Module 7 Act Answer in Therapeutic Modalities

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NAME: Ericka Mae G.

Abrea DATE: January 17, 2023

SECTION: 4- Bravo SCORE: ____________


Learning No.1. Can spiritual and intellect go together? Is spirituality and intelligence at
odds with each other? Explain
In our life, I believed that spiritual and intellectual are important when facing the reality of the
world. Thus, these two components can go together. They’re just like a friend to each other that
supports one another when it comes to overcoming challenges and making decisions. Intellect
work as the ruler of our actions. When we think, we always depend in our intellect aspects to
decide what is best for us and for the people around us. It gives us a motivation to aim the
highest outcome of our decision. Then, after working and doing our routine in everyday life by
the intelligence we had, our spiritual capacity will enter to give us something meaningful about
what we do and decide. This time, we can reflect and awaken our spiritual inner self to secure
and maintain the peace we have inside ourselves. They just have different role in our life but it
doesn’t mean they contradict to one another. This is the good relationship of the two components
that can be built on ourselves.

Learning No.2. Discuss the concept of TC Philosophy comprehensively.

Molding the behavior, opening one’s self, guidance, counseling and accepting, those are one of
the concept of TC philosophy. Molding the behavior is one of the objective of the program for
the residents of the community. They give chances to every resident especially to those under of
despair to just be open and have their freedom to express themselves. In this way, resident little
by little will surrender himself to the world and accept that the problem he was going through is
because of the life he cannot control and he just need to submit himself to Him. By then, the
resident will go to the next step which is to open up himself, this will be the time that a resident
will accept his wrong doing and face it with a good reason on it. After surrendering and opening
himself, he will now reflect and realized what is the purpose and reason why he needs to remove
and leave it to past the life he had back then and just continue to live with another source of
strength, purpose and reason. By then, resident may welcome and enjoy the growth he had
because of the learnings and guidance he received inside of the program together with his other
members. And in the end, the resident will accept and know his worth as a person who gone
through a lot just to be the best version of himself, so that when his release comes he is strong
enough to face another chapter of his life outside the jail.
Learning No.3. Discuss the TC Unwritten Philosophies
In “therapeutic community” aside from the written philosophy discussed above, it also had
unwritten philosophy. Its purpose is to teach the residents the values and belief that the TC had
so that they can adopt and applied in their day to day living. Moreover, it plays a vital role in
making the residents recall what they think are important to them and they must do to achieve
and maintain the things that making them to stay still. It is something good for the residents of
the community because they will be able to embrace the belief, values and the same time
perspective they’ve learned in TC. By then, a resident will now have a set of new beliefs, values
and perspective in life in which he can apply the things he learned from the TC. The resident will
now know the important of being honest, having awareness, taking responsibility, showing
concern, giving trust, giving best on work, aiming success and be contented on what they have.
A good opportunity indeed to every residents of the therapeutic community. In addition, these
unwritten philosophies will surely teach something beautiful and meaningful about life, so that
when they go back to the community we have outside they will become the new version of
themselves and a true definition of having new life and creating a new beginning of life.

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