20'/40°/60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This razor sharp weapon is thrown ata target, where it then returns to the thrower. Ifthe attack roll i the highest it can be, then the target is decapitated if it has a head. Ifthe attack roll isthe lowest it ‘can be, then there s a 50% chance the weapon does not retur...otherwise the thrower failed to catch the weapon properly and their hand is severed] 7A PURPLE CLOTH MINING BAG CONTAINING: 80 domars —-— Bottle of irradiated, dark black liquid soforaium (worth 1,305 domars) —— tranquilizer Pistol [ See Rules ] — Pistol, Stun [ Weapon Class: 6 | Range: 50/75 275° | To Hit 7/10/15 | Ammo: 8 shots per cel! | Ammo Remaining: 5 | Desc: This pistol fires a beam of energy that will cause an opponent 1 fall unconscious for 1d6x5 minutes.| ~--- Rifle, Laser [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 8 | Range: 857210310 | To Hit: 619/14 | Ammo: 12 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 3 | Dese: This rifle fires a beam of yellow energy] —- Grenade, Smoke [Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20740 V60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, ‘causing a cloud of smoke to consume a 60 radius,] -—-- Curious Gray Crystal (worth $72 domats) —-- Pistol, Laser { Dmg: T2d6 | Weapon Class: 6 | Range: 60/185 /285° | To Hit: 10/13/18 | Ammo: 24 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 17 | Desc: This pistol fires a beam of yellow energy:] ~--- Piece of purple hyiium metal (worth 448 domars) —-- Multi-Tool [ Dese: This small packet tool has many functions. They have items like a knife, wire cutters, scissors, wire strippers, and bottle opener They are often used to fix electrical devices or physically bypassing security systems and locks. | ~~ Flamethrower [ Dig: 746 | Weapon Class: 5 | Range: 10°/20 40" | To Hit: 10/14/18 |Ammo: 5 shots per bottle of flammable chemicals | Ammo Iocathast.808/tool bmbs php? 9122 10.07.2021 Wizardawn Remaining: 1 | Desc: This gun can fire a cone of flame 40° long and 15° wide.| -—-- Grenade | Dmg: 846 | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°/40 60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, damaging all of those within the 30° blast radius,] ‘A BROWN SILICON SACK CONTAINING: 1,364 domars —~ Jar of ight greca powdered dysprouth (worth 616 domars) ~ ~-Helm, Sonic { Power: 8 uses per cell | Power Remaining: 2 | Dese: This metal helm has audio devices built within. Ifthe wearer focuses ona direction, they can hear almost anything up to 500' away. Each obstacle reduces the effectiveness by 20] Handheld Medical Analyzer [ See Rules ]-~-- Handheld System Engineering Unit [ See Rules ]~-~- Grenade, Flash [ Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20°/40'/60°| To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, creating 4 bright light that causes everyone inthe 30’ radius to be Blinded for Td4 minutes,| ~~ Pistol, Laser [ Dmg: 8d6 | Weapon (Class: § | Range: 70°/195'/295 | To Hitz 9/12/17 | Ammo: 24 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 23 | Desc: This pistol fires a ‘eam of yellow energy] Flashlight [ Power: 2 days of use per cell| Power Remaining: 2| Desc: This item cam light up a 40’ forward area.| ~~ Gloves, Magnetized | Power: I hour of use per cell | Power Remaining: I | Desc: These gloves allow one to climb metal surfaces.| ~~ Motion Sensor [ Power: ! day of use per cell | Power Remaining: 0 | Desc: These small devices must be pointed ina direction, and will produce an alarm if movement is detected within a 180 degree area.) ~ Goggles, Flash [ Dese: These goggles protect the eyes from bright lights or sudden flashes of intense light.] — Pistol, Electrical [ Dmg: 11d6 | Weapon Class: ? | Range: 65:190°7290" | To Hit: 10/13/18 | Ammo: 12 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 7 | Dese: This pistol fires a wave of electrical energy that can potentially hit 2 targets at once.) —-~ Pistol, Stun { Weapon Class: 6 | Range: 75/200'/300" | To Hit: 7/10/15 | Ammo: 8 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 8 | Dese: This pistol fires a beam of energy that will cause an opponent to fall unconscious for 1d6x5 minutes.] ‘A WOVEN TITANIUM MESII BAG CONTAINING: 360 domars —-- Grenade, Smoke [ Dmg:-| Weapon Class: 3 | Range 20°40°(60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, causing a cloud of smoke to consume a 60" ‘adius.]-—-- Holster, Concealed [ Desc: This ean be strapped to an individual to hold a pistol weapon | -—- Piece of shiny blue cartetgen rock (worth 259 domars) ~~ Weird Gray Stone (worth 1,104 domars) ~~ Mine [ Dmg: 10d6 | Dese: This disc-shaped device will explode as soon as pressure is put upon it] 10 ‘A PURPLE NYLON SACK CONTAINING: 426 domars ---- Vial of light yellow liquid phosminsium (worth 600 domars) += Pieve of conductive, red sotuth metal (worth 365 domars) --- Pistol, Fusion | Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 5 | Range: 657190290" | To Hit: 9/12/17 | Ammo: 18 shots per cell | Ammo Remaining: 15 | Desc: This pistol fires an intense beam of red energy,] ~~ Jar of orange powdered henoctium (worth 880 domars) --- Chunk of shiny gray oxtetium ore (worth 396 domars) ~~ Motion Sensor [ Power: I day of use per cell | Power Remaining: I | Desc: These small devices must be pointed in a direction, and will produce an alarm if movement is detected within a 180 degree area, ~-- Mine [ Dmg: 10d6 | Desc This dise-shaped device will explode as soon as pressure is put upon it] —-- Grenade, Plasma [ Dmg: 12d6 | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20740°/60" | Ta Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, damaging all of thase within the 30" blast radius.] ~~ Armor, Thick Hide [ AC Bonus: -1 | —-- Mine [ Dmg: 10d6 | Desc: This disc-shaped device will explode as soon as pressure is put upon it ——- Sonic Metal Disruption Rifle [ See Rules ) —- Bottle of Chemical Acid [See Rules | --—~ Chemical Flame Retardant [ See Rules ]——~ Boots, Jump [ Power: 6 uses per cell | Power Remaining: 2 | Dese: These boots allow the wearer to jump 50! across or 20" high.) ‘Remarkable Brown Gem (worth S58 domars) - A WOVEN TITANIUM MESH MINING BAG CONTAINING: 446

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