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Your body can form different shapes like straight, curled, and

Name: __________________________________________ twisted. Your body can perform different exercises and make
different shapes.
Grade and Section: ________________________________

Subject: Physical Education Objectives

Lesson: Body Shapes and Actions At the end of this lesson, the learners with educational needs are
expected to achieve the following:
For the Learner:
a. identify body shapes formed by the children in the given

This module was designed to provide you fun and meaningful picture;

opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace b. perform dance exercises showing different body shapes.

and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the c. answer the given activity independently.

learning resource while being an active learner References: Dynamic Series in MAPEH II

Try This

Directions: Perform at least body three body movements shown in

the picture below.
Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more
specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations
and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through
proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and
sufficient rest.
Read and Ponder See If You Can Do This

Your body can perform different exercises and make different Directions: Do the following

shapes such as curled, straight, and stretch. 1. Look at the children in the picture. Try to imitate the children’s
body shapes.

The following are shapes that your bodies can easily perform: 2. Take a picture of yours while imitating the different shapes.
3. Paste at least 3 pictures in the box below.

1. Curled Position

2. Straight or Stretched Shapes

3. Twist – a. Feet apart, raise both arms

b. From the waist, twist to the right,
twist to the left
Note: Paste printed picture inside the boxes below.

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