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A Career to Make Life

Worthy Life Many teenager spend a lot of time thinking about what they want to do after
high school. I am fortunate in that I already know; when I was two or three years old, I made the
decision to become a veterinarian. I want to be one of those people who treats animals with the
respect they deserve because, like humans, animals need people to do that. As a result, I am making
every effort at UITM to set myself up for success in University.

First and foremost, as a freshman at UITM, I keep my longstanding desire of becoming a

veterinarian in mind. I've been taking my study here quite seriously since I know that being a
veterinarian requires not just knowledge but also severe discipline. As a result, I work hard to get
excellent marks, I take pleasure in my effort, and I've learned how to manage my time effectively.
These abilities will be very useful when I start college. I must go to college since it is a prerequisite
for becoming a veterinarian.

Secondly, Excellent communication, leadership, public speaking, and organising abilities are
also required for this field. I've given UITM a lot of thought and care, and I've decided to attend the
University Malaya once I have completed my veterinarian program at UITM. The first advantage of
working in this field is the pay. The typical veterinary income is RM 240,000 per year, which would
certainly allow me to live well.

In conclusion, after graduating from UITM, I intend to attend University Malaya and pursue
a career as a veterinarian. I like animals and want to do everything I can to aid them. I know I'm
only a freshman, but I'm also aware that I'm maturing swiftly.

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