Basic Design and Cost Data On MEA Treating Units

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Basic Design and Cost Data on MEA Treating Dnits

Portable Treoters, Inc.
Odessa, Texas

Although many new processes for treating sour however, the temperature of the outlet gos may be as
natural gos have been developed in recent years the high os 20° obove the temperature of the inlet gos.
p'rocess employing monoethanolamine (MEAl is still
used predominently in the smaller field units. These Referring to Figure 1, solution circulation is ef-
MEA treating vnits are relatively simple, can be pack- fected with a rich solution drive pump. Fouled, rlch
aged and skid mounted, and designed for unattended solution from the bottom ~ of the contactor passes
operation. They are, however, relatively expensive, through the power sicle of the solution pump. Inas-
and it is frequently desirable ta make rapid cast esti- much as a small amount of gas is passed with this
mates of an amine treating unit ta determine the rich solution, a flash tank should be employed on this
feasibility of a project. Dafa and grophs presented line to remove the excess 9as prior to passing the rich
below will enable a process engineer ta rapidly size solution through the heat exchanger tubes. From the
and estima t e initial and operating cast of an MEA flash tank, the solution passes through a coil in the
treating unit. top of the stripping still, ta furnish internai, 'ïmock-
bock" type reflux condensation. The rich solution from
DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCESS: this reflux condenser then passes through a heot ex-
changer coil in the surqe tank, and then ta the feed
The MEA process for treoting sour natural gos point on the side of the stripping still. Solution from
involves a closed loop cycle of a 15 to 20 % MEA the botlom of the stripping still drains by gravity into
solution in water. The solution is pumped into a con - the reboiler, with vapor trom the reboiler returning to
tactor co/umn, it removes acidic components the still. Lean solution in the reboiler spills over a
from the natural gas by absorption, and by reaction wier into the surge tank, and from the surge tank to
with the mildly basic monoethanolamine. The fouled the suction of the pump side of the solution driven
amine solution is then dumped to the feed point of a pump. From the discharge side of the pump, the lean
stripping column. The acidic gos components are re- solution passes through the shell of the solution cooler,
moved from the fouled solution by heat, which will countercurrent to the outlet sweet gos from the con-
cause the decomposition of the amine salt of the ocid tactor. The leon solution then enters the contractor on
gos components, and by distillation from the solution. the top tray (or top of the packing) and drains through
the contador countercurrent te;> the inlet sour gos
ln the amine treating process, a chemical reaction
occurs between the monoethanolamine as a base, stream.
and hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide as an This type system requires a slightly different con-
acid. The result is the salt of the hydrogen sulphide trol system for the reboiler burner. An overriding
and monoethanolamine, and of carbonic add and temperature controller in the outlet add gas vent line
monoehanolamine. However, in th e simpler units such is used ta control the burner of the reboiler. In this
as those under discussion in this paper, the process system, the amount of cooling in the reflux condenser
engineer con design the unit almost as if if were an Îs controlled by the amount of solution being circulat-
absorption and distillation process, in which no chemi- ed. The ov.::rriding temperature control/er in the ocid
cal reaction occurred. In larger units, or in those desig - gas vent line causes the reboiler to tire only sufficient-
ed primarily for the removol of carbon dioxide, the Iy ta provide enough steam to warm the feed stream
design engineer must toke into consideration reaction in the stripping still, and completely load the reflux
rates , equilibrium points, et cetera. condenser. This prevents excessive loss of water vapor
through the acid gas vent line, while assuring a maxi-
1. Self ContainOO Unit.: mum steam rate in 1he stripping still.
On the smaller field units, in which the total add
2. Externally CoolOO Unils:
gos is less thon 0 .75 'Yo, it is possible ta design an MEA
treating unit which requires no external utilities whot- The process shown in Figure 2 is recommended
soever. In such a unit, the only external cooHng em- for larger units, and for 9as streams which contoin
ployed is heat exchanged between the Jean , regen- more thon 0.75 % total ocid gas . This unit Îs quite
erated solution and the sweet outlet gas from the similor to that shawn in Figure l , with the exception
contactor. Coolîng for the reflux condenser from the that external aerial coolers are employed for the solu-
stripping still Îs turnîshed by the fouled solution trom tion cooling, and the reflux condenser. Also, a reflux
the bottom of the contactor ~ Figure l is a flow sheet accumulator collect~ condensate from the still over~
of a typical unit of this type. In a unit such as this, head, and a reflux pump returns this condensate to
the stripping still top tray. Either electric or 90S engine ln the operation of a si de stream reclaimer, the
driven solution circulation pumps are normally used. fouled solution in the base of the stripping still drains
ln this process, rich amine from the bottom of the into the boftom of the reclaimer reboiler. A level con-
contactor passes first through the heat exchanger, and trol in the reclaimer reboiler contrais the motor valve
then the rich solution motor valve. 8y maintaining full from the still base to keep the reclaimer flooded to the
contactor pressure on the heat exchange coil, a mini- level contra lied by this level control. The reclaimer re-
mum amount of f1ashing will occur in this coil, thus re- boiler is also fired at a constant rate which will provide
ducing the erosion and corrosion of this heat exchange sufficient heaf ta evaporafe approximately 3 % of the

., ''
,, ,,

coil. Rich solution then passes through a filter, and to total solution circulation. The reclaimer reboilers nor-
the feed tray of the stripping still. The solution from molly include a dome with 0 mist extrador, to prevent
the botfom of the stripping still drains into the re- carry-over of entrained droplets from the redaimer re-
boiler, with the va par From the reboiler being returned boiler vaDor sDace. It is also desirable to add make-
ta the stripping still. Lean solution spi Ils over a wier up water through the reclaimer reboiler, ta assure
from the reboi/er info the surge tank. In this system, that the unit will be charged with distilled water. The
the reboiler is normally fired at a constant rate, in operating temperature of the redaimer reboiler will
order to provide a constant quantity of steam through normally start at approximately 285°. As the heavy
the stripping still. An overriding thermostat is normal- ends and non-volatile components build in the re-
Iy employed in the reboiler to prevent excessively claimer, this operating temperature will start to rise.
high temperatures, in the event of malfunction of other At approximate/y 3000 operating temperature in the
contrais on the unit. The temperature of the acid gas reclaimer, the reclaiming stream shou/d be shut-off,
stream is contra lied by the shutters on the reflux con- and the reclaimer allowed to operote for a few days
denser, with ail overhead condensate From the still re- with only water being fed into the reclaimer. This will
turned as reflux to the still. Lean solution from the steam distill residual amine from the reclaimer kettle.
surge tank passes through a solution cooler booster Soda ash may be added ta the reclaÎrner reboiler ot
lor charge) pump; through the solution cooler, and this time ta neutrolize strong acidic components, which
then to the suctiOn of the solution pump. It is then w ill allow more amine to be sfeam distilted from 1he
pumped ta the top of the contactor, where .it drains reclaimer reboiler. After this operation, the residual
through the contactor, countercurrent to the inlet sour moteriol in -the reclaimer reboiler should be dumped
9as stream . Temperature of the lean solution Îs con- to a disposaI pit, and the cycle started agoin.
trolled by a temperature controller on this line, con-
trolling shutters on the solution cooler. It is important ESTIMATING MEA UNIT SIZES:
that the Jean sa/ut ion temperature be above the gas ln determining the size of an MEA treating unit,
temperature, ta prevent any possibility of condensa- it is necessary to know (l) the in/et acid gas composi-
tion of distillate in the solution as it passes through the tion, 12) the quantity of gas to be processed, (3) the
contactor. required maximum outlet acid gos content, and (4) the
anticipated operating pressure of the unit. If the op~
3. Externally Cooled Unit. with Reclaimel'5: erating pressure is ta be Jess thon 100 psi, it is dif-
The process shown in Figure 3 is a more complex ficult to maintain outlet gas with hydrogen sulphide
unit than that shawn in Figures 1 and 2, and Îs nor- contents of less thon one grain per 100 SCF. Below 50
filaI/y used for larger installations. In the process psi, it appears to be difficult to maintain hydrogen
shown in Figure 3, a separate lean-rich solution heat sulphide contents of less thon 2 grains per 100 SCF.
exchanger is normally used, and the surge tank is a Above 100 psi operating pressure, one con normally
completely separate tank. This process also includes design a standard unit ta provide 1/4 grain per 100
a · .red a imer reboiler designed ta reclaim by total dis - SCF hydrogen sulphide content.
tillation approximate/y a 3 % side stream of the foul- ln estimoting the size of on MEA Unit required,
e.d· solution. Ail other components in this pro cess are it is necessary to determine first the total acid gas con-
th e saine as those shawn in Figure 2. tent in m<?1 %, including bath carbon dioxide and

hydrogen sulphide. Carbon dioxide content is nor- Q x
mally reported in mol ')'0; hydrogen sulphide contents z
are normolly repo rted in grains per 100 SCF. Ta can- Where: GPM = Solution circulation required in
vert grains of hydrogen sulphide per 100 SCF ta mol GPM
%, multiply th e grains per 100 SCF by 0.0016, and Q = MMCFD ga s processed
this will equal the mol % hydrogen sulphide. Add x - % acid 90S in inlet 90S stream
this to the mol % carbon dioxide ta determine the z - % MEA in the soution
total mol % of ocid gos. The design engineer must This circu lation rate may then be used as describ-
ed loter in th is poper ta dete rmine the various heat
loads in the regeneration system, and the total cast
of the regeneration system .
/T""''''' __ TU" .y
,llrqor ~r~_,,<#;.v Once the regeneration circulation rate is deter-
mined, the next step is to determine the size of the
contactor required. Figure 5 is a graph of the capacity
,, of various nominal diameter contactors. This curve is
",. bosed on valve trays designed to operote at 60 % of
.\ flood point, or l ~ Y,-" porcelain saddles operating ot
approximately the sa me % of flood point. The number
:" ' of trays required)n the contactor is determined by the
outlet gas hydrogen sulphide s pecificati on. For 90S
streams operating above 100 psi, if 1/~ grain per 100
SCF is required, it is recommended 1hat a minimum of
~ ..
20 trays be used .in the contactor. If the specification
is for one grain hydrogen sulphide per 100 SCF, the
number of trays may be reduced to 12 ta 14. Below
100 psi operating pressure, it is recomme nded that 20
trays be used regardless. If packing materia! is used,
FIGURE 3 one should use two 10' packed section s, with a space
then assume the desired solution concentration. Many between these sections in which redistribution baffles
units are designed to opere te with 20 % MEA solution, are instal1ed . Packing is recommended for the smaller
but a more conservative design figure is 15 % MEA in diameter columns, such as those below 24" in outside
water. At the lower concentration, the operetor will diameter,
encounter less corrosion, and less fouling of the solu- From the solution circulation rate determined the
tion. Once th e % total acid gos is calculoted and the heat loads for 1he reboiler,' reflux condenser, sol~tion
desired so'lution concentration is ossumed, olong with heat exchanger, and #solution cooler may be estimated.
the tata 1 MMCFD of gas 10 be processed, one may use The rebo iler heat load should be estimated al ap-
the curve shown in Figure 4 to determine the circula- proximately 1100 BTU per gallon drOJlated. The re-
tion rate required in -GPM, or calcula te the GPM re ~ ,flux condenser for the stripping sti ll may be estimated
quired by the following formula, a t 350 BTU per gallon circulaled. The solution heaf
exchanger will normally be rated at approximotely
500 ta 550 BTU per gallon circulated, and the solu-

c." ~lU"O .. C,IICUl ... TI OIO II(O UIItED

n R C[ICT ... e,o .... s S I~"'l l$ nu! , .. c .

, .. , .... El g ... s STII.U. .. Cil. lIn/ "

tion coole r will be rotcd ot 300 to 350 BTU per go lion
circulo ted. Th ese heot lood figures ore opproximote i· r: .. ::' ',"]
only, and will vary as the inlet go s te mp e roture varies ,,;-:- . r::, - . ! li:!.:· !, :~. ..
They are 0150 bosed on 20 % MEA solution concentra- . 1:::" ,':~~ - I:~ . . 1·: -
tions; with 15 % solution concentration, the reboiler, l: <;: 1':;"': i<~; 1" ":: .... l"
so lution heat exchanger, and solution cooler heat ~~'f;:'-:o'fl;:":!?",,,c:b"!?Pt"'H7'I";+'·4+- i-+rÇ.-+-i,-++ + -+-i'::; :j:.I:'"·4 . ~ : .
loods will be slig htl y lower, "''''§::T ·fr--,,·
As on exompl e, consider a unit to treot 20 I§ t.= · -1:"+1-:f~-'1"L-;..'·t'ct
r :,:'"
: fi':"1'
+1"-:... -' 4~+"jV4-i-~i-+~+-kl"c4':;t
-, "4
~-r-:-f-+I:.:·· f-f-yl/4-+-+-+~4:...j.~4~

.' .,
C; c·

MMCFD, contoini ng 1 % totol o cid gos ot 600 psi , FCC~'r~:::o:lpj-i.:.'~'17t~'lc~'t::rrrH--t~'~'A-+~++~I~'+;,/Lh+l=+ - ':J,l:'~I~ :,'
Also, it is desired to us e 20 % MEA solution. Referring
to Figu re 4, the circulotlon rote of 20 % MEA required ~tc
P:~~I-'~'~~:tl"~'r,·: :'+';-4
I :c ' ~~=+1~Z '~'=+=+!='~t
·1,' toi' ! =tl~~
.' .Vl~·=·t
:V ! ·ê·'tl'''fu·~b·t!·~"''
would be 41 GPM Refernng to Figure 5, 0 42" 0 , D, bI:: ~. " lëol'c- U
column wou ld be necessary Heat loods would b e os §Ë == le.- . 7 ' '. il 10/1' ,-;c "
fo llows, 1"": ::: :."l::, SY I" ,. ' 'A"t--:: 1.;;
(1) Re boller.. V ,c: ,~ .l'
'~ ;::, '
1 / .. ;=-
Q = 41 GPM x 60 min , x 1100 :' ' :/ /
R ' / 1 , 1., 1/
_. 2,71 0,000 BTU/ h r . . .1:' ' , 'i ,
:~ I ":II I ::- V-
ic ' . l,,· '1 . I~ 1/ . I.. ·..·I-':§
(2) Reflux Condenser, IC.· ' ''~ '', : I· I~:-:- V i, l ' [:C" . 1', . i
Q = 41 GPM x 60 min, x 350 ,-l ,JI cc::;. .• / k .. .. . : l"~ <t::.'~ :'
RC l'" ':'-' 1.,"1'" .:Jl~ :-:"1 '' l'·C:: :'
862,000 BTU/hr , : I ~, , .. l" l" ·vt'.. ' , . ,"1,:. r~ ,.
, :·, ry,!::,. ' l'IF
(3) Solution Heot Exchanger, . :~, ' 1"'-1 .. V f.:'.. 1.J -' " .• p-
Q = 41 GPM x 60 min, x 500
, ~ 1ë"lfC~c • . : .•.• L : :' . : : . 1:- .
HX 1=. ' ,· , ", ,, ' ."
1,230,000 BTU/hr III" , ;"': '1"1·.. ' " .. ·:, I: ~:' · : .' . , i±'
±kX" .. . . . .
(4) Solution Cooler,
Q = 41 GPM x 60 min , x 300 ~ , ! ~I< " .'" " 1'"
. :' . . : . · Z , l "" · .
738,000 BTU/hr
" .: .. t't:zt: ' .k 't-" L. ·1. 7 ! "
,êi . ' ,: l'= .r,~~ :c, , , j.,,- I'i Y : ,.' .

Fuel gas required for the reboiler, based on 70% : 1::" ,. l'
fuel gas efficiency ond 1,000 BTU/ SCF notural gos
moy be colculoted as follows..
SCFH Fuel Gas 2,710,000 BTU/ hr
1,000 BTU/ cu, ft, x 0.70
' . J i'. i,'" i .,
,. ,, ''', 1:-,'
1'- .

" .
SCFD Fuel Gos = 3,870 x 24 = 93 ,000 ' ' , 'i'. '~
MSCF/ yr. Fuel Gas = 93 x 365 = 33,900 ' -: '" " ; ":: . "
CR P V7/66

ln estima ting the Joad on an amine treating unit,
one should olways remember that monoethanolomine
will exfract virtuolly no mercaptans. Most mercaptans
are much weaker adds thon are either hydrogen sul-
phide or carbon dioxide, and they require a stronger
base thon monoethanolamine solution to react with
them. The diethonol and triethanol amines will react

·1K _
with sorne of the more acidic mercaptans; caustic soda
is frequently employed to remove trace quantities of

ln general, it has been determined thot casts vary
Iittle from one unit to the next by changing the heat- , . 1
ing syste m emp loyed (hot oil, steam, or direct fired
reboilers), cooling employed {air cooled, or water
cooledl, and power employed {electric driven pumps,
1--:: )cl ! 0 •
j i
or rich solution d riven pumps]. Therefore it is possible ". 1

to make a broad correlotion of cost s versus the solu-

tion circulation copocity. It is olso possible to plot con-
tactor column dlometer versus cast ot various design FIGURE 6

pressures. This has been done in Figure 6, and this Maintenance: Maintenance and repair costs can
correlation Îs based on nvmerous complete cast esti- vary considerably depending on ex peri en ce with
mates made on treating vnits. the operation of the unit. In estimating mainten-
T0 estimate the total cost of an amine treating ance C05ts, one should consider the sourneS5 of
unit, one must estimate the cast of each of the com- the inlet gas stream, concentration of MEA solu-
ponents in the unit, and add these ta determine the tion employed, whether the gas contoins any ap-
total cost of the vnit. As a~ example, assume a unit preciable quantities of wax, paraffin, gilsonite,
for 20 MMCFD of gas at 600 psi containing 1 "10 acid or sand. whefher the maintenance is to be done
gas, which will require 41 gallons per minute circula- by the company personnel who are in the area,
tion of 20"10 MEA, and a 42" diameter, 20 tray, 1,000 or by contra ct maintenance crews, et cetera. After
psi contactor column. Also, it is desired ta equip this considering these, the maintenance costs for an
unit with a reclaimer and an întegral inlet scrubber in MEA treoting unit may be estimated at 3 'Yu to
the contactor. Referring ta Figure 6, one may estimate 6"10 of the initial cost of the unit per year.
"the cast of the variol)'!; components ta be as folows: Utilities: The only two utilities normally consum-
41 gpm regeneration system $40,000.00 ed on an amine treating unit are fuel 90S and
42" 0.0., 1,000 psi contactor, possible electricity. The natural gas fuel costs
without inlet scrubber _ _ _ _ _ $28,000.00
need ta be considered, since this is soleable gas.
Extra for integral inlet .042" diamenter It should be discounted at an appropriate dis·
scrubber and contactor $ 2,050.00 count rate, to reflect its value at the end of the
Extra for 3 % sicle stream reclaimer, for 40 gpm life of the project. {Refer to an appropriate dis-
circulation rate regeneration unit--$ 3,950.00 count -table to determine the present worth of the
TOTAL $74,000.00 gas being con·sumed.) Electricity normally should
The above priees would caver the cast of the be estimated at $0.02 per kwh, if the exact pow-
unît, delivery, and upending of the towers. It would er costs are not known in the area where the
not indude installation costs. However, installation plant is ta be located. However, one should also
costs for skid mounted, packaged units is nominal remember that there is normally at $15.00 to
compared ta the overoll cost of the unit, since there $20.00 monthly charge for power for consump'
are normally only a few connections ta he made in the tions of less than 750 to 1,000 kwh per month .'
fjeld. Thus the installation costs, including preparation
of foundations will sel dom exceed 5 to 10"10 of the Labor and Overhead Costs: Direct operating labor
cast of the unit. The priees as shawn above include 011 may be estimated for a packaged unit to be ap·
of the components for a unit, including suitable acces p
proximately one ta two manhours per day, for 30
sories, automatic shut~ down devices, stress relieving of days per mon th. Direct labor costs may be esti-
major equipment and piping . . et cetera. These priees mated at $5.00 per hour, which will include ail
do not include any type of hydrogen sulphide detec- fringe benefits, holiday allowance, vacation 01-
tian equipment for the out let gas, stand-by pumps, lowances, et cetera. Operating expense of the
enclosures, or control houses, et cetera. smaller units should be based on one manhour
per day, and the larger units based on two man-
hours per day. Overhead will normally equal
100"10 of the direct labor cost. This will include
Realistic operating costs of MEA treating units
supervision, accounting, vehicle, minor supplies,
should include estimates for depreciation, taxes, in-
and administration.
surance, maintenance, utilities, labor and overhead,
and supplies. Most of the costs discussed below are Supplies: Supplies normally consumed in MEA
based on yearly operating expense; thus it is easier treating units include only the monoethaolamine,
ta convert the remoinder of the estimated operating foam inhibitors, and filter elements for the solu-
expense to yearly casts to determine the total operat- tion filter. Filter costs may be estimated at $2.00
ing expense -for MEA treating unit. The cast may be to $4.00 per month per GPM circulated. This will
estimated as follows: allow one ta two filter element changes per
month, depending on the amount of soUd mater-
Depreciation: The Internai Revenue has estahlish- ial build-up in the solution stream . Foam-inhibi-
ed 14 year depreciation schedu/es for lease sur- tor for amine treating units is normally a nominal
face equipment. Shorter schedules and/or ac- cost, amounting to no more than $5.00 to $10.00
cellerated depreciation rates may be used ot per month. MEA consumption can be estimated
times; however in the absence of' other informa- at 1 to 2 pounds per MMCF processed_ The
tion, fourteen years straight line depreciation amount consumed will depend on the tempera-
should be used for estimating purposes. Thus ture of the gas (higher ·quantities at higher tem-
depreciation expense should be estimated at peraturesl, core with which leaks are elimina~ed,
7 . 14 percent of the equipment cast per year. and spi liage losses. Cost of the monoethanol-
amine is approximately $ .30 per pound.
Taxes and 'nsurance: Ad valorem taxes on lease
surface equipment vary widely from county ta
county. However, if the exact tax rate is not TYPICAL OPERATING EXPENSE ESTIMATE:
known, it may be estimated fa be between land To demonstrate the use of this procedure, assume
3 % of the equipment cast per yeor. Insurance the above unit costing $74,000.00 which is designed
rates 0150 vary widely. If exact rates are unavail- to proce,s 20 MMCFD, and the project has a 20 year
able, insurance mqy be estimated at 2 % of the IHe. Also, pumps and coolers would require approxi-
initial cast per yeor. Thus, tofal taxes and insur- mately 40 hp, and power required would be 37
ance run approximately 3 to 5 % of the cast of kwh/hr or 900 kwh/ day. For thi, unit, yearly operat-
the unit per yeaL ing expense would equal :

Depreciation, 7.14 %
of $74,000.00 _ _ _ _ _ _ $5,280.00
Taxes and Insurance,
4 % of $74,000.00 $2,960.00
Maintenance, 4 1/ , %
of $74,000.00 $3 ,330.00
Fuel Gas, 33,900 x $0.16
x 0.215* $1,220.00
Eleclric Power, 900 kwh / do.
x 365 x $0.02 $6,550.00
Labor, 1 mh per day at $5.00 per man-
hour, $5 .00 x 365 do ys $1,827.00
Overhead $1,827.00
Filter Elemen ts, 40 gpm x
$3 .00 x 12 months $1,440.00
Foam Inh ibitar, 12 mon.
x $10.00 $ 120.00
MEA Consumption , 20 MMCFD
x 1 pound / MMCF x
365 days x $ .30 $2,190.00
CO ST $26,744.00
17,300,000 MCF/ yr) $ 0 .00366
* Present value factor of incarne 20 years in the
future, di scounted at 8 % per year.
Inasmuch as the above represents an aperating
expense, and is tax deductible, it should be discounted
according to th e tax rate paid by the operatar of th e
unit. If the operator is a corporation, this discount for
Încome tax purposes will probably be approximately

The above information may be used ta make
rapid cost and size estimates of MEA Treating Un its.
Actual cast of treating units will vary, depending on
location, conditio n of the market, e t cetero. These
cu rves ore desig ne d ta p resent conservative estimotes
for cast and sizes. On ce rtain occasions a ctual costs
may be as m uch as 10 % below these costs. However
rorely will they exceed est imates made by this pro ·
cedu re .
These curves ore intended ta be used predomin ·
en tly for ropid estimates for economic fea si bility
studies, AFE es timates, el cetera. Exact cast, will re-
quire more d e tailed st udies.

1. Fowl e r, Frank c., "Process Design Prime r" , Petro-
le um Refin e r, Vol. 36, No. 9, September, 1957,
pp. 249-266 .
2. Connors, J . S., "Designing Amine' Testers ta
Minimize Corrosion" , Proceedings of th e 1957 Gas
Candifioning Conference, Universi ty of Oklahoma .
3. Wonder, D. K.; Blake, R. J.; Fage" J. H.; and Tie r-
ney, J . V.; " An Approach t o Monoet hanolamine
Sol ution Control: Chemîcal Analysi s and its Inter·
p re tation", Proceedings of the 1959 Gas Ca ndi ·
tion ing Conference, Univers ity of Oklahoma .

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