Riding in Real-Time - Estimating Ridership Effects of The Adoption

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University of Kentucky


James W. Martin School of Public Policy and

MPA/MPP/MPFM Capstone Projects Administration


Riding in Real-Time: Estimating Ridership Effects of the Adoption

of Mobile Real-Time Transit Tracking Applications
Kendrick Vonderschmitt
University of Kentucky

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Vonderschmitt, Kendrick, "Riding in Real-Time: Estimating Ridership Effects of the Adoption of Mobile
Real-Time Transit Tracking Applications" (2014). MPA/MPP/MPFM Capstone Projects. 27.

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Riding in Real-Time: Estimating Ridership Effects of the Adoption of Mobile Real-

Time Transit Tracking Applications

2014 Capstone in Public Administration

For a Masters in Public Administration

April 17th 2014

Kendrick Vonderschmitt

Executive Summary

Advances in technology, and declining costs of adoption have permitted local

transit agencies to provide real-time tracking information to their customers. The
customers through the use of a mobile phone can find up-to-the-minute wait times for
transit stops. This is enabled through the use of GPS technology and modern mapping
software to account for networked distance and traffic impedance. This technology is
a service upgrade in strict economic terms, but it is important to inquire whether such
an improvement would have an effect on service utilization. This study analyzes the
relationship between ridership and adoption of this service upgrade.

The study uses a panel of 27 medium sized transit agencies, queried ten times
over as many years in a fixed effect framework to evaluate the effect of the adoption
of these trackers on ridership. Ridership is measured in terms of both passenger trips
(unlinked passenger trips) and aggregate length of passenger trips (passenger miles
traveled). Control variables for population, city density, unemployment, congestion
and fuel prices are included.The results indicate that the adoption of this technology
does not have an effect on ridership in either measure. This is likely the result of the
captive nature of most of these markets.

The same model was used to examine the aggregate farebox revenue received
after the adoption of the technology. It found that agencies could expect an increase
of nearly three million dollars in fare revenue on average. In light of the previous
results, the relationship is likely reverse-causal as agencies which are increasing fare
prices may offer to adopt the service in order to assuage customers.

Further research will be necessary to break down the various types of markets
in an attempt to isolate the effect for different transit markets. If the panel data
approach is used this will require the collection of more specific time variant data
regarding transportation networks and urban form. This information will be important
for agency decision makers considering the adoption of this technology on public
subsidy. The fact that ridership increases are unlikely should be considered in the
development of plans to pay for and politically justify the adoption of tracker


As personal technology has advanced, the amount of information available to

the consumer has advanced comparably. Smartphones, characterized by their

connection to the internet and the utilization of mobile “applications” or “apps,” may

be a game-changer in the distribution of information to consumers. Users have access

to data in real time and on the go, which stands to revolutionize a variety of

industries. Smartphones are reaching greater levels of adoption in the U.S. By 2013,

91 percent of Americans used some kind of mobile phone; 56 percent of respondents

reported having adopted smartphones. Adoption among adults aged 25-34 rises is 81

percent, and this trend is expected to continue as the millennial population ages. 1

This technology, paired with global positioning system (GPS) technology, has

allowed for the creation of real time transit tracker (RTTT) apps. As a subset of the

larger Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) field, these apps provide users with the

information on bus and train arrival to the minute at a growing number of transit

agencies around the nation and the world. The bus is fitted with a GPS transponder

that facilitates the calculation and data delivery; more advanced systems use other

ITS technology to factor in traffic flow rather than a rote estimation based on network

bounded distance.

The arrival information is supposed to alleviate what is known as transit

anxiety. Busses are notoriously late on many routes. This leaves many riders

concerned as to the bus’ arrival time or if the bus is inbound at all. This anxiety

Arron Smith, “Smartphone Ownership 2013,” Pew Research Center June 5 2013.

results from a perceived (sometimes this perception is based in reality) unreliability in

transit. This manifests itself in very real stress for riders waiting for transit; many of

these riders perceive their waits to be as much as 13 percent longer than their real

wait times.2 These perceived additional minutes are likely indicative more of

psychological stress than the feeling of additional minutes of actual wait time. The

upgrade of a transit system to RTTT is clearly a kind of service upgrade, but it is

important to discover whether this upgrade is sufficient to allow for increased

ridership or if it only helps riders that would have boarded otherwise. If uncertainty

from transit presents marginal potential riders with psychological distress, a form of

negative utility, it follows that some riders would choose to take to transit if some of

its uncertainty was removed.

Research specific to the real time transit tracking apps is still very new and

surprisingly absent within the policy field. Researchers studying the Chicago Transit

Authority -an agency which had a staggered rollout of RTTT on its routes allowing

for comparative analysis- found that the technology had resulted in a modest but

significant increase in ridership.3 The research is mostly either reserved to single

system analyses or to the intersection of transit and psychology research. Both of

these are interesting and valid pursuits, but a national comparative perspective of

many systems could add to the literature.

Watkins, Kari; Ferris, Brian; Borning, Alan; Rutherford, Scott; Layton, David. “Where is my Bus?
Impact of mobile real-time information on the perceived and actual wait time of transit riders.”
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 no. 8 (Oct 2011).
Tang, Lie and Piyushimita (Vonu) Thakuriah. “Ridership effects of real-time bus information system:
A case study in the City of Chicago.” Transportation Part C 22 (2012): 146-161.

Perhaps most relevantly, the connection between ridership and RTTT

installation is a calculation of taxpayer expenditure. Local transit across the nation is

taxpayer funded via matching grants from the federal level. State and local

governments often levy taxes to match these funds, as fare revenue generally makes

up a relatively small portion of the agency’s budget. Increased ridership means

increased revenue from the fare box. Answering whether transit agencies are getting

enough for the expenditure to warrant adoption relative to ridership is a crucial policy

question due to the expenditure of taxpayer revenue.

For many systems the increased ridership may be irregular trips (rather than

daily commuting trips) that would have otherwise been made by automobile. Each

trip shifted from automobile to fixed route transit has environmental benefits.4 While

unique carbon and fuel would be expended by the automobile trip, the fuel and

carbon costs are sunk in a fixed route transit as the bus or train will make the trip

whether empty or full.

Information regarding the effect of RTTT is essential for the transit agencies

that have yet to adopt this technology and for those that have and need to forecast

revenues into the future. Though outside the scope of this study, this information

could be a crucial first step in constructing a benefit-cost model for the adoption of

RTTT. Pricing the ridership gains for factors relating to the environment, congestion,

A fixed route transit system is a transit system that takes a predesigned and timed route on a typical
schedule like that found in most urban areas. This contrasts with many rural transit systems often used
for non-emergency medical transportation.

government revenue (fares), while factoring in changes in perceived and actual wait

times, could allow for a formal BCA assessment of the technology.

Literature Review

Literature on the effect of RTTT systems can be broadly divided into two

types: ridership studies and behavioral studies. As demonstrated below, the

behavioral studies have established that this technology decreases wait times, but the

literature on ridership in connection to RTTT is much more limited.

Ridership Studies

A great deal of research on RTTT was conducted on systems prior to its

current incarnation in the mobile phone. During this period, findings suggest varying

level of positive effects of RTTT systems on transit ridership.5678 Other studies show

a more muted impact of RTTT systems on ridership.9 Earlier RTTT systems relied on

conveying information to riders via screens at the stop itself. While seemingly minor

in focus, this difference affects the whole trip planning process. While perceived wait

times may decline, this should have no effect on trip planning and therefore no effect

Abdel-Aty, M. and P. Jovanis. “The effect of ITS on transit ridership.” ITS Quarterly 3 no. 2, (1995):
Abdel-Aty, M. “Using ordered probit modeling to study the effect of ATIS on transit ridership.”
Transportation Research, Part C, Emerging Technologies 9 no. 4 (2001): 265–277.
Cham, L., Darido, G., Jackson, D., Laver, R., Booz, A.H., and D. Schneck. “Real-time Bus Arrival
Information Systems Return-on-Investment Study – Final Report.” National Technical Information
Service, Federal Transit Administration, Washington, DC. 2006.
Peng, Z., Beimborn, E.A., Octania, S., and R.J. Zygowicz. “Evaluation of the Benefits of Automated
Vehicle Location Systems in Small and Medium Sized Transit Agencies.” Center for Urban
Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. 1999.
Zhang, F., Shen, Q., Clifton, K.J., “Examination of traveler responses to real-time information about
bus arrivals using panel data.” Transportation Research Record 2082 (2008): 107–115.

on actual wait times because the riders wouldn’t receive information regarding arrival

times until riders arrived at the stop.

Tang and Thakuriah found that there was a modest increase in ridership after

the implementation of real-time bus information in the Chicago area, but found that

some of these gains were modest at best with 126 added trips on the lines which used

bus tracker. More importantly the authors found that the effect of the introduction was

more noticeable in the later stages and routes of the implementation process. The

authors took into account unemployment levels, gas prices, local weather conditions,

transit service attributes, and socioeconomic characteristics during the study period

(Tang and Thakuriah 2012).

Wait Time Studies

Ferris et al. 2010, initially hypothesizing minor changes in rider behavior,

examined the interaction between consumer behavior and real time transit tools.10

Survey data reveal that the Seatle based tracking service, OneBusAway, increased

rider satisfaction and that change in satisfaction negatively correlated with age. The

multidisciplinary team found that the younger the rider, the more satisfaction gained

from using OneBusAway. Survey data also shows that 91 perccent of respondents

reported shorter wait times, 18 percent reported feeling personally safer (p>10-15)

and 78 percent reported that they were likely to walk to a different stop in order to

change the overall plan for their route. The study is limited by self reporting and the

Ferris, Brian; Watkins, Kari; Borning, Alan. 2010. “OneBusAway: Results from Providing Real-
time Arrival information for Public Transit.” Computer Human Interaction. (2010).

lack of a control population, but established an early estimate of consumer reactions

to this new information offered by transit entities.

Other authors have analyzed the relationship between perceived and actual

wait times. This body of research is specifically important for understanding some of

the behavior of passengers before and after the installation of RTTT apps. As

discussed above, having actual information not only helps fit the psychological

experience of waiting for a bus to the reality of doing so, it also facilitates better

planning, thus reducing actual wait times. In a pure study of rider perception at stops

without RTTT, Mishani et al. found that that perceived wait time positively correlated

with both actual wait time and walking times. They also found that the perceived wait

time was negatively correlated with an imposed time constraint, or strictly scheduled

appointment.11 To summarize, they assert that perceived wait times were generally

longer than but correspondent to actual wait times. The sheer fact that there is a

difference in perceived and actual wait times for some users led Mishani et al. to

suggest RTTT as a possible remedy for this issue.

Watkins et al. continue this line of research confirming that RTTT has a

genuine effect on both perceived and actual wait times. The presence of RTTT

reduced the average perceived wait time by 0.7 minutes (13 percent). Real time

information users also reduced their actual wait times by an average of 2.4 minutes

Mishalani, Rabi G; McCord, Mark M.; Wirtz, John. “Passenger Wait Time Perceptions at Bus Stops:
Empirical Results and Impact on Evaluating Real-Time Bus Arrival Information.” Journal of Public
Transportation 9 no. 2 (2006).

(30percent).12 This study of the Seattle area shows that RTTT apps can reduce both

perceived and actual wait times, improving the rider experience. Rutherford et al. also

looked to the perceived and actual wait time in the Seattle area using Bluetooth

technology to better hone estimates of actual wait time. They found that riders using

RTTT information did not perceive their wait time to be longer than their actual wait

time. The study used Bluetooth technology to map automated passenger wait time

data collection, revealing basic trends such as average wait times (7.54 minutes with

RTTT and 9.86 without; 31percent different; p=0.00).13

Reactions to these systems appear to be very positive both in the US and

around the world. Dziekan and Kottenhoff utilized a meta-analytic framework to

examine seven main effects from 11 studies of 9 transit systems.14 The authors

considered the effects of at-stop real-time displays including reduced wait time,

positive psychological factors (reduced uncertainty, increased ease-of-use and a

greater feeling of security), increased willingness-to-pay, adjusted wait time behavior,

modal choice effects, higher customer satisfaction and “better image”. The study

finds that perceived wait times can be reduced by 20percent by employing RTTT

technology. The study also presents the effects of RTTT technology on adjusted

Watkins, Kari; Ferris, Brian; Borning, Alan; Rutherford, Scott; Layton, David. “Where is my Bus?
Impact of mobile real-time information on the perceived and actual wait time of transit riders.”
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 no. 8 (Oct 2011).
Rutherford, G Scott; Wang, Yinhai; Watkins, Kari Edison and Yegor Malinovskiy. “Perceived and
Actual Wait Time Measurement at Transit Stops Using Bluetooth.” Transportation Northwest
Research Report TNW2012-09 (June 2011).
Dziekan, Katrin and Karl Kottenhoff. “Dynamic at-stop real-time information displays for public
transport: effects on customers” Transport Research Part A: Policy and Practice 41 no. 6 (July 2007):

walking speeds by observing passengers as they approach the stops. . The authors

conclude that many of these factors increased in most of the studies and that RTTT

technology had distinct effects on rider behavior.

Brian Ferris’ doctoral dissertation on the OneBusAway RTTT system

revealed a number of positive features including increased (92 percent) satisfaction

with public transit via survey data. 38 percent of respondents agreed that

“OneBusAway alleviated the uncertainty and frustration of not knowing when a bus

is really going to arrive.”15 Ten percent of survey respondents responded that the

OneBusAway interface was more convenient than existing tools. Consistent with

other research, the positive responses were significantly negatively correlated with

age, with younger riders finding more utility with the system than the average older

rider. Ninety-one percent reported shorter waiting times. Most importantly for a

transit company’s bottom line, Ferris found that OneBusAway saw an increase in the

number of trips reported, especially those reported for non-commute trips.

Specific to the issue of user adoption, Maclean and Dailey researched the

earliest of mobile phone and internet interfaces as early as 2002. These systems were

quite simplistic by today’s standards, as they operated on phones which lacked

today’s modern operating systems and designed interface. The author studied the

daily variation in usage by both web-based and mobile-based platforms, again in the

Seattle area. They found that the web-based service was many times more popular,

Ferris, B. "OneBusAway: Improving the Usability of Public Transit." PhD thesis, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, 2011. 116.

likely due to drawbacks of the mobile platform at the time.16 Additionally, the web-

based data usage was far more stable throughout the day whereas mobile-based data

usage spiked higher at morning and afternoon rush hours compared to a lower


Research Design

For this study, I utilize data from the National Transit Database, Census,

Bureau of Labor Statistics, in addition to data from the Texas Transportation

Institute’s annual congestion survey. The data span a ten year period and represent 27

transit agencies which began utilizing this technology prior to 2011. All of these

agencies could be described as “medium” sized; I exclude the major transit systems

of the northeast and Chicago for two reasons. First, these systems did not have a hard

start date, making the use of dummy variables to describe the program impossible.

Secondly, I exclude systems which have a significant multimodal element to their

operations in order to study the unique phenomena surrounding the relatively rapid

expansion of RTTT technology in bus systems. This additionally should limit the

potential endogeneity between ridership and level of service as riders in these systems

are either captive or convenience riders. A list of transit agencies and selected

ridership figures is available in Appendix 1.

I will use the following fixed effect model, where observations are repeated for each

transit agency in order to study each agency before and after the model:

Maclean, S. D.; Dailey, D. J. “Wireless Internet Access to Real Time Transit Information.”
Transportation Research Board: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1791 (2002): 92-98.

UPT/PMT/FareRevenueit = programit + laggedprogramit

popit + pop_denseit + Unempit + CDHit + Fuelit + DRMit +e

I measure ridership as both unlinked passenger trips (UPT) and passenger miles

traveled (PMT). These variables describe the number of trips made by users and the

aggregate distance of those trips respectively. In addition to ridership, I use the same

technique for estimating the impact of the program on fare revenue directly. The

program is marked by a dummy variable for the use of real time transit tracking

(RTTT) applications (and a one year lagged variable to indicate the effect of the year

following the introduction of the program). The model uses control variables for the

transit agencies and their service areas in a year. This includes controls for local

population, population density, unemployment, congestion delay hours, the local cost

of gas, and a measure of supply: directional route miles (DRM). The DRM variable

describes the distance that an entire transit system covers in a given day. A list of

variables, their descriptions and their sources is available in Appendix 2.

It should be noted that DRM and ridership variables are difficult to separate

that some scholars may recommend the use of a two stage model as a minimum

necessity to remove the potential effects of endogeneity. This is not necessary for this

dataset due to the size and modal nature of these transit systems. The U.S. urban

landscape outside of the excluded major systems is largely automobile bound. Riders

in these systems are generally captive and or ride out of convenience of the

connection between their origins and destinations. Because the nature of supply and

demand in captive transit markets is not akin to that of the free market supply and

demand for goods, the potential for endogeneity between ridership and DRM is less

concerning. A two-stage model may be ideal for this estimation, but a due to time

constraints and limited access to proper time-variant instrumental variables, a one-

stage model suffices.


The fixed effect regression model does not cast an overly positive light on the

potential relationship between ridership and the adoption of this technology by

medium sized transit agencies. This could be because of a number of factors but

captive ridership is likely the major culprit. The effect of the program measured as

indistinguishable from zero in the models for both unlinked passenger trips and

passenger miles traveled. See Tables 1 and 2. Thus, I am unable to reject the null


Table 1: Fixed Effect Regression Model of 27 Transit Systems with Real Time Transit Tracker
Applications Independent Variable: Unlinked Passenger Trips(UPT) (1000s)
Coef. t-stat P value R Within 0.1453
RTTT Intro. -2566.0 -1.21 0.227 Between 0.0050
RTTT Lagged 1 Year -2620.5 -1.09 0.276 Overall 0.0036
Population (1000s) 2.0 0.34 0.734
Population Density -5.5 -0.75 0.457 F Stat: 4.32
Unemployment Rate 329.6 1.07 0.288 Prob > F 0.0001
Congest Del. Hrs (1000s) -58.3 -1.50 0.136
Avg Fuel Costs 4667.6 3.22 0.001 ***
Route Miles(1000s) 8.7 3.80 0.000 ***
Constant 70468.5 4.40 0.000 ***

The first model explains a small overall amount of variance for what can be

expected in the transportation field. Looking to the differences between the “Within”

R squared values and the “Between” R squared values finds that the within reported

higher (explain more variance) in each case. The model does a reasonable job (R

squared values between .1453 and 4322) of explaining the change of a single system

overtime, which is most important to the study. The model does a poorer job

explaining difference between systems.

These differences could potentially be captured in α but the differences likely

lie in hard-to-collect variables like land use and transportation network type. These

variables are being cataloged for researchers in databases like the “Reshaping

America Dataset” which reports data on housing, land use and network

characteristics. These kinds of datasets are not (or not yet) time series, however,

making panel data models difficult. Some of this information is captured by α in the

fixed effects model, but the time variant information which would otherwise show

how two communities change uniquely during the time period is not included. While

models two and three do a better job of explaining the variance between systems, the

pursuit of a higher R squared for models like this will require expansive research


Table 2: Fixed Effect Regression Model of 27 Transit Systems with Real Time Transit Tracker
Applications Independent Variable: Passenger Miles Traveled(PMT) (1000s)
Coef. t-stat P value R Within 0.4322
RTTT Intro. -1875.6 -0.20 0.843 Between 0.2158
RTTT Lagged 1 Year -8871.2 -0.83 0.410 Overall 0.1902
Population (1000s) 15.3 0.59 0.554
Population Density -32.5 -0.99 0.325 F Stat: 19.79
Unemployment Rate 1661.7 1.20 0.231 Prob > F 0.0000
Congest Del. Hrs (1000s) -1279.9 -7.31 0.000 ***
Avg Fuel Costs 17166.1 2.65 0.009 ***
Direct Route Miles 78.1 7.60 0.000 ***
Constant 363170 5.07 0.000 ***

Looking to further justify the model, the variables for service delivery (DRM)

and fuel costs were both significant and positive (as expected) for the ridership

equations. These variables represent strong predictors of transit success, as they

represent two of the major costs that go into making transportation decisions.

Directional route miles represent the size and frequency level of a system and as

expected the systems that are serving larger areas or the similar areas with greater

frequency are garnering more riders. As for fuel costs, the declining utility of

automobile trips as costs increase creates a push towards alternative modes.

As stated above these systems largely cater to captive riders, (those who

cannot afford other modal choices) and ultimately the goal of technology like RTTT

is to boost the service to whatever population uses the transit service in a given urban

area. The RTTT technology appears to be ineffective at increasing the size of this

service population. A potential dream of agencies looking to implement RTTT

technology was the potential to capture some of the millennial generation which are

characterized as bound to their smartphones. This may work in cities like Chicago,

where transit is more competitive due to frequency and the higher cost of automobile

usage, but not in captive markets.17

COEF. t-stat P R2 Within 0.2891
RTTT 2960.0 2.12 0.035 ** Between 0.2215
RTTT LAG. 1 YEAR 852.2 0.54 0.590 Overall 0.1887
POPULATION (1000S) 0.2 0.06 0.949
POPULATION DENSITY -2.1 -0.44 0.661 F Stat: 10.57
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 70.1 0.34 0.731 Prob > F 0.0000
CONGEST DEL. HRS -151.6 -5.91 0.000 ***
AVG FUEL COSTS 1641.8 1.72 0.087 *
DIRECT ROUTE MILES 0.9 0.63 0.535
CONSTANT 32431.8 3.07 0.002 ***

The appearance of a statistically significant program variable in the revenue

equation is problematic given that the other models do not show a relationship

between the program and ridership. The revenue is explicitly the dollars which are

collected at the farebox. This presents a contradiction in the findings which must be

considered. There is a possible reverse causal explanation, having increased farebox

revenue from fare hikes may lead agencies to spend some money on RTTT as a

means to offer a greater level of service for the increased fare price. This would be

easily examined in future research should fare levels and outlays become available.

Other explanations come down to the data itself. This could be a classic type

one error due to the fact that it contradicts the program variables from the other
3 ibid.

models and the lagged program variable from its own model. Expansion of the dataset

or testing a different set of similar agencies will be necessary to explain this potential


Discussion and Further Research

The expenditure of funds on public transportation is a serious task that should

weigh on all agency directors. The use of money on technological upgrades is popular

but not always justified. Costs of technology come down over time as the technology

ages making the decision of when to adopt very important. Knowledge of the impact

of this technology on ridership can be very important in making this decision. To be

clear, the currently established impact of RTTT on large systems was significant but

small; a potential ridership effect of zero does not radically change the fiscal or policy

picture within this context.

Ridership is not, however, the only concern of a transit system. Many systems

focus more on the principle of access than efficiency. This tool has been

experimentally proven to save users time and psychological distress associated with

transit waiting even if that population is within the captive market.18 People’s time

and psychological health is valuable to them and should be measured in future studies

for consideration of the costs and benefits of RTTT adoption.

With the lack of clear ridership benefits, these time saving benefits should be

compared to the cost of the adoption of the product. The Regional Transportation

10 ibid., 11 ibid.

District (RTD) from Sacramento, California provides a reasonable estimation of the

cost of implementing this technology to relatively early adopters. When surveyed for

a project by the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) they reported to

researchers that they had capital costs of $15,000,000 for the 1,111 vehicles of the

fleet.19 RTD reported an average per vehicle cost of $8,101. This was the upper

bounds of what was reported by U.S. systems. King County metro made a similar

capital investment for 1,300 busses and had a slightly smaller cost per-vehicle. City

Bus had a very low per-vehicle cost of $3,000. The same survey found that many

transit agencies had increased staffing needs as a result of the upgrade creating non-

trivial operations costs.

Further research will be necessary to establish the precise point at which a

system becomes too small or too captive to fail to experience the kinds of ridership

gains found in cities like Chicago. Panel data approaches provide a promising way to

create a generalizable estimation regarding the impact of single determinants on

transit usage. The ability to capture the unique characteristics of a transit system and

its surrounding environment through repeated observations can simplify models. The

crux of continued research into all transit ridership determinants will be the collection

of the time variant data from which to test. The age of big data provides an

opportunity to achieve this goal.

TCRP Synthesis 48: Real-Time Arrival Information Systems. Transportation Research Board. 2003.

Like most products, advertising probably has an impact in the use of RTTT

transit services. This will be an interesting line of research if variance can be found

between agencies regarding the program launch public relations presence. Appendix

two shoes the included agencies’ social media presence. Presence in the traditional

media could be important for the public presence of the launch as well. I also

conducted a query of Google news archives, searching for the transit agency name

and the words “transit tracker launch.” This search did not provide useful results.

Further research on the public relations element will be important to determine the

impact of media presence on the adoption of RTTT.

In general the body of research into real-time transit applications is relatively

new. This research specific to smaller systems is also very small but growing. A

current but diminishing hurdle in studying this phenomenon is the availability of

systems to analyze. Ten of our 27 systems adopted the technology in 2010; another

ten systems adopted the technology in 2012. As the number of systems continues to

grow so will the size of data sets and the explanatory power of research models.

Works Cited

Abdel-Aty, M. and P. Jovanis. “The effect of ITS on transit ridership.” ITS Quarterly

3 no. 2, (1995): 21–25.

Abdel-Aty, M. “Using ordered probit modeling to study the effect of ATIS on transit

ridership.” Transportation Research, Part C, Emerging Technologies 9 no. 4

(2001): 265–277.

Cham, L., Darido, G., Jackson, D., Laver, R., Booz, A.H., and D. Schneck. “Real-

time Bus Arrival Information Systems Return-on-Investment Study – Final

Report.” National Technical Information Service, Federal Transit

Administration, Washington, DC. 2006.

Dziekan, Katrin and Karl Kottenhoff. “Dynamic at-stop real-time information

displays for public transport: efforts on customers” Transport Research Part

A: Policy and Practice 41 no. 6 (July 2007): 489-501.

Ferris, B. "OneBusAway: Improving the Usability of Public Transit." PhD thesis,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington,

2011. 116.

Ferris, Brian; Watkins, Kari; Borning, Alan. 2010. “OneBusAway: Results from

Providing Real-time Arrival information for Public Transit.” Computer

Human Interaction. (2010).

Maclean, S. D.; Dailey, D. J. “Wireless Internet Access to Real Time Transit

Information.” Transportation Research Board: Journal of the Transportation

Research Board 1791 (2002): 92-98.

Mishalani, Rabi G; McCord, Mark M.; Wirtz, John. “Passenger Wait Time

Perceptions at Bus Stops: Empirical Results and Impact on Evaluating Real-

Time Bus Arrival Information.” Journal of Public Transportation 9 no. 2


Peng, Z., Beimborn, E.A., Octania, S., and R.J. Zygowicz. “Evaluation of the Benefits

of Automated Vehicle Location Systems in Small and Medium Sized Transit

Agencies.” Center for Urban Transportation Studies, University of Wisconsin-

Milwaukee. 1999. <http://www4.uwm.edu/cuts/its/avl1-29.pdf>.

Rutherford, G Scott; Wang, Yinhai; Watkins, Kari Edison and Yegor Malinovskiy.

“Perceived and Actual Wait Time Measurement at Transit Stops Using

Bluetooth.” Transportation Northwest Research Report TNW2012-09 (June


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APPENDIX I: System Information

APPENDIX II: Social Media Presence


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