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all they have seen is death and the trauma that comes with it.

From the meaning “it is sweet and right”, I see it as a

rhetorical phrase saying that at a young age, all they
experienced and witnessed was excessive “sorrow”.


In the space below summarize Remarque’s message.

Remarque is talking about the horrors of life that are faced

especially at times of war. During World War One many lives
were taken away and this is what many soldiers had to live
through and face. People are just killing each other for their
country but Remarque is saying that it is unnecessary and in
her terms “foolishly”. People are going based on what their
country says instead of thinking for themselves.

I think it also indirectly conveys how hard it can be for many

soldiers to live a normal life when they return home because
Characteristics: Sketch: How does it embody the Lost Generation trend of
● Throw images and color disillusionment?
together even though they They are rejecting the norms of the past and of World
might not go together War One, which shows they were upset by how they
● The art expresses satire and wasted their time and effort in a war where their friends
irony which make it and loved ones died in a depressing environment. As a
humorous result they tried to make this style of art funny and
● Nonsense Art different to distance themselves from the depressing


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