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F) @ fe. f8. 51. sara ars 2017 (30.06.2017 & 11.08.2017 aa) DDA AAWASIYA YOJANA 2017 (From 30.06.2017 to 11.08.2017) SCHEME IS LINKED TO "CREDIT LINKED SUBSIDY SCHEME” under “PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA - HOUSING FOR ALL (URBAN)' Guna CN Teo. 9 facet flere sitar Delhi Development Authority hoy Lar ro afew rarer warar—2os7 wor wea Feet PAR er A ois eee FAA Aa Hm eT fe ae ee wR ela 12000 THe ‘aan war tH Fe wee to00n wee Pet ae fee #1 VT sebelah ws ra ere we Pra Ta ant COR Wf om weh| Aor & ake set we S GEA STO Fara / he exe Fer TTT BP a we | fA ae horaoor7 & oii onder ach a fey exer aki thor aR wis-2 4 eee on 8 aay wy are o7 eat Rewer A aA 2 aah | andes ora ahaa at & ma ‘irae ote ‘twa at at we var Tao gt wr arate vaca ae Ta safer Fo ott a eT TT ‘arta ora fr, fret # arte ero fect fre mre ah Ree a merit onary thorn fee stars (eet) @ ate (2.9 a) Pre yc st ste fereTE) a jl a Ref anarcea akarr—2or7 ahora See ar MELA aera aier—aae fae AY (oN) 8 gE | wwe ae TE Storeng —caene (ret) 4 ate ores she ter Genee mes set ed tea a oa Bet cer eran ori ached 8 we Reiee wed coe are sree, seeks oar A “ars a wat aah | Rae aie wero a a IML Fa oer & seth a) stereo ek eM orgs eT (wwe miupa gown) cer 2 aba saat Ga ae, arte era ‘Fa ( in) eH SY (www wi ATE eae # | ema ar Reaver gu aden S ayarrre S yrs (4) a (a etaere | Fy DDA Aawasiya Yojana-2017 is aimed at providing affordable housing to general publicby disposing of about 12000 fas of ferent categories and in different locations on free hold basis. About 10000 flats are for the Low Income Group. Most of the flats have been constructed following the Green Building Code norms to reduce the Carbon footprint. Applicants can visit the localityfat, to ascertain its sultabilty, before applying under the Scheme. To apply under DDA ‘Aawasiya Yojana-2017, the eligibility criteria is indicated in Clause-2 fof the Scheme Brochure. The applicants wil be allowed to give ‘maximum 07 choices of locality. Submission of Applications wall be ‘On-Line’ and ‘Off-Line mode, through eight empanelled Banks. The draw of lots will be conducted in the presence of independent oulside obsorvers. The draw ofloswillbe web seamed, The Hon'ble LG of NCT of Delhi has nominated the Delhi Development Authority as State Level Nodal Agency (SLNA) for ‘executing the Vertical 2), (3) and (4) of Prachan MantriAwas Yojana- Housing ForAll(Urban)in Delhi. Hence, the DDA Aawasiya Yojana-2017 is linked to Pradhan Mantri was Yojana-Housing For All (Urban) under CLSS. The successful allotees can avail the benefits of interest subsidy under PMAY-HFA through Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme trom tho ‘empanellad and other Banks & Housing Finance Companies, subject to fulling the eligibility tora and area parameters mentioned in tha PMAY-HFA (Urban). The lists of Insttutions from which interest subsicy can be availed, are available on the websites of Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation (ww and the two Central Nodal Agencies viz. National Housing Bank (https:/ and hudco. ( The PMAY details are annexed at pages (1)t0(4) ofthis Brochure, e wart ‘arareatser-wrett Peart ate aa fey siare (68) + ‘wer aes wrayer (re) Te HEA Te suet Framer ar Pert, Perea te at onan "a Tr were ore #12 ahr eet aA ia oe GPR a ‘eo ew sr aoa 8 ser arora ger ae at dea Awe ote 2 Foe rer era, erent, 2on7 Pg oA he pF Pera a ‘ae Te ara | Ww tl Se aha A afar ae Pes sae) aoe (heres ee ee baer oh awe # see TA apa eae ee Pe foe 64 8 wah serge) / Prt a a eee at ee nae Pen ge rp er ae sea Hating gt aie rere & aed Ain Set ge orang te ee mh Soe Hara A A a at (GRE) BY err et @ fg at a eer / Pre Gr ta) bg aoe ot aera ae reer & argon “Hah gate Ps wf hor erry a aS arts cho a TAA ern aiare ast e wari arererarrt-gett Fecntc e Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Housing for Al (Urban) : “Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana-Housing for All Urban)" isa Mission started by the Prime Minister af India, with an aim of “Housing for Al” tobe achieved by the year 2022. The Scheme isa major step towards suring that people can get a house within their financial capabily “The major objective of the Scheme isto bring 2 “Pucca House" for every family in urban areas with water connection, toll facilis, 24X7 electricity supply and complete access, As a Central Sector Scheme, the existing Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) Component ofthe Mission provides interest subsidy on home loans taken by eligble urban poor [Economically Weaker Section (EWS)! Lower income Group (LIG}] foracquistion/construction ofhouse. Given the projected growth of urbanization in India and the consequent housing demands, Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation has also introduced interest subsidy scheme for ‘2cquistion/construction of house (including re-purchase) to cater to the Middle Income Group (MIG) called “Credit Linked Subsidy ‘Scheme (CLSS) for MIG", as per eligibiltycrtrion and provisions of ‘the Scheme. #PP RAL. sara ater 2017 e marr sree ats —yreet Foairnse an toa PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOIANA - HOUSING FOR ALL (URBAN) Pama rs Tet es aan as Tae Sa) FOR EWS/LIG (CLSS FOR EWS/LIG) v x Pradhan Mant Awas Yana urban) - Housing For ll Missin, inorder to expand instutonalcreditflow tthehousingneedsof urban 'poorisimplementingcreditlinked subsidy componentasa demandside intervention, ‘+ ‘Beneficiaries of Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Group (UG Seeking housing lozns from Banks, Housing Finance Companies and other such institutions would be wile For an interest subsidy atthe rate of 6.5% fora tenure of 20° years ‘orduring tenure ofloan whichever slower. + Thecreitlinked subsidy willbe available only for loan amounts upto Rs akhs and additionalazns beyond Rs. Glaks tang, wil beatnonsubsiized rate + Interest subsidy wile credited uptront tothe loan account of beneficiaries through Primary Lending stitutions PLD, resultingin ‘teducedetective housingloan ane Equated Monthly installment (Et) ‘+ TheNetPresentValue NPV} ofthe intrest subsidy willbe calculated ata discount rateof 9% HOMEOWNERSHIP ‘The houses constructed/acquired wth central assistance underthe Mission shauld bein thenameofthe female head athe household ‘orinthe ointnameat the malehead ofthehouseholdandhiswie, andanly ncase whenthereisnoadultfemale member inthe fri, the houzecanbeinthename ofmale member ofthehouzehald KEY HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SCHEME: © Coverage All Statutory Towns a& per Census 2013 and towns notified subsequent including planning atea as notified with respect to Statutory Town, ¢ Purpose New construction acqulsttion anéadatio of rooms, kitchen, toletet.toexstng dwelngasineremental housing ¢ Beneficiaries ‘+ eneficiny family wllcomprise husband, wife andunmartiedchlren ‘+ Thebenefciary family should not owna pucca house either in hisfher name or inthe name of any member of his/her famiyin any partof india, + EWSHouseholdshavingannualincomeuptoRs.3,00,000/- + UGHouseholéshavingannualincome between Rs.3,00,001/-and upto Rs. 6,00,000/ + reference under the scheme, subject to beneficiaries being from EWS/LIGseaments, shouldbe given to Manual Scavengers, ‘women (wth overriding preference to widows), persons belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/ Other Backward Clases, Minories, Persons wth lesb and Transgender, Central Nodal Agencies: LE hort Re ttn BD RET Di eeinsa Hester come, Tee Core 7A rela Hab Contre, Lodhi Row, * We eet from 04.01.2017 Eee eee eee APPA. santa ators 2017 & Areawhicheanbe constructed + Corpetarea thouse being constructed or enhanced under this component ofthe Mission should be upto 30square meters for EwScategoryand upto 60 square meterstor IG category. ‘Beneficiary, this/her discretion, can bulda house of large area butinterest subsidy would be limited tofirst Rs lath only. ‘+ For incremental housingfextension, the area limit wil be 30 sqm. and 60 s,m. of carpet area for EWS and LIG category respectively © SubsldyandLoandetals + Maximum loanamount:as per elabity of customer decided bybank Financia institutionbasedonduedligence + Maximum loan tenure sbasedon the guidelines ofthe PLL + Maximum tenuvefor subsidy computation:20* yearsor the tenureof the loan, whicheverislower + Maximumloanamountfor subsidy calculation: Rs Glakh 1+ Interesrateforsubsdy6.5% ‘Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) and National Housing Bank (NHB) have been dented as Central Nodal ‘Agencies (CNAs) tochannelzethis subsidy tothe Primary Lending Insitutlonsand fr monitoring the progress thiscomponent. ‘Thisscheme willbe implemented through 8anks/Financalinstitutions. ‘The detailed ists avallable at: wwe buns. gown inte Reduced ‘Annual El after sovings| reiting the ‘subsidy em fo sf [non [oom [oom em | | am [a * wie fet from 01.08.2017 ‘Te Jolt Secrtary & sion Orector (Hous or A) won1.an061e19 Fac 011-23061420 intry of Housing & Urban Poverty Aleation E-mat tvarmupa@oovin ‘Goverment nda Websto hip nnupa goin Room No 116, Wing, resetiniegal SS rman Shawan.New Deni 110011 s | See OA AP PAT. strana ator 2017 e eoscneaia PRADHAN MANTRI AWAS YOJANA-HOUSING FOR ALL (URBAN) fe ea Sovernment of India wT 7 =r a Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA) has introduced an interest subsiy scheme for aquiston/construction cf houses includingre-purchase) to cater tothe Middle Income Group MIG) called Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS] or MIG’ given the projected growth af urbanization In india and the consequent housing demands. This wilao be implemented as a Central Sector Scheme. The existing CLSS scheme under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Urban) - Housing for All Mision has been renamed as C185 for Ewsjuc: Key highlights of the scheme coverage Purpose + Banafiiery ‘Alston TownasaparChesin2001 | rarest staldy on hovsittoan for Neman Bhavan, New Debi-ts0011 AP RAs. srarefta aera 2017 ‘ander wa ae @ fire ager / INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL UP APPLICATION FORM vara ae ‘GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS fe) arene Sr em 9) On capa tere shousbe uso. {3} aes er Se ra ca a ae ae 5) Aepaton rede ad ilar ble bala ony ae es ©) Uteonetoxtoroneternumter 3) SHOES REN NTE 14) Leaveone boxblankafar one word. a Eee were ee * ©) Wte your name, application number and telaphone number at the $s oe ry se Soy se ts S/o Sickopeurdemand branche soe 4) Pane tes photogiphin tox proved onsign nie boxe 9) Rat ren Ao fe Ft a ota nt Sophakaguph anal ebatemftoAgaestctt arm rans a rerwe se ) Incase fort ops, paste te inet pt aph of he nt age sen & rtf we Aen 8 gare a as we car he ox proved and nthe Box elon e eee eee mee and a botoman opkcaton Fam. a) akeeta den age A aes lr Be 8 terra en 8) A) pani salon i tinasiasedg sceignbbacan Pre age SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: 1 the ae ater fey aro nt wid ech a em) 1 Wile name of be spptcat aa gen in PAN card (Peranent agree ‘etoutrombensasocnyteinconTaxbeparent 2 emanate ad yee eh 2. _Wnttaners ame test ppicantas Non PAN Cad 3 onan y/o a a oe a 3. Wrlenme otepouse one It appcant imares) ¢ gelateear ned orders 44 PemanenccountNuter fet pptcat toh hn. pipe il pleated plc ry 5 hone of pe oie apa. an eplnt ran Ser eo wet 8 WO real ee EEN Sompanys account, ne ban actasof he at appleaniwnose name Sees po Tmerafer Bea one sde gw rete a 8s Mond oa aiaTbs pel on the stint Coa sang wie sae Bice te ete hw eth fea ua een ore ‘ir eign na ct a the Bea Rt Neh See vite eres Se See ee ae a eee nebo ere he Brees te ‘ame oft plea’ an reno, an ea of ta pant rut ve gent Prose EC Coe 0 enable Tend Grey Te ea: geared whe ae ha ae ft ad be aes a plcanfanezcun NCEier Ree wien grtey Rea freely gel fe wee" Give phon nme wih STD code, emai and moble number Sareea ae ar aie heed sea eeu | Sy. tuodente creole sop age exe date sat a Gage RENCE Geet acne oaa IW wa ATE ‘else bork ocoiact te eplcan nce fared a Wri cade fre aga omic the appcantonongs. Te code Iereacheatcpoyoaenbuow: ai a “Si.No Category Code 0 sree a Seneca SC. oar aaa Sates abe sr (o)__wie dhl a Reema Ray AA (i) War Widow PGR I) — We {W——PersonewintDsoby Po an = r02 Ex-servioemen 5 tv) sagt afte, at iy “General Category ce ce) a ao ce] Disability Clause: A person with ably shall apply i hisher oem ‘ae 90 fe appleston may be sed tawah hao oat en ss ee ee ene a Gusion thethotunsbitaseconimeatnersal. " are EET es pS RTS SRE al SS 10 Residenial acres ofthe frst applicant iobe gen, —_— 11 Correspondence address for dispatch of refund chequaldemand- 90) erm rere are er Fear er | _cum-aBotment eter tobe mentioned, =“ 1 eo ar on reo ah ea 12 (a) i eo-of ant sppeton, manion he name of he jot oem Seoican sf) Myeesiter RA Age tee Aa eft () non oft ela wine ape {esr an Baraca Bm eer ores @ er ate} Be ischiintndeniet 15 (@) aR here iA esta a Ea A/T led aaieiliiaiadibiaa aoe mreetaet| {0} Mention application number of the spouse, if both husband and () oA CHA ose at Fr EN ‘capa Seperate al "14 Praaowtothe coe (aren in Annexe’ re ealy fr whieh 14 rte fre eee pases “wR ery wb re ee are are applicant wants fi proorenens and put (x) marks npretorences ewer ae el aeeer eo Aes woe WATERSS 5 saath Agplcadon ey ff 20007 fer Jani L1G ‘Snndee Rm) and €2.00, 000 fork 8 HIS) ast case mayb. 1s ania ah 100000. (orm she enka te sr & fe) oe ‘asin 200 nce Tana cont recur, wi aoe €2,00,000- (emsergch sate cura fee) er Fram Fret | TRA STAT aT ‘tobe paid by the applicant. Bp weap erie) eres arcs we 16 Aoptealon Maney + Cost of Brocur and cst of fat wil be te eaeyeme mea ote ateade airy es endorse epeatod trough NEFTIRT Sint Danng mode oy. Doro Se Parse arn eat Er rr ay the be a Earsareotaceepedtorpaymet. me Now) ne ede, races, cy eg, ‘Reoweht «(iy areca et Bw a ot saa ag a ate ad tars Stor Seer ee hnmy ot niente sone temas eal ety re Prone eee ee ee Sera beets eee ota ee Savane oan (ayer oh Re AOR wr (iy case of iscepancies in language, English Version wil be Wrested vat re eM DDA AAWASIYA YOJANA 2017 4 ator ® “ iy w ” wi 2 WAT o 0 wy ww) ” co) «iy ain m) © oy ai) Pace fer sarreor a ge ara ae AMT “PALIT, ‘srareta atort—2017" @ | ase thor serearan eart oe Afr Aft ser 000 wee & uel ar HE WY hos SL We OT | “ze THT FRAT 30.06.2017 3 11.08.2017 Ter EN | st oe oh srr abe ar Res gree ar Beh ge (oles wha) + 750 Wael ar aM eect wy Se we oF ee TTT TET Be aor a ene arta eA a we Peta aA / aT 3 ogy one, wa / The Sah ed SOT IRL Te, a Rg wera /uite wh ter TB soran ares araee BeaTET sarees a aren Shar be sa ears oe a eRe ak sree ah ag 10 Tg EM TET | arty ob rs Pech, Fete Rett re eA ae ser ea see A ise aT eek EH mW aR arnt arm Ha ooh / ai oe A a ee TET aeat ite oP airdt aH A aN aR go (rare atte de ata) 8 aE stare & stare wht / woh ste sitter oat af Pas eal & 81 saan ae ah apr ete Ait of oh Set sear semi wade 3 fire ste ay cat for Sr aT 2 ae aba ew Bh ae ie en on ate‘ “afar pt ar re (ear eH a ae Fea ET ew ani ar ot ae? aA aT AT aC wT bea ee set GM eT AEA EL a thorn @ sien: Gar ah A ea At Rec Reet sare a PR) eat AeA GOR ETT Rel ttc / are / he Te ree Fea oH GOT tae TAIT STI eRe we ote hee anton wet TE aT sar eo ah ares i] eT ees se rr the area sh orgare ster aT ncn ar A A es Aare eT by te ae wt ‘onteerar A a eae Sor aT | Te ATT TATE Pet A and & ade # arches Rand de & dake ar aT ma frat stan 3 ura serore aire mracrit a sierte carafe eal) eran een (24) char afte ate ade sea arnt Seater Pea eT aT | ar ont / ages erent A see ott sie, ae tt exw HO eget aT STE Gy) per afta afte Set ATT eT ude gy AAVt A Rens Rear mara get Se A eae BN seer ia abe a a A orca ar ee ere oh a atte er ae ote aT arte wat Has fy) A xer oPMiT Ra Te aor ate SCHEME: (i) This Scheme is tiled as “DDA Aawasiya Yojana -2017" ofthe Delhi Development Authority (i) About 12000 Fiats of diferent catagories and in diferent locations are on offer. The allotment of Flats would be an Free Hold'basis, (ii) The Scheme shall remain open from 30.06.2017 to 11.08.2017. (iv). Details ofthe fats on offer under this Scheme are given at ‘Annexure—"A’, (W)_ 798 Flats of ‘Old Stock’ willbe rastored to habitablesiving ‘condition before handing over possession tothe allottees, (Wi) To have a look and make assessment ofthe locality, applicants can visit the localityMat within a specified Perioditime, before applying under the Scheme. ELIGIBILITY: () Theapplicant mustbea citizen of India. (i) HelShe should have attained the age of majonty ie. an ‘applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on the date of submiting the application (ii) The applicant must not own any dwelling unit (including residential plotat) in ful or in part on ‘Lease Hol’ or Free Hold’ basis in urban areas of Delhi, New Delhi or Delhi Cantonment, either in hisiner own name o in the name of hisiher spouse or in the name of hisiher ‘dependent elations including unmarried children. (iv) Family means spouse and dependent relations including unmarried children. (v) Both husband and wife can apply for flats separately subject to fulllment of eligibility conditions with the ‘stipulation that f both are declared successful, only one shall be allotted flat and the full amount of ‘Application Money of the other spouse willbe refunded. (ul) One person can submit one application only either in hisiher own name oras ajoint applicant. (vil) person who has already been alloted plovhousella by the DDA or any other land owning agency in Delhi, irespective of size, shall not be eligible to apply for another flat under this Scheme. (vil) There is no income erterion. The applicant can apply according his her requirement and affordabilty. (x) The applicant should have an account in any Bank and the particulars of the Account must be given in the ‘Application Form. It is assumed that the bank has followed KYC’ norms of Reserve Bank of Indiain respect ‘ofsuch Account (©) Applicant must have Pormanent Account Number (PAN) allotted under the provisions of Income Tax Act ‘and the same must be quotedin the Application Form. (x) Incase of joint application under SC/ST Reserved Category, the joint applicant should be from within the Family as definedin sub-clause (iv) above. (ai) In case ofjoint application under war widows, persons with disabilties, ex-servicemen reserved categories, the applicant himselthverself should fall within the reserved ‘category and the joint applicant should be from within the Family as defined in sub-clausa(Wv) above. 3 sere, o @ iy ww ” 5a chara etree fre Pt as wr ce anger a at fy se a 75 ere ee eer ron ce Fg ee feumh aft soya orton eh reteart weaker eo anderva ung ad) etd 8, a ew adel ar Pert sry ont aot a arcade ver ae aT TTT ate Qe ah araverr Shwe Rewer refer ofa aed tba are | 1 sft ite ge A mete hat ah feast she wT / arigre aaa (Peers oor) Y werhips tet rere ie | sae eke Pera afr (ser stacy, re err she ‘pi tren) Pa, 1996 er 23 er oF Ree aera forge | 4 aren nce rg Pa Fre sot a feuwh (9) vax srr daa feat a A wre wae A sho ea 8 eto eo aR ens ih aide A ae A stom ai Ghaera) A gat 05 2 aa sth & pate Hara IT she af& 05 a1 eee ate ore & at os A aero Cw ae ferore| dr) aR rae ie Ae water eee Weer ser eh ena a ere aA TT A aA rarer ae TEA (a) 4, ada 6a we o Cy wi Ww) srt ‘street aearer ‘trang! A sntet Te 8 ‘itrorer Fag dea wh FRAT. A AEE wd. orgin 2 ea eT sa thorn a sina wae & fag ortar aet aa oe wT coe a A Foy are Ree a srg wet we eT wea, ae orn Ura / Tang A, ae aA eA sq wasnt / cuore ah & fae oR ares we wet & dh antea ay wae a va sea eho fey aM, ‘once aR wT Ber RTE eI, Pere fre we i (i) oer atte orang fh /art Ae wH £1,00,000/- | ti) eramd.ah, ate eames 2200.000 Ref dag ‘ator avery ‘alts Ger Fog A ATS se 4 anteater HEE eT BT Te AT arent, ‘aire Gay ar ET we ara sew, aA wy Bie / ates en ae aa ore ante ss oe wet aT fate ed wa 3 72.ce & okee a / athe aR Tr BT ateahl wy sae Peis stat w slee heer ge a Rta / ge area BoA A TEA tea aR “ALE oro wr A ae Reet Za Reoch A amar ga aba fe Ah tn fre det We /feais ge amt argarre “a 4 atta det Bt Fre of it are AST a eo 4#> RAs saree aera 2017 3 RESERVATIONS: 0 w iy w) ” ‘The details of reservations under this Yojana are as given below: 415% of the fats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes; 7.5% for applicants belonging to Schedulad Tribes. Note: Ifadequate number of applications are not received from applicants belonging to ST category, remaining flats shall be disposed of in favour of applicants belonging to SC category and vice-versa, 1% for War Widows and thase receiving liberalized pension from ArmediParamiltary Services (Next of Kin). 3% for Persons with Disability 3s defined in Section 2 of the Persons. with Disabilties (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and FullParticipation) Act, 1995, 19% for Ex-Servicamen. Not {@) The reservations, as above, is admissible strictly with reference to the number of flats availabe in locality. {b) In case number(s) of flats in respect of reserved category comes oa fraction ie. less than 0.5itwould be rounded off to zero and iit is 0.5 or more it would beroundedoffioone. {) If requisite number of applications are not received from the above mentioned five categories, all remaining fats shal be offered to persons of general category. 4. HOWTOAPPLY: 0 w i) Ww ‘Applicants can apply “Off-Line” as well as ‘On-Line’. For *Ondine’, the applicantis required to visit DDA's Website i.e. www in. ‘Applicant applying for fats under ths Yojana shall have to serPepa 23 BT er fren & | aft tg ate each wear ¢ see Prat, zart ate B sreaPhoran et A ah & ad onde gel ait arg gd Pree ae Ree EAT aE et Faee/ cide /aa & fe BE mao aA A ae gare, Saez, tide tear at a aay & fey FR TG Pe eget. rr Fore a Pe oT | atten de ooh afte at eee oF alee chee aire fae wee aU MET 8, eH IMT a DTSHE Aer arta orca ah, A are 8 a oe eer Te Rote wy Teer / et G1 POR AM aTew wh ae er veh Rear a aren, Prev an see en eta EL fre cafe aft ah sritee afta we are tat TE eae eh @ rae ara HT Te aH x) Rosh Mare adet ae rare re sine seh steal at ater ot Rear at sore are of sree We RAT TET Samer a eel wT Pe eT wy ae we a araexoat 18 8) baer awa artzal at Praia wrlw ‘eeordt oT ae area eM | oval @ grt wear or Poe ort ard cedar 3%) wh afrat & fare (sere tT rer one /arfeer A wrE_ ert ‘eran teen) ot eet wR ert eRe ara Y, ord wet ata wire grat wal wr od eet a weal tr ard @ Raw a oie torent Go Pro & am a ste, ges sea Ta, TTT AearHws, wT ars, graft arewta, échery Pa, aroha Rr, ar ar Fae, ore ate, ar Te gw, (Bra ge oe rH stk sar a, ASHI TEGAL oe se sere re ah eae | (¥)_ Duly completed application, in all respects along with the Fequisite payment, should be recenved by a designated Bank as per Annexure -B before close of banking hours ofthe last date for submission of applications. DDA shall ‘not be responsible in any manner for delay in receipt ofan, ‘Application Form for any reason whatsoever beyond the closure time, (Wi) Payment by cheque, multiple banker's cheque/multiple demand draft will not be accepted with the Application Form. The payment in the form of NEFT/RTGSINet- Banking in case of “On-Line” application will be accepted, Payment through Credit/Debit card isnot permitted. (il) Application Form will not be accepted after the date of closure of the Scheme. in case. its found at any stage that the issue date of payment instrument is after the closure of the Scheme, such applications would be surnmarily rejected and the applicant would be solely responsible for t. DDA would not entertain any such application in draw of los. (0) The applicant may give one or more preferences of histher choice (maximum 07) by writing locality codes, given in Annexure *A’ in appropriate box and put a {ross (x) against the preferences not exercised. It's, presumed that applicant has seen the locality before siving preferences. If any box is left blank or preferences are not given in prescribed locality codes, Form would be considered incomplete and would be rejected. No preference for Secior/Pocket! Floor can be exercised by the applicant, No request for change of locality, sector, pocket or floor shall be entertained by the DDA, (%) The Application Form should be signed only by the applicant himselfinerself, who wants to geta lat under the ‘Scheme exceptn the case of a person with disability wito being unable to do so applies through his/her guardian, No applicant should make any cutting, erasing or fovenwriting in the application form. In case 3 person dosires to make changes, tis advised o oblain and fil up afresh Application Form. (xi) No conditional Application Form will be considered. Incomplete Application Forms shall be rejected summarily without conveying any reason to the applicant. There will be no requirement of submitting any document ‘at the time of submission of application. Only the successful applicants will be required to submit the prescribed supporting documents. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED AFTER DRAW OF FLATS: (A) FORALL CATEGORIES: ( Solfattested copy of PAN Card (Permanent Account Number) issued/allotted by Income Tax Deparment. In respect of successful allottees, the PAN Card details will be got verified, before issuance of possession letter by the Issuing Authority. (i) Proof of residence e.g, selfattested copy of passport, ‘government Identity Card, Election 1D card, Ration ‘card, Driving Licence, Telephone Bill, Electricity Bil, ‘Water Bil, House Tax Receipt, Bank Pass Book (cage carrying name and address) CGHS Card or ‘Aachaar Card, AP RAs. srarefta aera 2017 # (i) ater wa 4 afta emt a as ae gw/eT aT Arse ca a wr Racer rr Pet a z0r5—10 sia Frat af aove-17 A smn ot md armas Rae Bt see |e BPR rm Te A wet fw A a are & aa 4 ad Rt de Bae are sere Pa | Coy ance eres er aA aw ee ATE | (a) sree Ae Rave sees (2 aR, Pr A aes Bw sce se we art marc a Per TTT TT eA eT 0) RR art are ont / rg Sess aA afrit 8 wera vor & at ot Wala da & Pen afresh fee 8 me ye MW see a eg eA 1 A itn Rea eae A eT AA ee sre aa & re Tea ore # foe aS TT sak fg eae ara ea ATR TA eh em RT re Ea TTA, et Aran ga a oP star a (i) APR a A en Hae /aeTea aa SET sate rer en afr ear At rape at ager ee er (oy AR cer Hee AP fra / sore itor, red wate er art we art ah eh 8, 2A sees 39M) & ake saa 8, at we eer aeG// ees zat /areafae aa ger a Py Te “art seach ara PY eA eI | a) det dard wearg wae wT waar UTA aA te, arty Prete eer ue (Bare re A Oe gw A aT AH eA frend nde A ane oer at mg @ aE TET wT sere | i) seer rhe oer A Re ae shea sage mew] (i) Seger 9A Ree re saial & segene er aes] Gy Sr BTN eT Ta OAS / TA, aE RRA, wie ote dr ween, wh ajar “a ARE Ty sta & argue Pe rane a ses wr ator ahonortzal aterm tote tom Rah TS rare @ wee at andes for agar) gr wea teat afte a ref Fear em) arareher atsen-2017 = fare arta agis ete 8, ardent 1 ufo: 0 Bom sf foe aes, Sate, omer, ae Rreoft—110029 Rerer RA, w afer ate oe wath fear aT) gab Rea, =f aT oR PEAT, a ATE hip: mw dda ongin We A wee Roar eT te ese wearer Ho en fa ae | (i) re armen wa wore sree wt eirReS /elts See ERT att rs Fy ary srgey ob ge Ge ACH eT ET, 2 eer ar eT eT Pep: ort a er (li) Seif atested copy of Bank Pass Book/Statement of ‘Account mentioned in the Application Form for the last one year or copy of Income Tax Return(s) fled for the Financial Year 2015-16 ie. Assessment Year 2016-17, It should be ensured that the concemed Bank has followed KYC norms of Reserve Bank of Indiain respectof such account. {iv) Ownership proof ofthe property of the residence of the applicant. (B) FORRESERVED CATEGORY: In addition to (A) above, persons applying under any of the reserved categories have to submit {) An attested copy of the original certificate from the District Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate of the area concerned in case the applicant belongs to the Reserved Category of SC/ST. (ll) An attested copy of the original certificate Issued by the Medical Board of a Govt. Hospital in case the applicant is applying under the reserved category of Persons with Disability. A self allested copy of Quardianship certificate issued by the competent authority, wherever applicable, be aitached {ii) An attested copy of Discharge Cerificate from the competent authority of Ministry of Defence/Armed Forcesin case of ex-Servicemen, (lv) An attested copy of “Requisite Cerificate” issued by the Ministry of Defence/Armed Forces/Para Miltary Forces. In case applicant comes under reserved ‘category of War-Widows/Next of Kins which would include those receiving liberalized pension. (C) FORPOSSESSION OF FLAT AFTER DRAW OF FLATS Applicantto submit: (i). Seif attested copy of Bank Account Pass Book/Bank ‘Statement from which the cost of the Flat has been ‘deposited along with payment proof. (i) Affdauitas perproformagivenin Annexure-‘C' (li) Undertaking as per proforma given in Annexure- (iv) Photograph and three signatures of self and spouse, (if martied, duly attested as per proforma given in Annexure 'F’ nine 7. MODE OFALLOTMENT: Al the eligible applicants shall be considered for allotment through a computerized draw based on random number technique. The draw shall be held in the presence of independent observers. The draw for the Aawasiya Yojana- 2017 willbe web-streamed. RESULT OF ALLOTMENT: (i) The results of the draw shall be displayed on the Notice Board of DDA at Vikas Sadan, D-Block, INA New Dethi- 110 023. In adciton, tho result shall be displayed on DAs ‘website withthe address in and willalso be published in leading national Newspapers, (i) The demand-cunvallotment fetters will be dispatched to the successful allotees by Registered/Speed Post at the address given by the applicant in the Application Form, However, shal be the sole responsibilty ofthe applicant 42} DDA AAWASIYA YOJANA 2017 or / mh a ai ode a eS Ph Bt Pe “Rae PR. wearer el eT ae ee #5 ater Baer ay oA ow gee sha BR ara & see we wr AT ae Hee At we mY wy EN Pea Twa BY ART ST 10 ree ere wap are seh er HR roe ket BAR aoe ae Fre TET cea ae Free / ee Fre are re oe en oe oh Pra woh ar shan ET arkgat a de ART er eh Fore er ATT Tat cee Fy a5 Pa ar er PR ee For RN 9 eek onder aR aT eA 8 Te STAT TH eT RT ‘am | HE A aa A ve sree & aga ae BT cee gt Fg eet rie Fe et nth eh a ART 8 Ie ae bat Te aR gf FroToT “a1 yaa ag aT a Teh ee TERT Fog my ade A wan ah ard eps eae wh ea oe Fae ener oe Tee) ms sha BPN ht wet a fry are mE & fr ats Fre Te TE CS ang ach ea aoa wah aoe area ee ‘we fey ong te we a bast 10 aw ew Aer BN ate aca whan sh ae ate as Fe ae wee BB WP A sree eet, ore eC aE aT EL ween 81 ait a aoe wet ech ade a ae eh, ot ee ete ae FA a ke ata | wy, 9, rah) Reate eh ert 96 tes en we ea ce |e a reer PRS B Fee ty au Ucn, ere TTA, ra Rech eee ob rare A Uap ea are et itt eee Fe TET 10, steer RT SATE 1". roa onda a mie Haft gt oor a A afte HA 34 ae & fe Ste 8 oh fe et a part Bt Pr sage ses eet ae A, AAR i ARIE Ac HE (oo Ret) 3 fee so aftr ae a &, at Fre = spre ae Pear ae sree onteal & od A, afk gt A AR A ew mE (00 Rei) 2 afer ke ah ater lt aA ae, a A fafa Ge ae 0 Re) aos Te a AE TIT ae ais at ag &, saa Rod aE a sift MR aH 8 er aS a he rece at ae Fa AT | A es area fe Bt aN MS are 30 RATS sia ae sR eer Fe, GE sre te 8 a we PE ao a shen wear Sas a uel TRI ET ra a A, es ey "serve" ETH BB AT TRY hates ae, gale ae stew 8 stars w ta. 8 Hara sear anon gmgaeh aha de Rese, Fore aT a ar ) 2 PRR wh ato wees wa A si eT eA Ta ar aiftere drm) PRA, at ofa agpee gE deh / woh ete a ara ere HT | ‘ea or tent ono aw era, APT ET TT ate Rem. Grentia Teer wr see wa Perera) FAP 98 Pa Feat eer fer Rrra Ram (ereter ear a eer Per) RRC, 1960, ah Papa a7 8 Ptr rat ongare wah, IH, we spare, Safar wet ar Fre ste sre were aa, fiveh at soph a ef, sé sera dog waa / sree art ah reel Se A, BH ae ae eh Ik eA eer Re aR a Ae se seer saree eA eter / sage ste gre geo rere Pra aT | Fogh ene at Rare wnt Ra A a wr Paver a teh nf Pah aero 8 et ARR, re ren eu i He ara, es arrange @ fr a oe wa H ate ol a, TET aft fret te bat or ats oa free, gti, Reeve ror, REAR ag Fee 10025 9 Fae ae oh Rema & at arbor enkaes Gere a Pet Frere (arar)-t / Pree (aar)-i, ara (A), eI organ (oar) ar urea, PEAT. aia we Tae S| eat, Ra arto aia # andes ah ae gs 8 AH med 8 Aer TaTEMT (Tee, wate, sea, Pere en, ReaA—110023 HTT we cond thar ant ara ana A ro ta eT at gt 8) a at ar ra At & oat Site TR TTT eve a are eT ee ahora a see Hele are ade a onde df woe aE el artes ot aren werdh erat ve (ta) /strané ar Fe ate orb aia / ars / Rae a Ge eT aE TT AERA a fe mea eT TT TE he seATATE Fear a ee 1 ore hr ar ah TET TA A ee TAT Ww Wi, te Reem ate wR aeM Ferm oe tat tw sede rer Per segue IE eA AY rT ae arth soho re eer wr ge eT eh web hen oh oreo wee ake A oe tHE arse / Rete Geren (rare / weet wine sw sre) fat) pa, aa eee or rey aH cece Perl frat vwdte # arden & fare ante gre arterwa Fhe SET weaker & eT Te APT ee atc a AE our aed aR Ae aN ere ue AEG UTA AAT A artae grr Rea my wear / ery, wa / Sy sre @, oh ameter fom fret aa eat EE TT siren site 2 arr A anteat & rat we lary ae) Rpm aT ft RT er A IRR te we arrest @ © (© ® © 6 4) 0 ” Oo) 0 AP RAs. srarefta aera 2017 DDA reserves the right to increase or decrease the ‘numer of fiat on offer under the Scheme. DA also reserves the right to witheraw some/all fats depending on the circumstances. ‘The allotment under this Scheme shall be on the terms ‘and conditions contained in this brochure, demand cum allotment leter and the DDA (Management & Disposal of Housing Estate) Regulations, 1968, ‘As per provisions contained in Regulations No.17 of DA. (Management & Disposal of Housing Estate) Regulations 1968, all tales fees, taxes, charges assessment of ‘municipal taxes and levies of whatsoever nature shall be ome by the allottee or the Registeres Agency! Association of Apariment Owners; as they may be and shall be payable by the allotlee or Association of ‘Apartment Owners'/Registered Agency within the periods specified inthis behall, ‘Any dispute shal be subjoct to the jurisdiction of Courts at DelhitNew Delhionly, In allthe correspondence within DDA regarding allotment etc, the applicants are advised to quote their Application Form No. File No, etc,, and such correspondence be addressed to Dy. Director concemed 'D'- Block, Vikas ‘Sadan ODA, New Deli- 110023, In case of any grievance, the applicant can contact Director (H)-/Director (H)-ll, Commissioner (Housing), Pr. Commr. (Housing) oF the Vice Chairman, DDA during their Public Hearing days. However, on financial issues, the applicant is advised to fist contact Financial Advisor (Housing), D-Block tst Floor Vikas Sadan, New Delh- 10023, Itis not possible to check the eigbilty of applicant at the time of acceptance ofthe form. Therefore, Uiose who are ‘ot eligible would register their names al their own risk ‘and would not be entitled for allotment of fas fata later stage it is detected that they are not eligible under the ‘Scheme. “The applicant should mention hisiher PAN/GIR No. and [LT Girela/WardiDistrict. The application form without this. information shallbe considered incomplete andis fable to be rejected ‘Allotie willbe required to intimal the source of payment, For the purpose, he/she will have to submit a copy of ‘bank pass book. Bank Statement, loan documents, if raised, Allotee willbe requiredto submitan affdavitduly attested that he/she has not execuled any general/special Power of attorney, agreement to sel, bayana receipt or any other documents in respect of Applicationfiat allotted to hirer ‘The demand-cum-allotment letter will be issued after verification of the informationidocuments furnished by the applicant in the Application Form for allotment of flat. In case, it is found at any stage that tho documents! information furnished by the applicant are Incorrect! false/ untrue, the cancelled automatically without any notice and the claim of the applicant in such cases will not be entertained. The whole amount, including ‘Application Money, willbe forfeited. 42} DDA AAWASIYA YOJANA 2017 ager ‘Annexure A veel or Raat, argu arene site war @ ls DETIALS OF FLATS, TENTATIVE COSTANDLOGALITY CODES ®. at ert | udel a all awe | arpa Perera arr a Sen | “wen | Semmes ‘oie former) ‘ean PB Locaty tocity | no.ot | Agponingysf | Sonia of & eae) Bininacee | ntact cmeuiacey | Seana ite) eaangal HIG 1 | sr aveeoanr © % | mawnoa | sarunce 2 | seer veo " 32 | tossowrsiea | ssarorznas 3. | quite an Rare Subner var Sava 2 P| wereiore | tesome20 a | eere-bwana'e % x | Stoners: | sioewinaae & | fragernpa " : tozeroroaas | sastwone & | stron toe fry Pac viar.vaa Put i + | ssaswsees | Statsere + | siete tates von Societe 2 | towers | tsanmesae | Heteree-avi Ronn Sote a0 * is | feroowtseer | Sooase tase 2._| ste oreo ca 2 7 foto mee arora ean ofl MIG iD | geen Owed Nino Fy @ | wens | aaere 11 | eft tear 28 nae ome Sockr 223,248. 2 n | femomr | ianesren to | Smeg han s 2 fers forums 13 | seen gost Nei 10° 2» 3 Tesowrese | sisdine2 14 | atom reaper 2s a | tasiwtatea | soaswenes 4s | Arman com Nw ostet Ao ® sr | too rss 4 | wom fie arbor 7 2 toarrvsoms | fstneo arora} aaa yetangal / ga 2eFTHe LIGIONE BED ROOM [7] Sata Paes ada 3 z wadiwie a | seBwa8o8 4 | ten seers te tr mein Soc oto" 2 > Searosess | deaswooa0 fe | sree sre Laneyat Par, Pschinthar 2 foe | oomess | mossuza7e a | tres ee ats eee ote Kendra Eatonton Jat “ a assowaros | te75w2085 21 | morass s s haps: | telontoet 2 | ero Wers-208-7* Ow, Secor 23 ® ae | Ramossan | twee 2 | bt, gwecae co monnseceratas ” suo | Saoemes | Maswreae 2t | meuh-aeten nowmezeee™ = wz | mamessast | teaowiere 2 | frame Seapie™ 2 io | srenss | teawiere 26 | arg wrairt, fae orentregh gt eter anya aby ea Jaan Staton see_| sive | toramarz0 eTomH87 [sa JANTA af | ib faye ara Rots Moon Sutmear # a | wena | amwnre 2 | setege rer" Mawr mona?” & & | fmiewarr | somes do | vytsre enrg Carers rr see, ar eo 5 a | jaasoaree | ater Regn ago Was Po rast. ao | stem ae re Xr Grrl Arno TodePur TD # ° wewonz — | easwra70 a | Sar noe = | meas | tormres aa_| ah tee" 4(ORT Roi Secor AOR & zo_|_motomer__|_ saneace arom |e Et O17 Grand Tok 12.072 sesh at fe a a sae er ee ea eA TH Ta cape anno Fst demande abentblaied 2, men ta 22 geaNta1-a2 0 ded ar ara d mere lve ye ay sara 1H wert |The SlandoeypealUtPlen touting nreepecttiocstes ‘RiLno. id az2 Seana azar ennmcesoezmonureT fear nore aaa Bean eon ne ds) er # ee ra we he otter onnaoncnapect again Foc arn aks 2 ay (mr age eS Ta Tatn gsaeta ne On Tne Anan Chr pen spo genre da a # erg Pers ara pe Rrra ea ee Yay) 8 ge eR ge we eT #11" Tn conan ‘Foweetar abn areatnasapete sngaenretae'on anette ser se 10) Seger st zsoevy oh Ge (Cie) 3 4 he (3) HY Ee €| Thabane has tc wena ty nnn 08 ma Lan ata (eeyame rr + Frente eo tare ae gery ane Rn ry a ae evar "en “inal tere re pating pce. Teo snc wll lea he cnn abe by omputnd cela Sicha thal be eeciomebe per Le pain AP RAs. srarefta aera 2017 aye asst eretait & 511 1 ee dw aw gfe, at oe Riva, ox wee, Port wen, Wig, ong or ge, Sete acca, ‘och 10023, Frat: arias a ta oils ofr, ot ora re Re, Ree aa, vein, on ua ¢ te, Ste mee, Per 10028 aga 8000013472 8 ngdhdhneg Re, c/a starsat ap or RST, ot ard, aes, ate Sie, a Ret ito0ot SI o1r-esoanoa Tange * o7+7408H08 Tet ot1-e6089420 / s7ess106es 4 ePhera de, st sree gi, str ateite erat re, te sh sg feetsto0rs, er t-ort-osa00e1, ATE aa7s00s00 8 argfangatamg aa fe cin wal, og oe fate, alle Ge, 7d Ref-0001, GH Fors a0z7e125 / esos? 8 gadtgweh fe, sh oft gare stare, wer a, oul fafder sei, Esa, arte ha, 8 Feet —110001, 97 o10-aeou2ts arg -sor0684066 1 ete, oh she Rar, det tr Rte ti, sve os wake ue Oe wheat PA, eraR-a A, Hemie-rzamn, Pag 509820372 8 ate after to, 2 Oita amas, C1/44, TeaTiT ‘Was, TSE TTR, FRA-1 10001, 9562218058, pre arena & 4 00 fore Raw ah egy wy Be | ede ste eu -ereng ree, 256, Tite arm ee, em A Are, BIH. 1017 sey ie, son wg Pere et Se oh aah, on saa, Pei sor, He stone A aE Feet, wife web, fae Te, aor /a0, ale Ge, Rech, ada-

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