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Electromagnetism 1

Magnetic field

Magnetic field can be produced by current other way to produce the magnetic field
is motion of electron around the nucleus and spin of electron


Magnetic field is intrinsic property of particle just as mass and charge

B = F/ | q | v


 Electric field can produce acceleration by charging the speed or direction of

a particle while magnetic field can produce acceleration only by changing
the velocity of a particle
 Electron force can do work but magnetic force cannot do work
 Magnetic fields lines along formed a close loop i.e magnetic monopoles
does not exist
 Electric monopoles can exist
 Divergence of B is always zero.


B(unit)= Tesla

1T= NA-1m-1

In C.G.S

B(unit)= Gauss

1T= 104 Gauss

1 Gauss = 10-4T

Direction: direction of magnetic field can be found by R.H.R

F= q(V *B)
F is perpendicular the plane containing v and B

Magnetic Force on current carrying conductor

FB= I( L* B)

 Force is perpendicular to both L and B

 Directly proportional to B
 …………… to L
 -------------- current in conductor


Net magnetic force acting on a closed is always zero

Torque on a current carrying loop:

τ = IAB or τ = NIAB

If plane of coil is in magnetic field

τ = NIABCos

If plane of coil making an angle ѳ.

Magnetic dipole moment:

µ = IA

τ= µ*B

τ =P*E

P.E=- µ*B

Motion of charges particle in B


The particle moves in circular path

When projected to a uniform B field

γ= mV/qB
This is also known as larmour radius .

Cyclotron Frequency:

Frequency or angular speed of particle

ω= qB/m



 If velocity of particle is not perpendicular to field its path is helix

 Magnetic field is along the axis of helix

Hall effect:

 When current carrying conductor is placed in magnetic field a potential

difference is created in a direction perpendicular to both current and
magnetic field
 It is also referred to hall voltage

EH= VdB hall field

VH= Vd Bd

Vd= I/ nqA

VH = IBd/ nqA

RH= 1/nq= hall coefficient

Unit = C-1


Magnetic force on a charged particle:

F=q(V* B)

 A stationary particle will not be affected by the field

 A neutral particle particle will not be affected by the field
 A particle moving parallel to field will experience no force

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