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17.07.2021 Wiardawn ‘Save Map As Image Exodus Spaceship An Adventure For 4 Level 1 Characters 1 - Empty of mundane items, 2+ This area contain... corroded metal sewing needle, humidifert gallon (worth 40 domas), tel chair, shredded and tom clothing, chemical call (1 each), bent metal sewing needle, mounted alien animal head ‘THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED IN VARIOUS SPOTS... A WOVEN TITANIUM MESH MEDICAL BAG CONTAINING: 667 domars (Located inside the mounted alien animal head ) 3- This area contains... 2 small glowing stones scattered around, bio-fit armor, rusty metal filing cabinet, 4 brown | inch glass orbs. 4 This area contain... sling stone (14 each), 18 foot ope, air mattress (worth 11 domars), see! bowl localhost 208/too!_uruins.php2eun=t 4s 707.2024 Wizardawn ZOMBIE [MV: 60" |$Z: 6" tall |AC: 8 | HD: 2 | ATK: | bite | ATK CLAS! MIND RESIST: immune | POISON RESIST: 4 } ‘tone time, scientists on board reanimated the dead. Some of them still roam the ship. Any medium sized humanoid mammal killed by these ereatures will return as one of them, ~ There are 7 in this room [HIT POINTS: 6, 6, 2, 7,3, 5, 6] | DMG: 146 | RAD RESIST: immune | 5 -Fimpty of mundane items WOLVERINE [MV: 120° | $2 2° long | AC: 8] HD: 3 | ATK: I claw / I bite | ATK CLASS: 2 | DM RAD RESIST: § | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 7 ] This is a creature from the days of the old world. ~ There are 8 in this room [HIT POINTS: 9, 9, 12, 12, 10, 14,9, 7] .d4 claw / 1d6 bite | 6- This area contains... 8 small glowing stones scattered around, air pump/nuclear powered (worth 4 domars), rusty knife handle, blunt scalpel, bent metal pot. ROOM TRAP: Spiked robotic coils fill the area and tangle around enyone inside causing 1d4+1 damage each round and can only be removed after 20 points of damage have been done to the sharp metal tentacles. 7 This area contains... towel (worth 1 domars), bloody rags scattered around, white plastic pallet, food preserves/box (orth 8 domars, scout armor, dried blood on the flor, security box/'metaliwith key (worth 20 domars), strilizer’plasma (orth 15 domar). 8 - This area contains... strange metal basin, a medium-sized locked rusty eage with ashes on the bottom, metal dust pan, 2 thumbtacks, ruined yellow sheet THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED IN VARIOUS SPOTS... ABROWN NYLON TOOL POUCH CONTAINING: 1,000 domars ( Located inside the strange metal basin ) THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a metal safe with a broken door, APILE OF DOMARS: 550 domars 9.- Empty of mundane items. 10- Empty of mundane items. 11 - Empty of mundane items. 12 This area contains... $ odd alien dice, holographic game chip (worth $ domars), leather boot, 22 foot rope, rusty metal shelf. 180" | $2: 2° long | AC: | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RE ‘This is a creature from the days of the old world. ~ There are 2in this room (HIT POINTS: 3, 4] [HDs 1 | ATK: | claw /1 bite | ATK CLASS: 1 | DMG: 1-2 claw / 1-2 bite | 1 13-5 ipty of mundane items 14 - Empty of mundane items. 15 - This area contains... 90 feet of purple string, sonie scrubber (worth 1 domars), useless ink pen, broken glass pitcher, a scattered, alien chess-type set, whip. 16 - This area contains... bent book shelf, quarrel (8 each), sonie precipitation shield/personal (worth 19 domars), box of odd gray ore, splattered blue liquid on the floor, ruined red sheet, 4 picces of metal 17- pty of mundane items. localhost. 808/tool_uruins.php2eun=t 28 707.2024 Wizardawn 18 - Empty of mundane items. 19 This area contains... steel chair, rusty metal basin, camera/IR/wireless (worth 40 domars), flashlight, areas with mold, blood smears on the floor. 20 - Empty of mundane items 21 - This area contains... leather boot, metal probe, dents in the floor, light rod (worth 5 domars) 22. Empty of mundane items 23- This area contains... 3 iron spikes, 7 foot ruined metal pole, blue washcloth, steel storege eabinet, medical pan (worth domars). ‘TOAD, POISONOUS (MV: 60° (Jump 60°) | SZ: 5° wide | AC: 8 | HD: 2| ATK: 1 bite | ATK CLA RAD RESIST: 7| MIND RESIST: 4 | POISON RESIST: 8 ] This is a creature from the days of the old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat. Anyone bitten by the creature must resist the poison (strength 3) or suffer double damage. ~ There are 5 in this room [HIT POINTS: 10, 6, 5, 10, ] 2|DMG: 244] 24- This area contains... small puddle of clean water, gray slime on the floor, $0 fet of green sting, metal mug THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED IN VARIOUS SPOTS... A YELLOW CLOTH BAG CONTAINING: 601 domars (Located inside the small puddle of elean water ) 25. Empty of mundane items. 26 - Empty of mundane items. 27 - Empty of mundane items. 28 - Ths area contains... small puddle of stagnant water, 15 thumbtacks, black string (50 feet), dented metal clothes cabinet (CONTAINS: red gown | ruined black leather sandals | ripped yellow cloak | black slippers | blue sweater vest | gray stocking cap | drown gown | Black slippers | brown leather sandals | orange socks] refrigerator/ieezer/small (worth 70 domars), small puddle of oily water, personal locator deviee (worth 11 dornars) 29 This arca contains... chemical cell (I each), solar cel (5 each), personal locator device (worth 17 domars), chemical cell (4 each), 30 This area contains... folding shovel (worth 10 domers), 6 large broken and old eggshells, small metal mirror, ruined picture of a alien male, medical pan (worth 4 domars), dents in the ceiling. 31 - This area contains... hydrogren cell (I each), mounted alien animal head, food tray/metal (worth 4 domars), broken scout armor, useless flashlight, model space station (worth 6 domars) 32. This area contains... liquid dripping from the ceiling, metal trash can, 5 light bulbs on the eciling held...but only 3 of them are Still useable, toy spaceship/temote control/SOmph (worth 300 domars), metal dented space helmet with an rotted head of a human still init THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED IN VARIOUS SPOTS... Laser Hand Torch { See Rules ] (Located inside the metal trash can ) 33 - Empty of mundane items THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED: in a metal box with a broken retina scanner lock. A PILE OF DOMARS: 444 domars Grenade, Smoke [ Dmg: - | Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 201/40 60" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Dese: This thrown device will explode upon impact, causing a cloud of smoke to consume a 60" radius.) Iocathost.808/too|_uruns.php2eun= ais 707.2024 Wizardawn 34 This area contains... cane, small ruined metal mirror, green cushion, flashlight, tom black blanket. ROOM TRAP: A pit opens up in the area that is 10 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 146 damage. If they survive, they then must face a TOAD, GIANT [MV: 60° (Jump 60°)| ‘wide | AC: 8) HD: 3 | ATK: 1 bite RAD RESIST: 6 | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 7 ‘This is creature from the days of the old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat. THESE SPECIAL ITEMS ARE LOCATED IN VARIOUS SPOTS... A PURPLE CLOTH BAG CONTAINING: 362 domars ( Located inside the green cushion ) RANDOM ENCOUNTERS IN THE SPACESHIP. 1d12_ SPACESHIP ENCOUNTER 3V6-D ANDROID [MY: 160° [SZ 11" tall AG: 8 |HD: 2 [ATK: I claw/ I jaw [ATK CLASS: DMG: 108 claw / 1d8 jaw | RAD RESIST: 3 ] The 3V6-D Android is an android built with artificial intelligence that runs on nuclear liquid and is made mostly of a dull, silver looking, unknown metal. iis built in the form of a dragon and is about 11 feet in size. It can move around on 4 legs. ANT, GIANT [MV: 180° |Z: 2" long |AC: 8 [ HD: 2 [ ATK: | bite [ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG: 146] 2. RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 3 | A huge red ant with a poisonous bite. One must resist the poison (strength 3) or suffer double damage. BADGER [MV: 60° (Burrow 30°) |SZz 3 long |AC: 8 HD: 2 | ATK: | claw I bite [ATK CLASS: 3. 2claw/ 1-2 bite | RAD RESIST: 7 | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 3 | This is creature from the days of the old world. CAVE MAN [MV: 120° [82:7 tall | AC: 8 | HD: 2 [ATK I weapon | WEP: Axe (Id dmmg) [ATK CLASS: 2| DMG: weapon | RAD RESIST: 6 | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 7 ] These seem to be a reverse of human evolution. They look like primitive human with thicker skulls and hunched posture. They lve in tribes, wear furs, and use spears and clubs to hunt. FLY, GIANT [MV: 90° (Fly 300°) [SZ: 3 long [AC: 8 | HD: 5 RAD RESIST: 8] MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 5 ] This is a creature from the days ofthe old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat LEECH, GIANT [MV: 30° |SZ: 4 long [AC: 8 | HD: 2 [ ATK: | bite [ATK CLASS: 2] DMG: 1d6] RAD RESIST: 41 MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RI 7) This is @ creature from the days ofthe old worl, although mutated or evolved somewhat, They will atch onto its prey if ‘they succeed at biting. If they are not removed, they will drain the victim’s blood causing 1d8 damge per round, LIZARD MAN [MY: 60° (Swim 120°)| 82: 7° tall AC: 8 [HD: 3 | ATK: | weapon | WEP: Sling (Id4 dmg) | 7 ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG: weapon [RAD RESIST: 5 | MIND RESIST: 7 | POISON RESIST: 7] These green scaled lizard men usually live in swamps, bunting with spears, clubs, and swords. LIZARD MAN, DESERT (MV: 90° |Z: 7" tall |AC: 8 HD: 3 | ATK: I weapon or I breathe | WEP: Broadsword (168 dmg) | ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG: weapon / 1d6 breathe | RAD RESIST: immune | 8 MIND RESIST: 4 | POISON RESIST: 7] These green scaled lizard me usualy live in deserts, hunting with spears, clubs, and swords. They can breathe fire up to 6° MUCK MAN [MV: 30° [82:7 tall AG: 8 [HD: 2 [ATK: I muck [ATK CLASS: 2 [DMG: 106 | RAD RESIST: 6| MIND RESIST: immune | POISON RESIST: 7 This creature seems to be made of mud, which it throws at enemies. It wll absorb any biological creature it kills. It cannot be hurt by blunt weapons or protectles like bullets or arrows, TDM TATK: 1 bite [ATK CLASS: 2 DMG: a8] RAT [MV: 150°| SZ: P long [AC: 8 [HD: I | ATK: | bite [ATK CLs TDMG: 1 [RAD RESIST: immune] 10 MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 6 ] This isa creature from the days ofthe old world, 'STURG FLY [MV: 60° (Fly 180°) | §Z: 2 long |AC: 8| HD: 2] ATK: | bite [ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG: 1d] RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 4| POISON RESIST: 5 ] This large fly is mostly bright purple in color and will attempt to bite its prey. Anyone bitten must resist the poison (strength 3) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds TICK, GIANT [MV: 30° [S23 2" wide |AC: 8 HD: 3 | ATK: | bite [ATK CLASS: 2| DMC MIND RESIST: 5 | POISON RESIST: 6 ] This is a creature from the days of the old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat. They will latch on to its prey if they succeed at biting. If they are not removed, they will drain the vietim’s blood causing 146 damge per round, u (4 RAD RESIST: 5] RANDOM ENCOUNTERS IN THE CLIMATE AREA.. 1di2_ ENCOUNTER 1 BARVUL [MV: 90° [SZ 7 tall |AC: 8] HD: 4 ATK: weapon | WEP: Bow (1d6 dmg) [ATK CLASS: 3] DMG: weapon | RAD RESIST: 10 | MIND RESIST: 4 | POISON RESIST: 5 ] The barvul are a primitive race of humanoids that travel in packs and use spears, bows, or clubs to hunt with, Their skin is localhost. 808/tool_uruins.php2eun=t as 707.2024 Wizardawn light purple in color and they have black hair. They have three eyes on their head that vary from brown to green. They often wear skins but sometimes fine ancient military clothing as well. They sometime tame cave beats as riding mounts. GIANT, FIRE [MV: 120° | $Z: 12° tall | AC: 4 | MD: 12 | ATK: | club | WEP: Broadsword (1d8 dmg) | ATK CLASS: 5 DMG: 2410 club | RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 13 | POISON RESIST: 14] 2 These giant humanoids usually hunt with enormous clubs. Their skin is orange in color and they have bright red hair. They have a natural resistance to heat, 2B903-3 FIGHTING BOT [MV: 50" [SZ: 4 tall] AC: 4 [HD: 14 [ATK: I claw/ I jaw or | attached plasma broadsword | 4 ATICCLASS: 6 | DMG: 1d8 claw / 1d4 jaw or 1410 sword | RAD RESIST: 3] The 28903-3 Fighting Bot is a combat bot that runs on uranium batteries and is made mostly of a metallic, green shaded, crystal alloy. Itis builtin the form of a tiger and is about 4 fect in size. It can move around on 4 legs. SPIDER, LARGE [MV: 60° (On Web 150°) | SZ: 2 wide | AC: 8] HD: 2| ATK: 1 bite | ATK CLASS: 2 | DMG: 144] RAD RESIST: 5 | MIND RESIST: 3 | POISON RESIST: 11 ] 4 This isa creature from the days of the old world, although mutated or evolved somewhat. Anyone bit will need to resist the poison (strength 3) or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Any web a vietim is caugl under their strength on 1420. n ean only be escaped from a roll equal or YVAMPERE [MY: 180° | SZ: 7 all AG: 6]HD:9 | ATI MIND RESIST: & | POISON RESIST: 11 ] These humanoids have sickly white skin with pointy ears. They ean speak somewhat and are often wearing old ragged clothing. They fear any bright light and sleop in dark corners during the day. At night they will hunt for any medium sized creature that has some form of blood. Anyone bitten by these ereatures, and lives, will become a vampere in about a week bits [ATK CLASS: 5 | DMG: 246| RAD RESIST: 12| 21-94 ROBOT [MV: 30° [SZ 7 tall | AC: 8 | MD: 2 | ATK: 2 claws or | built-in plasma grenade Tauncher | AT CLASS: 2 | DMG: 146 claw / 1d6 claw or 348x4 grenade | RAD RESIST: 3 ] The 21-94 Robot is a robot with advanced Al that rans on muclear batteries and is made mostly of a rough, black looking, ‘adamant. It is built in standard robotic form and is about 7 feet in size. It can hover around with an installed propeller device ‘BUMBLEBEE, GIANT [MV: 60° Fly 240°)| SZ: 3 long| AC: 7 | HD: 7 |ATK: I sting | ATK CLASS: 4|DMG: 146] RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 5 | POISON RESIST: 10 ] This is a creature from the days ofthe old worl, although mutated or evolved somewhat. Anyone failing to resist the poison (strength 7) will swell up for 2d hours and must remove all clothing o keep from suffocating. Medicine can reduce this i by 14 hours. BULL, SLIME [MV: 120° [SZ 5 tall |AG: 6 [HD: 8] ATK: | hom or I spray [ATK CLASS: 4 | DMG: 2d12 or 1420] RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 9 | POISON RESIST: 10] ‘These blood red bulls have yellow eyes and green slime dripping from their mouth, They usually attack with homs but may spit 25% of the time, The spit is heavily irradiated and anyone hit with it must resist the radiation (intensity 8) or sufTer double damage. LIZARD MAN, DE Tall | AG: 8 | HD: 3 | ATK? 1 weapon or 1 breathe | WEP: Axe (1d6 dma) | ATK CLASS: 2| DMG: weapon / 146 breathe | RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 4 | POISON RESIST: 7 ] These green scaled lizard me usually live in deserts, hunting with spears, clubs, and swords. They can breathe fie up to 6 away. 10 2MS-VZE SEARCH BOT [MV: RAD RESIST: 3 ] The 2MS-VZE Search Bot isa retrieval bot that runs on nuclear Tiguid and is made mostly of a shiny, white colored, iron. It is builtin standard robotic form and is about 10 feet in siz. It can hover around with an installed hover device. 30° [SZ: 10" tal AC: 4] HD: 13 | ATK: | fist | ATK CLASS: 6 DMG: 144 Fist] BARBUGA [MV: 90° (Burrow 10°) [82:5 long [AC: 5 [HD: 9 [ATK: I bite | ATK CLASS: 5 [DMG: 346] RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 10 | POISON RESIST: § ] A large burrowing insect with huge jaws and a dark blue outer shel 2 ‘CROX (MV: 120° | SZ: 8 tall |AC: 7| HD: 6 | ATK: I claw/1 bite [ATK CLASS: 4| DMG: 106 claw / 148 bite] RAD RESIST: immune | MIND RESIST: 6 | POISON RESIST: 3 } These bipedal lizards resemble ferocious crocodile humanoids and stand around 8 fect tall. They are immune to toxins & radiation, quite savage, and will attack almost anything they think is edible. ARTIFACTS FOUND IN THIS SPACESHIP. ITEM ROOM DESCRIPTION Grenade, Smoke [ Dig: ~| Weapon Class: 3 | Range: 20740160" | To Hit: 8/12/16 | Desc: This thrown device will explode upon impact, causing a cloud of smoke to consume a 60! radius.) 32 Laser Hand Torch [ See Rules ] "Metamorphosis Alpha” isa trademark of James M. Ward. ‘The information is used on a non-commercial basis and no infringement of copyright is intended "Broken Urthe” is a trademark of Wizardawn Entertainment. localhost. 808/tool_uruins.php2eun=t 55

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