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Let me start with a simple example first.

If you are a member of a group and your group is about to discuss and try to solve
a problem that is “How could you make children and grand parents understand each
other more?”What will you think?

Let me share an idea with you.First, what is the worst idea we can think of for this
problem?We might be able to build a wall between older and younger people, so
that the space distance would prevent people from gathering and connecting
closely.We can also place them in two different buildings so that they never
meet.We can likewise try to create a machine that really distracts young people so
that they don't want to spend time with their grandparents, and the relationship
with them will slowly fade.

Now, it seems we have a new idea in solving this problem - when we consider these
rotten ideas in negative brainstorming thinking, we are able to conclude that we
can shorten the distance between young people and elders in time and space by
material means, for example by creating a nursing home with a kindergarten in the
middle. The elders can come and help when they are free.

The example I just gave is a very typical example of using negative brainstorming
to solve a problem.To expand on this, how is negative brainstorming defined?


Negative brainstorming which is also called reverse brainstorming, is a creative way

of flipping our perspective and turning problems into opportunities.If you can
identify with potential problems before commencing a project, you’ll be better
equipped to prepare for them and overcome them.

Negative brainstorming employs our ability to see problems more easily than
solutions. In this way, it leans into our natural tendency to criticize and see flaws
in a plan. Then after identifying these problems the team can move on to trying to
solve those problems and outlining a plan for ongoing success.

If you can identify with potential problems before commencing a project, you’ll be
better equipped to prepare for them and overcome them.
BUT what are the differences between brainstorming and negative brainstorming?

The main difference between negative brainstorming and traditional brainstorming

is that it focuses on finding fault with an idea rather than trying to find a way to
make it work. This way of thinking may be helpful in situations where you are stuck
and need to find a new perspective.

Negative brainstorming is also a powerful tool that can help unlock new ideas and
solutions to problems. It is a variation of the traditional brainstorming technique
that encourages participants to think about why an idea won't work. This type of
thinking can help uncover hidden assumptions and challenge existing beliefs. It can
also lead to more creative thinking by forcing participants to think outside the box.

Therefore, if your team is overwhelmed or bogged down in a project, flipping the

approach can be a good way to take advantage of that negativity. Instead of
shutting down the problems, you can use them as the jumping-off point for some

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