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1. )Name the left wing Political Party started by Subhas Chandra Bose.
Mention its objectives.
To bring the entire left wing under one banner, Bose started the
Political Party known as Forward Bloc on May 3, 1939.
i)Forward Bloc’s immediate objective was liberation of India with the
support of workers, peasants, youth and other organizations.
ii)After attaining independence, Forward Bloc planned for the
establishment of a socialist lines
a)reorganization of agriculture and industry on socialist lines.
b)abolition of the Zamindari system.
c)introduction of a new monetary and credit system.
2)Explain the circumstances that led to the formation of the Indian
National Army.
i)The idea of the INA was conceived in Malaya by Mohan Singh, an
Indian officer in the British Indian Army.
ii)Indian Prisoners of war were handed over by the Japanese to Mohan
Singh and introduced them to INA.
iii)The fall of Singapore brought 45,000 Indian prisoners of war into
Mohan Singh’s sphere.
3)What were the main objectives of INA?
i)To organize an armed revolution and to fight the British army with
modern arms.
ii)Since it was not possible for the Indians to organize an armed
revolution from their homeland, this task was assigned to the Indians
living in East Asia.
iii)To organize a provisional government of Free India in order to
mobilize all the forces effectively.
iv)Total mobilization of Indian man – power and money for a total war.
v)The motto of the INA was ‘unity, faith, sacrifice’.
Mention the contributions of Subhas Chandra Bose to India’s freedom
i)Bose led the freedom struggle outside India as the Supreme
Commander of the INA. He set up the Provisional Government of
Free India in Singapore.
ii)He declared war on Britain and the USA and acquired its first stretch
of territory in India when Japan handed over Andaman and Nicobar
iii)S. C. Bose gave the call to his soldiers ‘Give me blood and I shall
give you freedom’. He gave the slogan ‘Delhi Chalo’ and ‘Jai Hind’.
iv)The INA gave a tough fight to the British in the Assam hills and
succeeded in capturing Ukhral and Kohima. However, the surrender
of Japan in the Second World War sealed the fate of INA.
V)The INA set an inspiring example of patriotism. The heroic deeds
and sacrifices of the soldiers of INA led to political consciousness
among the Indian forces.

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