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This power (also known as electrokinesis) converts the inner strength of the subject
into electrical energy. The psychic character may then attempt to power an electrical
device, fry sensitive electronics, fire off a bolt of lightning, or create a protective
sheath of electrical energy around his body. Controlling such an unpredictable force
as raw electricity is always dangerous, and the electrokinetic character must beware of
failed Task rolls, lest they cause an unwanted effect or even backlash against him!

Using Mindcurrent

Mindcurrent Tasks use Willpower and the Mindcurrent Art. If the Task is successful,
the psychic can choose whether to charge/empower, magnetise/disrupt or zap (with a
lightning bolt) a target within line of sight. If the Task fails, the character must make a
simple Willpower Test, subtracting the amount by which the Task failed (i.e. 9 minus
the modified Task roll). If the Test succeeds, the desired effect simply does not
manifest; if it fails, roll a D6 to see which effect actually occurs (1-2 =
charge/empower, 3-4 = magnetise/disrupt, 5-6 = zap). If the result is the same as that
intended by the Seer, then the nearest alternative target (which might be himself) is
the recipient of the effect instead.

Mindcurrent Streng th Table

Strength Abilities
1 Damage: 1 point, Charge period: 1 minute
Arc/bolt range: Willpower + Mindcurrent Strength in yards (metres)
Dodge modifier: +2
Empower: Able to power a battery driven device.
Magnetise: Light metal objects will stick to or are repelled by the
target for the charge period.
Disrupt: Wipe/scramble the data on a floppy diskette
2 Damage: D4(2), Charge period: 1 minute per success level
Arc/bolt range: (Willpower + Mindcurrent Strength) x 2 in yards
(metres), Dodge modifier: +1
Disrupt: Wipe/scramble the data on a computer hard disk or flash card.
3 Empower: Able to power normal household devices.
Magnetise: If set to repel metal, the target gains an Armour Value of 1
per Mindcurrent Strength against bullets and metallic weapons. If set
to attract metal, such weapons inflict an additional point of damage
(before the multiplier) to the target.
4 Damage: D6(3), Charge period: 2 minutes per success level
Arc/bolt range: (Willpower + Mindcurrent Strength) x 5 in yards
(metres), Dodge modifier: 0
Disrupt: Wipe/scramble Read-Only Memory (ROM – but not CD’s or
DVD’s which are optical in nature) and damage sensitive electrical
components (circuit boards, computer CPU’s, etc.)
Strength Abilities
5 Damage: D4(2) per Mindcurrent Strength level, Charge period: 3
minutes per success level, Arc/bolt range: (Willpower + Mindcurrent
Strength) x 10 in yards (metres)
Magnetise: If set to repel metal, the target gains an Armour Value of 2
per Mindcurrent Strength against bullets and metallic weapons. If set
to attract metal, such weapons inflict an additional 2 points of damage
(before the multiplier) to the target.
Disrupt: Cause most household devices to temporarily cease working
for the charge period. Destroy shielded computer systems.
6 Charge period: 5 minutes per success level
Empower: Able to power industrial strength devices
Disrupt: Create an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), with a radius of 1
yard (metre) per level of Mindcurrent Strength, which will cause all
electrical devices hit by it to cease functioning for the charge period.
Lighter electrical devices and all computer systems will be
permanently destroyed or damaged by this.
7 Damage: D8(4) per Mindcurrent Strength, Dodge modifier: -1
8 Charge period: 10 minutes per success level
Magnetise: If set to repel metal, the target gains an Armour Value of 3
per Mindcurrent Strength against bullets and metallic weapons. If set
to attract metal, such weapons inflict an additional 3 points of damage
(before the multiplier) to the target.
9 Empower: Able to power any electrical device
Disrupt: Cause any electrical device to temporarily cease functioning
for the charge period. All non- military grade electrical devices will be
permanently disabled by this effect.
10+ Lightning storm engulfs area of radius 1 yard per Willpower level. All
creatures and objects within that area take damage. Dodging is not an

If an object or person is charged with electricity, then anyone touching the target,
either directly or with an electrical conductor, during the charge period, will take the
listed amount of electrical damage, which drains the charge from the object/person.
An attempt to charge an electrical device will cause the electricity to flow into the
device’s operation instead, possibly powering it in the absence of any other power
source, for the listed charge period.

If an object/person is magnetised as the result of a successful Mindcurrent Task, then

the psychic character can determine whether the magnetism causes attraction or
repulsion of metal. If the effect occurs as a result of a Mindcurrent Task failure, then
the Chronicler should roll randomly or toss a coin to see whether attraction or
repulsion results. An attempt to magnetise an electrical device will cause the magnetic
energy to drain into the device’s circuitry, very probably causing temporary disruption
or permanent damage.

Arcs of electrical energy or lightning bolts inflict the listed damage if they succeed in
hitting the target using a Mindcurrent Art + Dexterity Task, which can be dodged.
Armour protects against these attacks with only half value, or not at all in the case of
metal armour.

Using Mindcurrent Defensively

The character can surround himself with a sheath of electrical energy that repels
bullets, shocks anyone trying to touch the psychic, and deflects other energy attacks.
While this ability is activated, no other uses of Mindcurrent are possible. This
“electrosheath” reduce the Damage Multiplier from any energy attack by 1 (if reduced
to 0, no damage is inflicted) for every level of Mindcurrent Strength. It also has an
Armour Value of 2 times the Mindcurrent Strength level against bullets and metallic
weapons. Finally anybody coming within 1 yard (metre) of the character will suffer
D6(3) times the Mindcurrent Strength level of the psychic in electrical damage.
Mindcurrent does not protect against Essence-based attacks, like the Soulfire

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