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Research means _____________

Research is always _____________

Research examines relationship between __________
Research maintains ____________
This is the age of _____________knowledge
Selection of research problem depends on __________availability
Review of literature starts intellectual ____________
Research ethics is ______________
_____________research is also called as fundamental research
____________refers to previous research studies, reference books and other
published sources
___________is the blue print for the collection, measurement and analysis of the
There is no commercial angle in _____________research
Research is search for ____________
___________of research is to identify the problem.
Applied research is ____________
_____________ research establishes cause and effect relationship
Sampling involves both design choice and __________size
_________research is also called as basic research.
Research is ____________
Action research means __________
___________give direction to the research work
An example of scientific knowledge is
__________research is conducted to measure the quality of a particular situation
____________ research aims at finding a solution for an immediate problem
facing a society.
____________ is important for improving standard of living
____________ is one of the characteristics of research
Acquring pertinent information is one of the objectives of _______________.
____________ is one of the essentials of good sampling.
____________ is one of the type of probability sampling.
Hypothesis framing is important because it gives ____________.
____________ is one of the source of hypothesis.
______________ is important to know the truth
____________ is one of the characteristics of research

Identifying problems and finding solutions thereupon is one of the objectives of

____________ is one of the essentials of good sampling.
____________ is one of the easy and simple type of non probability sampling.
____________ is one of the source of hypothesis.
Hypothesis framing is important because it gives ____________.
______________ is a plan of doing research.
Review of literature is a study of ---------------
_________________ is one of the type of research.
Human Resource is part of _______________ sciences
Hypothesis depends upon _____________.
Every research has its _______________.
Research in Social sciences is proven with the help of __________
Hypothesis framing _______________.
Research problem is selected from stand point of ___________________.
_________________ is important in developing a research problem.
_______________ is the first step in starting the research process.
The depth in any research can be judged by _________________.
Research can be done by a person who _________________.
Fundamental research reflects the ability to __________________.
Field work based research is classified as ___________________.
Action research is ___________________.
The research which is exploring new facts through the study of the past is called
A hypothesis is a __________________.
______________ is a research tool.
________________ is the main objective of research.
Research is based upon __________________.
Reliability is the fundamental quality of a research which also reflects
_____________hypothesis establishes no relationship among variables
In ____________sampling method, sample units are selected at random
_______ refers to inferring about the whole population based on the observations
made on a small part.
______________ is not a random sampling technique
________________ are the types of Random or probability sampling

Among the following methods which is not a probability sampling method

A sample study is a study of___________
_________ is a preferred sampling method for the population with finite size.
If the information is collected from each and every unit in the population, then it
is called ____________survey
In ____________sampling method, sample units are selected at random
Sampling involves both design choice and __________size
Researcher uses ____________sampling method when the sample for the study
is very rare or limited.
Review of literature helps to identify ___________.
________________ helps to understand past contributions in particular research

__________ study is a study involving a sample of elements from the population
of interest at a single point of time.
Primary data is _____________
Observation method gathers _________ data
The backbone of personal interview is ___________
_________ survey has poor response.
Social media is the collection of ___________ communication
__________ is the procedure to test questionnaire
___________ question offers choice
___________ data should be used after careful scrutiny and should not be
accepted at its face value.
In __________ interview the set of questions to be asked are predefined and the
techniques used to record the information are standardised.
___________ refers to previous research studies, reference books and other
published sources.
________ data is the information collected for other purpose but used by
researcher for his research work
________ is not a method of primary data collection.
Information is ____________
Which type of sampling Mr. Weber use to draw a sample that is not biased?
________ Involves the orderly and Systematic representation of numerical data
in a form designed to elucidate the problem under consideration.
Electronic interview can be conducted by _________
The main problem in questionnaire is __________

________Original source from which researcher directly collects the data that
has not been previously collected
Primary data for the research process be collected through _______.
Secondary data can include which of the following?
Questions that make respondents answer with a simple "yes" or "no" are called
________ research helps to describe the event or situation.
______ consists of a sequence of steps that have to be followed while
undertaking a research project
________ source of data consumes more time and effort to gather data.
The data of research is _________________
Books and records are the primary sources of data in
Which of the following is not the Method of Research?
_______________consists of research findings and conclusions.
One of the popularly known sampling framework is _____.
_____ ____ of data refers to analysis and generalization of results.
________ data provides in-depth information relating to research problem
________________ is a tool to collect data from respondents when interview is
____________ data is also known as recorded data from published sources.
____________ data collection methods include Survey/Interview Method.
____________ is direct and personal method of conducing survey.
In ____________ Questions, both questions and answers are structured.
_______ is a plan to select the appropriate sample to collect the right data to
achieve the research objective.
____________ is an indirect and impersonal method of conducing survey.
________ data collection takes less time and requires less efforts.
________ data collection requires more time and efforts.
Primary ______ provides in-depth information relating to research problem.
Schedule is tool to gather data from ______.
______ is a tool to collect primary data.
Newspaper is the source to collect ______ data.
Internet is a source of collecting ______ data.
Research report helps in collection of ______ data.
______ data is also known as original data.
Data collection from published sources is also known as ______ data.
Laboratory ______ are highly structured and conducted in setting specifically
created for the research purpose.
The data collected from primary _____ is more accurate.
The secondary data may be relatively _____.
In a survey there is a respondent and an ______.
Survey helps in collection of data from _____.
______ is a tool for data collection.
Under mail survey, questionnaire is sent to a respondent with a request to
complete and return by _____.
Questions with more than one alternatives is called _____.
Questions with only two alternatives is called _____ questions.
Collection of data through two way systematic conversation between an
investigator and respondent is called _____.
In a non-participant_____,researcher stands apart and does not participate.
In a _____ observation, researcher is a part of observation.
The final phase in a survey is_____.
Identification and selection of the research problem is the first step in ______
________ includes summary of findings,suggestions for action and for further
Collection of data includes ___________
Processing of data includes __________
Primary data is a ________ hand information collected through various
_________ data consists of readily available and already compiled statistics.
Annual reports on currency and finance published by RBI is _______data.
The use of ________data enables a researcher to verify the findings based on
primary data.
________can be a limitation of secondary data.
The ________ of secondary data refers to accuracy, reliability and
_________are the factors deciding the method of data collection.
________is a process of conducting experiments on a symbolic model
representing the phenomenon.
_________ questions provide free scope to the respondents to reply with their
own choice of words and ideas.

1. Data analysis is after the _________of data and prior to ________of data.
2. Editing is initial ________of data to check its accuracy
3.Machine tabulation is _____________
4. Graphic presentation is a _____________of data
5. Classification is _____________to data editing
6. _______ of data refers to arranging the data in different groups according to
common characteristics.
7._______ is the measure of aggregate discrepancies between actual and
expected frequencies.
8. Interpretation of data is the __________of the research process.
9. Computer editing is better than manual editing as it is economical, accurate
and __________
10. Data processing involves editing, coding and ____________of data
11. Editing of data is a __________job
12. Unreliable and incomplete data are ___________for research work
13. Coding includes pre-coding and ___________
14. Editing is followed by _________
15. Tabulation is possible manually or _____________
16. Analysis of data means ___________of data
17. Data analysis facilitates __________of data
18. Interpretation of data is a _________process
19. Use of technology makes data processing work_________
20.________ measures two continuous variables on ratio scale
21. T-test judges the significance of a sample ___________
22. Z-test is used to measure ________among data
23. ________ are the process of assigning members to all possible answers to
each question
24. ________are used for testing goodness of fit for data
25. A risk associated with rejecting a true null hypothesis is known as _______
26. Mean, Median and Mode are ______________
27. __________ is not capable of further algebraic treatment is one of its
28 Arithmetic mean is defined as the sum of all the ___________.
29. ANOVA stands for ____________.
30. The weighted average of 10 and 15 with weights 3 and 2 respectively is
31. The average that is affected by sampling fluctuations is _______________
32. ________ is the value which occurs most frequently in the distribution
33. The method of placing organised data into a tabular form is known as
34. Which one of the following is not a measure of dispersion___________?
35. When only one variate is used in tabulation it is ___________
36. _____________ mean is based on observations
37. Study of two variables at a time is termed as _____________ regression
38. ____________ is the difference between the maximum value and minimum
value in a series of data
39.The most appropriate average to be used to compute the average rate of
growth in population is_____________.
40. __________ test is meant for the sample below 30
41. _____________ refers to drawing inferences by analysing data
42. The major characteristic of correlation analysis is to seek
43.___________ is the intermediary stage between Data Collection & Data
44. ___________ gives accuracy to the data collected
45. The __________hypothesis states that there is no relationship between two
population parameters
46. Data _______________occurs when data is collected and translated into
usable information.
47.Data processing needs to be planned at the stage of Research _________.
48.___________ helps to find out whether the respondents have interpreted
questions uniformly or not.
49. Karl Pearson’s co-efficient of correlation between two variables is________
50. Coding facilitates _____________ of data
51. The Tabulated data can be used for analysis and __________.
52.A ________is a chart that shows the frequencies and is presented as a series
of vertical bars.
53. A _______ Chart is a type of graph that displays data in a circular graph.
54. The _________ diagram graphs pairs of numerical data, with one variable on
each axis, to look for a relationship between them.
55. Quartile deviation is the_________of the range between the two quartiles.
56. ____________ analysis is used for prediction and forecasting
57.Spearman rank correlation uses ___________ for calculating Co-relation
58._____________is capable of further algebraic treatment.
59. Median and mode can be found by ____________.
60. ________ linear regression has one y and two or more x variables.

61________ graphs are useful to show data variables and help to make
62._____________ Analysis is highly recommended for Economics related
issues involving cause and effect relationships.
63.The null hypothesis is generally denoted as __________.
64. The alternative hypothesis is generally denoted as _________.
65.A type I error occurs if an investigator _______a null hypothesis
66.A type II error occurs if the investigator __________ a null hypothesis
67. Type I error is the significance level or denoted by____________
68.Type II error is denoted by____________
69.____________ test relies on statistical distributions in data
70. ________________test does not make any assumptions and measures the
central tendency with the median value
71. ________test is used to test the equality of two populations.
72. ________test is used to compare two related samples
73. ____________ test is also called a "goodness of fit".
74.Ronald Fisher created the _____________.
75.One-way ANOVA has one ______________ variable (with 2 levels).

Report writing is ________Activity of research process.
A research provide consolidated and ________ information about particular
A report act as an effective means of _________
Report facilitates __________
________ Information discloses by research report.
A record of ascertained _________
Reports are usually in ________
The report should neithr be too general nor too _________
Befor writing research report, a good deal of ________ is necessary.
There is high positive correlation between good thinking and effective
The essentials qualities of a researcher are _____
_______is essential for good report writing
A record of ascertained facts is known as _______
______is considered as reasoning from the general phenomenon to a particular
Research abstract is a summary of ________report
Report provides feedback to the _______
Written report is useful as ________
Plagiarism is a major _____ issue in research
_______is necessary for minimizing the evil of plagiarism
Interpretation is a process of drawing _______
Research process _________with the preparation of research report
The researcher should provide _________ in a logical sequence.
Research reporting reflects the ________of the researcher
The report should be drafted in _____ manner.
Written report gives _____ benefit/s.
Oral report is used _____ in research
______ Reports are opposite to each other.
________is a reference to a published or unpublished source
Use of proper _____ for report writing is necessary.
A good report is one which is submitted within ______ limit given to the
Research report in written format is used by ______.
_____ is/ are advantage/s of graphic presentation.
_______ Report is submitted after completing some work but not full.
______ facilitate quick understanding of information by readers
Accuracy is required in _____.
______ should not be dumped in a research report.
In research report _____ is placed before Introduction.
_______ includes titles and credentials of persons and institutions and their
______ is included at the beginning and at the end of the research report
_______ is presented in the form of a speech.
Research report reflects the caliber of the ____.
Technical Report is meant for _______.
______ is not essential of good research report.
_____ shows various topics and the relevant page numbers in the report.
The first section of research report is _____.
_______ is a reference to published or unpublished source
Report writing is the _____ of research activity.
A good report should be _____.
Informants should be treated _______.
Research ____ is a logical and systematic plan for conducting research study
_______ is designed for publications in a professional journal.
_____ contains the source of every reference incorporated in the research report
Recommendations constitute _______ of the research report itself
The first section of research paper is _______.
Research reporting is a matter of great significance to the researcher and _____.
The first page of the research report is…..
Failure to acknowledge the borrowed material is called
Report writing is the ______ of research activity
Bibliography is included in the _______ of the report.
Technical report is _________.
Which of the following is not covered under Intellectual Property Rights ?
What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.?
Footnotes basically offers convenience to ________.
_______ is called publication in a Research journal
Bibliography means
_________ constitute the heart of research report.
Good Research is always ________
Because of …………….researcher can calculate his results very fast.
Computer is not only fast calculator but also………
The computer has ……….
……….is an act of using the ideas of another person.
……… not act as plagiarism.
……………focuse on the disciplines that study standards.
When any writer quotes directly from another work, he can put their…..
The bibliography is arranged in ……………. Order.

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