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Will Psychological Effects of Real-Time

Transit Information Systems

Lead to Ridership Gain?
Lei Tang and Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah

This paper examines whether the psychological effects of real-time tran- given more conservative estimates of the impact of transit information
sit information on commuters will lead to a gain in transit ridership. A provision on modal shifts (9–11).
conceptual model, which posits a simultaneous structure among psycho- The seemingly strongest evidence supporting the ridership effects
logical and behavioral constructs, was developed on the basis of cog- of real-time transit information systems are those studies that com-
nitive models of behavior. Path analysis was used to analyze such a pare actual observed transit ridership statistics before and after the
process. A detailed stated preference survey for Chicago commuters implementation of such systems. With the use of such an approach,
composed the data-gathering approach. The analysis results showed many authors found that the transit ridership increased for routes
that real-time transit information systems might achieve the goal of provided with real-time information systems (12–17). However, a
increasing transit ridership through their psychological effects on com- before-and-after evaluation does not provide evidence that is con-
muters. The results indicated that the provision of real-time transit vincing enough to assess the ridership effect of transit information,
information might serve as an intervention to break current transit because other factors (such as changes in population, gas prices,
nonusers’ travel habits and in consequence increase the mode share of transit fares, and employment rate and the redistribution of existing
transit use. Moreover, the results of this study suggest that real-time transit customers from alternative transit routes) might contribute to
transit information may be more successful in increasing transit rider- such an effect during and after the implementation of transit infor-
ship if combined with facilitating programs that enhance commuters’ mation systems. Thus it cannot be concluded that increased rider-
opportunities to be exposed to such systems before using them. ship is “a direct result of the (traveler information) system” only on
the basis of observing the ridership statistics reports (17, p. 3).
Although there are as yet no definitive reports of transit use or
The availability of real-time transit information systems holds the mode share increase as a result of real-time transit information dis-
promise of making transit more attractive to users. Such systems semination, many studies have found positive psychological effects
enable trip makers to make informed decisions by providing infor- of real-time information on travelers (11, 12, 17–22), such as higher
mation on the projected actual vehicle arrival and departure time at satisfaction levels with transit service (11, 12, 17, 20, 22) and
stations and stops, projected vehicle connection information, and reduced perceived wait times and anxieties (17, 19, 21). Some studies
expected origin–destination travel time (1). Originally available have even hypothesized that a reduction of perceived wait times and
through variable message signs at transit facilities or through the associated uncertainties could be one of the primary factors that con-
Internet, software developers now have built application software sequently lead to transit ridership increase (4, 23). However, to the
for smartphones and PDAs that uses underlying transit vehicle loca- best of the authors’ knowledge, how such psychological factors are
tion data, making such information ubiquitously available. Given linked to transit use when transit information is available, or what
that large investments have been made and that the technology itself the cognitive and behavioral processes are by means of which changes
has become sophisticated and user friendly over time, it becomes in transit use may result from the use of information, has not been
necessary to understand the outcomes of these investments. previously examined empirically.
However, although transit information has been regarded in many This research addresses some of the gaps in the existing research
studies as one of the most important factors for increasing transit rid- by analyzing attitudinal and behavioral factors that may help to
ership (2– 4), no convincing evidence to date in the literature shows explain changes in ridership that result from using real-time transit
that such information systems can successfully increase transit use, traveler information systems. The authors hypothesized that such an
especially from nontransit users. Whereas some studies suggest that effect is closely related to the individual’s attitudinal factors, and the
the ridership effects of such systems are positive (5–8), others have psychological effects of real-time transit information systems on
travelers will lead to ridership gain. A detailed predictive model to
test this hypothesis was developed to understand whether and how
psychological factors, together with other influential factors such as
L. Tang, MacroSys Research and Technology, 1901 North Moore Street, Suite
509, Arlington, VA 22209. P. Thakuriah, Urban Planning and Policy, University travelers’ sociodemographic factors and transit service factors (e.g.,
of Illinois at Chicago, 412 South Peoria, Suite 340, Chicago, IL 60607. Corre- level of transit service), are likely to affect travelers’ behavior when
sponding author: L. Tang, real-time transit information is provided. The conceptual framework
used is based on constructs from cognitive psychology. This frame-
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2216, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
work posits a simultaneous structure among psychological and
D.C., 2011, pp. 67–74. behavioral constructs to analyze travelers’ behavioral change in
DOI: 10.3141/2216-08 using transit systems if real-time transit information is provided.

68 Transportation Research Record 2216

Because the behavioral changes resulting from the use of real-time model was developed based on Huang’s information processing
transit information might be different for different trip purposes, this model and the travel behavior model of Pearmain et al., both of
paper focuses on a particular trip type, the commuter trip. Further which are derived from the field of cognitive psychology (24, 25).
research can be conducted to examine behavioral changes resulting Cognitive psychologists claim that elements inside the mind are
from using real-time transit information for different trip purposes. causal in directing human behavior by mediating between the stim-
A detailed stated preference (SP) survey was developed to collect uli of the environment and the behavior of the individual (26). In
primary data from commuters in Chicago, Illinois. The analysis of Huang’s model, individuals’ perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral
this data will assist policy makers and transit service providers to intentions are interrelated. These three factors are further determined
better understand the causes underlying the behavioral effects of by the individuals’ information experience, evaluation criteria, and
real-time transit information, and will therefore be useful to them in socioeconomic characteristics (24). The Pearmain model com-
more efficiently developing transit promotion programs by using prises two sets of variables: one is a set of observable variables that
transit information systems. “serve[s] to promote and constrain market behavior” and that
The paper is organized as follows: the next section presents the includes the individual’s social characteristics and experience, attri-
major research questions and conceptual framework that have been butes of travel alternatives, information on travel alternatives, and
adopted using cognitive models to guide the analysis. The third sec- constraints on travel alternatives; the second is a chain of non-
tion describes the data used, and the fourth section presents an analy- observable variables that “reflect[s] consumers’ understanding of
sis of the data. The final section summarizes the results of the study. their options and influence[s] their decisions to pursue particular
strategies” (27, p. 8). These mental elements include perception,
attitude, preference, and behavioral intentions (25). Both the Huang
RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND and Pearmain models use behavioral intentions (the willingness of
CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK the individual to try and the effort that the individual will exert to
perform the intended behavior) as the closest antecedents of actual
Research Questions behavior, which is very similar to the theory of planned behavior.
The theory of planned behavior, one of the most influential attitude
The research questions considered in this paper were motivated by
models, explains and predicts consumer behavior by using psycho-
the discussion in the previous section and include
logical factors (27). The theory of planned behavior acknowledges
1. Will the psychological effects of real-time transit information the role of attitudes in explaining consumer behavior and proposes
systems on commuters lead to transit ridership gain? that behavioral intentions are the closest antecedents of actual
2. What other factors will also affect such an increase? behavior (28). However, unlike the Huang and Pearmain models,
the theory of planned behavior does not include observable variables
that explain the internal mental elements.
Conceptual Framework Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework that guided this study.
This framework includes travelers’ sociodemographic characteris-
To analyze the relationships between cognitive constructs and rid- tics, personal experiences with transit system and real-time informa-
ership effect caused by real-time transit information, a predictive tion systems, and transit system condition factors. These factors are

Attributes of Transportation Conditions: Sociodemographic

including attributes of larger travel Characteristics and Experiences
environment, and transit service factors of Individual Trip Maker

Mental Elements

BI1: Simple
measures for
BI1 behavioral Intention
BI2: Detailed
BI2 WTP intention indicator

WTP: Willingness
to pay

Travel Behavior

FIGURE 1 Conceptual framework depicting the relationships between traveler’s attitudes, behavioral intentions, and
Tang and Thakuriah 69

similar to the observable factors used in the Pearmain model and are BIi,1 = ith respondent’s intention on whether to increase tran-
used here to explain how the attitudinal factors are formed. sit use if real-time transit information is available,
Previous studies hypothesize that a reduction of perceived wait BIi,2 = detailed information on ith respondent’s intended
times and associated uncertainties could be one of the primary factors increase in transit use if real-time transit information is
linking real-time transit information systems to increased transit use. available,
Because travelers who are more time conscious (such as those who SEi = ith respondent’s sociodemographic characteristics and
are more concerned with travel time or get anxious more easily as a experiences with transportation systems,
result of travel delay) are more likely to perceive such benefits if tran- TCi = ith respondent’s perceived or actually experienced
sit information is provided, travelers’ attitudes toward travel time and transportation conditions, and
travel delay are used as an indicator or proxy for these possible psy- f, g, h, k = function forms.
chological effects from the provision of real-time information. These
psychological effects are not measured directly because at the time
data were collected for this study there were no systemwide real-time DATA COLLECTION
transit information systems implemented in Chicago. As a result, it
might not be possible to fully capture the impacts that such systems To address the research questions using the proposed conceptual
have on the psychology of users as many travelers might not have framework, a survey was conducted from July to December in 2008
prior experience with them. using an SP questionnaire. SP survey data were used instead of
Three indicators for behavioral intentions were used. The first is observed data because it was necessary to examine the roles of psy-
BI1, which is the simplest form for intentions and indicates whether chological factors during the behavioral change process when real-
the individual intends to perform the behavior. BI2 is a more detailed time transit information was provided to the commuters; observed
intention indicator that gives information on how the individual is data cannot provide such information.
going to change the behavior. The third indicator, willingness to pay The respondents in this survey were Chicago-area commuters who
(WTP), suggests how much the individual is willing to pay for the were recruited through advertisements posted to Chicago’s craigslist,
information. This indicator has been used previously to measure community listserv, and different branches of the Chicago Public
behavioral intentions (24, 29, 30). Three behavioral intention indi- Library and who came to the survey administration site voluntarily.
cators are included in order to test the convergent validity of the mea- A small monetary incentive was given to the respondents.
surements of behavioral intentions. Convergent validity is the extent The survey was administered in several small-group (six to eight
to which one measure is correlated to other measures that theoreti- people) workshops. Respondents were first given a brief presentation
cally should be related to it. Examining the convergent validity is one on the survey’s purpose, including a visual presentation (photographs
way to evaluate the construct validity of an SP measurement (31). The of the display of bus arrival times in PDAs, kiosks, and so on) to
explain several survey concepts, such as real-time information.
factors that affect these three indicators as well as the relationships
Respondents were told that the purpose of the survey was to evaluate
between them are empirically examined.
the potential benefits of information technologies by independent
The two-way arrows between attitudes and behavioral intentions
researchers. The purpose of the visual aspects of the presentation was
in the conceptual model indicate that any reciprocity between atti-
to thoroughly familiarize respondents with the survey concepts to
tudes and behavioral intentions was examined (Figure 1). If a behav-
reduce the hypotheticality bias for SP questions.
ior is the observed consequence of attitudes, it is a case belonging
After the presentation, each respondent was given a paper-
to the attitude-before-behavior paradigm. In contrast, if the attitudes
based questionnaire. A self-administered survey was chosen over
of consumers alter after they experience a product, then it belongs
a researcher-administered survey to help reduce interviewer bias
to the behavior-before-attitude paradigm (24). These two relation- (e.g., answers influenced by respondents’ desire to please the inter-
ships were explored empirically, that is, whether the behaviors of viewer or meet the interviewer’s expectations). The survey included
the travelers were the consequence of their attitudes toward travel questions on
time or their attitudes toward travel time changed after using real-time
transit information was examined. • Sociodemographic information: basic, nonconfidential socio-
On the basis of the conceptual framework discussed previously, a demographic information of the respondent;
four-equation simultaneous model was formulated to analyze the inter- • Perceived transportation conditions: respondents’ personal per-
dependent relationship among commuters’ attitudes and behavioral ceptions and opinions regarding transportation systems and transit
intentions in their decision-making process. The general framework services in Chicago;
is specified as follows: • Experiences of individual trip maker: respondents’ trip charac-
teristics, such as their mode choice in commute trips, their current
ATTI i = f ( WTPi , BI i ,1 , BI i ,2 , SE i ,1 , TCi ,1 ) + ei ,1 (1) use of transit (including the number of one-way commute trips they
make by transit per week), and their previous experience with real-time
WTPi = g ( ATTI i , BI i ,1 , BI i ,2 , SE i ,2 , TCi ,2 ) + ei ,2 (2) transit information;
• Attitudes: respondents’ attitudes toward travel time and delay;
BI i ,1 = h ( ATTI i , WTPi , BI i ,2 , SE i ,3 , TCi ,3 ) + ei ,3 (3) and
• Behavioral intentions: whether the respondents intended to
BI i ,2 = k ( ATTI i , WTPi , BI i ,1 , SE i ,4 , TCi ,4 ) + ei ,4 (4) increase transit use in general if real-time transit information were
provided; the number of such intended one-way transit commuter
trips per week; and the maximum transit fare increase the respondents
would accept to have real-time transit traveler information available.
ATTIi = ith respondent’s attitudinal factor, These three questions represented the three behavioral intention indi-
WTPi = ith respondent’s willingness to pay for real-time transit cators used to test the convergent validity of the measurements of
information, behavioral intentions.
70 Transportation Research Record 2216

DATA ANALYSIS not make any such increase. The stated increase in transit commute
trips (ICW) was used as the second behavioral intention indicator,
Exploratory Data Analysis BI2. In the next section the factors that contribute to such intended
increases are examined empirically. The theory of planned behav-
A total of 99 respondents participated in the survey, 92 of whom ior assumes that behavioral intentions are the best predictor of
completed all the questions. The variables used in the simultaneous actual behavior; this assumption was used to interpret the analysis
models and the sample statistics of these variables based on the sur- results.
vey are presented in Table 1. From this table it is seen that 76.1%
of the respondents stated they would increase transit use if real-time
transit information were available. Average WTP for real-time
transit information is 36.9 cents per ride. About half of the respon- Path Analysis
dents indicated that travel time is their major concern in mode
choice or that they get annoyed easily when their travels are delayed. With the use of the variables identified in Table 1, Equations 1 to 4
More than half of the respondents had prior experience with (i.e., can be rewritten as follows:
have used or seen other people using) real-time transit information
systems. The stated increase for transit commute trips was 0.89 ⎛ WTPi , BI i , ICWi , MALE i , INCi , AGE i , ⎞
one-way trips per week on average if real-time information were ATTI i = f ⎜ EMi , HIEDU i , WH i , CAR i , UR i , CWTi ,⎟ + ei ,1 (5)
available; however, more than 60 respondents indicated they would ⎜⎝ EX , SC , EI , TA , ONT ⎟⎠
i i i i i

TABLE 1 Variable Definitions and Sample Statistics

Variable Description Measure Mean SD

Independent Variables
ATTI Attitude toward travel time (if the respondent gets annoyed easily when 1 = yes 0.554 0.500
travel is delayed or travel time is one major concern in selecting a 0 = otherwise
travel route or mode)
WTP The maximum transit fare increase the respondent would accept in order Continuous variable 36.900 49.817
to have real-time transit traveler information available
BI (BI1) Behavioral intentions (if the respondent reports they will use transit 1 = yes 0.761 0.429
more often if given transit real-time information) 0 = otherwise
ICW (BI2) Stated increase in one-way commute trips per week using transit Count variable 0.890 1.486
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Experiences with Transportation Systems
MALE Respondent is male 1 = yes 0.460 0.501
0 = otherwise
INC Respondent’s household income in 2007 (in $1,000) Continuous variable 51.685 31.489
AGE Respondent’s age Continuous variable 37.570 11.127
EM Respondent employed full time for pay 1 = yes 0.610 0.491
0 = otherwise
HIEDU Whether the respondent has a bachelor’s degree or higher 1 = yes 0.850 0.361
0 = otherwise
WH Whether the respondent is white 1 = yes 0.570 0.498
0 = otherwise
CAR Whether car is accessible to the respondent 1 = yes 0.730 0.447
0 = otherwise
UR Whether respondent is a transit user (used transit at least once in the past 1 = yes 0.900 0.299
30 days) 0 = otherwise
CWT Number of current one-way commute trips per week using transit Count variable 5.160 4.396
EX Whether respondent has used or seen other people using real-time transit 1 = yes 0.570 0.498
information before 0 = otherwise
SC Whether transit service quality is a major concern of the respondent in 1 = yes 0.790 0.407
choosing transit as a travel mode 0 = otherwise
Perceived or Actual Transportation Conditions
EI Whether current transit information is easily accessible to the respondent 1 = yes 0.820 0.390
0 = otherwise
TAa Transit availability index Continuous variable 0.710 0.107
ONT Whether the respondent thinks the current transit service is on time 1 = yes 0.280 0.453
0 = otherwise

NOTE: SD = standard deviation.

This index is a composite of frequency of transit, hours of service, and service coverage per census tract. Its value ranges from 0 to 1. Greater value of TA means
higher transit availability (32).
Tang and Thakuriah 71

⎛ ATTI i , BI i , ICWi , MALE i , INCi , AGE i , ⎞ TABLE 2 Path Analysis Estimation Results
WTPi = g ⎜ EMi , HIEDU i , WH i , CAR i , UR i , CWTi ,⎟ + ei ,2 (6)
⎜⎝ EX , SC , EI , TA , ONT ⎟⎠ Logistic
i i i i i Two-Tailed Regression
Variable Estimate SE P-Value Odds Ratio
⎛ ATTI i , WTPi , ICWi , MALE i , INCi , AGE i ,⎞
BI i = h ⎜ EMi , HIEDU i , WH i , CAR i , UR i , CWTi , ⎟ + ei ,3 (7) ICW [BI2] (Poisson Model of Intended Increase in Number of One-Way
⎜⎝ EX , SC , EI , TA , ONT , EX × UR ⎟⎠ Commute Trips)
i i i i i
ATTI 0.819 0.293 .005
⎛ ATTI i , WTPi , BI i , MALE i , INCi , AGE i ,⎞ EX 0.651 0.321 .042
ICWi = k ⎜ EMi , HIEDU i , WH i , CAR i , UR i , CWTi , ⎟ + ei ,4 (8) WTP −0.009 0.005 .059
⎜⎝ EX , SC , EI , TA , ONT ⎟⎠ CWT 0.343 0.127 .007
i i i i i
CWT2 −0.028 0.012 .022
100 × TA −0.019 1.124 .094
The empirical model specified in Equations 5 to 8 represents a
mixed simultaneous system with binary dependent variables for ATTI Inflate (Zero-Inflated Regression of ICW Model)
(attitude) and BI (simple intention indicator), a count variable for ICW CWT 0.46 0.153 .003 1.584
(detailed intention indicator), and a continuous variable for WTP. ONT 1.648 0.84 .050 5.197
SC −2.056 1.229 .094 0.128
An interaction term of transit user status and previous experience 100 × TA −0.084 4.424 .057 0.919
with real-time transit information systems was introduced in the BI
ATTI (Binary Logit Model of Attitude)
model. This interaction term tested whether real-time transit informa-
tion systems might affect a respondent’s transit use habit. The infor- EM 1.086 0.62 .080 2.963
WH −1.381 0.594 .020 0.251
mation on the respondent’s current transit user status was used to CAR −1.827 0.677 .007 0.161
represent transit use habit: if the respondent had not used transit at least WTP 0.017 0.006 .010 1.017
once in the month before the survey, it was assumed that this person ICW 0.386 0.176 .028 1.472
had a strong habit of not using transit. With the introduction of the INC 0.033 0.011 .004 1.033
interaction term between transit use habit and previous experience with BI [BI1] (Binary Logit Model of Stated Intentions to Increase Transit Use)
real-time transit information systems, whether such experience could UR 3.163 1.209 .009 23.64
help break the transit nonuse habit and increase transit mode share EI −1.623 0.757 .032 0.197
could be tested. This interaction term is further explained below. WH 1.531 0.74 .039 4.624
Because more than 65% of the respondents indicated they would SC 1.617 0.749 .031 5.036
ATTI 1.234 0.743 .097 3.436
not increase transit use for commute trips if real-time transit informa- WTP 0.019 0.01 .047 1.019
tion were available, a zero-inflated Poisson regression was used to CWT −0.305 0.079 .000 0.737
model such an effect. With a zero-inflated Poisson model, two regres- ICW 0.434 0.237 .066 1.544
sions were estimated for the ICW model. The first regression was for EX × UR −0.206 0.737 .780 0.814
observations with nonzero values, that is, for the stated increase in WTP (Linear Regression Model of Willingness to Pay for Real-Time
transit commute trips that was more than zero. The second regres- Transit Information)
sion was to model the probability of being unable to assume nonzero ATTI 26.555 11.206 .018
values, that is, for the probability of the stated increase in transit BI 19.588 8.489 .021
commute trips that was more than zero. EX 24.37 11.005 .027
ICW −7.215 3.366 .032
The software Mplus was used to estimate these simultaneous equa-
tions. The equations with binary dependent variables were estimated Intercepts for Model
as logistic regressions, the equation with continuous dependent vari- WTP −0.065 9.545 .995
ables was estimated as a linear regression, and the one with count ICW(inflate) 4.813 3.097 .120
ICW 0.772 0.838 .357
dependent variables was estimated as a zero-inflated Poisson model.
Maximum likelihood with robust standard errors was applied as the Thresholds for Model
estimation method. This modeling process is called path analysis, in ATTI 0.834 0.654 .202
which “several related regression relationships” are estimated in a BI 1.770 1.331 .184
simultaneous process (33). Residual Variances
WTP 2,098.128 636.693 .001

Model Results NOTE: SE = standard error. Log likelihood: H0 = −655.172; H0 scaling

correction factor for maximum likelihood estimation with robust standard
error = 1.003. Information criteria: number of free parameters = 35;
This section discusses the model results from the path analysis. Esti- Akaike = 1,380.345; Bayesian = 1,468.607; sample size adjusted Bayesian
mates for the models specified in the previous section are given in (n* = (n + 2)/24) = 1,358.128.
Table 2. Some of the initial variables were dropped during model
ness to pay for real-time transit information), CWT (number of current
transit commute trips), and TA (transit availability index).
Zero-Inflated Poisson Regression of ICW The positive sign of ATTI suggests that respondents who have con-
cerns with travel time or delay are more likely to increase transit use in
The model output shows that the factors that have direct significant the presence of real-time transit information systems. This finding
effects on ICW are ATTI (attitudes toward travel time), EX (previ- supports the hypothesis that perceived reduction in wait times and
ous experience with real-time transit information), WTP (willing- associated uncertainties could be one of the primary factors linking
72 Transportation Research Record 2216

real-time transit information systems to increased transit use. This find- cerns with travel time and travel delay. The significant effects of
ing also provides empirical support for the attitude-before-behavior WTP and ICW on ATTI provide empirical support for the behavior-
paradigm theory. before-attitude paradigm. The variables that have significant nega-
The positive sign of EX suggests that those who have previous tive effects on ATTI are WH (being white) and CAR (having a car),
experience with real-time transit information systems are more likely which indicate commuters who are white or have a car are less likely
to have a positive intention to increase transit use. This result sug- to have concerns regarding travel time.
gests that real-time transit information systems are more effective in
increasing transit use among people who have previously used them.
This finding is consistent with studies that suggest that intervention Binary Logit Model of Behavioral Intentions
programs will influence psychological factors and in consequence
change consumers’ behavior (34, 35). In this case, the intervention The BI equation shows that variables UR (user), EI (information
(i.e., real-time transit information systems) can help respondents to easy to use), WH, SC, ATTI, WTP, CWT, and ICW have direct sig-
develop positive behavioral intentions toward transit usage, and in nificant effects on BI. Commuters who are current transit users,
consequence they might increase their transit use. white, have service concerns, have concerns for travel time, express
higher WTP, or intend to increase their number of transit trips if
WTP has a significantly negative effect on ICW. This finding is
real-time transit information systems are provided are more likely
as expected, as the individual who takes more transit trips per week
to state intention to increase transit use if transit information is pro-
would be less likely to pay as much as the person who takes fewer
vided. Those commuters who think current information is already
transit trips per week.
very easy to use or who currently use transit very often are less likely
Because there should be a ceiling effect of real-time information
to express such an intention. Most of these findings are quite as
on number of trips, that is, it would be difficult to make frequent
expected. However, there is one seeming inconsistency between the
transit users travel even more, CWT is used as a polynomial func-
signs of SC in the BI model and ICW model. One explanation is that
tion in the ICW equation to explain such an effect. The negative sign
the BI model is for transit trips in general and ICW is for commuter
of CWT2 suggests a concave curve using CWT to explain ICW. The
trips. Thus commuters with service concerns might not increase
model estimates show that Chicago commuters making six one-way
commuter trips, but they may increase transit use for other trip pur-
transit commuter trips per week (calculated by function [−0.343 ÷
poses. The positive signs of WTP and ICW in the BI model suggest
(−2 × 0.028)]) will increase transit use more than other commuters,
that the three intention indicators are consistent in predicting respon-
which means the infrequent transit users are most likely to increase
dents’ intentions toward real-time transit information systems, which
transit use if real-time transit information systems are provided.
proves the construct validity of these indicators. The positive sig-
TA has a negative impact on ICW, which means that if real-time nificant effect of ATTI further provides empirical support for the
transit information were provided, the increase in transit use for attitude-before-behavior paradigm.
commuter trips by individuals living in neighborhoods with better The interaction term (the interaction between transit user status
transit service would be less than by those living in neighborhoods and previous experience with real-time transit information systems)
with a lower level of transit availability. People living in neighbor- in the BI equation is not significant, although its negative sign sug-
hoods with better transit service are more likely to have used transit gests the potential effect of real-time transit information in reducing
quite often, and are not likely to increase transit use even if they are the gap between transit users and nonusers regarding their intentions
given better transit service. This finding is consistent with the ceiling to increase transit use. This negative sign also indicates that transit
effect discussed above. nonusers with prior experience with real-time transit information
In the inflated regression model of ICW, both CWT and ONT systems would be more likely to increase transit use if real-time
(perception of whether current transit service is on time) are signif- information were provided compared with those who do not have
icant and with positive signs, which indicates that commuters who such experience. This finding suggests that real-time transit infor-
are more frequent transit users or who think the current transit is on mation systems might be a potential tool to break automobile users’
time will be more likely to make additional transit trips if real-time behavioral habit and increase transit mode share.
transit information is provided to them. The negative sign of TA in
the inflated regression model indicates that commuters in a better
service area are less likely to make any additional trips if real-time Linear Regression of WTP
transit information systems are provided. This finding is consistent
with the finding discussed above. The inflated regression also shows The variables that have significant positive effect on WTP are ATTI,
that commuters with service concerns (SC) are less likely to make BI, and EX. The estimated results show that commuters who have
any additional transit commute trips if real-time transit information travel time concerns, intend to increase transit use given real-time
is provided to them. transit information, or have previous experience with real-time tran-
sit information systems are likely to pay more for real-time transit
information provided for each ride. As in the ICW and BI equations,
Binary Logit Model of Attitude Toward Travel Time the positive significant effect of ATTI provides empirical support
for the attitude-before-behavior paradigm. The positive significant
In the ATTI equation, variables EM (full-time employment status), effect of BI in the WTP equation provides further evidence for the
INC (household income), WTP, and ICW have positive signs and are consistency between WTP and BI as indicators for behavioral inten-
significant. These results suggest that commuters who are currently tions. The positive significant effect of EX is consistent with its effect
employed full time for pay, have higher income, and have intention in the ICW equation.
to pay for real-time transit information systems or to increase transit The variable ICW has a negative significant effect on WTP. This
use if given real-time transit information are more likely to have con- is also expected, because as commuters increase transit use, they
Tang and Thakuriah 73

have to pay more for the information overall, which will tend to to deploy such systems may increase transit ridership by establish-
decrease the payment for each ride. ing facilitating programs to familiarize commuters with real-time
transit information systems.

DISCUSSION OF RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Examples of facilitating programs include advertisements and
reports about real-time transit information through television and
The main purpose of this study was to examine whether the psycho- newspapers. Application software systems using collaborative fil-
logical effects of real-time transit information on travelers would tering techniques could also be helpful in recommending mobile
lead to transit ridership gain. A theoretical model that posits a simul- real-time transit applications to smartphone and Web users (36).
taneous structure among psychological and behavioral constructs When these users are searching for other travel-related applications,
was developed to analyze such a process. A detailed SP survey for the search results could be accompanied by a recommendation for
Chicago commuters comprised the data-gathering approach. real-time transit applications. Multiple technology service providers
The results show that commuters’ behavioral intentions to increase such as Google are already bundling real-time transit information
transit use are closely related to their attitudes toward travel time when into mapping and navigation services for drivers and nonmotorized
real-time information is provided. Travelers’ attitudes toward travel transportation users. These technologies are likely to bring real-time
time can serve as an indicator for the possible psychological effects transit information systems closer to nonusers. However, as negative
from the provision of real-time transit information; thus this research past experiences with real-time transit information will not encour-
provides evidence supporting the hypothesis that the psychological age travelers to favor transit, the information provided should meet
effects on commuters caused by the provision of real-time transit infor- the customers’ needs in order to help increase transit use. Information
mation systems might lead to transit ridership increase. Because many should be effective, reliable, easily digested and, if possible, satisfying
studies have shown the psychological benefits of the provision of real- individual requirements.
time information, it should be possible to conclude that the present One major contribution of this research is that it fills the gap that
results support the ridership effects of real-time information systems. exists in the literature by examining the underlying psychological fac-
The study results also show that respondents’ travel habits and their tors that explain and predict the ridership effect of real-time transit
past experience with real-time information systems also affect their information systems. Further, this study also examined how these psy-
behavioral intentions. According to the model results, most of the chological factors are affected by other factors. These findings will
additional trips come from infrequent transit commuters. Commuters help policy makers and transit service providers to better understand
who do not regularly use transit are less likely to increase transit use the underlying causes for the behavioral effects of real-time transit
if such systems are available; however, the provision of real-time information and to develop corresponding programs to promote
transit information might serve as an intervention to break such a transit usage more efficiently.
habit if commuters are familiarized with this system, and in conse- Although the present study yields detailed insights into how com-
quence change their travel behavior to favor transit use. Other fac- muters would respond to real-time transit information, there are some
tors that affect commuters’ transit use intentions include the current limitations to this research. First, it was assumed that behavioral inten-
transit service level for their neighborhood, their service concerns, tions are the best predictors of actual behavior, and this assumption
their perception of currently provided information, and the ethnic was used to interpret the model results. However, the use of intentions
group to which they belong. to predict actual behaviors will not always lead to satisfactory results,
Moreover, this analysis shows the reciprocal relationship between although many empirical studies have proven the predictive validity
attitudes and behavioral intentions. The findings from the path analy- of such indictors, especially when a person is in a situation over which
sis suggest that not only the commuters attitudes’ toward travel time he or she has complete control of his or her actions (37). However,
will affect their intentions to use transit with real-time transit infor- several assumptions must be met to use this predictor more efficiently.
mation systems, but also such attitudes might be altered after com- The most important assumption is that human beings are rational deci-
muters have experienced these systems. These results imply that sion makers; however, this is not always true. People sometimes make
real-time transit information systems might help improve commuters’ decisions on unconscious motives, and such behaviors cannot be
consciousness of travel time, which in turn will lead to further explained or predicted by the model.
increases in transit use if information is available. This finding is con- Second, this research used SP survey data to explore factors that
sistent with the earlier finding that past experience with real-time would affect commuters’ intentions to increase transit use if real-time
information will help increase transit use if real-time information is transit information were available. However, SP surveys are subject
provided. There are several implications from the research results to a variety of biases, such as hypotheticality biases, judgment biases
for transit service providers: (e.g., noncommitment bias), and strategic biases. Respondents’
answers to the behavioral intention questions might also be influenced
1. Real-time information systems provision should be consid- by a desire to please the researchers or meet their expectations. The
ered as one way to improve transit ridership. The psychological ben- authors tried to reduce these biases when conducting the survey, but
efits brought about by such systems are one of the reasons leading they can still exist. These possible biases in the survey data might
to ridership gain. influence the analysis results.
2. Real-time information systems have the potential to serve as Third, because of a resource constraint, a random sample with a suf-
an effective intervention to change the travel habits of current tran- ficiently large sample size to collect the data was not possible, and the
sit nonusers and increase their transit use; thus such systems have respondents who came to the survey voluntarily might not represent
the potential to be used as a tool to increase transit mode share. the population. Thus it may be problematic to generalize these results
3. As past experience with real-time transit information systems to the entire Chicago area. However, since the purpose of the study was
has a positive effect on commuters’ attitudes and intentions to increase not to develop generalizable results but for problem understanding, the
transit use if such a system were provided, transit operators planning representativeness of the sample is less of an issue.
74 Transportation Research Record 2216

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