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Social media live project

Facebook Campaign

Student Name:
Slide 1

Campaign Problem Statement

{Please write down the problem statement and information provided to you}

Blog topic and link: Stay Fit n Fine – A way to a healthy living


Budget provided: Rs 1000/-

Objective: To generate traffic on my blog site

TG: Mainly targeted educated and professional people living in metropolitian cities,
people interested in health &fitness, yoga, meditation,nutritious food, gymming,
relationships, spirituality, people between the age group of 18-65 years.
Slide 2

Explain the targeting parameters

{Identify the targeting parameters you’d select to amplify your blog Give reasons for
the same, even if it is NA.}

Targeting parameters:
1. Age Range – Targeted people between 18-65 years of age, since every individual wants to stay fit and happy in order to lead a
healthy lifestyle, be it a college student or a retired person, hence targeted wider age group.
2. Location- Mainly targeted people living in tier A cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad , etc , who live a very busy and
stressful life owing to the fast pace of their daily lifestyle, also randomly targeted few foreign countries like Srilanka, Singapore,
Canada etc.
3. Interests- Targeted people having interest in fitness, healthy food, meditation, yoga, relationships, spirituality, who try to
seek out ways to cope up with their daily stress in jobs, relationships and health problems in order to live a happy and
stressfree life with their loved ones.
4. Any other relevant targeting parameters- Mainly targeted educated and professional class of people who are seeking for
knowledge to find ways to a healthy living.
Campaign summary screenshot-1 Slide 3

Here I have created two ads :

Ad 1 - Traffic_Jan 23_ A product

Ad 2 (Boosted) - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !”
I have pasted screenshots of the performance & demographics of both ads in the
upcoming next slides.
Ad 1 -Traffic_Jan 23_ A product
Ad 2(Boosted) - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !”
Slide 4

Campaign summary screenshot- 2

Slide 5

Campaign result screenshot- Performance

Ad 1- Traffic_Jan 23_ A product
Traffic_Jan 23_ A product
Traffic_Jan 23_ A product - Demographics
Ad 2 - Boosted Ad - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !”
Boosted Ad - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !”
Boosted Ad - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !” -
Overall performance of campaign combining results of both ads together-
Comparison between both ad results
Traffic_Jan 23_ A product
Boosted Ad - Post: "Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happy life !”
Slide 7

Write a short summary covering following points (Word limit- 150 words):
a) What KPIs will you use to analyze the ad performance?
b) Was the campaign a success or not?
c) Based on the results obtained, suggest some targeting optimizations that you
would perform. (atleast 2)
d) Based on the results obtained, suggest some creative optimizations that you would
perform. (atleast 2)
KPIs to analyze the ad performance -
KPI or Key performance indicator are the parameters which help a marketer to analyse the performance of his/her campaign.
There are 4 key parameters on the basis of which I would measure the performance of my campaign, these are:

(** I have run two ads under my campaign )

1. Reach/Impression/Frequency-
a. Ad 1- Traffic_Jan23_A product :
Reach- 33952 , Impressions- 44910 , Frequency - 1.25
b.Ad 2- Boosted Post (Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happiness) :
Reach - 57152 , Impressions- 62124 , Frequency - 1.09

2. CTR (Click through rate) :

a. Traffic_Jan23_A product - 0.55%
b. Boosted Post (Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happiness)- 1.15%

3. CPC (Cost per link click ):

a. Traffic_Jan23_A product - Rs 3.03/-
b. Boosted Post (Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happiness)- Rs 0.74/-

4. CPM ( Cost per mille/ thousand impressions) :

a. Traffic_Jan23_A product - Rs 16.53/-
b. Boosted Post (Balanced mind body and soul is a key to happiness)- Rs 8.51/-
Was the campaign a success or not?

● On the basis of all these 4 parameters I have concluded that Ad 2 i.e Boosted
post with CTR of 1.15% was successful as compare to the Ad 1

● Ad 1- Traffic_Jan 23_ product A with CTR 0.55% was not successful since
CTR was below 1%.
Targeting optimizations strategies -
1. By increasing the geographical spread i.e instead of just adding metropolitian cities
including all states of India (Pan India) and also including few other Asian countries like
Srilanka, Thailand, Bangladesh etc. would help in reaching more people.

2.By retargeting the audience who visited my blog , since these people are more likely to
convert and usually cost less.

3.By choosing detailed targeting which has a feature named “must also match” interests
leads to a more engaged audience and reduces click/conversion costs by up to 25%.

4.Targeting more tech savy audience as these people are more likely to click/ convert.
Creative optimization strategies -
1. Identifying search terms which are more likely to generate clicks/ website visits
and using them in our tags and content.

2. Adding more interactive content like quizzes, videos , puzzles will help to
increase engagement.

3. Using images which are more visually attractive and grab attention easily.

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