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Testing Electronic


Computer System Servicing Grade 7/8

Quarter 1 Module 7


Department of Education • Schools Division of Benguet

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Benguet
Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Published by:
Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This material has been developed for the implementation of K to 12
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This module is a project of the Curriculum Implementation Division

particularly the Learning Resource Management and Development Section,
Department of Education, Schools Division of Benguet, Cordillera Administrative
Region which is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.

This Learning Material is a property of the Department of Education-CID,

Schools Division of Benguet. It aims to improve students’ performance specially in
Technology and Livelihood Education – Computer System Servicing.
The learning competency for this module was identified as a competency that
can be done alone or needing less or little supervision from parents or guardians.

Date of Development : September 2020

Resource Location : Division of Benguet, La Trinidad
Learning Area : TLE – Computer System Servicing
Grade Level : Grade 7/8
Learning Resource Type : Learning Material
Language : English
Quarter/Week : First Quarter, Week 7
Competencies and Codes : Testing Electronic Components (TEC)


The developer would like to express her profound gratitude to the following
who have made significant contributions and inputs for the creation and improvement
of this module:
The School Principal of Benguet National High School-Main, Nestor O. Dalay-
on, Ph.D.; Assistant Principal II, Madison B. Kiong; SPA-ICT Coordinator/Master
Teacher I, Imelda D. Espiritu; co-teachers and personnel of Benguet National High
School-Main; Samuel S. Ayangdan, Education Program Supervisor for TLE; and the
Division Learning Resource Management and Development System Staff and the

           To my family, friends, and relatives, who prayed and inspired me to continue
to finish this module. 

   And most especially to our Creator for His guidance, wisdom, courage and
strength He bestowed to the developer in order to finish this module.


Melvin L. Alfredo Antionette D. Sacyang

Librarian II Project Development Officer II

Sonia D. Dupagan, EdD,

Education Program Supervisor– Learning Resource


Samuel S. Ayangdan
Education Program Supervisor– TLE

Rizalyn A. Guznian, Ed.D

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Samuel T. Egsaen Jr., Ed.D

OIC, Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Benilda M. Daytaca, EdD, CESO VI,

OIC, Schools Division Superintendent




This module contains the lesson on Testing Electronic Components for Grade 7/8
Learners. It is developed for a clearer and more purposive teaching-learning of the
It includes a pretest that would measure how far you know about the topic, the
concepts that you would need to learn, varied enrichment activities that would allow
you to enhance your skills on terminating and connecting electrical wiring and
electronics, an application that would deepen your knowledge about the topic and a
post test that would measure what you have learned from this module.

Before you start this module, be reminded of the following:

• Do not write anything on the pages of this module. Use an activity

notebook/separate sheets as your answer sheet;
• You can work at your own pace; however, make sure that you will be able to
finish all the assigned tasks within a week;
• This module is designed for self-learning at home with or without the
supervision of a parent/guardian/adult. Therefore, accomplish all the tasks
diligently and honestly;
• Make your work neat and clean for easier checking.


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Determine the criteria for testing electronic components

2. Develop a sample technical reports.
3. Value testing electronic components accurately.

What I Know


Multiple Choice. Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of
the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

1. The complete _________ of the job is not specified in the job order.
a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
2. Communicating and reporting to the supervisors can give ____ to the test
a.solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
3. Datasheets and application notes from manufacturers contain________ of an
electrical component. a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
4. The testing criteria serve as the basis for the testing plan.
a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
5. The testing criteria do not need ______ from the responsible personnel or
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
6. Some components can be tested using various __________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
7. Electronic component production requires testing for _____________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
8. You can use any tools for a specific testing ________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
9. ___________ is important to perform the job smoothly.
a. standard procedure b. testing plan c. quality d. confidential
10. Checking and maintaining the testing tools follows a _______________.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
11. ___________ and documenting only includes successful procedures.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
12. The only purpose of testing is to check the _________ of the product.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
13. Documentation should be kept _________ from anybody.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
14. Documentation helps you discover _______ methods and effective tools.
a. efficient b. recorded c. quality d. confidential
15. All testing procedures must be ____________.
a. efficient b. recorded c. quality d. confidential

What’s In

Directions: In column A are jumbled letters. Arrange the letters to form words
pertaining to diagnostic tools. Then write the correct word/s in column B.





What it is

Testing Electronic Components (TEC)

Testing refers to the methods and procedures of determining the signals and
responses from an electronic component. This is done to ensure the quality,
performance, and serviceability of the components. All testing process must follow
criteria. These criteria are needed before making the plan.

Obtaining the Job Order

A job order is a form containing specifications of a task to do. This usually includes
instructions, date, and time to execute the order, address or location of the worksite,
the name of the client and his contacts, and the name of the technician. Either you’re
a test personnel in an industry or a technician in a shop, testing always uses the job
order or the client requirements as the guide. Below is a sample of a job order form.

If you are working in a manufacturing industry of electronics components, the
responsible personnel or the supervisor in your technical department gives you the
work instructions in a form of job orders to specify the task to do.
On the other hand, testing on repair shops sometimes refers to job orders given by
the clients or customers. It is the client who gives the job, but most of the time,
technicians already know what to do if the shop is already following standardized

Communicating or Reporting the Desired Method to Use.

The desired method that you are going to use must be reported or communicated to
the responsible person or the supervisors for verification and approval, to ensure an
efficient workflow and the success of the test. Therefore, if you will be planning to do
something, report it first to the responsible personnel.

Using the Appropriate Method

When a method and tools are approved for testing, it is considered the most
appropriate method and tools to use. The selection of the methods and tools is
usually based on the component’s specification and manufacturer’s instructions. This
is a standard practice among industries, which aims to produce quality services,
efficient workflow, effective tools, and safe working environments.

Recording the Test Process

The testing does not only require complying with the job order, consulting to the
responsible personnel, selecting the efficient method, or preparing effective tools. It
also requires recording the test process for evaluation purposes. The technician
must be able to determine at which point must he record and document the test
process for an accurate data gathering.

What Tools to use?

Always choose the right tools that will give you accurate results in a lesser time.
Thus, safety comes first. Always remember to check the selected tools for
functionality and serviceability conditions. You also need personal protective
equipment. Always be mindful of the things that bring hazards to your health.

When to Start Testing?

After obtaining the job order or client requirements, you need to determine the
methods to use, the tools needed, and the amount of time to finish the job. If
everything is ready and set, then it is time to start the job. Below is an example of a
test plan.

The Use of Diagnostic Tools in testing installed hardware components and

other peripherals

Diagnostic tools include the following:

1. Digital multimeter is a device that can take many types of measurements. It

tests the integrity of circuits and the quality of electricity in computer
components. A digital multimeter displays the information on an LCD or LED.
2. A loopback adapter, also called a loopback plug, tests the basic functionality
of computer ports. The adapter is specific to the port that you want to test.
3. The toner probe, is a two-part tool. The toner part is connected to a cable at
one end using specific adapters, such as an RJ-45, coaxial, or metal clips.
The toner generates a tone that travels the length of the cable. The probe part
traces the cable. When the probe is in near proximity to the cable to which the
toner is attached, the tone can be heard through a speaker in the probe.

Test procedures

A test procedure is a set of steps to guide you through what needs to be done to
thoroughly test the installation. It is designed to help you work more effectively and to
make sure you test everything that needs testing.

Test procedures are created in-house and could include these steps:

1. Gathering test information. The first step is to run the tests required by the
procedure and find out what happens. You should record all the results of
your tests in a log so that you know which pass and which fail, thereby
requiring further action.
2. Validating the test information. The next step is to check the data you
gathered from the tests to make sure it is correct. This is usually done by
running the tests again.
3. Responding to test information. This step is important because you need to
be able to recognize when a test shows problems or is successful. For
example, if ping is used to test a network connection then ‘Request timed out’
shows the test was not successful.
4. Checking specification. The final step is an important end to testing. You
need to check the specification for the installation to make sure that it has
been met. For example, if a user requested an upgrade to make their display
run at 1920 x 1200, then the ICT professional should check that the graphics
card and screen can do this.

To evaluate the test process, you must be able to answer the

following questions:

What did you do?

Your methods and procedure should simply match with the job order.
Why did you do it?
Your methods and tools must align with the standardized procedures or
manufacturers’ instructions.
What did you find?
The testing process must produce the desired result as planned.
What did you communicate?
Always make a record and report your findings to responsible personnel or to the
What was the overall status of the test itself?
Always remember, the goal of the test is to comply with the job order or satisfy the
clients’ requirements.
Below is an example of a test evaluation sheet. The evaluation sheet looks like this.

What’s More

Activity 1: Read Me

Common Trouble shooting for Computer Units

1. Double check the power connections.

2. Voltage regulator and power supply could cause power failure in the
computer unit.
3. Check the power cords and cable connectors in your computer unit.
4. Unseated card. Loose cards could cause malfunction.
5. Check the boot sequence configuration in the advance BIOS (Basic
Input/Output Unit) setup.

Diagnosing Network Connection

Things to look for if a PC is connected to the internet or network:

 First, check the cable connecting to the network card into the network hub.
 Check the back of the computer to see if the network card light is on
 Check the network cable (use cable tester)
 Check the network hub (use multi-tester)

Sample Evaluation Plan

Symptoms: Blank Good Defective Remedy

Monitor Screen
AC outlet /
AVR fuse /
Monitor Power Cable / Check cable/s connection, replace
monitor cable, replace monitor
Monitor Switch /
Power Supply /

Assessment 1

DIRECTION: Develop an evaluation plan for troubleshooting a dead power supply.

List down all possible components to be checked based on the symptoms. Follow
the sample in Activity 1. Make use of your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

Activity 2 Read Me Too
How to Prepare Technical Reports?

The main purpose of a technical report is to deliver information. Technical reports are
intended primarily for the long-term archival of results and descriptions and for
monitoring the conditions of laboratory facilities such as the computers, network
status and other hardware facilities.
A good report needs careful planning. As part of the planning stage, you should
answer the following questions.
1. What is the report about? What are you trying to say? You should arrange
things so that the key facts and conclusions are very accessible. Not
everyone will read the whole report, so ensure that your message is concise
even if a person only skims the document.
2. Who are you writing for? It is simply impossible to write a technical document
that will be equally easy for everybody to read: the level of explanation you
need for an expert audience is totally different from the explanation needed
for readers who are unfamiliar with the subject. It is absolutely essential that
you identify the potential readers — the professional group, not the individuals
— before you start your work.
3. How long can the report be? It is difficult to predict in advance exactly how
long a report will be. Technically speaking, writing reports for hardware and
other facilities should be specific and itemized.
4. Identify the hardware components inside your computer – CPU, memory,
motherboard etc;
5. Understand conflicting hardware inside your computer; and
6. Help the computer repair person to understand your computer with a written,
detailed hardware report (therefore he can find the missing drivers faster, for

Assessment 2

DIRECTION: Fill-out the sample report form below. Make use of your TLE-
CSS activity sheet.

Activity 3: Read Me Review Me

The POST Test

When a PC is first switched on or reset it performs a special diagnostic test called a
POST (Power-On Self-Test), to check all components in the PC, the POST program

sends out a signal to each device initializing each device's built-in self-test
procedure. Refer to the table below for AMI BIOSs

Assessment 3

DIRECTION: Create a breakdown report based from the error beep codes. Follow
the format below. Make use of your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

What I Have Learned

DIRECTION: Fill in the missing word/s to complete the sentence/s. Write

your answers on your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

1. Testing and measuring tools are used to determine the serviceability

and functionality of an electronic ___________.
2. Referring to the job order or _____ requirements makes the job
specific and guided.
3. To evaluate a testing job after completion, an __________ sheet is
4. In testing electronic components, planning comes after obtaining the
________ for testing.
5. The criteria for testing come first before the planning stage, testing
stage, and the evaluation stage ________.
6. Reporting and communicating to the _____________ personnel
ensures an efficient workflow and success of the test.
7. A client is also known as the __________.

What I Can Do

Let’s Do It:

DIRECTION: Assume you are an owner of a company that cater computer services.
Create your own sample technical report form.


Let’s Check!
Multiple Choice. Direction: Read the sentences carefully then choose the letter of
the best answer. Write the chosen letter on your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

1. The complete _________ of the job is not specified in the job order.
a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
2. Communicating and reporting to the supervisors can give ____ to the test
a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
3. Datasheets and application notes from manufacturers contain________ of an
electrical component. a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
4. The testing criteria serve as the basis for the testing plan.
a. solution b. description c. specification d. criteria
5. The testing criteria do not need ______ from the responsible personnel or
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
6. Some components can be tested using various __________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
7. Electronic component production requires testing for _____________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
8. You can use any tools for a specific testing ________.
a. methods b. approval c. quality assurance d. methods and tools
9. ___________ is important to perform the job smoothly.
a. standard procedure b. testing plan c. quality d. confidential
10. Checking and maintaining the testing tools follows a _______________.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
11. ___________ and documenting only includes successful procedures.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
12. The only purpose of testing is to check the _________ of the product.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
13. Documentation should be kept _________ from anybody.
a. standard procedure b. recording c. quality d. confidential
14. Documentation helps you discover _______ methods and effective tools.
a. efficient b. recorded c. quality d. confidential
15. All testing procedures must be ____________.
a. efficient b. recorded c. quality d. confidential


Let's Do More

Direction: Read statements below carefully and identify each as Criteria,

Planning,Testing, or Evaluating. Write your answers in your TLE-CSS activity sheet.

_______1. Submitting the test report to the responsible personnel.
_______2. Checking the voltage output of a power supply.
_______3. Preparing the tools needed for the job.
_______4. Interviewing the client to obtain the job order.
_______5. Inserting the diagnostic card to the motherboard.
_______6. Determining the best methods for the job.
_______7. Identifying if the job is for voltage testing, continuity testing or
_______8. The responsible personnel gave remarks to the technician performance
_______9. The technician checks the performance of the Video Card using graphics
_______10. The Power switch is defective and requires checking for signal


What I have learned
Pre-assessment REN CES
1. Component
1. B 2. Job
2. A 3. Evaluation sheet
3. C 4. Job order
4. D 5. Process
5. B 6. Responsible
6. A 7. customer
7. C
8. A
9. B Post Assessment
10. A
11. B 1. B
12. B 2. A
13. D 3. C
14. A 4. D
15. B 5. B
6. A
What’s In 7. C
1. Loopback adapter 8. A
2. Toner Probe
9. B
3. Digital Multimeter
10. A
11. B
What’s New 12. B
13. D
1. Pole line hardware
2. Cable terminal 14. A
3. Line wire 15. B

Let’s Do More

1. Evaluating
2. Testing
3. Planning
4. Criteria
5. Testing
6. Planning
7. Criteria
8. Evaluating
9. Testing
10. Testing

Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo V. Ramilo. V.2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 7 and 8
Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo Ramilo V. 2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 10
Rosalie P. Lujero and Ronaldo Ramilo V. 2013. Computer Hardware Servicing
Learning Material-Grade 9
Pequiro, Chemby Mae S. and Sam Uriel U. Reyes. Computer System Servicing 1st
Edition. Cagayan de Oro: DepEd, Division of Cagayan de Oro City, 2020
Hector M. Vallarta and Roman A. Cabusora Jr. V.2013. EIM LearningMaterial-Grade

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Benguet

Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Telephone: 074 422 2001 

Email Address:


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