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I feel that my core strengths and values revolve around my world ethic. I pride myself on my
ability to work hard and pursue excellence. Excellence is my biggest intrinsic motivation and
getting praised publicly for that excellence is my greatest extrinsic motivation. Earlier, I used
to strive for perfection. I have realized that the quest for perfection causes delays, conflicts and
agony. Thus, my core value is to give my best to whatever I am involved in but not to poison
it by insisting on perfection. My most important moral compass is not to harm any living being
in thought or deed.

One feedback I have got over the years from teachers, PCC group members and friends is that
I am very hyper. What I perceive as my energy comes across as anxiety to others. I need to
relax in order to reduce my hyper an anxiety. Anxiety also reduces my attention span and my
grades and relationships have been severely impacted because of this.

I really enjoy creative writing, coming up with new ideas and churning them in the form of
stories. That is what I mostly try to do in my academic and co-curricular pursuits. I stopped
liking my work as soon numbers come into the picture! I mostly enjoy working alone or in
small groups. This is in sync with my INTJ (Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging) MBTI
personality type

I think the greatest highs in my academic career have been when I have stuck to something I
am good at (languages, theatre, painting etc.). I have failed miserably at math and outdoor
sports.. I would love to learn more about creative writing so as to make a career in
communications. In my future, my career will be impacted by the organization I start my
professional life with. I will be impacted by their work culture, people and the scope they give
me to reach my professional potential. Apart from creativity and art, I also value money. I will
not stay for long in a career that does not give enough opportunities for monetary growth. I
also wish that my work brings me contentment and inner peace. In the next five years, I think
I would have risen the ladder of a public relations/advertising firm considerably. I really value
family as an institution and would love to get married and have children in the next five years.

My developmental goal is to become more relaxed and control my hyperness. I wish to do so

by January 2024. Research says that people who find it hard to relax are often those who stress
their brain by feeding it with possibility of distressing outcomes. My enneagram results show
me as a loyalist and one of their greatest weaknesses is taking too much stress.

I wish to be more relaxed by restraining my overthinking. It be reduced only when I am able

to complete my personal and professional assignments on time. I need to be better at time
management. When I will become more punctual, my development goal would be fulfilled.

I have my grandmother to look up to as a role model because she is incredibly organized. I

think I would also require a journal to keep a track of my pending work and how well I am able
to manage my time. I also feel I would require around 15 minutes of meditation everyday to be
more relaxed. Finally, I would ask feedback from close friends and family on weekly basis,
asking them if I am more relaxed now.

I want to feel free

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