David Goodner - Mr. Goodner's Quality Rules

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Unisystem Qualities

Flight (3-, 5-, or 7-point per level Quality) (Cinematic)

Creatures with the Flight Quality can fly. Unfettered by Gravity (mostly), they are
free to move through the air to the great envy of the insects down below. (At
high speed levels, the insects above can be a problem, mind you. I suggest
keeping your mouth closed and wearing goggles)

For 3-points per level, the flyer can only glide or hover a short distance above
the ground (say, 10 feet or so). Gliders lose one yard/meter of altitude for every
turn in the air, though they may sacrifice forward motion for altitude. 3
yards/meters of momentum buys one yard/meter of altitude, if there are updrafts
available. (Easy in a mass of skyscrapers, hard over the great salt plain).
Gliders are assumed to have wings. Without, this QUality costs 4 points per
level, and looks rather strange.

Hovering characters move just like flyers, but have a flight ceiling of about 1
story off the ground.

For 5-points per level, the flyer flys with wings, which can be Targeted with
combat maneuvers.

For 7-points per level, the flyer flies with no visible (or targetable) support.

The maximum level of the Flight Quality is 30 for unsupported flight, 15 for other
versions. Wings can be made "retractable" for a 1-point kicker. You can't fly
without your wings, but it's easier to buy shirts.

Notes: I'm pretty sure there's another version of this Quaity floating around.  If it
ever turns up in an official Cinematic Unisystem product, I'll probably replace my
version with the official version.

Gift of the Gab (3-point Quality) (Cinematic, mostly)

Some people hava a knack for picking up languages.  Given a day with a native
speaker and a chance to study up, they can achieve surprising levels of fluency. 
People with this Quality get two advantages.  First, after a day or so to study,
they are able to make themselves understood in any language, making rolls with
their full Intelligence if any dice-rolling is necessary.  Second, languages are
easier for them.  When buying more points of the Language skill, Their level is
considered to be two levels lower than it is, with a minimum of 2.
Notes: This one was inspired by the Jack of All Trades Quality from One of the
Living.  I actually use Cinematic Linguistics in place of multiple languages in my
Classic games.  to make this work with Classic skills, I'd change the skill
discount to say that level 1 only costs 3 XP.

Glamour (4-point per level Quality) (Cinematic)

"Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let
me clutch thee. I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." Oh yeah. One with the
power of Glamour shapes the world to her will. She can bend minds, warp
shadows, and bring dreams to life. But none of it is real.

This power works like highly focused Sorcery, except that the Glamour-caster
doesn't need to research spells. Glamours can affect people's emotions and
make them see and hear things that aren't there. They can even be used to
inflict illusory damage, for instance by creating a glamour of a fireball. However,
Glamours don't ever do any real harm. Someone "Killed" by a glamour-crafted
troll would wake up in a few hours, skull completely not crushed by a hammer.
He'd be likely to be nervous in hardware stores from now on, though. That isn't
to say that glamours aren't dangerous. A glamour of a bridge over a chasm
might look like it would hold a car, but it really won't.

To use Glamour, the caster defines the effect she wants as if it were a Ritualism
spell and determines its Power Level. She then rolls Willpower + Glamour, + up
to 5 more for Sorcery. If she gets enough success levels, the Glamour works as
desired. If not, it is miscast, generally with humorous results. Each use of
Glamour incurs a progressive -2 penalty until the glamour-crafter has the
chance to rest, just as Sorcery does.

Notes: Essentially, this is Lesser and Greater Illusion packaged together, as per
the rules in The Magic Box.

Natural Born Killer (3-point Mental Quality) (Classic)

Some people have a talent for art.  Others for languages.  And some people are
very good at violence.  A character with this Quality is such a person.  When
dealing with an unfamiliar weapon, he either rolls his Dex without an unskilled
penalty, or rolls his closest default with the penalty reduced by 1.  For instance,
a Kendo master who needs to fight using a mace might normally use Hand
Weapon (Sword) at -2 or so.  If he's a Natural Born Killer, he only suffers a -1
penalty, instead.  This Quality applies to Hand Weapons and Guns.  If the
character somehow got through life without Dodge or Brawling, it could apply to
those as well.  It does not apply to Martial Arts.

Notes: To use this Quality with Cinematic rules, I'd reduce the cost to a 1-point
Quality, if I bothered with it at all.  This one was inspired by the Jack of All
Trades Quality from One of the Living.

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