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kumparan - Backend Technical Assessment

We need you to create a simple article service.

Create 2 APIs to:

1. Post a new article
2. Get a list of articles. Sort by latest first, with optional query parameters:
a. query: to search keywords in the article title and body
b. author: filter by author’s name

You are free to use REST, gRPC, or GraphQL.

What you need to consider:

1. What if there are thousands of articles in the database?
2. What if many users are accessing your API at the same time?

● Write the solution in NodeJS or Golang
● You can use any popular database, search engine, etc
● Unit tests and/or integration tests
● Use docker-compose for easier deployment (optional)
● Please DO NOT USE ORM (Mongoose, Sequelize, GORM, etc), please use
standard SQL

Please push your source code to a git repository (github/bitbucket/gitlab/etc). If you make it
private, please invite:

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