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Brokenshire College

Madapo, Davao City


BC Life Purpose
Brokenshire College fulfills the Evangelical Christian Teaching Ministry of the Church.

BC Vision Statement
Brokenshire College is the leading learning and transforming Evangelical Christian institution enabling learners to make a difference in the

BC Mission Statement
Brokenshire College is a learning institution engaged in the diffusion of knowledge through quality instruction, research and extension. It
leads a life of faith, learning and action that develops holistic individuals who are responsive to the needs and aspirations of the community.
It manages wisely all resources to ensure sustainable growth of the institution and contributes to the realization of a just, free and responsible
social order.

Quality Policy
Brokenshire College is committed to provide value-oriented quality Christian education through continuous improvement and total
involvement for customer satisfaction.

Core Values


Justice Leadership

Service Compassion

Psychology Program Vision Statement
The Psychology department is a center of excellence providing globally competitive education, training and services in diverse applications
of Psychology.

Psychology Program Mission Statement

The Psychology department develops graduates who are competent, compassionate and ethical professionals to the practice of clinical,
counseling, industrial and social psychology towards personal and social transformation.

Psychology Program Goal

The Psychology program produces graduates with a solid knowledge and skills in psychology as well as in natural sciences.

Program Outcomes
After completing the program, graduates will be able to:
(Common to all programs in all types of school)
1. Engage in lifelong learning and understanding the need to keep abreast of the developments in the specific field of practice.
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility
5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage”

(Common to a horizontal type – Professional Institute)

1. Demonstrate a service orientation in one’s profession.

(Common to the Discipline- Bachelor of Science in Psychology)

1. Demonstrate the capability to discuss and analyze the major theories and concepts in Psychology (Knowledge in Psychology).
2. Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building knowledge on local culture and context (Psychological
3. Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal and professional setting (Application of Psychology).
4. Demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in a graduate education or in a professional context (Independent
5. Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice in Psychology (Ethics).
6. Demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, clients and others (Interpersonal Skills) in diverse cultural setting.
7. Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and evaluation (psychological assessment).

Course Title PSY 110

Course Description SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY

Course Credits 3 UNITS

Pre-requisite PSY 107

Contact Hours per Week 3 HOURS PER WEEK

Course Outcomes At the end of the course, the students will be able to:
 Acquire knowledge from the different concepts of Social Psychology
 Critically evaluate the difference between Social Perception, Social Influence, and Social Relations.
 Create specific perspectives on how to apply social psychology in different fields.
 Perform effective social experiments.

Course Outline
Week Topics

PRELIM Introduction to Social Psychology

1 Chapter 1: What is Social Psychology?

2 Chapter 2: Doing Social Psychology Research

3 Social Perception
Chapter 3: The Social Self
4 Chapter 4: Perceiving Persons

5 Chapter 5: Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination


MIDTERM Social Influence

6 Chapter 6: Attitudes

7 Chapter 7: Conformity

8-9 Chapter 8: Group Processes



11 Social Relations

Chapter 9: Attraction and Close Relationship

Chapter 10: Helping Others

13 Chapter 11: Aggression

Applying Social Psychology
Chapter 12: Law

16 Chapter 13: Business

17 Chapter 14: Health and Well-Being

18 Final Exam: Social Experiment

Learning Plan

At the end of the day, each student
will able to:

1. Define Social Psychology. Introduction to Social Assignment, Laptop, projector Week 1-2
2. Identify the brief history of Social Psychology Quiz
Psychology. Defining Social
3. Discuss Social Psychology in a Psychology
new century. A Brief History of Social
4. Determine the beginning of the Psychology
research process. Social Psychology in a
5. Evaluate and define the different New Century
social psychological variables as Doing Social
well as the Ethics and Values in Psychology Research
Social Psychology. The beginning of the
6. Apply the different research research process
designs. Defining and measuring
social psychological
Research Designs
Ethics and Values in
Social Psychology

1. Explain the concept of the Social Perception Assignment, Laptop, projector Week 3 – 5
Social Self. The Social Self Role Playing Reflection
2. Define Self-concept, Self- The Self-concept papers, Quiz
esteem and Self-presentation. Rudiments of the Self-
3. Identify the various concepts of concept
the different aspects of the self. Self-esteem
4. Determine what is the The need for Self-esteem
difference and similarities of the Mechanisms of Self-
different aspects of the self. enhancement
5. Evaluate own aspects of the Culture and Self-esteem
self. Self-presentation
6. Discuss the elements of social Strategic Self-
perception. presentation
7. Classify stereotypes, prejudice, Self-verification
and discrimination. Self-monitoring
The elements of Social
Define stereotypes,
prejudice, and
The Nature of the
Causes of the Problem
Reducing Stereotypes,
Prejudice, and


1. Explain the concept of the Social Influence

Social Influence. Attitudes Assignment, Long Week 6 – 10
2. Define attitudes, conformity and The Study of Attitudes Reflection Examination
group processes. Persuasion by papers, Quiz
3. Identify the various concepts Communication
under Social Influence. Persuasion by Our Own Laptop, projector
4. Determine what is the Actions
difference between attitudes, Changing Attitudes
conformity and group processes. Conformity
6. Discuss the elements of social Compliance
influence. Obedience
The Continuum of Social
Group Processes
Fundamentals of Groups
Individuals in Groups
Group Performance
Conflict, Cooperation
and Competition within
and between groups


1. Explain the concept of the Attraction and Close
Social Relations. Relationships Group Long Week 11-14
2. Define attraction and close A Fundamental Human Assignment, Examination
relationships, helping others, and Motive Reaction paper,
aggression. The Initial Attraction Oral recitation,
3. Identify the various concepts Close Relationships Quiz Laptop, projector
under Social Relations. Helping Others
4. Discuss the elements of social Evolutionary and
relations. Motivational Factors
Situational Influences
Personal Influences
Interpersonal Influences
Culture, Gender, and
Individual Differences
Origins or Aggression
Situational Influences on
Media Effects
Reducing Violence
1. Discuss how social psychology EXAM Group Long Week 15 - 18
can be applied to different fields. Assignment, Examination
2. Determine how social Reaction paper,
psychology would be helpful in Applying Social Oral recitation,
the field of Law, Business, and in Psychology Quiz
Health and Well-Being. Law
3. Evaluate how to perform an Business
effective social experiment. Health and Well-Being
4. Perform an effective Social

FINAL EXAM Actual Social

Required Reading (textbook) Social Psychology (9th Edition)
By: Saul Kassin, Steve Fein, Hazel Rose Markus
Social PsychologY (13TH Edition)
By: Robert A. Baron and Nyla R. Branscombe
Suggested Readings and Human Behavior in the Social Environment by Esther Urdang
References Strangers in a Strange Lab by William John Ickes

Course Requirement Examinations, quizzes, assignments, essays, reports, reflections papers and social experiment.

Grading System The grade equivalent of your score in an exam, quiz or other requirement will be derived using the following

GE = RS/TS(50) + 50
where, GE=grade equivalent; RS=raw score; TS=total score.

The components of your grade for a particular grading period are long exam, quizzes, and other course
requirements with the following weights:

Exams 40%
Quizzes 40%
Other Course Requirements 20%
TOTAL 100%

Classroom Policy During classes, you are expected to be in the classroom on time. Be sure to wear the school’s official uniform and
ID when attending classes. Refer to the Student’s Handbook for policies related to late entrance and not wearing
of uniforms.

Moreover, you are expected to listen attentively as well as participate actively in the classroom
lectures/discussions. With this, I expect you to ask relevant questions, and share your ideas regarding the topic.
Making unnecessary noise specially those that are not related to the class is discouraged. With this, cell phones
and other sounding gadgets should be turned off or be set in silent mode during the class. Refrain from going out
while the class is still going on. Appropriate sanctions will be given for any violation of this policy.
During exams and quizzes, communicating in any form with any of your classmates is prohibited. Avoid also from
going out while examination and quiz is on progress. The act of it will be considered cheating. Any act of
cheating will be reprimanded only once. If continued, the concerned student will be asked to pass his/her paper
and be advised leave the room. In such case, only the answered items will be checked. Provisions in the College
Terms and Examinations section (page 14) of the Student Handbook will be observed in this course.

Absence during exams and late submission of requirements

Only those whose absence is excused will be given special exam or quiz (refer to College Terms and
Examinations section (page 14) of the Student Handbook. However, the special exam should be taken within a
week (7 days) after the examination date. Special quiz should be taken immediately on the day you reported in
class. There will be no special quizzes for unexcused absences. Requirements should be submitted on the set date
of submission. Late requirements will not be accepted unless an excused slip can be presented.
Non-compliance of the aforementioned provisions would mean a grade of 50% in the examination or quiz missed.

Attendance will not be graded but will be checked. However, it is of your advantage if you attend the class
Note: All other provisions stipulated in the Student Handbook will be applied in this course.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Sharrah Laine A. Alivio, RPm, MPsy Maricar C. Batiancila, MPsy Reynaldo B. Rojo, PhD
Faculty Member Academic Coordinator / Program Chairperson Dean, Arts & Sciences and Business Management

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