Week 4 Expository Essay

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Write an essay of 250 - 300 words on the productive ways students can spend their leisure time.

Leisure time refers to the time when someone is free from the requirements of our
occupation or education. During this time, when we have a free to spend our time as we can or
as we think is proper. Many people opt to spend this time for having fun in different ways for
relieving the physical and mental stress during working hours. Some of this is chance to visit
friends and family. Whichever activity we chooses depends on one's interest and the idea for
having fun. Here are ways of how you could spend your time productively.

First of all, playing a sport. A good method to make sure you're we always attached to
our body is to frequently play a sport. That provides all the benefits of exercising out while also
giving it a leading to a lack edge to make us work more. The most of sports include a group of
participants, so spending time sport can be a great way to meet new people and make friends.
Playing a sport can make it fun and simple to maintain good physical and mental health.

Secondly, we can conclude a socializing and networking in our life. There are an
important part of our lives. Hanging out with friends is not enough or satisfied to connect with
people. At least once every few weeks, it could be a good idea to spend the evening out with
some friends. By relieving yourself of studies and getting in some needed conversation, you can
improve yourself. You will be able to perform better and be happier as a result.

Furthermore, our bodies and minds are always worn out from long periods of studies.
We must ensure that they have the time they require to unwind and reset. Rest is important for
improving immune systems, moods, and physical and mental wellness. Eat something warming
and nutritious, take a shower that can improve our body to be health.

Everybody knows how important a leisure time. We might release everyday stress that
has built up from studies during this hour. People are always allowed to spend their free time
however they want as long as they follow the acknowledged basic rules, which in a way restricts
the freedom that some people may want to enjoy. It's important to exercise some kind of
discipline during leisure time. From the paragraph above is all about the productive ways
students can spend their leisure time.

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