Q1 - PETA 2 - Guidelines

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Q1: Performance Task no.

Science 10
S.Y. 2022-2023

Your task is to create a magazine about the different landforms produced by the different plate boundaries.
This performance task will be done by group.

Your magazine should have the following content:

1. Cover page (Construct your own title, include a photo)

2. Table of Content
3. Introduction about Plate Boundaries
4. At least 1 example of a SPECIFIC landforms created by the following plate boundaries.
a.4.1 Oceanic – Continental Convergent Boundary
a.4.2 Oceanic – Oceanic Convergent Boundary
a.4.3 Continental – Continental Convergent Boundary
a.4.4 Divergence between Two Oceanic Plate
a.4.5 Divergence between Two Continental Plate
a.4.6 Transform – Fault Boundary
(Note: A description and a photo should be included, you may allot 1 page per specific landforms.)

5. The description of each landform should have the following:

a.5.1 Name of the Landform
a.5.2 Location
a.5.3 Interesting facts
6. Contributors/Writer Page
a.6.1 Write down and describe the specific task made by each member. (Ex., Editor, Graphic designer,
Proofreader etc.)
a.6.2 Note: The division of task under Item no. 4 should be equally divided.
7. References should be cited on the last page of the magazine


1. The content of the magazine should be based on facts and correct information.
2. Each member should have a specific task for item no. 4 under content.
3. Visual design, Creativity, Graphics, Layout, Content, and Grammar should be observed in creating
your own magazine.
4. The magazine should not exceed more than 15 pages.
5. Font style, Font size and appropriate use of colors should be observed in creating your own
6. The magazine should be printed out on either photo paper or a vellum paper (size: short bond
7. You may use different applications in editing and designing your magazines.
8. Submit the soft copy of the magazine in our Google Classroom.
9. Submit the hard copy of the magazine on October 6, 2022 (Thursday).
10. Leaders should submit a soft copy and hard copy of an evaluation form in a short bond paper.

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